Java from design pattern singleton to implement that is terracotta ehcache cacheManager单例模式 单例模式(Singleton Pattern)是,Java 中最简单的设计模式之一。这种类型的设计模式属于创建型模式,它提供了一种创建对象的最佳方式。 这种模式涉及到一个单一的类,该类负责创建自己的对象,同时确保只有单个对象被创建

public class Singleton {
private volatile static Singleton singleton;
private Singleton (){}
public static Singleton getSingleton() {
if (singleton == null) {
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
if (singleton == null) {
singleton = new Singleton();
return singleton;


  • Copyright 2003-2010 Terracotta, Inc.
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  • you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  • You may obtain a copy of the License at
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  • distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  • WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  • See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  • limitations under the License.
    package net.sf.ehcache;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

import net.sf.ehcache.cluster.CacheCluster;
import net.sf.ehcache.cluster.ClusterScheme;
import net.sf.ehcache.cluster.ClusterSchemeNotAvailableException;
import net.sf.ehcache.cluster.NoopCacheCluster;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.CacheConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.Configuration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationHelper;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.DiskStoreConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.FactoryConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.InvalidConfigurationException;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.TerracottaClientConfiguration;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.TerracottaConfiguration.Consistency;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.TerracottaConfiguration.StorageStrategy;
import net.sf.ehcache.config.generator.ConfigurationUtil;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.CacheManagerExecutorServiceFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonStopCacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonstopExecutorService;
import net.sf.ehcache.constructs.nonstop.NonstopExecutorServiceFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.distribution.CacheManagerPeerListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.distribution.CacheManagerPeerProvider;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheManagerEventListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheManagerEventListenerRegistry;
import net.sf.ehcache.terracotta.ClusteredInstanceFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.terracotta.TerracottaClient;
import net.sf.ehcache.terracotta.TerracottaClientRejoinListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.ReadCommittedSoftLockFactoryImpl;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.SoftLockFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.TransactionIDFactory;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.TransactionIDFactoryImpl;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.manager.TransactionManagerLookup;
import net.sf.ehcache.transaction.xa.processor.XARequestProcessor;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.FailSafeTimer;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.PropertyUtil;
import net.sf.ehcache.util.UpdateChecker;
import net.sf.ehcache.writer.writebehind.WriteBehind;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


  • A container for {@link Ehcache}s that maintain all aspects of their lifecycle.

  • CacheManager may be either be a singleton if created with factory methods, or multiple instances may exist, in which case resources

  • required by each must be unique.

  • A CacheManager holds references to Caches and Ehcaches and manages their creation and lifecycle.

  • @author Greg Luck

  • @version Id:CacheManager.java41872011062711:46:16Zasingh
    public class CacheManager {


    • Default name if not specified in the configuration/
      public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "DEFAULT";


    • Keeps track of all known CacheManagers. Used to check on conflicts.
    • CacheManagers should remove themselves from this list during shut down.
      public static final List ALL_CACHE_MANAGERS = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();


    • System property to enable creation of a shutdown hook for CacheManager.
      public static final String ENABLE_SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PROPERTY = "net.sf.ehcache.enableShutdownHook";

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheManager.class);


    • Update check interval - one week in milliseconds
      private static final long EVERY_WEEK = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;


    • delay period before doing update check
      private static final long DELAY_UPDATE_CHECK = 1000;


    • The Singleton Instance.
      private static volatile CacheManager singleton;


    • The factory to use for creating MBeanRegistrationProvider's
      private static final MBeanRegistrationProviderFactory MBEAN_REGISTRATION_PROVIDER_FACTORY = new MBeanRegistrationProviderFactoryImpl();

    private static final String NO_DEFAULT_CACHE_ERROR_MSG = "Caches cannot be added by name when default cache config is not specified"
    + " in the config. Please add a default cache config in the configuration.";


    • A name for this CacheManager to distinguish it from others.
      protected volatile String name;


    • Status of the Cache Manager
      protected volatile Status status;


    • The map of providers
      protected final Map<String, CacheManagerPeerProvider> cacheManagerPeerProviders = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CacheManagerPeerProvider>();


    • The map of listeners
      protected final Map<String, CacheManagerPeerListener> cacheManagerPeerListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CacheManagerPeerListener>();


    • The listener registry
      protected final CacheManagerEventListenerRegistry cacheManagerEventListenerRegistry = new CacheManagerEventListenerRegistry();


    • The shutdown hook thread for CacheManager. This ensures that the CacheManager and Caches are left in a
    • consistent state on a CTRL-C or kill.
    • This thread must be unregistered as a shutdown hook, when the CacheManager is disposed. Otherwise the CacheManager is not GC-able.
    • Of course kill -9 or abrupt termination will not run the shutdown hook. In this case, various sanity checks are made at start up.
      protected Thread shutdownHook;


    • Ehcaches managed by this manager.
      private final ConcurrentMap<String, Ehcache> ehcaches = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Ehcache>();


    • Default cache cache.
      private Ehcache defaultCache;


    • The path for the directory in which disk caches are created.
      private String diskStorePath;

    private MBeanRegistrationProvider mbeanRegistrationProvider;

    private FailSafeTimer cacheManagerTimer;

    private volatile TerracottaClient terracottaClient;


    • The {@link TerracottaClientConfiguration} used for this {@link CacheManager}
      private TerracottaClientConfiguration terracottaClientConfiguration;

    private Configuration configuration;

    private volatile boolean allowsDynamicCacheConfig = true;

    private volatile TransactionManagerLookup transactionManagerLookup;

    private volatile TransactionController transactionController;

    private final ConcurrentMap<String, SoftLockFactory> softLockFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SoftLockFactory>();

    private final NonstopExecutorServiceFactory nonstopExecutorServiceFactory = CacheManagerExecutorServiceFactory.getInstance();


    • An constructor for CacheManager, which takes a configuration object, rather than one created by parsing
    • an ehcache.xml file. This constructor gives complete control over the creation of the CacheManager.
    • Care should be taken to ensure that, if multiple CacheManages are created, they do now overwrite each others disk store files, as
    • would happend if two were created which used the same diskStore path.
    • This method does not act as a singleton. Callers must maintain their own reference to it.
    • Note that if one of the {@link #create()} methods are called, a new singleton instance will be created, separate from any instances
    • created in this method.
    • @param configuration
    • @throws CacheException
      public CacheManager(Configuration configuration) throws CacheException {
      status = Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED;
      init(configuration, null, null, null);


    • An ordinary constructor for CacheManager.
    • This method does not act as a singleton. Callers must maintain a reference to it.
    • Note that if one of the {@link #create()} methods are called, a new singleton will be created,
    • separate from any instances created in this method.
    • @param configurationFileName
    •        an xml configuration file available through a file name. The configuration {@link File} is created
    •        using new <code>File(configurationFileName)</code>
    • @throws CacheException
    • @see #create(String)
      public CacheManager(String configurationFileName) throws CacheException {
      status = Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED;
      init(null, configurationFileName, null, null);


    • An ordinary constructor for CacheManager.
    • This method does not act as a singleton. Callers must maintain a reference to it.
    • Note that if one of the {@link #create()} methods are called, a new singleton will be created,
    • separate from any instances created in this method.
    • This method can be used to specify a configuration resource in the classpath other than the default of "/ehcache.xml":
    • URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/ehcache-2.xml");
    • Note that {@link Class#getResource} will look for resources in the same package unless a leading "/" is used, in which case it will
    • look in the root of the classpath.
    • You can also load a resource using other class loaders. e.g.
    • @param configurationURL
    •        an xml configuration available through a URL.
    • @throws CacheException
    • @see #create(
    • @since 1.2
      public CacheManager(URL configurationURL) throws CacheException {
      status = Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED;
      init(null, null, configurationURL, null);


    • An ordinary constructor for CacheManager.
    • This method does not act as a singleton. Callers must maintain a reference to it.
    • Note that if one of the {@link #create()} methods are called, a new singleton will be created,
    • separate from any instances created in this method.
    • @param configurationInputStream
    •        an xml configuration file available through an inputstream
    • @throws CacheException
    • @see #create(
      public CacheManager(InputStream configurationInputStream) throws CacheException {
      status = Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED;
      init(null, null, null, configurationInputStream);


    • Constructor.
    • @throws CacheException
      public CacheManager() throws CacheException {
      // default config will be done
      status = Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED;
      init(null, null, null, null);


    • initialises the CacheManager
      protected void init(Configuration initialConfiguration, String configurationFileName, URL configurationURL,
      InputStream configurationInputStream) {
      Configuration localConfiguration = initialConfiguration;
      if (initialConfiguration == null) {
      localConfiguration = parseConfiguration(configurationFileName, configurationURL, configurationInputStream);
      this.configuration = localConfiguration;
      } else {
      this.configuration = initialConfiguration;

      if (this.configuration.getTerracottaConfiguration() != null) {

      if (localConfiguration.getName() != null) { = localConfiguration.getName();

      this.allowsDynamicCacheConfig = localConfiguration.getDynamicConfig();
      this.terracottaClientConfiguration = localConfiguration.getTerracottaConfiguration();

      terracottaClient = new TerracottaClient(this, new TerracottaClientRejoinListener() {
      public void clusterRejoinStarted() {

       public void clusterRejoinComplete() {

      }, localConfiguration.getTerracottaConfiguration());

      Map<String, CacheConfiguration> cacheConfigs = localConfiguration.getCacheConfigurations();
      if (localConfiguration.getDefaultCacheConfiguration() != null
      && localConfiguration.getDefaultCacheConfiguration().isTerracottaClustered()) {
      } else {
      for (CacheConfiguration config : cacheConfigs.values()) {
      if (config.isTerracottaClustered()) {

      if (terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory() != null && == null) { = CacheManager.DEFAULT_NAME;

      TransactionIDFactory transactionIDFactory = createTransactionIDFactory();
      this.transactionController = new TransactionController(transactionIDFactory, configuration.getDefaultTransactionTimeoutInSeconds());

      ConfigurationHelper configurationHelper = new ConfigurationHelper(this, localConfiguration);
      status = Status.STATUS_ALIVE;

      for (CacheManagerPeerProvider cacheManagerPeerProvider : cacheManagerPeerProviders.values()) {


      cacheManagerTimer = new FailSafeTimer(getName());

      mbeanRegistrationProvider = MBEAN_REGISTRATION_PROVIDER_FACTORY.createMBeanRegistrationProvider(localConfiguration);

      // do this last

      try {
      mbeanRegistrationProvider.initialize(this, terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory());
      } catch (MBeanRegistrationProviderException e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to initialize the MBeanRegistrationProvider - " + mbeanRegistrationProvider.getClass().getName(), e);

    private boolean isTerracottaRejoinEnabled() {
    TerracottaClientConfiguration terracottaConfiguration = configuration.getTerracottaConfiguration();
    return terracottaConfiguration != null && terracottaConfiguration.isRejoin();

    private void validateConfiguration() {
    if (isTerracottaRejoinEnabled()) {

    private void validateCacheConfigs(Collection cacheConfigs) {
    boolean invalid = false;
    final StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
    final List invalidCaches = new ArrayList();
    for (CacheConfiguration config : cacheConfigs) {
    if (config.isTerracottaClustered()) {
    if (config.getTerracottaConfiguration().getStorageStrategy().equals(StorageStrategy.CLASSIC)) {
    if (config.getTerracottaConfiguration().isNonstopEnabled()) {
    invalid = true;
    "NONSTOP can't be enabled with " + + " strategy. Invalid Cache: "
    + config.getName());

                 if (isTerracottaRejoinEnabled()) {
                     invalid = true;
                             "REJOIN can't be enabled with " + + " strategy. Invalid Cache: "
                                     + config.getName());
                 if (config.getTerracottaConsistency().equals(Consistency.EVENTUAL)) {
                     invalid = true;
                    + " consistency can't be enabled with " +
                                     + " strategy. Invalid Cache: " + config.getName());
             if (isTerracottaRejoinEnabled() && !config.getTerracottaConfiguration().isNonstopEnabled()) {
                 invalid = true;
                         "Terracotta clustered caches must be nonstop when rejoin is enabled. Invalid cache: " + config.getName());
     if (invalid) {
         String errorMessage = "Errors:" + error.toString();
         throw new InvalidConfigurationException(errorMessage);



    • Returns unique cluster-wide id for this cache-manager. Only applicable when running in "cluster" mode, e.g. when this cache-manager
    • contains caches clustered with Terracotta. Otherwise returns blank string.
    • @return Returns unique cluster-wide id for this cache-manager when it contains clustered caches (e.g. Terracotta clustered caches).
    •     Otherwise returns blank string.

    public String getClusterUUID() {
    if (terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory() != null) {
    return getClientUUID(terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory());
    } else {
    return "";

    private static String getClientUUID(ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory) {
    return clusteredInstanceFactory.getUUID();


    • Create/access the appropriate terracotta clustered store for the given cache
    • @param cache The cache for which the Store should be created
    • @return a new (or existing) clustered store
      public Store createTerracottaStore(Ehcache cache) {
      return getClusteredInstanceFactory(cache).createStore(cache);


    • Create/access the appropriate clustered write behind queue for the given cache
    • @param cache The cache for which the write behind queue should be created
    • @return a new (or existing) write behind queue
      public WriteBehind createTerracottaWriteBehind(Ehcache cache) {
      return getClusteredInstanceFactory(cache).createWriteBehind(cache);


    • Create/access the appropriate clustered cache event replicator for the given cache
    • @param cache The cache for which the clustered event replicator should be created
    • @return a new cache event replicator
      public CacheEventListener createTerracottaEventReplicator(Ehcache cache) {
      return getClusteredInstanceFactory(cache).createEventReplicator(cache);


    • Return the clustered instance factory for a cache of this cache manager.

    • @param cache the cache the clustered instance factory has to be returned for

    • @return the clustered instance factory
      private ClusteredInstanceFactory getClusteredInstanceFactory(Ehcache cache) {
      ClusteredInstanceFactory clusteredInstanceFactory = terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory();
      if (null == clusteredInstanceFactory) {
      // adding a cache programmatically when there is no clustered store defined in the configuration
      // at the time this cacheManager was created
      Map<String, CacheConfiguration> map = new HashMap<String, CacheConfiguration>(1);
      map.put(cache.getName(), cache.getCacheConfiguration());
      final boolean created = terracottaClient.createClusteredInstanceFactory(map);
      clusteredInstanceFactory = terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory();

       if (created) {
           try {
           } catch (MBeanRegistrationProviderException e) {
               LOG.warn("Failed to initialize the MBeanRegistrationProvider - " + mbeanRegistrationProvider.getClass().getName(), e);

      return clusteredInstanceFactory;

    private void checkForUpdateIfNeeded(boolean updateCheckNeeded) {
    try {
    if (updateCheckNeeded) {
    UpdateChecker updateChecker = new UpdateChecker();
    cacheManagerTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(updateChecker, DELAY_UPDATE_CHECK, EVERY_WEEK);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    LOG.debug("Failed to set up update checker", t);


    • Loads configuration, either from the supplied {@link ConfigurationHelper} or by creating a new Configuration instance
    • from the configuration file referred to by file, inputstream or URL.
    • Should only be called once.
    • @param configurationFileName
    •        the file name to parse, or null
    • @param configurationURL
    •        the URL to pass, or null
    • @param configurationInputStream
    •        , the InputStream to parse, or null
    • @return the loaded configuration
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if the configuration cannot be parsed

    private synchronized Configuration parseConfiguration(String configurationFileName, URL configurationURL,
    InputStream configurationInputStream) throws CacheException {
    Configuration parsedConfig;
    if (configurationFileName != null) {

         LOG.debug("Configuring CacheManager from {}", configurationFileName);
         parsedConfig = ConfigurationFactory.parseConfiguration(new File(configurationFileName));
     } else if (configurationURL != null) {
         parsedConfig = ConfigurationFactory.parseConfiguration(configurationURL);
     } else if (configurationInputStream != null) {
         parsedConfig = ConfigurationFactory.parseConfiguration(configurationInputStream);
     } else {
         LOG.debug("Configuring ehcache from classpath.");
         parsedConfig = ConfigurationFactory.parseConfiguration();
     return parsedConfig;


    private void configure(ConfigurationHelper configurationHelper) {

     diskStorePath = configurationHelper.getDiskStorePath();
     int cachesRequiringDiskStores = configurationHelper.numberOfCachesThatOverflowToDisk().intValue()
             + configurationHelper.numberOfCachesThatAreDiskPersistent().intValue();
     if (diskStorePath == null && cachesRequiringDiskStores > 0) {
         diskStorePath = DiskStoreConfiguration.getDefaultPath();
         LOG.warn("One or more caches require a DiskStore but there is no diskStore element configured."
                 + " Using the default disk store path of " + DiskStoreConfiguration.getDefaultPath()
                 + ". Please explicitly configure the diskStore element in ehcache.xml.");
     FactoryConfiguration lookupConfiguration = configuration.getTransactionManagerLookupConfiguration();
     try {
         Properties properties = PropertyUtil.parseProperties(lookupConfiguration.getProperties(), lookupConfiguration
         Class<TransactionManagerLookup> transactionManagerLookupClass = (Class<TransactionManagerLookup>) Class
         this.transactionManagerLookup = transactionManagerLookupClass.newInstance();
     } catch (Exception e) {
         LOG.error("could not instantiate transaction manager lookup class: {}", lookupConfiguration.getFullyQualifiedClassPath(), e);
     for (CacheManagerPeerListener cacheManagerPeerListener : cacheManagerPeerListeners.values()) {
     defaultCache = configurationHelper.createDefaultCache();


    private void detectAndFixDiskStorePathConflict(ConfigurationHelper configurationHelper) {
    if (diskStorePath == null) {
    LOG.debug("No disk store path defined. Skipping disk store path conflict test.");

     for (CacheManager cacheManager : ALL_CACHE_MANAGERS) {
         if (diskStorePath.equals(cacheManager.diskStorePath)) {
             String newDiskStorePath = diskStorePath + File.separator + DiskStore.generateUniqueDirectory();
             LOG.warn("Creating a new instance of CacheManager using the diskStorePath \"" + diskStorePath + "\" which is already used"
                     + " by an existing CacheManager.\nThe source of the configuration was "
                     + configurationHelper.getConfigurationBean().getConfigurationSource() + ".\n"
                     + "The diskStore path for this CacheManager will be set to " + newDiskStorePath + ".\nTo avoid this"
                     + " warning consider using the CacheManager factory methods to create a singleton CacheManager "
                     + "or specifying a separate ehcache configuration (ehcache.xml) for each CacheManager instance.");
             diskStorePath = newDiskStorePath;


