You have reached the server for courses taught by members of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Here is a list of courses which use this server. Note that not all of them are currently offered, and some courses may change subject number from year to year.
- 6.033 Computer Systems Engineering
- 6.034 (Spring) Artificial Intelligence (Barzilay/Szolovits)
- 6.042 Mathematics for Computer Science
- 6.111 Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory
- 6.141 Robotics: Science and Systems I (formerly 6.188)
- 6.197 Performance Engineering of Software Systems
- 6.440 Essential Coding Theory
- 6.801/6.866 Machine Vision
- 6.803/6.833 The Human Intelligence Enterprise
- 6.821 Programming Languages
- 6.825 Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
- 6.846 Parallel Computing
- 6.851 Advanced Data Structures
- 6.854 Advanced Algorithms
- 6.856J Randomized Algorithms
- 6.867 Machine Learning
- 6.869 Advances in Computer Vision: Learning and Interfaces
- 6.871 Knowledge Based Application Systems
- 6.UAT Preparation for the Undergraduate Advanced Project
- 16.410/16.413 Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making
- HST.947 Medical Artificial Intelligence
IAP classes
The following IAP classes have Web sites here: