微信setLocalStorage存数组 不能只改单个索引的值 需要重新给 数组赋值一个新的数组 数组复制可以使用concat
Laya.loader 提供附加类型 可以正确解析 相关类型 如 atlas,json
wx.setUserCloudStorage( KVDataList: [{ key: "key1", value: "value1" }], success: (res)=>{ console.log("success"); console.log(res); }, fail: (res) => { console.log("fail"); console.log(res); }, complete: (res) => { console.log("complete"); console.log(res); } });
开发工具环境下 success complete {errMsg: "setUserCloudStorage:ok"}
Ios, Android success complete {errMsg: "setUserCloudStorage:ok"}
开发工具环境下 fail complete {errMsg: "setUserCloudStorage:ok"}
Android fail complete {errMsg: "setUserCloudStorage:fail:"}
Ios fail complete {errMsg: "setUserCloudStorage:fail data no response", err_code: "0"}
开发工具环境下, 下次联网时, 会继续发送上次断网时的请求. 手机环境下不会
Axure RP 8
Cocos Creator
版本信息: https://www.cocos.com/creator
用户手册 https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/
API参考 https://docs.cocos.com/creator/api/zh/
Cocos2dx 版本信息
版本信息 https://www.cocos.com/cocos2dx
用户手册 https://docs.cocos.com/cocos2d-x/manual/zh/
API参考 https://docs.cocos2d-x.org/api-ref/index.html
LayaNative release-v2.1.0
app构建 单机包 要先发布 在资源路径里选择这个路径
APK-update https://ldc2.layabox.com/doc/?nav=zh-ts-6-2-7
<activity android:screenOrientation="sensorPortrait/portrait"
(function(exports,global,require,__dirname,__filename){"use strict"; var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); window._conchInfo = { version: '' }; var _inline = !conchConfig.localizable; console.log('====================================================== '); console.log(' LAYA CONCH '); console.log(' runtimeversion:' + conchConfig.getRuntimeVersion()); console.log(' jsversion:' + window._conchInfo.version); console.log(' isplug:' + conchConfig.getIsPlug()); console.log('======================================================'); function log(m) { console.log(m); } if (conchConfig.getOS() == "Conch-ios") { require('promise'); } function loadLib(url) { var script = document.createElement("script"); if (url.indexOf("laya.physics3D.js") >= 0) { url = url.replace("laya.physics3D.js", "laya.physics3D.runtime.js"); } script.src = url; script.onerror = function () { if (window["onLayaInitError"]) { window["onLayaInitError"]("Load script error"); } }; document.head.appendChild(script); } window['loadLib'] = loadLib; const asyncs = require("async"); function initFreeType() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var sOS = conchConfig.getOS(); var bRet = false; var sTempFontPath = conch.getCachePath() + "/runtimeFont/"; if (!fs_exists(sTempFontPath)) { fs_mkdir(sTempFontPath); } sTempFontPath += "layabox.ttf"; bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(sTempFontPath); if (bRet == false) { var assetFontData = conch.readFileFromAsset('font/layabox.ttf', 'raw'); if (assetFontData) { fs_writeFileSync(sTempFontPath, assetFontData); bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(sTempFontPath); } } if (!bRet) { if (sOS == "Conch-window") { bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile("C:/Windows/Fonts/simhei.ttf"); } else if (sOS == "Conch-android") { var fSystemVersion = navigator.sv; if (fSystemVersion >= 2.0 && fSystemVersion < 5.0) { bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile("/system/fonts/DFHEIA5A.ttf"); if (bRet == false) { bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile("/system/fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf"); } } else if (fSystemVersion >= 5.0 && fSystemVersion < 6.0) { var vDefaultStrings = []; vDefaultStrings.push("/system/fonts/NotoSansHans-Regular.otf"); vDefaultStrings.push("/system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"); bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(vDefaultStrings.join('|')); } else if (fSystemVersion >= 6.0 && fSystemVersion < 7.0) { var vDefaultStrings = []; vDefaultStrings.push("/system/fonts/NotoSansSC-Regular.otf"); vDefaultStrings.push("/system/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"); bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(vDefaultStrings.join('|')); } else if (fSystemVersion >= 7.0 && fSystemVersion < 8.0) { bRet = false; } } else if (sOS == "Conch-ios") { bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(""); } } if (bRet == false) { log('字体初始化失败,从网络下载字体...'); var data = (yield asyncs.downloadSync(location.fullpath + '/font/simhei.ttf', true, null)); if (!data) { data = (yield asyncs.downloadSync('http://runtime.layabox.com/font/simhei.ttf', true, null)); } if (!data) { alert('下载字体失败。 '); return; } fs_writeFileSync(sTempFontPath, data); bRet = conchTextCanvas.initFreeTypeDefaultFontFromFile(sTempFontPath); } if (!bRet) { log('字体初始化失败。'); } }); } function setOrientation(s) { var nameToVal = { landscape: 0, portrait: 1, user: 2, behind: 3, sensor: 4, nosensor: 5, sensor_landscape: 6, sensorLandscape: 6, sensor_portrait: 7, sensorPortrait: 7, reverse_landscape: 8, reverseLandscape: 8, reverse_portrait: 9, reversePortrait: 9, full_sensor: 10, fullSensor: 10, }; var nOri = (function (name) { try { var n = nameToVal[name]; return n || 0; } catch (e) { return 0; } })(s); conchConfig.setScreenOrientation(nOri); ; } Object.defineProperty(window, 'screenOrientation', { get: function () { return window.___screenOri; }, set: function (v) { window.