    private void detectAndFixCacheManagerPeerListenerConflict(ConfigurationHelper configurationHelper) {
    if (cacheManagerPeerListeners == null) {
    for (CacheManagerPeerListener cacheManagerPeerListener : cacheManagerPeerListeners.values()) {
    String uniqueResourceIdentifier = cacheManagerPeerListener.getUniqueResourceIdentifier();
    for (CacheManager cacheManager : ALL_CACHE_MANAGERS) {
    for (CacheManagerPeerListener otherCacheManagerPeerListener : cacheManager.cacheManagerPeerListeners.values()) {
    if (otherCacheManagerPeerListener == null) {
    String otherUniqueResourceIdentifier = otherCacheManagerPeerListener.getUniqueResourceIdentifier();
    if (uniqueResourceIdentifier.equals(otherUniqueResourceIdentifier)) {
    LOG.warn("Creating a new instance of CacheManager with a CacheManagerPeerListener which "
    + "has a conflict on a resource that must be unique.\n" + "The resource is " + uniqueResourceIdentifier
    + ".\n" + "Attempting automatic resolution. The source of the configuration was "
    + configurationHelper.getConfigurationBean().getConfigurationSource() + ".\n"
    + "To avoid this warning consider using the CacheManager factory methods to create a "
    + "singleton CacheManager "
    + "or specifying a separate ehcache configuration (ehcache.xml) for each CacheManager instance.");



    private void addConfiguredCaches(ConfigurationHelper configurationHelper) {
    Set unitialisedCaches = configurationHelper.createCaches();
    for (Iterator iterator = unitialisedCaches.iterator(); iterator.hasNext()😉 {
    Ehcache unitialisedCache = (Ehcache);
    addCacheNoCheck(unitialisedCache, true);

         // add the cache decorators for the cache, if any
         List<Ehcache> cacheDecorators = configurationHelper.createCacheDecorators(unitialisedCache);
         for (Ehcache decoratedCache : cacheDecorators) {
             addOrReplaceDecoratedCache(unitialisedCache, decoratedCache);


    private void addOrReplaceDecoratedCache(final Ehcache underlyingCache, final Ehcache decoratedCache) {
    if (decoratedCache.getName().equals(underlyingCache.getName())) {
    this.replaceCacheWithDecoratedCache(underlyingCache, decoratedCache);
    } else {

    private void reinitialisationCheck() throws IllegalStateException {
    if (diskStorePath != null || ehcaches.size() != 0 || status.equals(Status.STATUS_SHUTDOWN)) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to reinitialise the CacheManager");


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with default config, or return it if it exists.
    • The configuration will be read, {@link Ehcache}s created and required stores initialized. When the {@link CacheManager} is no longer
    • required, call shutdown to free resources.
    • @return the singleton CacheManager
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if the CacheManager cannot be created

    public static CacheManager create() throws CacheException {
    if (singleton != null) {
    return singleton;
    synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
    if (singleton == null) {
    LOG.debug("Creating new CacheManager with default config");
    singleton = new CacheManager();
    } else {
    LOG.debug("Attempting to create an existing singleton. Existing singleton returned.");
    return singleton;


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with default config, or return it if it exists.
    • This has the same effect as
    • Same as
    • @return the singleton CacheManager
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if the CacheManager cannot be created

    public static CacheManager getInstance() throws CacheException {
    return CacheManager.create();


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager with a specified configuration.
    • @param configurationFileName
    •        an xml file compliant with the ehcache.xsd schema
    •        <p/>
    •        The configuration will be read, {@link Ehcache}s created and required stores initialized. When the {@link CacheManager} is
    •        no longer required, call shutdown to free resources.

    public static CacheManager create(String configurationFileName) throws CacheException {
    if (singleton != null) {
    return singleton;
    synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
    if (singleton == null) {
    LOG.debug("Creating new CacheManager with config file: {}", configurationFileName);
    singleton = new CacheManager(configurationFileName);
    return singleton;


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from an URL.
    • This method can be used to specify a configuration resource in the classpath other than the default of "/ehcache.xml": This method
    • can be used to specify a configuration resource in the classpath other than the default of "/ehcache.xml":
    • URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/ehcache-2.xml");
    • Note that {@link Class#getResource} will look for resources in the same package unless a leading "/" is used, in which case it will
    • look in the root of the classpath.
    • You can also load a resource using other class loaders. e.g.
    • @param configurationFileURL
    •        an URL to an xml file compliant with the ehcache.xsd schema
    •        <p/>
    •        The configuration will be read, {@link Ehcache}s created and required stores initialized. When the {@link CacheManager} is
    •        no longer required, call shutdown to free resources.

    public static CacheManager create(URL configurationFileURL) throws CacheException {
    if (singleton != null) {
    return singleton;
    synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
    if (singleton == null) {
    LOG.debug("Creating new CacheManager with config URL: {}", configurationFileURL);
    singleton = new CacheManager(configurationFileURL);
    return singleton;


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from a
    • This method makes it possible to use an inputstream for configuration. Note: it is the clients responsibility to close the
    • inputstream.
    • @param inputStream
    •        InputStream of xml compliant with the ehcache.xsd schema
    •        <p/>
    •        The configuration will be read, {@link Ehcache}s created and required stores initialized. When the {@link CacheManager} is
    •        no longer required, call shutdown to free resources.

    public static CacheManager create(InputStream inputStream) throws CacheException {
    if (singleton != null) {
    return singleton;
    synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
    if (singleton == null) {
    LOG.debug("Creating new CacheManager with InputStream");
    singleton = new CacheManager(inputStream);
    return singleton;


    • A factory method to create a singleton CacheManager from a net.sf.ehcache.config.Configuration.
    • This method makes it possible to use an inputstream for configuration. Note: it is the clients responsibility to close the
    • inputstream.
    • @param config
      public static CacheManager create(Configuration config) throws CacheException {
      if (singleton != null) {
      return singleton;
      synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
      if (singleton == null) {
      LOG.debug("Creating new CacheManager with InputStream");
      singleton = new CacheManager(config);
      return singleton;


