Understand 学习





Parts and Terminology

Configuring Your Project

Exploring Your Codebase(已看)

Searching Your Source

Editing Your Source

Architecting Your Codebase

Using Reports(已看)

Using Metrics(已看)

Using Graphical Views(已看)

Using CodeCheck for Standards Verification

Comparing Source Code

Running Tools and External Commands

Command Line Processing

Quick Reference



  What is Understand?


  Languages Supported


  For Those Who Don't Like to Read Manuals


Parts and Terminology

  Using Understand Windows


  Understand Terminology




  Starting Understand


     Other Ways to Run Understand


  Context Menus Are Everywhere


  Quickly Find Things in Your Source


    Entity Filter


    Entity Locator


    Instant Search


    Find in Files




  Information Browser


  Source Editor


  Architecture Browser


  Graphical Views


  ASCII and HTML Reports


  APIs for Custom Reporting


Configuring Your Project

  About Understand Projects


    The Understand Project Database


  Creating a New Project


    New Project Wizard


  Project Configuration Dialog


  Languages Category


  Files Category


    Adding Directories


    Adding Files


    Removing Directories and Files


    Setting Overrides


    Scanning Watched Directories


    Setting File Portability


  File Types


  File Options


  Scheduled Activities




    Metrics->Selected Category




    Reports>Output Category


    Reports>Options Category


    Reports>Selected Category


  Visual Studio






  Ada Options


    Ada>Macros Category


  Assembly Options


  Visual Basic Options


  COBOL Options


    COBOL>Copybooks Category


  C++ (Fuzzy) Options


    C++>Includes Category


    C++>Includes>Auto Category


    C++>Includes>Ignore Category


    C++>Macros Category


    C++>Macros>Undefines Category


  C++ (Strict) Options


    C++(Strict)>Includes Category


    C++(Strict)>Includes>Frameworks Category


    C++(Strict)>Includes>Prefix Headers Category


    C++(Strict)>Macros Category


  C# Options


  Fortran Options


    Fortran>Includes Category


    Other Fortran Categories


  Java Options


    Java>Class Paths Category


    Eclipse Plugin


  JOVIAL Options


    Jovial>!Copy Category


  Pascal Options


    Pascal>Macros Category


    Pascal>Standard Library Paths Category


    Pascal>Search Paths Category


  PL/M Options


    PL/M>Includes Category


  Python Options


    Python>Imports Category


  VHDL Options


  Web Options


  Setting General Preferences


    General Category


    User Interface Category


    User Interface > Lists Category


    User Interface > Alerts Category


    User Interface > Windows Category


    User Interface > Application Styles Category


    Key Bindings Category


    Analyze Category


    Portability Category


    Dependency Category


    Editor Category


    Editor > Advanced Category


    Editor > Macros Category


    Editor > Styles Category


    Editor > Navigation Category


    Editor > External Editor Category


    Graphs Category


  Analyzing the Code


    Improving the Analysis


    Using the Missing Header Files Tool


    Using the Undefined Macros Tool


Exploring Your Codebase


  Various Windows Explained..

  • Entity Filter: Provides an alphabetic list of entities of the selected type.
  • Information Browser: Provides an explorer for entity characteristics and connections.
  • Project Browser: Lets you browse a hierarchical file list
  • Exploring View: Lets you browse a relationship hierarchy.
  • Dependency Browser: Lets you browse dependency relationships
  • Favorites: Lets you provide quick links to frequently-used entities
  • Entity Locator: Lets you filter all entites in a project in complex ways
  • Find in Files: Searches multiple files
  • Source Editor: Shows source code
  • Contextual Information Sidebar: Show context information about the current source editor
  • Scope list: Lists the functions or similar constructs in a file.
  • Achitectures: Defines named regions and views of the project
  • Graphical Views: Shows connections and strctures of entities
  • Reports: Generate reports about entities
  • Metrics: Generate statistics about entities

  Entity Filter 

    Using the Filter Field

    Customizing the Display

    Root Filters

  • Root Calls: Lists only entities that call others, but are not called themselves. These are either high-level code(mains), code called by hardware(interrupt handlers), or dead(unused) code.
  • Root CallBys: Lists only entities that are called by others, but that do not call anybody else. These are low-level routines.
  • Root Include Bys: Lists only files included by others, but not included themselves. These are "lower" level include files
  • Root Classes: Lists only classes not derived from other classes. These are candicates for lower level classes, or library classes.
  • Root Decls: Lists only the highest level declaring routines(Ada)
  • Root Withs: Lists only program units(packages, tasks, subprograms) that With other program units, but are not withed by anybody else(Ada)

  Information Browser

    Drilling Down a Relationship

    Displaying More or Less Information 

    Searching the Information Browser

    Syncing the Information Browser

    Visiting Source Code

    Visiting References

    Visiting Metrics 

    Saving and Printing Information Browser Text

    Entity History

  Project Browser 

  Exploring a Hierarchy

The Exploring view lets you browse up and down a relationship hierarchy within your project

  Dependency Browser

The Dependency Browser lets you examine which items are dependent on others. You can use the Dependency Browser with architecture nodes, files, classes, packages, and interfaces


    Creating a Favorite Entity

    Creating a Favorite View

    Using a Favorite Group

    Creating a Plain Text Favorite

Searching Your Source

  Searching: An Overview


  Instant Search


  Find in Files


    Find Results


    Replace in Files


  Entity Locator


    Resizing Columns


    Long versus Short Names


    Column Headers


    Choosing Columns


    Filtering the List


  Finding Windows


    Source Visiting History


    View Menu Commands


    Displaying Toolbars


  Searching in a File


    Find Next and Previous


    Find & Replace


    Contextual Information Sidebar


Editing Your Source

  Source Editor


    Scope List


    Status Icons


    Status Line


    Selecting and Copying Text


    Browse Mode


    Context Menu


    Hover Text


  Saving Source Code


  Refactoring Tools


    Renaming Entities


    Inlining Functions


    Extracting Functions


    Inline Temp


    Extract Temp


  Other Editing Features




    Bracket Matching


    Folding and Hiding


    Splitting the Editor Window


    Commenting and Uncommenting


    Changing Case




    Line Wrapping


    Insert  and Overtype Modes


    Sorting Lines Alphabetically


    Keyboard Commands


    Recording, Playing, and Saving Macros


    Creating and Opening Files




    Managing Source Editor Tabs


    Changing the Source Code Font Size




    Adding an Annotation


    Editing an Annotation


    Deleting an Annotation


    Managing Annotations Files and Display


    Searching Annotations


    Filtering Annotations


    Managing Orphaned Annotations


  Printing Souce Views


Architecting Your Codebase

  About Architectures


  Using the Architecture Browser


    Exploring Architectures


  Viewing Architecture Dependency Graphs


    Graphic Customizer Toolbar


    Graph Architecture View


  Viewing Architecture Metrics


  Managing Architectures


  Creating an Architecture


    Using the Architecture Wizard


  Editing an Architecture


  Using XML to Manage Architectures


    Exporting Architectures to XML


    Importing XML Architecture


Using Reports

  Configuring Reports

    Customizing Report Colors 

  Generating Reports 

  Viewing Reports

  And Overview of Report Categories

  • Cross-Reference reports show information similar to that in the Information Browser, except that all entities are shown together in alphabetic order.
  • Structure reports show the structure of the analyzed program
  • Quality reports show areas where code might need to be examined
  • Metrics reports show basic metrics such as the number of lines of code adn comments

    Augmnet with the PERL or C API 

  Cross-Reference Reports

    Data Dictionary Report

The Data Dictionary Report lists all entities alphabetically. Each listing shows the entity name, what kind of entity it is (for example, macro, type, variable, function, include, file, or procedure), along with links to the location where each is declared in the source code.

    Program Unit Cross-Refernece Report

The Program Unit Cross-Reference Report lists all program units (such as procedure and functions) analyzed in alphabetic order along with information about what they return (if anything), what parameters are used, and where they are used by other program units.

    File Contents Report

Lists functions declared within a source file and the line numbers where they are declared

    Object Cross-Reference Report

The Object Cross-Refernece Report lists all objects(Fortran variables, parameters, macros) in alphabetic order along with declaration and usage references.

    Type Cross-Reference Report

The Type Cross-Reference Report lists all declared types in alphabetic order, along with their declaration and usage information

    Class and Interface Cross-Reference

The Class and Interface Cross-Reference Report lists all declared classes and interfaces in alphabetic order, along with their declaration and usage information

    Macro Cross-Reference

The Macro Cross-Reference Report lists all macros analyzed in the source code in alphabetic order along with information about where they are declared and where they are used

    Include File Cross-Reference

The Include File Cross-Reference Report lists all include files analyzed in the source code in alphabetic order with information about which files include them.

