FTP Download File By Some Order List

@Echo Off

REM -- Define File Filter, i.e. files with extension .RB
Set FindStrArgs=/E /C:".asp"

REM -- Extract Ftp Script to create List of Files
Set "FtpCommand=ls"
Call:extractFileSection "[Ftp Script 1]" "-">"%temp%\%~n0.ftp"
REM Notepad "%temp%\%~n0.ftp"

REM -- Execute Ftp Script, collect File Names
Set "FileList="
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('"Ftp -v -i -A -s:"%temp%\%~n0.ftp"|Findstr %FindStrArgs%"') Do (
Call Set "FileList=%%FileList%% "%%A""

REM -- Extract Ftp Script to download files that don't exist in local folder
Set "FtpCommand=mget"
For %%A In (%FileList%) Do If Not Exist "%%~A" Call Set "FtpCommand=%%FtpCommand%% "%%~A""
Call:extractFileSection "[Ftp Script 1]" "-">"%temp%\%~n0.ftp"
REM Notepad "%temp%\%~n0.ftp"

For %%A In (%FtpCommand%) Do Echo.%%A

REM -- Execute Ftp Script, download files
ftp -i -s:"%temp%\%~n0.ftp"
Del "%temp%\%~n0.ftp"

:extractFileSection StartMark EndMark FileName -- extract a section of file that is defined by a start and end mark
:: -- [IN] StartMark - start mark, use '...:S' mark to allow variable substitution
:: -- [IN,OPT] EndMark - optional end mark, default is first empty line
:: -- [IN,OPT] FileName - optional source file, default is THIS file
:$created 20080219 :$changed 20100205 :$categories ReadFile
:$source http://www.dostips.com
SETLOCAL Disabledelayedexpansion
set "bmk=%~1"
set "emk=%~2"
set "src=%~3"
set "bExtr="
set "bSubs="
if "%src%"=="" set src=%~f0& rem if no source file then assume THIS file
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('find /n /v "" "%src%"') do (
if /i "%%B"=="%emk%" set "bExtr="&set "bSubs="
if defined bExtr if defined bSubs (call echo.%%B) ELSE (echo.%%B)
if /i "%%B"=="%bmk%" set "bExtr=Y"
if /i "%%B"=="%bmk%:S" set "bExtr=Y"&set "bSubs=Y"

[Ftp Script 1]:S
!Title Connecting...

!Title Preparing...
cd /
lcd D:\Root

!Title Processing... %FtpCommand%

!Title Disconnecting...

posted @ 2015-07-27 13:02  任国强  阅读(348)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报