    • Returns a concrete implementation of Cache, it it is available in the CacheManager.
    • Consider using getEhcache(String name) instead, which will return decorated caches that are registered.
    • If a decorated ehcache is registered in CacheManager, an undecorated Cache with the same name may also exist.
    • Since version ehcache-core-2.1.0, when an {@link Ehcache} decorator is present in the CacheManager, its not necessary that a
    • {@link Cache} instance is also present for the same name. Decorators can have different names other than the name of the cache its
    • decorating.
    • @return a Cache, if an object of that type exists by that name, else null
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_ALIVE}
    • @see #getEhcache(String)
      public Cache getCache(String name) throws IllegalStateException, ClassCastException {
      return ehcaches.get(name) instanceof Cache ? (Cache) ehcaches.get(name) : null;


    • Gets an Ehcache
    • @return a Cache, if an object of type Cache exists by that name, else null
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_ALIVE}

    public Ehcache getEhcache(String name) throws IllegalStateException {
    return ehcaches.get(name);


    • Some caches might be persistent, so we want to add a shutdown hook if that is the

    • case, so that the data and index can be written to disk.
      private void addShutdownHookIfRequired() {

      String shutdownHookProperty = System.getProperty(ENABLE_SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PROPERTY);
      boolean enabled = PropertyUtil.parseBoolean(shutdownHookProperty);
      if (!enabled) {
      } else {"The CacheManager shutdown hook is enabled because {} is set to true.", ENABLE_SHUTDOWN_HOOK_PROPERTY);

       Thread localShutdownHook = new Thread() {
           public void run() {
               synchronized (this) {
                   if (status.equals(Status.STATUS_ALIVE)) {
                       // clear shutdown hook reference to prevent
                       // removeShutdownHook to remove it during shutdown
                       shutdownHook = null;
             "VM shutting down with the CacheManager still active. Calling shutdown.");
       shutdownHook = localShutdownHook;



    • Remove the shutdown hook to prevent leaving orphaned CacheManagers around. This
    • is called by {@link #shutdown()} AFTER the status has been set to shutdown.
      private void removeShutdownHook() {
      if (shutdownHook != null) {
      // remove shutdown hook
      try {
      } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
      // This will be thrown if the VM is shutting down. In this case
      // we do not need to worry about leaving references to CacheManagers lying
      // around and the call is ok to fail.
      LOG.debug("IllegalStateException due to attempt to remove a shutdown" + "hook while the VM is actually shutting down.", e);
      shutdownHook = null;


    • Adds a {@link Ehcache} based on the defaultCache with the given name.
    • Memory and Disk stores will be configured for it and it will be added to the map of caches.
    • Also notifies the CacheManagerEventListener after the cache was initialised and added.
    • It will be created with the defaultCache attributes specified in ehcache.xml
    • @param cacheName
    •        the name for the cache
    • @throws ObjectExistsException
    •         if the cache already exists
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if there was an error creating the cache.

    public void addCache(String cacheName) throws IllegalStateException, ObjectExistsException, CacheException {

     // NPE guard
     if (cacheName == null || cacheName.length() == 0) {
     if (ehcaches.get(cacheName) != null) {
         throw new ObjectExistsException("Cache " + cacheName + " already exists");
     Ehcache clonedDefaultCache = cloneDefaultCache(cacheName);
     if (clonedDefaultCache == null) {
         throw new CacheException(NO_DEFAULT_CACHE_ERROR_MSG);
     for (Ehcache ehcache : createDefaultCacheDecorators(clonedDefaultCache)) {
         addOrReplaceDecoratedCache(clonedDefaultCache, ehcache);



    • Adds a {@link Cache} to the CacheManager.
    • Memory and Disk stores will be configured for it and it will be added to the map of caches. Also notifies the
    • CacheManagerEventListener after the cache was initialised and added.
    • @param cache
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_UNINITIALISED} before this method is called.
    • @throws ObjectExistsException
    •         if the cache already exists in the CacheManager
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if there was an error adding the cache to the CacheManager

    public void addCache(Cache cache) throws IllegalStateException, ObjectExistsException, CacheException {
    if (cache == null) {
    addCache((Ehcache) cache);


    • Adds an {@link Ehcache} to the CacheManager.
    • Memory and Disk stores will be configured for it and it will be added to the map of caches. Also notifies the
    • CacheManagerEventListener after the cache was initialised and added.
    • @param cache
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_UNINITIALISED} before this method is called.
    • @throws ObjectExistsException
    •         if the cache already exists in the CacheManager
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if there was an error adding the cache to the CacheManager

    public void addCache(Ehcache cache) throws IllegalStateException, ObjectExistsException, CacheException {
    if (cache == null) {
    addCacheNoCheck(cache, true);


    • Adds a decorated {@link Ehcache} to the CacheManager. This method neither creates the memory/disk store
    • nor initializes the cache. It only adds the cache reference to the map of caches held by this
    • cacheManager.
    • It is generally required that a decorated cache, once constructed, is made available to other execution threads. The simplest way of
    • doing this is to either add it to the cacheManager with a different name or substitute the original cache with the decorated one.
    • This method adds the decorated cache assuming it has a different name. If another cache (decorated or not) with the same name already
    • exists, it will throw {@link ObjectExistsException}. For replacing existing cache with another decorated cache having same name,
    • please use
    • Note that any overridden Ehcache methods by the decorator will take on new behaviours without casting. Casting is only required for
    • new methods that the decorator introduces. For more information see the well known Gang of Four Decorator pattern.
    • @param decoratedCache
    • @throws ObjectExistsException
    •         if another cache with the same name already exists.

    public void addDecoratedCache(Ehcache decoratedCache) throws ObjectExistsException {
    internalAddDecoratedCache(decoratedCache, true);


