Alpha8 Alpha-only texture format
ARGB4444 A 16 bits/pixel texture format.Texture stores color with an alpha channel.
RGB24 Color texture format,8-bits per channel.
RGBA32 Color with alpha texture format,8-bits per channel.
ARGB32 Color with alpha texture format,8-bits per channel.
RGB565 A 16 bit color texture format.
R16 A 16 bit color texture format that only has a red channel.
DXT1 Compressed color texture format.
DXT5 Compressed color with alpha channel texture format.
RGBA4444 Color and alpha texture format,4 bit per channel
BGRA32 Color with alpha texture format,8-bits per channel
RHalf Scalar(R) texture format,16 bit floating point
RGHalf Two color(RG) texture format,16 bit floating point per channel
RGBAHalf RGB color and alpha texture format,16 bit floating point per channel
RFloat Scalar(R) texture format,32 bit floating point
RGFloat Two color (RG) texture format,32 bit floating point per channel.
RGBAFloat RGB color and alpha texture format,32-bit floats per channel
YUY2 A format that uses the YUV color space and is often used for video encoding or playback
RGB9e5Float RGB HDR format,with 9 bit mantissa per channel and a 5 bit shared exponent
BC4 Compressed one channel (R) texture format
BC5 Compressed two-channel (RG) texture format
BC6H HDR compressed color texture format
BC7 High quality compressed color texture format.
DXT1Crunched Compressed color texture format with Crunch compression for smaller storage sizes.
DXT5Crunched Compressed color with alpha channel texture format with Crunch compression for smaller storage sizes
PVRTC_RGB2 PowerVR(ios) 2 bits/pixel compressed color texture format
PVRTC_RGBA2 PowerVR(ios) 2 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format
PVRTC_RGB4 PowerVR(ios) 4 bits/pixel compressed color texture format.
PVRTC_RGBA4 PowerVR(ios) 4 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format
ETC_RGB4 ETC(GLES2.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format
ATC_RGB4 ATC(ATITC) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format
ATC_RGBA8 ATC(ATITC) 8 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format
EAC_R ETC2/EAC(GLES 3.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed unsigned single-channel texture format
EAC_R_SIGNED ETC2/EAC(GLES 3.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed signed single-channel texture format
EAC_RG ETC2 / EAC (GL ES 3.0) 8 bits/pixel compressed unsigned dual-channel (RG) texture format.
EAC_RG_SIGNED ETC2 / EAC (GL ES 3.0) 8 bits/pixel compressed signed dual-channel (RG) texture format.
ETC2_RGB ETC2 (GL ES 3.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.
ETC2_RGBA1 ETC2 (GL ES 3.0) 4 bits/pixel RGB+1-bit alpha texture format.
ETC2_RGBA8 ETC2 (GL ES 3.0) 8 bits/pixel compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGB_4x4 ASTC (4x4 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGB_5x5 ASTC (5x5 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGB_6x6 ASTC (6x6 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGB_8x8 ASTC (8x8 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGB_10x10 ASTC (10x10 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGB_12x12 ASTC (12x12 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGB texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_4x4 ASTC (4x4 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_5x5 ASTC (5x5 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_6x6 ASTC (6x6 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_8x8 ASTC (8x8 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_10x10 ASTC (10x10 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_12x12 ASTC (12x12 pixel block in 128 bits) compressed RGBA texture format.
ASTC_RGBA_12x12 ETC 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.
ETC_RGB4_3DS ETC 4 bits/pixel RGB + 4 bits/pixel Alpha compressed texture format.
RG16 Two color (RG) texture format, 8-bits per channel.
R8 Scalar (R) render texture format, 8 bit fixed point.
ETC_RGB4Crunched Compressed color texture format with Crunch compression for smaller storage sizes.
ETC2_RGBA8Crunched Compressed color with alpha channel texture format with Crunch compression for smaller storage sizes.
DebugPanel & DebugTool
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/laya.debugtool.js"></script>
场景编辑器 == UI场景编辑器
Layabox 项目文件结构
.laya 文件夹 文件夹下存放的是项目在开发运行中的一些配置信息
.laya/launch.json 文件保存了项目调试的一些配置信息,分别是LayaAirIDE的调试设置和chrome浏览器调试配置.不要轻易去改动,改错后会影响项目的调试
.laya/tasks.json 里保存了TS编译器相关的一些配置信息,关于参数的含义可以到TypeScript官网进行查询
bin文件夹 目录下存放的就是当前项目的输出文件
bin/index.html 是项目的入口文件,所有的LayaAir引擎类库或者是第三方类库的JS都需要在这里引入
bin/js 文件夹下促发囊的是项目中的TypeScript文件编译成的js文件
bin/libs 文件夹存放的是LayaAir引擎各模块的JS文件
laya 目录用于存放LayaAirIDE当前的UI项目
laya/assets 目录用来存放UI页面,粒子等组件所需的图片资源
laya/pages 目录用来存放LayaAirIDE创建页面布局生成的文件
laya/.laya 文件是LayaAirIDE的UI项目配置文件
libs 代码提供文件目录
src 项目代码文件默认将存放在src目录
项目名.laya 是项目配置文件,文件内记录了当前项目的项目名称,使用的类库版本号和项目类型
tsconfig.json 文件是ts工程的配置文件,勿删
1 declare module Laya{ 2 class AnimationContent extends laya.ani.AnimationContent { 3 4 } 5 class AnimationNodeContent extends laya.ani.AnimationNodeContent { 6 7 } 8 ...... 9 }
layabox namespace & module 生成代码