Chao - Testing

testing testing and testing



偶然看到一篇留学澳洲选校 ,里面说道各学校校训,不过不全,于是偶自己搜索了一下,有些中文是偶自己翻译的.

           LATIN       ENGLISH         中文

MONASH : Ancora imparo        I am still learning         学海无涯
MEL U  : Postera Crescam Laude   I Shall Grow In The Esteem
                       Of Future Generations      以人为本,与时并进

UNSW   : Manu et Mente       Knowledge by Hand and Mind   实践思考出真知

SYDNEY : Sidere Mens Eadem Mutato Wisdom Stays The Same
                       Even When The Stars Change   繁星纵变,智慧永恒

ADELAIDE Sub Cruce Lumen      the light (of learning) under the                                                                                                  (Southern) Cross                             (南)十字星光,指引方向

QU     : scientia ac labore,       knowledge and hard work' ,
         to amore ac labore     love and hard work'.         刻苦,求知,勤奋,仁爱

NATIONAL Naturam Primum      "First to know the nature of things  重要的是弄清事物的本质 
        Cognoscere Rerum 

UWA               :             ??                                Seek wisdom                                     探索智慧   

posted on 2004-12-04 18:13  Chech  阅读(871)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报