    • Same as {@link #addDecoratedCache(Ehcache)} but does not throw exception if another cache with same name already exists.
    • @param decoratedCache
    • @throws ObjectExistsException
      public void addDecoratedCacheIfAbsent(Ehcache decoratedCache) throws ObjectExistsException {
      internalAddDecoratedCache(decoratedCache, false);

    private void internalAddDecoratedCache(final Ehcache decoratedCache, final boolean strict) {
    Ehcache old = ehcaches.putIfAbsent(decoratedCache.getName(), decoratedCache);
    if (strict && old != null) {
    throw new ObjectExistsException("Cache " + decoratedCache.getName() + " already exists in the CacheManager");

    private Ehcache addCacheNoCheck(final Ehcache cache, final boolean strict) throws IllegalStateException, ObjectExistsException,
    CacheException {

     if (isTerracottaRejoinEnabled()) {
     if (cache.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED) {
         throw new CacheException("Trying to add an already initialized cache." + " If you are adding a decorated cache, "
                 + "use CacheManager.addDecoratedCache" + "(Ehcache decoratedCache) instead.");
     Ehcache ehcache = ehcaches.get(cache.getName());
     if (ehcache != null) {
         if (strict) {
             throw new ObjectExistsException("Cache " + cache.getName() + " already exists");
         } else {
             return ehcache;
     if (cache.getCacheConfiguration().getDiskStorePath() == null) {
     Map<String, CacheConfiguration> configMap = configuration.getCacheConfigurations();
     if (!configMap.containsKey(cache.getName())) {
         CacheConfiguration cacheConfig = cache.getCacheConfiguration();
         if (cacheConfig != null) {
     if (isTerracottaRejoinEnabled() && cache.getCacheConfiguration().isTerracottaClustered()) {
         final long timeoutMillis = cache.getCacheConfiguration().getTerracottaConfiguration().getNonstopConfiguration()
         try {
             getNonstopExecutorService().execute(new Callable<Void>() {
                 public Void call() throws Exception {
                     return null;
             }, timeoutMillis);
         } catch (TimeoutException e) {
             throw new NonStopCacheException("Unable to add cache [" + cache.getCacheConfiguration().getName() + "] within "
                     + timeoutMillis + " msecs", e);
         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
             throw new CacheException(e);
     } else {
     if (!allowsDynamicCacheConfig) {
     try {
     } catch (CacheException e) {
         LOG.warn("Cache " + cache.getName() + "requested bootstrap but a CacheException occured. " + e.getMessage(), e);
     ehcache = ehcaches.putIfAbsent(cache.getName(), cache);
     if (ehcache != null) {
         if (strict) {
             throw new ObjectExistsException("Cache " + cache.getName() + " already exists");
         } else {
             return ehcache;
     // Don't notify initial config. The init method of each listener should take care of this.
     if (status.equals(Status.STATUS_ALIVE)) {
     return cache;



    • Checks whether a cache of type ehcache exists.
    • @param cacheName
    •        the cache name to check for
    • @return true if it exists
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_ALIVE}

    public boolean cacheExists(String cacheName) throws IllegalStateException {
    return (ehcaches.get(cacheName) != null);


    • Removes all caches using {@link #removeCache} for each cache.
      public void removalAll() {
      String[] cacheNames = getCacheNames();
      for (String cacheName : cacheNames) {


    • Remove a cache from the CacheManager. The cache is disposed of.
    • @param cacheName
    •        the cache name
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_ALIVE}

    public void removeCache(String cacheName) throws IllegalStateException {

     // NPE guard
     if (cacheName == null || cacheName.length() == 0) {
     Ehcache cache = ehcaches.remove(cacheName);
     if (cache != null && cache.getStatus().equals(Status.STATUS_ALIVE)) {



    • Shuts down the CacheManager.

    • If the shutdown occurs on the singleton, then the singleton is removed, so that if a singleton access method is called, a new

    • singleton will be created.

    • By default there is no shutdown hook (ehcache-1.3-beta2 and higher).

    • Set the system property net.sf.ehcache.enableShutdownHook=true to turn it on.
      public void shutdown() {
      synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
      if (status.equals(Status.STATUS_SHUTDOWN)) {
      LOG.debug("CacheManager already shutdown");
      for (CacheManagerPeerProvider cacheManagerPeerProvider : cacheManagerPeerProviders.values()) {
      if (cacheManagerPeerProvider != null) {

       // cancel the cacheManager timer and all tasks
       if (cacheManagerTimer != null) {
       synchronized (CacheManager.class) {
           for (Ehcache cache : ehcaches.values()) {
               if (cache != null) {
           if (defaultCache != null) {
           status = Status.STATUS_SHUTDOWN;
           // only delete singleton if the singleton is shutting down.
           if (this == singleton) {
               singleton = null;
           transactionController = null;



    • Returns a list of the current cache names.
    • @return an array of {@link String}s
    • @throws IllegalStateException
    •         if the cache is not {@link Status#STATUS_ALIVE}

    public String[] getCacheNames() throws IllegalStateException {
    String[] list = new String[ehcaches.size()];
    return ehcaches.keySet().toArray(list);


    • Checks the state of the CacheManager for legal operation
      protected void checkStatus() {
      if (!(status.equals(Status.STATUS_ALIVE))) {
      if (status.equals(Status.STATUS_UNINITIALISED)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The CacheManager has not yet been initialised. It cannot be used yet.");
      } else if (status.equals(Status.STATUS_SHUTDOWN)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The CacheManager has been shut down. It can no longer be used.");


    • Gets the status attribute of the Ehcache
    • @return The status value from the Status enum class
      public Status getStatus() {
      return status;


    • Clears the contents of all caches in the CacheManager, but without

    • removing any caches.

    • This method is not synchronized. It only guarantees to clear those elements in a cache at the time that the

    • {@link Ehcache#removeAll()} mehod on each cache is called.
      public void clearAll() throws CacheException {
      String[] cacheNames = getCacheNames();

      LOG.debug("Clearing all caches");
      for (String cacheName : cacheNames) {
      Ehcache cache = getEhcache(cacheName);


    • Clears the contents of all caches in the CacheManager with a name starting with the prefix,

    • but without removing them.

    • This method is not synchronized. It only guarantees to clear those elements in a cache at the time that the

    • {@link Ehcache#removeAll()} method on each cache is called.