    Exception Cross-Reference Report

The Exception Cross-Reference Report documents the declaration and usage of all exceptions. Each declaration and any raises or handles are documented

  Structure Reports

Structures reports are designed to help you understand the relationships between various entities.

    Declaration Tree

The Declaration Tree shows the declaration nesting of each program unit analyzed. Each nesting level is indicated by an indent with a vertical bar used to help align your eyes when viewing. Each nesting level is read as "declares"

    Extend Tree

The Extend Tree reports shows the nesting of class declarations in the files analyzed. Each nesting level is indicated by an indent with a vertical bar to help align your eyes when viewing. Each nesting level is read as "extends" 

    Invocation Tree Report

The Invocation Tree Reports shows a textual representing of the invocation tree for each program unit analyzed. The report shows what each program unit calls.Levels are indicated by tabs and are lined up vertical bars.Each nesting level is read as "calls"

    Simple Invocation Tree Report

The Simple Invocation Tree Report shows the invocation tree to only one level for each program unit that has been analyzed. The invocation level is indicated by an indent and a vertical bar and is read as "calls"

    With Tree Report

Structured identically to the other hierarchy reports,  the With Tree report shows a textual version of the With Tree for each program unit that is not Withed by another.

    Simple With Tree Report

The Simple With Tree report is similar to the With Tree report. It shows a textual representation of the With Tree for each program unit that is not Withed by another. However, it shows only one level of withs.

    Generic Instantiation Report

This report lists each package that was created through instantiation

    Renames Report

The Rename Report cross-references the use of the Ada command "renames", as in:



This report lists program units that have been renamed in alphabetic order. 

    Import Report

The Imports report lists all source files that import other files and the files they import.  

  Quality Reports

    Program Unit Complexity Reports

The Program Unit Complexity Report lists every procedure and function or similar program unit in alphabetic order along with the McCabe(Cyclomatic) complexity value for the code implementing that program unit.

  • The Cyclomatic complexity is the number of independent paths through a module. The higher this metric the more likely a program unit is to be difficult to teset and maitain wiithout error
  • The Modified column shows the cyclomatic complexity except that each case statement is not counted; the entire switch counts as 1
  • The Strict column shows the cyclomatic complexity except && and || also count as 1
  • The Nesting column shows the maximum nesting level of control constructs in this program unit.

    Fortran Extension Usage Report

This report lists anywhere your source code has non-standard Fortran extension. The report factors in what variant (F77, F90, F95) you chose on your project configuration

    Implicitly Declared Objects Report 

    Uninitialized Items

    Unused Objects and Functions

    Unused Objects Report

    Unused Types Report

    Unused Program Units Report

    Uses Not Needed Report

    Withs Not Needed Report

  Metrics Reports

Metrics provide statistical information about your project and entities, such as the number of lines of code and the complexity of various entities.

    Project Metrics Report

The Project Metrics Report provides metric information about the entire project

    Class Metrics Report

The Class Metrcis Report provides the following metrics for each class that has been analyzed.

    Class OOMetrics Report

The Class OO Metrics Report provides the following object-oriented metrics for each class that has been analyzed:

  • LCOM (Percent Lack of Cohesion): 100% minus the average cohesion for class data memebers. A method is cohesive when it performs a single task
  • DIT (Max Inheritance Tree): Maximum depth of the class in the inheritance tree.
  • IFANIN (Count of Base Classes): Number of immediate base classes.
  • CBO (Count of Coupled Classes): Number of other classes coupled to this class.
  • NOC (Count of Derived Classes): Number of immediate subclasses this class has.
  • RFC (Count of All Methods): Number of methods this class has, including inherited methods.
  • NIM (Count of Instance Methods): Number of instance methods this class has.
  • NIV (Count of Instance Variables): Number of instance variables this class has.
  • WMC (Count of Methods): Number of local methods this class has.

    Program Unit Metrics Report

The Program Unit Metrices Report provides information on various metrics for each program unit that has been analyzed

    File Metrics Report

The File Metrics Report provides information similar to that in the Program Unit Metrics Report. However, it is organized by file rather than by program unit

    File Average Metrics Report

The File Average Metrics Report provides averages for the functions within a file. 