___screenOri = v; setOrientation(v); } }); function startApp(data) { var jsonobj = null; try { jsonobj = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { console.log("Error:start page parse error! \n " + data); return; } jsonobj.scripts.forEach((v) => { var t = document.createElement("script"); t["src"] = v; t.onerror = function () { if (window["onLayaInitError"]) { window["onLayaInitError"]("Load script error"); } }; document.head.appendChild(t); }); if (jsonobj.screenOrientation) setOrientation(jsonobj.screenOrientation); else if (jsonobj.screenorientation) setOrientation(jsonobj.screenorientation); else setOrientation("sensor_landscape"); document.createElement("script").text = "window.onload&&window.onload()"; } function loadApp(url) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var urllen = url.length; if (urllen < 2) return; url = url.trim(); if (url.substring(urllen - 1) === '/') url = url + 'runtime.json'; url = url.replace(/.html$/i, '.json'); if (url.indexOf('http://stand.alone.version') == 0) _inline = false; if (!_inline) { url = 'http://stand.alone.version/index.js'; } console.log("loadApp:" + url); if (history.length <= 0) { history._push(url); } if (url.length < 2) return; location.setHref(url); var urlpath = location.fullpath + '/'; var cache = window.appcache = new AppCache(urlpath); document.loadCookie(); yield initFreeType(); try { require("config"); } catch (e) { } var isDccOk = true; function updateDcc() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { cache.setResourceID('appurl', urlpath); var curassets = cache.getResourceID('netassetsid'); var assetsidStr = (yield asyncs.downloadSync(urlpath + 'update/assetsid.txt?rand=' + Math.random() * Date.now(), false, null)); console.log("assetsid old:" + curassets + " new:" + assetsidStr); if (!assetsidStr) { if (curassets && curassets != "") { if (window["onLayaInitError"]) { isDccOk = false; window["onLayaInitError"]("Update DCC get assetsid error"); } } } else { if (curassets != assetsidStr) { log('need update;'); var txtdcc = ''; var bindcc = yield asyncs.downloadSync(urlpath + 'update/filetable.bin?' + assetsidStr, true, null); if (!bindcc || !(bindcc instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { txtdcc = (yield asyncs.downloadSync(urlpath + 'update/filetable.txt?' + assetsidStr, false, null)); } else { if (bindcc.byteLength % 8 != 0) { log('下载的的filetable.bin的长度不对。是不是错了。'); } else { var v = new Uint32Array(bindcc); if (v[0] != 0xffeeddcc || v[1] != 1) { log('dcc.bin file err!'); } else { if (v[2] == 0x00ffffff) { var stp = (4 + 8) / 2; var md5int = v.slice(4, 12); var md5char = new Uint8Array(md5int.buffer); var so = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, md5char); console.log('--------------------------------------------'); console.log('so=' + so); console.log('netid=' + assetsidStr); if (so == assetsidStr) { for (var ii = stp, isz = v.length / 2; ii < isz; ii++) txtdcc += v[ii * 2].toString(16) + ' ' + v[ii * 2 + 1].toString(16) + '\n'; } } else { console.log('----------------old format'); for (var ii = 1, isz = v.length / 2; ii < isz; ii++) txtdcc += v[ii * 2].toString(16) + ' ' + v[ii * 2 + 1].toString(16) + '\n'; } } } } if (txtdcc && txtdcc.length > 0) { cache.saveFileTable(txtdcc); window.appcache = cache = new AppCache(urlpath); cache.setResourceID('netassetsid', assetsidStr); } else { if (window["onLayaInitError"]) { isDccOk = false; window["onLayaInitError"]("Update DCC get filetable error"); } } } } }); } if (_inline) { yield updateDcc(); if (!isDccOk) { console.log("init dcc fail"); return; } } var data = yield asyncs.loadText(url); for (var n = 0; n < 3 && !data; n++) { data = yield asyncs.loadText(url); } if (!data) { if (window["loadingView"]) { window["loadingView"].setFontColor("#FF0000"); window["loadingView"].setTips(['网络异常,请检查您的网络或与开发商联系。']); } data = cache.loadCachedURL(url); if (!data || data.length <= 0) if (window["onLayaInitError"]) { window["onLayaInitError"]("Load start url error"); } return; } console.log(""); var qpos = url.indexOf('?'); if (qpos < 0) qpos = url.length; if (url.substr(qpos - 3, 3) === '.js') { window.eval(data + ` //@ sourceURL=${url} `); document.createElement("script").text = "window.onload&&window.onload()"; } else { startApp(data); } if (window["loadingView"] && window["loadingView"].loadingAutoClose) { window["loadingView"].hideLoadingView(); } }); } window.document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 116: reloadJS(true); break; case 117: history.back(); break; case 118: break; case 119: break; case 120: gc(); break; } }); window.loadConchUrl = loadApp; window['updateByZip'] = function (url, onEvent, onEnd) { let cachePath = conch.getCachePath(); let localfile = cachePath + url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/')); downloadBigFile(url, localfile, (total, now, speed) => { onEvent('downloading', Math.floor((now / total) * 100), null); return false; }, (curlret, httpret) => { if (curlret != 0 || httpret < 200 || httpret >= 300) { onEvent('downloadError'); } else { onEvent('downloadOK'); let zip = new ZipFile(); if (zip.setSrc(localfile)) { zip.forEach((id, name, dir, sz) => { if (!dir) { let buf = zip.readFile(id); let fid = window.appcache.hashstr('/' + name); if (window.appcache.updateFile(fid, 0, buf, false)) { onEvent('updating', null, name); } else { onEvent("updateError", null, name); } } }); zip.close(); if (onEnd) onEnd(localfile); } else { console.log("set zip src error!"); onEvent('unknownError'); } } }, 10, 100000000); }; loadApp(conch.presetUrl || "http://nativetest.layabox.com/layaplayer2.0.1/index.js"); ; return exports;})
