x3c-1.1.5 Released

* Add GetLogObserver() export function in LogWriter.plugin so it can be used by oneself regardless PluginManager.
* LogHelper.h: Add X3LOG_GROUP(name) and X3LOG_GROUP2(name, extra).
* Add LogHelper2.h for non-plugin projects.

* Auto call x3UninitializePlugin() when a plugin is unloading.

* Add HookManager plugin and test case. Fix ComHook plugin.
* Support '0x' prefix in CXmlUtil::GetAttributeInt() [ConfigXml.plugin].
* Add NotifyCmdMsgEvent(). Add a param of 'test' in RawCmdMsgObserver.


Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/x3c/files/x3c-1.1/

SVN: https://x3c.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/x3c/trunk

Please visit https://github.com/rhcad/x3c .


Now I’m developing x3clite - a C++ plugin framework using python, java or others.


posted @ 2011-11-22 10:01  张云贵  Views(3090)  Comments(44Edit  收藏  举报