  Importing Report Plugins

Using Metrics

  About Metrics 

  Metrics Summary 

  Metrics Browser

  Exporting Metrics to HTML

  Exporting Metrics to a CSV File

  Configuring Metric Charts

  Using the Metrics Treemap

  Exporting Dependency Metrics

    Exporting Dependencies to a CSV File

    Exporting Dependencies to a CSV Matrix File

    Exporting Dependencies to Cytoscape

Using Graphical Views

  Project Overview Graphics

Project > Project Overview Charts 

  Graphical View Browsers

There are two main types of graphical views in these menus: hierarchy views and structure views 

    Hierarchy Views

A hierarchy view shows multiple level relationship between entities. All relationships are multi-level and are shown to the top or bottom of their respective tree unless a level option is set in the preferences. 

Cluster views are a special type of hierarchy view. They provide a more interactive view of call relationship. The Call, Callby, Butterfly and Internal Call variants are available, and can be accessed from the function, class, file, or architecture level.

    Structure Views

Structure views offer a one glance way to see important structure and relationship information about a given entity

    General Commands for Using Graphical Browsers

    Filtering Out Entities

    Reuse Checkbox

    Sync Checkbox

    Graph Options

  Types of Views

    Hierarchy View Types

  • Butterfly: Shows both calls and called by
  • Calls: Shows who this entity calls
  • Calls Relationship: Show the call relationships between two entites
  • Called By: Shows who calls a given entity
  • Calledby Relationship: Show the callby relationships between two entities
  • Include: Shows who this file includes
  • IncludeBy: Shows who includes this file
  • Depends On Graph, Depended On By Graph, and Butterfly Graph: Available for classes, packages, and architectures only
  • Derived Classes: Shows classes derived from a given class
  • Base Classes: Show what classes are the base for a class
  • Extended By: Shows which classes are extended by this class
  • Class Inheritance: Shows who inherits from a given class
  • Child Lib Units: Shows Child Library Units of a compilantion unit(Ada 95 only)
  • Declared In: Show the declaration tree from where this program unit is declared
  • Declaration Tree: Shows declaration nesting of program units in a compilation unit
  • Instantiate From: Shows instantiation tree of generic type or compilation unit
  • Instantiations: Shows who instantiates a given generic unit
  • Invocation: Shows what compilation units a unit invoke
  • Parent Lib Unit: Shows the parent lib units of a given entity
  • Type Derived From: Shows tree of types a type is derived from
  • Type tree: Shows types that derive new types from an entity
  • With: Shows waht compilation unit an entity "Withs" into scope
  • With By: Shows what compilation units "Withs" a given entity
  • Uses: Shows which modules use this item
  • Used By: Shows which modules are used by this item
  • Cluster Call Internal: Shows call relationships within a file
  • Cluster Call: Shows who this entity calls
  • Cluster Callby: Shows who calls this entity
  • Cluster Call Butterfly: Shows both calls and called by 

    Hiearchy View Examples

Buttefly: Shows both calls and called by relationships if they exist. The selected entity is outlined in red



Calls: Shows the entire chain of emanating from this function. Each line between entities is read as "x calls y"



Called By: Shows what calls an entity. Each line connecting an entity is read as "x is called by y". In this example, error is called by code(and others), which is called by rules(and others). Note that this view is read from the bottom up or right to left



Calls Relationship/Calledby Relationship: Shows the call or callby relationship between any two entites. First, right-click on the first entity and select the graph you want to view. Then, click on another entity whose relationship to the first entity you want to find. You can click on the second entity anywhere in the Understand interface. The entity name will appear in the "Select a second entity" dialog. This example shows the callby relationship from the deflate() function to main()



Include: Shows the include hierarchy of an entity, such as a file. A connecting line is read as "x includes y".In this example, align.h includes global.h



Included By: Show the include tree in the other direction. In the previous example, aligh.h is included by serveral files such as algebra.h

Base classes: For example, shows the base classes from which this class is derived from. In this example, class CLinearCurve is derived from class CCurve, which is derived from class CSurface and so on


Derived Classes: Shows the classes that are derived from this class. In this example, class CTexture3d is a base class for classes CIrradianceCache and others. 