(function(exports,global,require,__dirname,__filename){class loadingView { constructor() { this.sOS = conchConfig.getOS(); if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge = PlatformClass.createClass("JSBridge"); } else if (this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge = PlatformClass.createClass("layaair.game.browser.JSBridge"); } } set loadingAutoClose(value) { this._loadingAutoClose = value; } get loadingAutoClose() { return this._loadingAutoClose; } set showTextInfo(value) { this._showTextInfo = value; if(this.bridge) { if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge.call("showTextInfo:",value); } else if(this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge.call("showTextInfo",value); } } } get showTextInfo() { return this._showTextInfo; } bgColor(value) { if(this.bridge) { if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge.call("bgColor:",value); } else if(this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge.call("bgColor",value); } } } setFontColor(value) { if(this.bridge) { if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge.call("setFontColor:",value); } else if(this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge.call("setFontColor",value); } } } setTips(value) { if(this.bridge) { if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge.call("setTips:",value); } else if(this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge.call("setTips",value); } } } loading(value) { if(this.bridge) { if (this.sOS == "Conch-ios") { this.bridge.call("loading:",value); } else if(this.sOS == "Conch-android") { this.bridge.call("loading",value); } } } hideLoadingView() { this.bridge.call("hideSplash"); } } window.loadingView = new loadingView(); if(window.loadingView) { window.loadingView.loadingAutoClose=true;//true代表当动画播放完毕,自动进入游戏。false为开发者手动控制 window.loadingView.bgColor("#000000");//设置背景颜色 window.loadingView.setFontColor("#ffffff");//设置字体颜色 window.loadingView.setTips(["新世界的大门即将打开","敌军还有30秒抵达战场","妈妈说,心急吃不了热豆腐"]);//设置tips数组,会随机出现 } window.onLayaInitError=function(e) { console.log("onLayaInitError error=" + e); alert("加载游戏失败,可能由于您的网络不稳定,请退出重进"); }; return exports;})
(function(exports,global,require,__dirname,__filename){function async(gen) { "use strict"; var log = console.log; var g = gen(); let nr = null; function cast(value) { return value instanceof Promise && value.constructor === Promise ? value : new Promise(function () { }); } function thennext(v) { nr = g.next(v); var p = nr.value; nr.done ? (0) : cast(p).then(thennext, function (e) { console.log('async reject:' + e); thennext(null); }).catch(function (r) { alert(`${r} ${r.stack}`); }); } thennext(void 0); } exports.async = async; //延时 function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } exports.delay = delay; //下载图片 function loadImage(src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var img = new Image(); img.src = src; img.onload = () => { resolve(img); }; img.onerror = () => { //reject('file load err:' + src); resolve(null); }; }); } exports.loadImage = loadImage; //下载文本文件 function loadText(src) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', src); xhr.onload = () => { resolve(xhr.responseText); }; xhr.onerror = (e) => { //if (reject) // reject('download xhr error:' + src + '. e=' + e); resolve(null); }; xhr.send(); }); } exports.loadText = loadText; function downloadSync(url, bin, onprog) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var f = new conch_File(url); var fr = new conch_FileReader(); fr.setIgnoreError(true); fr.onload = () => { console.log('download end'); resolve(fr.result); }; fr.onerror = (e) => { console.log('onerror ' + e); //if (reject) // reject(e); resolve(null); }; fr.onprogress = onprog; if (bin) fr.readAsArrayBuffer(f); else fr.readAsText(f); }); } exports.downloadSync = downloadSync; //直到func返回true,tm是间隔 function check(func, tm) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { function checkFunc() { if (func()) { clearInterval(chker); resolve(1); } } var chker = setInterval(checkFunc, tm); }); } function regGlobal(window) { } exports.regGlobal = regGlobal; window['async'] = async; window['delay'] = delay; window['downloadSync'] = downloadSync; window['asynccheck'] = check; ; return exports;})
(function(window){ 'use strict' 'use strict'; conch["platCallBack"] = function (ret) { var objid, m, rs, c, rJSON; if (ret == null) return; objid = ret.objId; m = ret.mName; c = ret.cName; rs = ret.v; var platC; if (objid != -1) { platC = PlatformObj.objMap[objid]; } else { platC = PlatformClass.clsMap[c]; } if (platC) { var callback = platC.callBackList[m]; callback && callback(rs); } }; class PlatformBase { call(methodName, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); a.shift(); try { var rs = JSON.parse(conch.callMethod(this.objid, true, this.className, methodName, JSON.stringify(a)) || "{}"); return rs.v; } catch (e) { return null; } } callWithBack(callback, methodName, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) { this.callBackList[methodName] = callback; var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); a.splice(0, 2); try { var rs = JSON.parse(conch.callMethod(this.objid, false, this.className, methodName, JSON.stringify(a)) || "{}"); return rs.v; } catch (e) { return null; } } } class PlatformClass extends PlatformBase { constructor(clsName) { super(); this.objid = -1; this.className = clsName; this.callBackList = {}; PlatformClass.clsMap[clsName] = this; } static createClass(clsName) { return PlatformClass.clsMap[clsName] || new PlatformClass(clsName); } newObject(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); a.splice(0, 0, "<init>"); var rs = new PlatformObj(this); rs.init.apply(rs, a); return rs; } } PlatformClass.clsMap = {}; class PlatformObj extends PlatformBase { constructor(cls) { super(); this.cls = cls; this.className = cls.className; this.callBackList = {}; } init() { this.objid = PlatformObj.objNum++; this.call.apply(this, arguments) || -1; PlatformObj.objMap[this.objid] = this; } } PlatformObj.objMap = {}; PlatformObj.objNum = 0; window["PlatformClass"] = PlatformClass; window["PlatformObj"] = PlatformObj; function loadRawCache(cache, relUrl, encode) { var cpath = cache.getCachePath(); var relFile = relUrl; var id = new Uint32Array([cache.hashstr(relFile)])[0].toString(16); var fn = cpath + '/files/' + id.substr(0, 2) + '/' + id.substr(2); var ab = fs_readFileSync(fn); if (ab) { var content = new Uint8Array(ab, 48); if (encode === 'utf8') { var strCont = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, content); return strCont; } else return content.buffer; } return null; } class conchFloatArrayKeyframe { constructor() { this._nativeObj = new _conchFloatArrayKeyframe(); } set time(value) { this._nativeObj.setTime(value); } get time() { return this._nativeObj.getTime(); } set data(value) { this._data = value; this._nativeObj.setData(value); } get data() { return this._data; } set inTangent(value) { this._inTangent = value; this._nativeObj.setInTangent(this._inTangent); } get inTangent() { return this._inTangent; } set outTangent(value) { this._outTangent = value; this._nativeObj.setOutTangent(this._outTangent); } get outTangent() { return this._outTangent; } set value(v) { this._value = v; this._nativeObj.setValue(this._value); } get value() { return this._value; } clone() { let pDestObj = new conchFloatArrayKeyframe(); this.cloneTo(pDestObj); return pDestObj; } cloneTo(destObj) { destObj.inTangent = this._inTangent.slice(); destObj.outTangent = this._outTangent.slice(); destObj.value = this._value.slice(); destObj.data = this._data.slice(); } } window["conchFloatArrayKeyframe"] = conchFloatArrayKeyframe; class conchKeyframeNode { constructor() { this._keyFrameArray = []; this._type = 0; this._setKeyframeByIndex = function (index, keyframe) { this._keyFrameArray[index] = keyframe; if (keyframe instanceof (conchFloatArrayKeyframe)) { this._nativeObj._setKeyframeByIndex1(index, keyframe._nativeObj); } else { this._nativeObj._setKeyframeByIndex0(index, keyframe); } }; this._nativeObj = new _conchKeyframeNode(); } set data(value) { this._data = value; this._nativeObj.setFloat32ArrayData(this._data.elements); } get data() { return this._type == 0 ? this._nativeObj.getFloatData() : this._data; } get indexInList() { return this._nativeObj._indexInList; } set indexInList(value) { this._nativeObj._indexInList = value; } get type() { return this._type; } set type(type) { this._type = type; this._nativeObj.type = type; } get fullPath() { return this._nativeObj.fullPath; } set fullPath(path) { this._nativeObj.fullPath = path; } get propertyOwner() { return this._nativeObj.propertyOwner; } set propertyOwner(value) { this._nativeObj.propertyOwner = value; } get ownerPathCount() { return this._nativeObj.ownerPathCount; } set ownerPathCount(value) { this._nativeObj.ownerPathCount = value; } get propertyCount() { return this._nativeObj.propertyCount; } set propertyCount(value) { this._nativeObj.propertyCount = value; } get keyFramesCount() { return this._keyFrameArray.length; } set keyFramesCount(value) { this._keyFrameArray.length = value; this._nativeObj.keyFramesCount = value; } getOwnerPathCount() { return this._nativeObj.getOwnerPathCount(); } _setOwnerPathCount(value) { this._nativeObj._setOwnerPathCount(value); } getPropertyCount() { return this._nativeObj.getPropertyCount(); } _setPropertyCount(value) { this._nativeObj._setPropertyCount(value); } getKeyFramesCount() { return this._keyFrameArray.length; } _setKeyframeCount(value) { this._keyFrameArray.length = value; this._nativeObj._setKeyframeCount(value); } getOwnerPathByIndex(index) { return this._nativeObj.getOwnerPathByIndex(index); } _setOwnerPathByIndex(index, value) { this._nativeObj._setOwnerPathByIndex(index, value); } getPropertyByIndex(index) { return this._nativeObj.getPropertyByIndex(index); } _setPropertyByIndex(index, value) { this._nativeObj._setPropertyByIndex(index, value); } getKeyframeByIndex(index) { return this._nativeObj.getKeyframeByIndex(index); } _joinOwnerPath(sep) { return this._nativeObj._joinOwnerPath(sep); } _joinProperty(sep) { return this._nativeObj._joinProperty(sep); } } window["conchKeyframeNode"] = conchKeyframeNode; class conchKeyframeNodeList { constructor() { this._nodes = []; this._nativeObj = new _conchKeyframeNodeList(); } set count(value) { this._nodes.length = value; this._nativeObj.setCount(value); } get count() { return this._nodes.length; } getNodeByIndex(index) { return this._nodes[index]; } setNodeByIndex(index, node) { this._nodes[index] = node; this._nativeObj.setNodeByIndex(index, node._nativeObj); } } window["conchKeyframeNodeList"] = conchKeyframeNodeList; class textBitmap { constructor(obj) { this._nativeObj = obj; this._data = null; } get width() { return this._nativeObj.width; } get height() { return this._nativeObj.height; } get data() { return this._data; } set data(value) { this._data = value; } } window["textBitmap"] = textBitmap; conchTextCanvas["getTextBitmapData"] = function (sText, nColor, nBorderSize, nBorderColor) { var nativeObj = this._getTextBitmapData(sText, nColor, nBorderSize, nBorderColor); var pTextBitmap = new textBitmap(nativeObj); pTextBitmap.data = nativeObj.data; return pTextBitmap; }; class WindowBase64 { constructor() { this.atob = function () { return null; }; this.btoa = function () { return null; }; } } window["WindowBase64"] = WindowBase64; function _process() { this.pid = 0; this.cwd = function () { return 'd:/temp'; }; this.mainModule = 'index.js'; this.argv = ['conch.exe', 'index.js']; this.version = '1.3.1'; this._require = function (f) { console.log('process require(' + f + ')'); return function nop() { }; }; this._debugObject = {}; } window.process = new _process(); class SubtleCrypto { decrypt(algorithm, key, data) { } deriveBits(algorithm, baseKey, length) { } deriveKey(algorithm, baseKey, derivedKeyType, extractable, keyUsages) { } digest(algorithm, data) { } encrypt(algorithm, key, data) { } exportKey(format, key) { } generateKey(algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { } importKey(format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { } sign(algorithm, key, data) { } unwrapKey(format, wrappedKey, unwrappingKey, unwrapAlgorithm, unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { } verify(algorithm, key, signature, data) { } wrapKey(format, key, wrappingKey, wrapAlgorithm) { } } class Crypto { constructor() { this.subtle = new SubtleCrypto(); } getRandomValues(array) { return null; } } var LogLevel; (function (LogLevel) { LogLevel[LogLevel["Warn"] = 0] = "Warn"; LogLevel[LogLevel["Error"] = 1] = "Error"; LogLevel[LogLevel["Debug"] = 2] = "Debug"; LogLevel[LogLevel["Info"] = 3] = "Info"; LogLevel[LogLevel["Runtime"] = 4] = "Runtime"; })(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {})); class Console { constructor() { } assert(test, message) { var c = _console; if (test) { c.log(3, message); } ; } clear() { } count(countTitle) { } debug(message) { var c = _console; c.log(LogLevel.Debug, message); } dir(value) { } dirxml(value) { } error(message) { var c = _console; c.log(LogLevel.Error, message); } group(groupTitle) { } groupCollapsed(groupTitle) { } groupEnd() { } info(message) { var c = _console; c.log(LogLevel.Info, message); } log(message) { var c = _console; c.log(LogLevel.Info, message); } profile(reportName) { } profileEnd() { } select(element) { } time(timerName) { } timeEnd(timerName) { } trace(message) { } warn(message) { var c = _console; c.log(LogLevel.Warn, message); } } class GlobalEventHandlers { constructor() { } onpointercancel(ev) { return null; } onpointerdown(ev) { return null; } onpointerenter(ev) { return null; } onpointerleave(ev) { return null; } onpointermove(ev) { return null; } onpointerout(ev) { return null; } onpointerover(ev) { return null; } onpointerup(ev) { return null; } } class ErrorEvent { constructor() { } initErrorEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, messageArg, filenameArg, linenoArg) { } } class Event { constructor(type, eventInitDict) { this._propagationStopped = false; this.type = type; this.timeStamp = Date.now(); this.bubbles = false; this.cancelable = false; this.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET; if (eventInitDict) { this.bubbles = eventInitDict.bubbles; this.cancelable = eventInitDict.cancelable; } } initEvent(eventTypeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg) { this.type = eventTypeArg; this.bubbles = canBubbleArg; this.cancelable = cancelableArg; } preventDefault() { if (!this.cancelable) return; this.defaultPrevented = true; } stopImmediatePropagation() { } stopPropagation() { this._propagationStopped = true; } } Event.AT_TARGET = 2; Event.BUBBLING_PHASE = 3; Event.CAPTURING_PHASE = 1; var _lbEvent = window['Event'] = Event; var _lbMap = Map; class EventTarget { constructor() { this._evtMaps = new _lbMap(); this.removeEventListener = (type, listener, useCapture) => { var listeners = this._evtMaps.get(type); if (!listeners) return; var newlisteners = []; for (var i = 0, sz = listeners.length; i < sz; i++) { if (listeners[i].listener != listener || listeners[i].useCapture != useCapture) { newlisteners.push(listeners[i]); } } this._evtMaps.set(type, newlisteners); }; this.dispatchEvent = this._dispatchEvent.bind(this); this.fireEventListeners = this._fireEventListeners.bind(this); } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { var listeners = this._evtMaps.get(type) || []; listeners.push({ obj: this, listener: listener, useCapture: useCapture }); this._evtMaps.set(type, listeners); } _dispatchEvent(evt) { this.fireEventListeners(evt); return !evt.defaultPrevented; } _fireEventListeners(evt) { var listeners = this._evtMaps.get(evt.type); if (listeners) { listeners.forEach(function (listener) { switch (evt.eventPhase) { case Event.CAPTURING_PHASE: if (listener.useCapture && listener.listener) listener.listener.call(listener.obj, evt); break; case Event.AT_TARGET: if (listener.listener) listener.listener.call(listener.obj, evt); break; case Event.BUBBLING_PHASE: if (!listener.useCapture && listener.listener) listener.listener.call(listener.obj, evt); break; } }); } } } class UIEvent extends Event { constructor(type, eventInitDict) { super(type); this.bubbles = true; if (eventInitDict) { this.initUIEvent(type, eventInitDict.bubbles, eventInitDict.cancelable, eventInitDict.view, eventInitDict.detail); } } initUIEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg) { this.type = typeArg; this.cancelable = canBubbleArg; this.cancelable = cancelableArg; this.view = viewArg; this.detail = detailArg; } } class PointerEvent { constructor(typeArg, eventInitDict) { } } class MouseEvent extends UIEvent { constructor(typeArg, eventInitDict) { super(typeArg, eventInitDict); if (eventInitDict) { for (var v in eventInitDict) { this[v] = eventInitDict[v]; } } } getModifierState(keyArg) { return false; } initMouseEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg, buttonArg, relatedTargetArg) { var args = arguments; ['type', 'bubbles', 'cancelable', 'view', 'detail', 'screenX', 'screenY', 'clientX', 'clientY', 'ctrlKey', 'altKey', 'shiftKey', 'metaKey', 'button', 'relatedTarget'].forEach((v, i, a) => { this[v] = args[i]; }); } } var _lbMouseEvent = window['MouseEvent'] = MouseEvent; class MouseWheelEvent extends MouseEvent { initMouseWheelEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, buttonArg, relatedTargetArg, modifiersListArg, wheelDeltaArg) { } constructor() { super("mousewheel"); } } class WheelEvent extends MouseEvent { constructor(typeArg, eventInitDict) { super(typeArg, eventInitDict); if (eventInitDict) { this.deltaMode = eventInitDict.deltaMode; this.deltaX = eventInitDict.deltaX; this.deltaY = eventInitDict.deltaY; this.deltaZ = eventInitDict.deltaZ; } } getCurrentPoint(element) { } initWheelEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg, screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg, buttonArg, relatedTargetArg, modifiersListArg, deltaXArg, deltaYArg, deltaZArg, deltaMode) { } } WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE = 1; WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE = 2; WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL = 0; class Touch { constructor() { } } class TouchList extends Array { item(index) { return this[index]; } } class DeviceMotionEvent extends Event { constructor() { super('devicemotion'); } initDeviceMotionEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval) { } } window["DeviceMotionEvent"] = DeviceMotionEvent; class DeviceOrientationEvent extends Event { constructor() { super('deviceorientation'); } initDeviceOrientationEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, alpha, beta, gamma, absolute) { } } window["DeviceOrientationEvent"] = DeviceOrientationEvent; class DocumentEvent { constructor() { } createEvent(eventInterface) { return null; } } class ProgressEvent extends Event { constructor(type) { super(type); } initProgressEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, lengthComputableArg, loadedArg, totalArg) { this.type = typeArg; this.cancelBubble = canBubbleArg; this.cancelable = cancelableArg; this.lengthComputable = lengthComputableArg; this.loaded = loadedArg; this.total = totalArg; } } var _lbProgressEvent = window["ProgressEvent"] = ProgressEvent; var VendorIDSource; (function (VendorIDSource) { VendorIDSource[VendorIDSource["bluetooth"] = 0] = "bluetooth"; VendorIDSource[VendorIDSource["usb"] = 1] = "usb"; })(VendorIDSource || (VendorIDSource = {})); ; class BluetoothDevice { connectGATT() { return null; } } class Bluetooth extends EventTarget { requestDevice(options) { return null; } } class Gamepad { } class GamepadEvent extends Event { } class Storage { constructor() { this.storagePath = conchConfig.getStoragePath(); this.filename = ''; this.db = {}; this._len = 0; } get length() { return this._len; } getItem(key) { return this.db[key] || null; } key(index) { var keys = Object.keys(this.db); keys.sort(); return keys[index] || null; } removeItem(key) { if (this.db[key]) this._len--; delete this.db[key]; this.savedb(); } _setItem(key, data) { if (this.db[key] == null) this._len++; this.db[key] = data; } setItem(key, data) { this._setItem(key, data); this.savedb(); } create(url) { url = location.fullpath; if (location.protocol == "file:") { this.filename = url.substring(8).replace(/:/g, '_').replace(/[\\\/]/g, '__'); this.fileNamePre = this.storagePath + '/' + this.filename; } else { this.fileNamePre = this.storagePath + '/' + url.split('/')[2].replace(':', '_'); } this.filename = this.fileNamePre + '.txt'; var strdb = readFileSync(this.filename, 'utf8') || '{}'; var db = JSON.parse(strdb); for (var v in db) { this._setItem(v, db[v]); } return this; } onChange(changes) { if (changes && changes.length) { } } clear() { this.db = {}; this.savedb(); } savedb() { writeStrFileSync(this.filename, JSON.stringify(this.db)); } } window["Storage"] = Storage; class WindowLocalStorage { constructor() { this.localStorage = new Storage(); } } class WindowSessionStorage { getItem(i) { return this[i] || null; } setItem(i, b) { this[i] = b; } } window.loadLocalStorage = function (url) { return new Storage().create(url); }; class _Cookie { constructor() { this.domain = ""; } static addCookie(s) { var result = _Cookie.sreg.exec(s); if (result == null) { console.warn("设置cookie无效"); return null; } else { var temp = new _Cookie(); temp.key = result[1]; temp.value = result[2]; if (result[4]) { temp.expires = new Date(result[4]); } return temp; } } static pushCookie(c) { if (!c.isValid()) return false; for (var i = 0, len = _Cookie.cookies.length; i < len; i++) { var temp = _Cookie.cookies[i]; if (temp.key == c.key) { _Cookie.cookies[i] = c; return true; } } _Cookie.cookies.push(c); return true; } static flush() { writeStrFileSync(document._cookiePath, _Cookie.getString("in", "\"")); } static getString(type, joinstr) { var a = []; for (var i = 0, len = _Cookie.cookies.length; i < len; i++) { var temp = _Cookie.cookies[i]; if (temp.isValid()) { a.push(temp.toLocalString(type)); } else { _Cookie.cookies.slice(i, 1); i--; len--; } } return a.join(joinstr); } static toLocalString() { return _Cookie.getString("out", "; "); } isValid() { if (this.expires && (this.expires.getTime() < Date.now())) { return false; } return true; } static init(s) { if (s) { var temp = s.split("\""); for (var i = 0, len = temp.length; i < len; i++) { var t = _Cookie.addCookie(temp[i]); console.warn(">>>>>>>>>>addCookie" + temp[i]); if (t) { t.value = decodeURIComponent(t.value); t.domain = decodeURIComponent(t.domain); } _Cookie.pushCookie(t); } } } toLocalString(type) { switch (type) { case "in": return this.key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(this.value) + "; expires=" + this.expires.toGMTString() + "; domain=" + encodeURIComponent(this.domain); case "out": return this.key + "=" + this.value; default: return null; } } } _Cookie.cookies = []; _Cookie.sreg = new RegExp("([^=]*)\\s*=\\s*([^;]*)\\s*;\\s*(expires\\s*=\\s*(.