Asset Bundle Browser 学习


Usage - Configure

Usage - Build

Usage - Inspect


Usage - Configure





  Bundle List

If a bundle has at least one scene in it (making it a scene bundle) and non-scene assets explicity included, it will be marked as having an error. This bundle will not build until fixed.

Bundles with duplicated assets will be marked with a waring

Icons indicate if the bundle is a standard or a scene bundle

  Bundle Details

  • Total bundle size. This is a sum of the on-disk size of all assets
  • Bundles that the current bundle depends on
  • Any messages (error/warning/info) associated with the current bundle  

  Asset List

Available functionality:

  • View all assets anticipated to be included in then bundle. 
  • View assets explicitly included in bundle. These are assets that have been assigned a bundle explicitly. The inspector will reflect the bundle inclusion, and in this view they will say the bundle name next to the asset name
  • View assets implicitly included in bundle. These assets will say auto as the name of the bundle next to the asset name. If looking at these assets in the inspector they will say None as the assigned bundle

  Asset Details   

Usage - Build

Append Hash - Append the hash to the asset bundle name 

Usage - Inspect


Preaload Table:  Talbe of objects that need to be pulled from the bundle by the preload manager when a specific asset is loaded from the bundle

Main Asset:  AssetInfo for the main asset. Has no associated name


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