    • @param prefix

    •        The prefix the cache name should start with
    • @throws CacheException

    • @since 1.7.2
      public void clearAllStartingWith(String prefix) throws CacheException {
      // NPE guard
      if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) {

      for (Object o : ehcaches.entrySet()) {
      Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
      String cacheName = (String) entry.getKey();
      if (cacheName.startsWith(prefix)) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Clearing cache named '" + cacheName + "' (matches '" + prefix + "' prefix");
      ((Ehcache) entry.getValue()).removeAll();


    • Gets the CacheManagerPeerProvider, matching the given scheme
    • For distributed caches, the peer provider finds other cache managers and their caches in the same cluster
    • @param scheme
    •        the replication scheme to use. Schemes shipped with ehcache are RMI, JGROUPS, JMS
    • @return the provider, or null if one does not exist
      public CacheManagerPeerProvider getCacheManagerPeerProvider(String scheme) {
      return cacheManagerPeerProviders.get(scheme);


    • @return Read-only map of the registered {@link CacheManagerPeerProvider}s keyed by scheme.
      public Map<String, CacheManagerPeerProvider> getCacheManagerPeerProviders() {
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.cacheManagerPeerProviders);


    • When CacheManage is configured as part of a cluster, a CacheManagerPeerListener will
    • be registered in it. Use this to access the individual cache listeners
    • @param scheme
    •        the replication scheme to use. Schemes shipped with ehcache are RMI, JGROUPS, JMS
    • @return the listener, or null if one does not exist
      public CacheManagerPeerListener getCachePeerListener(String scheme) {
      return cacheManagerPeerListeners.get(scheme);


    • Returns the composite listener. A notification sent to this listener will notify all registered
    • listeners.
    • @return null if none
    • @see "getCacheManagerEventListenerRegistry"
      public CacheManagerEventListener getCacheManagerEventListener() {
      return cacheManagerEventListenerRegistry;


    • Same as getCacheManagerEventListenerRegistry().registerListener(cacheManagerEventListener);
    • Left for backward compatiblity
    • @param cacheManagerEventListener
    •        the listener to set.
    • @see "getCacheManagerEventListenerRegistry"
      public void setCacheManagerEventListener(CacheManagerEventListener cacheManagerEventListener) {


    • Gets the CacheManagerEventListenerRegistry. Add and remove listeners here.
      public CacheManagerEventListenerRegistry getCacheManagerEventListenerRegistry() {
      return cacheManagerEventListenerRegistry;


    • Replaces in the map of Caches managed by this CacheManager an Ehcache with a decorated version of the same
    • Ehcache. CacheManager can operate fully with a decorated Ehcache.
    • Ehcache Decorators can be used to obtain different behaviour from an Ehcache in a very flexible way. Some examples in ehcache are:
      1. {@link net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.BlockingCache} - A cache that blocks other threads from getting a null element until
      2. the first thread has placed a value in it.
      3. {@link net.sf.ehcache.constructs.blocking.SelfPopulatingCache} - A BlockingCache that has the additional property of knowing how
      4. to load its own entries.
    • Many other kinds are possible.
    • It is generally required that a decorated cache, once constructed, is made available to other execution threads. The simplest way of
    • doing this is to substitute the original cache for the decorated one here.
    • Note that any overwritten Ehcache methods will take on new behaviours without casting. Casting is only required for new methods that
    • the decorator introduces. For more information see the well known Gang of Four Decorator pattern.
    • @param ehcache
    • @param decoratedCache
    •        An implementation of Ehcache that wraps the original cache.
    • @throws CacheException
    •         if the two caches do not equal each other.

    public void replaceCacheWithDecoratedCache(Ehcache ehcache, Ehcache decoratedCache) throws CacheException {
    if (!ehcache.equals(decoratedCache)) {
    throw new CacheException("Cannot replace " + decoratedCache.getName() + " It does not equal the incumbent cache.");

     String cacheName = ehcache.getName();
     if (!ehcaches.replace(cacheName, ehcache, decoratedCache)) {
         if (cacheExists(cacheName)) {
             throw new CacheException("Cache '" + ehcache.getName() + "' managed with this CacheManager doesn't match!");
         } else {
             throw new CacheException("Cache '" + cacheName + "' isn't associated with this manager (anymore?)");



    • Gets the name of the CacheManager. This is useful for distinguishing multiple CacheManagers
    • @return the name, or the output of toString() if it is not set.
    • @see #toString() which uses either the name or Object.toString()
      public String getName() {
      if (name != null) {
      return name;
      } else {
      return super.toString();


    • Indicate whether the CacheManager is named or not.
    • @return True if named
      public boolean isNamed() {
      return name != null;


    • Sets the name of the CacheManager. This is useful for distinguishing multiple CacheManagers
    • in a monitoring situation.
    • @param name
    •        a name with characters legal in a JMX ObjectName

    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    try {
    } catch (MBeanRegistrationProviderException e) {
    throw new CacheException("Problem in reinitializing MBeanRegistrationProvider - "
    + mbeanRegistrationProvider.getClass().getName(), e);


    • @return either the name of this CacheManager, or if unset, Object.toString()
      public String toString() {
      return getName();


    • Returns the disk store path. This may be null if no caches need a DiskStore and none was configured.
    • The path cannot be changed after creation of the CacheManager. All caches take the disk store path
    • from this value.
    • @return the disk store path.
      public String getDiskStorePath() {
      return diskStorePath;


    • Returns a {@link FailSafeTimer} associated with this
    • @return The {@link FailSafeTimer} associated with this cache manager
    • @since 1.7
      public FailSafeTimer getTimer() {
      return cacheManagerTimer;


    • Returns access to information about the cache cluster.
    • @param scheme The clustering scheme to retrieve information about (such as "Terracotta")
    • @return Cluster API (never null, but possibly a simple single node implementation)
    • @throws ClusterSchemeNotAvailableException If the CacheCluster specified by scheme is not available.
    • @see ClusterScheme
    • @since 2.0
      public CacheCluster getCluster(ClusterScheme scheme) throws ClusterSchemeNotAvailableException {
      switch (scheme) {
      case TERRACOTTA:
      if (null == terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory()) {
      throw new ClusterSchemeNotAvailableException(ClusterScheme.TERRACOTTA, "Terracotta cluster scheme is not available");
      return terracottaClient.getCacheCluster();
      return NoopCacheCluster.INSTANCE;


    • Returns the original configuration text for this
    • @return Returns the original configuration text for this {@link CacheManager}
      public String getOriginalConfigurationText() {
      if (configuration.getConfigurationSource() == null) {
      return "Originally configured programmatically. No original configuration source text.";
      } else {
      Configuration originalConfiguration = configuration.getConfigurationSource().createConfiguration();
      return ConfigurationUtil.generateCacheManagerConfigurationText(originalConfiguration);