{23,26}GMT)|)"); class KeyboardEvent extends UIEvent { constructor(typeArg, eventInitDict) { super(typeArg); if (eventInitDict) { var ini = eventInitDict; this.altKey = eventInitDict.altKey; this.initKeyboardEvent(typeArg, ini.bubbles, ini.cancelable, ini.view, ini.key, ini.location, null, ini.repeat, null); } } initKeyboardEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, keyArg, locationArg, modifiersListArg, repeat, locale) { this.type = typeArg; this.cancelable = canBubbleArg; this.cancelable = cancelableArg; this.key = keyArg; this.location = locationArg; this.locale = locale; } } KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 1; KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD = 3; KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT = 2; KeyboardEvent.DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD = 0; var _lbKeyboardEvent = window["KeyboardEvent"] = KeyboardEvent; (function (layaDoc) { 'use strict'; var APP_TOUCH_DOWN = 0; var APP_TOUCH_UP = 1; var APP_TOUCH_MOV = 2; var APP_TOUCH_PT_DOWN = 5; var APP_TOUCH_PT_UP = 6; var m_vTouchs = []; class touchEvt extends UIEvent { constructor(type, id, name, x, y) { super(''); this.changedTouches = []; this.touches = []; this.targetTouches = this.changedTouches; var touch = new Touch(); touch.identifier = id; touch.pageX = touch.screenX = touch.clientX = x; touch.pageY = touch.screenY = touch.clientY = y; this.changedTouches.push(touch); switch (type) { case APP_TOUCH_DOWN: case APP_TOUCH_PT_DOWN: m_vTouchs.push(touch); break; case APP_TOUCH_PT_UP: { var epos = 0; var tnum = m_vTouchs.length; while (epos < tnum) { var ce = m_vTouchs[epos]; if (ce.identifier == id) { break; } epos++; } if (epos >= tnum) { } else { m_vTouchs.splice(epos, 1); } } break; case APP_TOUCH_MOV: { var tnum = m_vTouchs.length; var ti = 0; while (ti < tnum) { var ce = m_vTouchs[ti]; if (ce.identifier == id) { m_vTouchs[ti] = touch; break; } ti++; } } break; case APP_TOUCH_UP: m_vTouchs = []; break; } this.touches = m_vTouchs; switch (type) { case 0: case 5: this.type = "touchstart"; break; case 1: case 6: this.type = "touchend"; break; case 2: this.type = "touchmove"; break; } } } var joystickEvt = function (TL_xOffset, TL_yOffset, TR_xOffset, TR_yOffset, LT_Offset, RT_Offset) { this.THUMBL_xOffset = TL_xOffset; this.THUMBL_yOffset = TL_yOffset; this.THUMBR_xOffset = TR_xOffset; this.THUMBR_yOffset = TR_yOffset; this.LT_Offset = LT_Offset; this.RT_Offset = RT_Offset; }; var keyEvt = function (name, code, keychar, flag) { this.type = name; this.keyCode = code; this.keyChar = keychar; this.altKey = flag & 0x1; this.shiftKey = (flag & 0x2) != 0; this.ctrlKey = (flag & 0x4) != 0; this.preventDefault = function () { }; }; conch.setTouchEvtFunction((touchtype, id, etype, x, y) => { if (conch.disableMultiTouch && id != 0) return; var doc = window.document; if (!doc) { console.log('touch event cant dispatch!'); return; } var evt = new touchEvt(touchtype, id, etype, x, y); evt.target = doc.pickElement(x, y); doc.dispatchEvent(evt); }); function keyEventHandle() { var ke = new _lbKeyboardEvent(''); return function (type, keycode, keychar, AltShiftCtrl) { var doc = window.document; if (!doc) return; var keyinit = {}; var kc = String.fromCharCode(keycode); ke.defaultPrevented = false; ke._propagationStopped = false; ke.type = type; ke.key = kc; ke.keyCode = keycode; ke.altKey = (AltShiftCtrl & 0x4) != 0; ke.shiftKey = (AltShiftCtrl & 0x2) != 0; ke.ctrlKey = (AltShiftCtrl & 0x1) != 0; ke.target = doc._topElement; doc.dispatchEvent(ke); if (!ke.defaultPrevented) { var f = doc['on' + type]; if (f) { f.call(doc, ke); } } }; } conch.setKeyEvtFunction(keyEventHandle()); conch.setMouseEvtFunction(function (touchtype, type, x, y, wheel) { var doc = window.document; if (!doc) { console.log('mouse event cant dispatch!'); return; } var target = doc.pickElement(x, y); if (wheel != 0) { var evt1 = new MouseWheelEvent(); evt1.clientX = evt1.pageX = evt1.screenX = x; evt1.clientY = evt1.pageY = evt1.screenY = y; evt1.target = target; evt1.wheelDelta = wheel; doc.dispatchEvent(evt1); } else { var evt; switch (touchtype) { case 10: evt = new _lbMouseEvent("mousedown"); evt.button = 1; break; case 11: evt = new _lbMouseEvent("mouseup"); evt.button = 1; break; default: evt = new _lbMouseEvent(type); evt.button = 0; break; } evt.clientX = evt.pageX = evt.screenX = x; evt.clientY = evt.pageY = evt.screenY = y; evt.target = target; doc.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); conch.otherBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(40); conch.otherDataView = new DataView(conch.otherBuffer); conch.setBuffer(conch.otherBuffer); conch.setDeviceMotionEvtFunction(function (type, ra, rb, rg) { if ((typeof ra) != "undefined") { var e = new DeviceOrientationEvent(); e.alpha = ra; e.beta = rb; e.gamma = rg; window.dispatchEvent(e); } else { var d = conch.otherDataView; var evt = new DeviceMotionEvent(); evt.acceleration = { x: d.getFloat32(0, true), y: d.getFloat32(4, true), z: d.getFloat32(8, true) }; evt.accelerationIncludingGravity = { x: d.getFloat32(12, true), y: d.getFloat32(16, true), z: d.getFloat32(20, true) }; evt.rotationRate = { alpha: d.getFloat32(24, true), beta: d.getFloat32(28, true), gamma: d.getFloat32(32, true) }; evt.interval = d.getFloat32(36, true); window.dispatchEvent(evt); } }); setJoystickEvtFunction(function (type, thumbL_xoff, thumbL_yoff, thumbR_xoff, thumbR_yoff, LT_offset, RT_offset) { }); conch.setNetworkEvtFunction(function (type) { var event = new Event("network"); event["code"] = type; document.dispatchEvent(event); }); })(window.document); class Navigator { get appName() { return 'Netscape'; } get appVersion() { return this.userAgent; } ; get platform() { return window.layabox.devinfo.os; } ; get userAgent() { var os = window.layabox.devinfo.os; if (os == "ios") return "LayaBox(iPhone; CPU iPhone OS Mac OS X)"; else if (os == "android") return "LayaBox Android"; else return 'LayaBox/2.1'; } ; get sv() { var v = window.layabox.devinfo.osversion; var t = parseFloat(v); if (isNaN(t)) { t = v.charCodeAt(0) - 71; } return t; } ; get appCodeName() { return 'Mozilla'; } get language() { return 'zh-CN'; } ; get userLanguage() { return 'zh-CN'; } constructor() { } getGamepads() { return null; } javaEnabled() { return false; } vibrate(pattern) { return false; } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { } } class Node extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this._childs = []; this._zip = 0; this._z = 0; this.nodeType = 1; this._zip = Node._nodeid++; } get firstChild() { return this._childs ? this._childs[0] : null; } set firstChild(node) { } get childNodes() { return this._childs; } set childNodes(nodes) { } insertBefore(newChild, oldChild) { this.appendChild(newChild); } appendChild(newChild) { if (newChild == null) return null; if (newChild == this) return; if (this._childs.indexOf(newChild) < 0) { this._childs.push(newChild); } newChild.parentNode = this; newChild._z = this._z + 1; var doc = newChild.ownerDocument || this.ownerDocument; if (doc && newChild._z >= doc._topElement._z && newChild instanceof HTMLCanvasElement && !