Extended By: Shows which classes are extended by other classes. A line is read as "class is extended by class". In this example, the regexp.REToken class is extended by a number of classes, including the regexp.RE class, which in turn is extended by the regexp.UncheckedRE class

    Structure View Types

Structure views offer a one glance way to see important structure and relational information about a given entity. Understand structure views include the following:

  • Graphic Architecture: Shows the hierarchy of an architecture node.
  • Declaration: Shows what a structure is composed of. For example, shows the parameters, return type, and callbys of a function.For classes, shows what memebers are provided, who inherits this class, and who it is based on
  • Parent Declaration: Shows what a structure is composed of. Shows Calls instead of the Called Bys shown by a Declaration graph
  • Declaration File: Shows what entities (such as functions, types, macros, and variables) are defined within a given file
  • Declaration Type: Shows what a type is composed of.
  • Class Declaration: Shows the members defining the class and the parent class
  • Data Members: Shows what components a class, struct, or type contains.
  • Control Flow: Shows a flow chart of the function or similar entity type. Clicking on a node in the graphs jumps to the line of code referenced.
  • Cluster Control Flow: Shows a flow chart of the function or similar entity type. This view type is more interactive than the Control Flow view.
  • UML Class Diagram: Shows the classes defined in the project or a file and related classes. Adheres to the Unified Modeling Language(UML) structures diagram format.
  • UML Sequence Diagram: Shows interactions between entities arranged by time sequence.This graph is available for functions and methods that call member methods.
  • Package: Shows what entities are declared in a given package(body or spec)
  • Task: Shows the parameters, invocations, and what entities/entry points are declared in a task. Also shows what the task Withs
  • Rename Declaration: Shows what entities are renamed in the entity

    Structure View Examples

Understand structure views are designed to present essential information about an entity in a small and concise manner.

Declaration: Shows the structure of the entity. For example, shows the parameters, return type, and callby of a function


Parent Declaration: Similar to a Declaration graph but shows what the entity calls


UML Class Diagram: Shows the classes defined in the project or a file and related classes. Right-click to show or hide class details, related classes, and solo classes


Declaration File: Shows the entities declared in the file. Also shows files included by the file and classes imported by the file


Declaration Type: Shows information about a type declaration


Class Delcaration: Shows the members defining the class and the parent class from which it is derived


Control Flow: Shows a flow chart of the function or similar entity type. As the following figure shows, a number of specialized options can be set when you right-click on this type of graph

  Graphical Notation

The following symbols are used by Understand to represent various language constructs. The symbols vary somewhat depending upon the type of view

  • Entities such as functions and other program units are shown in rectangles
  • Files and system-level entities are usually shown in parallelograms
  • Classes and types are shown in flattened hexagons
  • Macros are usually shown in flattened octagons
  • Objects such as variables are usually shown in slightly rounded rectangles
  • Unknown or unresolved entities are drawn with dashed outlines or in gray
  • Other shapes are language-specific

  Controlling Graphical View Layout

This sections applies to non-cluster graphs.

    Called by Menu

    Comments Menu

    Constants Menu

    Default Members Menu

    Dependent Of Menu

    Dependent Menu


    Duplicate Subtrees Menu

    Expand Recursive Notes

    Expand Repeated Notes

    Extended By Menu

    Extends Menu

    External Functions Menu

    Filename Menu

    Function Pointer Menu

    Globals Menu

    Implements Menu

    Implemented By Menu

    Imports Menu

    Included By Menu

    Includes Menu

    Inherits Menu

    Inherited By Menu

    Includes By Menu

    Intrinsic Function Menu

    Invocations Menu

    Layout Menu

    Level Menu

    Locals Menu

    Members Menu

    Name Menu

    Objects Menu

    Operators Menu

    Parameters Menu

    Private Members Menu

    Protected Members Menu

    Public Members Menu

    Renames Menu

    Routines Menu

    Scale Menu

    Sport Menu

    Spacing Menu

    Sql Menu

    Static Menu 

    Text Menu

    Types Menu

    Typetex Menu

    Unknown Menu

    Unresolved Menu

    Usedby Menu

    Uses Menu

    Variables Menu

    Withs Menu

    With Bys Menu

  Controlling Cluster Graph Layout

Cluster graphs are a special type of hierarchy view. They provide a more interactive view of call relationships than other hierarchy views. The Cluster Call, Cluster Callby, Cluster Call Butterfly, Cluster Call Internal, and Cluster Control Flow variants are available, and can be accessed from the function, class, file, or architecture level. 

  • Aggregatee Nodes by: Choose an architecture you want to organize entity nodes
  • Edges Shown: Choose which relationships to the originally selected entity you want shown. "Forward" is call relationships. "Reverse" is callby relationships "Butterfly" is both call and callby relationships
  • Entity Name Format as: Choose whether you want to display short or long names for entities.
  • Highlight Paths to Selected Node(s): You can highlight all paths between the node for which you opened a Cluster Call or Cluster Callby graph and some other node. To do this, select a node (not the orginal node),  right-click on the background of the graph (not on an entity or within a box), and choose this option. You can hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple entities for path highlighting
  • Include Virtual Edges: Set this item to On if you want to show override and overriddenby edges.
  • Show Edge Labels: Set this item to On if you want the number of occurrences of this relation to be shown in the Graph. For bi-directional call relationships, the two numbers in the label show calls in each direction
  • Show Legend: Set this item to On if you want to show a graph legned in the upper left. The legend identifies the shapes and arrow styles used in the graph
  • Show Node Children By Default: Set this item to On if you want nodes to be opened by default when you open a cluster graph. For example, all functions within files will be shown by default if this option is enalbed when you open the Cluster Callby graph for a file

    Cluster Control Flow Graphs

Cluster Control Flow graphs show the execution flow of an entity such as a function.


  • Allow Call Expansion: Allows called functions to be expanded by clicking. If this option is on, expandable calls are shown as a 3D box. Off by default
  • Cluster: Uses a box to enclose statements in a group such as the "if" or "else" branch of a conditional statement. On by default
  • Collapse: Combines statements into a single box if there are no decision between them. On by default
  • Debug: Shows details about the information about  each item in the flow. In order, the detail information is: nodeID, nodeKind, startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol, endNode, commaSeparatedListOfChildren. Off by default
  • Expand Macros: Enabling this option shows macros expanded if you have enabled the Save macro expansion text option in the C++ project configuration(C++ (Fuzzy) Options). Off by default
  • Filter: Hides implicit actions, such as "endif", On by default
  • Layout: Choose whether to arrange the graph vertically or horizontally. The default is Vertical
  • Show Comments: Shows comments associated with statement in the graph. On by default
  • Show Finally-Block Flows: Shows edges representing exceptional exits from a try-catch block in languages like Java and C#. On by default
  • Show Entity Name: Shows the name of the entity in the Start box at the beginning. Off by default. You can also choose to show entity names with parameters included
  • Show Labels: Shows text for edges(for example, yes/no) and start block. On by default
  • Show Legend: Set this item to On if you want to show a graph legend in the upper left. The legend identifies the shapes an arrow styles used in the graph
  • Show Source Code: Shows source code in boxes. On by default
  • Styled Labels: Highlights keywords, comments, and strings in source code shown in the graph.

  Saving Graphical Views

    Saving Views to Files

    Saving Views as Visio Files

    Saving Views as DOT Plugins 

  Importing Graphical View Plugins 

  Printing Graphical Views

    Graphical View Printing 

Using CodeCheck for Standards Verification

  About CodeCheck


  Running a CodeCheck


    Files Tab


    Checks Tab


    Exporting and Importing Configurations


  Viewing CodeCheck Results


    Using the Result Log


    Using the Results by File Tab


    Using the Results by Check Tab


    Using the Result Locator


    Using the Result Treemap


    Printing and Exporting Results


    Ignoring Checks and Violations


  Using CodeCheck Configurations


  Writing CodeCheck Configurations


    Installing Custom Scripts


Comparing Source Code

  Comparing Files and Folders


  Comparing Entities


  Comparing Text


  Exploring Difference


    Code Comparison


    Patch File


    Difference List


Running Tools and External Commands

  Configuring Tools




  Adding Tools to the Context Menus


  Adding Tools to the Tools Menu


  Adding Tools to the Toolbar


  Importing and Exporting Tool Commands


  Running External Commands


  Using the Eclipse Plugin


Command Line Processing

  Using the und Command Line


    Getting Help on Und


    Creating a New Project


    Adding Files to a Project


    Removing Items from a Project


    Getting Information about a Project


    Modifying Project Settings


    Importing into a Project


    Exporting from a Project


    Analyzing a Project


    Generating Reports


    Generating Metrics


    Using CodeCheck


    Running Perl Scripts


    Creating a List of Files


  Using the understand Command Line


  Using Buildspy to Build Understand Projects


Quick Reference

  File Menu


  Edit Menu


  Search Menu


  View Menu


  Project Menu


  Reports Menu


  Metrics Menu


  Graphs Menu


  CodeCheck Menu


  Annotations Menu


  Tools Menu


  Window Menu


  Help Menu


posted on 2021-01-15 10:05  void87  阅读(327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