    • Returns the active configuration text for this
    • @return Returns the active configuration text for this {@link CacheManager}
      public String getActiveConfigurationText() {
      return ConfigurationUtil.generateCacheManagerConfigurationText(configuration);


    • Returns the original configuration text for the input cacheName
    • @param cacheName
    • @return Returns the original configuration text for the input cacheName
    • @throws CacheException if the cache with cacheName does not exist in the original config
      public String getOriginalConfigurationText(String cacheName) throws CacheException {
      if (configuration.getConfigurationSource() == null) {
      return "Originally configured programmatically. No original configuration source text.";
      } else {
      Configuration originalConfiguration = configuration.getConfigurationSource().createConfiguration();
      CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration = originalConfiguration.getCacheConfigurations().get(cacheName);
      if (cacheConfiguration == null) {
      throw new CacheException("Cache with name '" + cacheName + "' does not exist in the original configuration");
      return ConfigurationUtil.generateCacheConfigurationText(cacheConfiguration);


    • Returns the active configuration text for the input cacheName
    • @param cacheName
    • @return Returns the active configuration text for the input cacheName
    • @throws CacheException if the cache with cacheName does not exist
      public String getActiveConfigurationText(String cacheName) throws CacheException {
      CacheConfiguration config = configuration.getCacheConfigurations().get(cacheName);
      if (config == null) {
      throw new CacheException("Cache with name '" + cacheName + "' does not exist");
      return ConfigurationUtil.generateCacheConfigurationText(config);


    • Get the CacheManager configuration
    • @return the configuration
      Configuration getConfiguration() {
      return configuration;


    • {@inheritDoc}
      public int hashCode() {
      if (name != null) {
      return name.hashCode();
      } else {
      return super.hashCode();


    • Only adds the cache to the CacheManager should not one with the same name already be present
    • @param cache The Ehcache to be added
    • @return the instance registered with the CacheManager, the cache instance passed in if it was added; or null if Ehcache is null
      public Ehcache addCacheIfAbsent(final Ehcache cache) {
      return cache == null ? null : addCacheNoCheck(cache, false);


    • Only creates and adds the cache to the CacheManager should not one with the same name already be present

    • @param cacheName the name of the Cache to be created

    • @return the Ehcache instance created and registered; null if cacheName was null or of length 0
      public Ehcache addCacheIfAbsent(final String cacheName) {

      // NPE guard
      if (cacheName == null || cacheName.length() == 0) {
      return null;

      Ehcache ehcache = ehcaches.get(cacheName);
      if (ehcache == null) {
      Ehcache clonedDefaultCache = cloneDefaultCache(cacheName);
      if (clonedDefaultCache == null) {
      throw new CacheException(NO_DEFAULT_CACHE_ERROR_MSG);
      for (Ehcache createdCache : createDefaultCacheDecorators(clonedDefaultCache)) {
      addOrReplaceDecoratedCache(clonedDefaultCache, createdCache);
      return ehcaches.get(cacheName);

    private Ehcache cloneDefaultCache(final String cacheName) {
    if (defaultCache == null) {
    return null;
    Ehcache cache;
    try {
    cache = (Ehcache) defaultCache.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
    throw new CacheException("Failure cloning default cache. Initial cause was " + e.getMessage(), e);
    if (cache != null) {
    return cache;

    private List createDefaultCacheDecorators(Ehcache underlyingCache) {
    return ConfigurationHelper.createDefaultCacheDecorators(underlyingCache, configuration.getDefaultCacheConfiguration());


    • Get the TransactionController
    • @return the TransactionController
      public TransactionController getTransactionController() {
      return transactionController;


    • Create a TransactionIDFactory
    • @return a TransactionIDFactory
      TransactionIDFactory createTransactionIDFactory() {
      TransactionIDFactory transactionIDFactory;
      if (terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory() != null) {
      transactionIDFactory = terracottaClient.getClusteredInstanceFactory().createTransactionIDFactory(getClusterUUID());
      } else {
      transactionIDFactory = new TransactionIDFactoryImpl();
      return transactionIDFactory;


    • Create a soft lock factory for a specific cache
    • @param cache the cache to create the soft lock factory for
    • @return a SoftLockFactory
      SoftLockFactory createSoftLockFactory(Ehcache cache) {
      SoftLockFactory softLockFactory;
      if (cache.getCacheConfiguration().isTerracottaClustered()) {
      softLockFactory = getClusteredInstanceFactory(cache).getOrCreateSoftLockFactory(cache.getName());
      } else {
      softLockFactory = softLockFactories.get(cache.getName());
      if (softLockFactory == null) {
      softLockFactory = new ReadCommittedSoftLockFactoryImpl(cache.getName());
      SoftLockFactory old = softLockFactories.putIfAbsent(cache.getName(), softLockFactory);
      if (old != null) {
      softLockFactory = old;
      return softLockFactory;

    private void clusterRejoinStarted() {
    for (Ehcache cache : ehcaches.values()) {
    if (cache instanceof Cache) {
    if (cache.getCacheConfiguration().isTerracottaClustered()) {
    ((Cache) cache).clusterRejoinStarted();
    // shutdown the current nonstop executor service


    • This method is called when the Terracotta Cluster is rejoined. Reinitializes all terracotta clustered caches in this cache manager
      private void clusterRejoinComplete() {
      // restart nonstop executor service
      for (Ehcache cache : ehcaches.values()) {
      if (cache instanceof Cache) {
      if (cache.getCacheConfiguration().isTerracottaClustered()) {
      ((Cache) cache).clusterRejoinComplete();
      if (mbeanRegistrationProvider.isInitialized()) {
      // re-register mbeans
      try {
      } catch (MBeanRegistrationProviderException e) {
      throw new CacheException("Problem in reinitializing MBeanRegistrationProvider - "
      + mbeanRegistrationProvider.getClass().getName(), e);
      // recreate TransactionController with fresh TransactionIDFactory
      transactionController = new TransactionController(createTransactionIDFactory(), configuration


    • Return the {@link NonstopExecutorService} associated with this cacheManager
    • @return the {@link NonstopExecutorService} associated with this cacheManager
      protected NonstopExecutorService getNonstopExecutorService() {
      return nonstopExecutorServiceFactory.getOrCreateNonstopExecutorService(this);
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