(window.document._topElement instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { var ele = newChild; if (ele.__visible) { window.document._topElement = newChild; } } return newChild; } cloneNode(deep) { if (deep) { deep = false; } function clone(obj) { if (typeof (obj) != 'object' || obj == null) return obj; var newObj = Object.create(obj.__proto__); for (var i in obj) { if (!deep) newObj[i] = obj[i]; else newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]); } return newObj; } return clone(this); } removeChild(oldChild) { var p = this._childs.indexOf(oldChild); if (p >= 0) { this._childs.splice(p, 1); if (window.document._topElement == oldChild) window.document._topElement = oldChild.parentElement; oldChild.parentNode = null; oldChild.parentElement = null; return oldChild; } else return null; } getAncestorsNode() { var ret = new Array(); var obj = this; while (obj.parentNode) { ret.push(obj.parentNode); obj = obj.parentNode; } return ret; } } Node._nodeid = 0; class NodeSelector { querySelector(selectors) { return null; } querySelectorAll(selectors) { return []; } } class ChildNode { constructor() { } remove() { } } class ElementTraversal { constructor() { } } class Element extends Node { constructor() { super(); this.__visible = true; } set id(s) { this._id = s; document.all.push(this); } get id() { return this._id; } setAttribute(name, value) { if (!this._attribs) this._attribs = []; this._attribs[name] = value; } getAttribute(name) { return this._attribs ? this._attribs[name] : null; } } applyMixins(Element, [Node, GlobalEventHandlers, ElementTraversal, NodeSelector, ChildNode]); var ns_Timer; (function (ns_Timer) { class timerobj { constructor(curtm, interval, obj, func, args, num) { this.del = false; this.interval = (interval < 18) ? -1 : interval; if (Math.abs(conch.maxInterval - interval) < 1) this.interval = -1; this.tm = curtm + interval; this.obj = obj; this.func = func; this.args = args; this.num = num; } } var timerqueue = function () { this.AniFrame = []; this.tmq = new Array(); this.addTimer = function (tm, obj, func, args, num) { var tmobj = new timerobj(Date.now(), tm, obj, func, args, num); this.tmq.push(tmobj); return tmobj; }; this.delTimer = function (obj) { for (var i = 0, sz = this.tmq.length; i < sz; i++) { if (this.tmq[i] === obj) { this.tmq[i].del = true; break; } } }; this.update = function () { this.curtm = Date.now(); var i = 0; var btmq = []; for (var sz = this.tmq.length; i < sz; i++) { var ctm = this.tmq[i]; if (ctm.del) continue; var dt = ctm.tm - this.curtm; if (dt < 0 || ctm.interval < 0 || Math.abs(conch.maxInterval - ctm.interval) < 1) { if (typeof (ctm.func) === 'function') { ctm.func.apply(null, ctm.obj); } else { eval(ctm.func); } if (ctm.num < 0 || --ctm.num > 0) { if (dt < 0) dt = 0; ctm.tm = dt + this.curtm + ctm.interval; btmq.push(ctm); } } else { btmq.push(ctm); } } this.tmq.splice(0, sz); this.tmq = this.tmq.concat(btmq); }; }; var gTimerQueue = new timerqueue(); class _WindowTimersExtension { clearImmediate(handle) { } setImmediate(expression) { return 0; } } ns_Timer._WindowTimersExtension = _WindowTimersExtension; class _WindowTimers extends _WindowTimersExtension { constructor() { super(); } clearInterval(handle) { gTimerQueue.delTimer(handle); } clearTimeout(handle) { gTimerQueue.delTimer(handle); } setInterval(handler, timeout, parm) { var b = _WindowTimers.ET; if (arguments.length > 2) { b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); b.splice(0, 2); handler.arg = b; } return gTimerQueue.addTimer(timeout, b, handler, null, -1); } setTimeout(handler, timeout, parm) { if (!timeout) timeout = 0; var b = _WindowTimers.ET; if (arguments.length > 2) { b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); b.splice(0, 2); handler.arg = b; } return gTimerQueue.addTimer(timeout, b, handler, null, 1); } } _WindowTimers.ET = []; ns_Timer._WindowTimers = _WindowTimers; var animfrm = 0; function requestAnimationFrame(callback) { var id = animfrm++; gTimerQueue.AniFrame.push({ id: id, func: callback }); if (!gTimerQueue.AniFrameStTm) gTimerQueue.AniFrameStTm = Date.now(); return id; } ns_Timer.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; function cancelAnimationFrame(handle) { } ns_Timer.cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame; var framCount = 0; var fpsTimeout = 0; conch.setOnFrame(function () { if (framCount % 30 == 0) { var cur = Date.now(); var space = (cur - fpsTimeout) / 30; fpsTimeout = cur; window["conchFps"] && window["conchFps"].render(Math.round(1000 / space)); } framCount++; gTimerQueue.update(); if (document) document.onframeend(); }); conch.setOnDraw((vsync) => { var curAnimFrms = gTimerQueue.AniFrame; gTimerQueue.AniFrame = []; curAnimFrms.forEach(function (af) { if (af.del) return; af.func(vsync); }); }); })(ns_Timer || (ns_Timer = {})); var WindowTimers = ns_Timer._WindowTimers; var requestAnimationFrame = ns_Timer.requestAnimationFrame; var cancelAnimationFrame = ns_Timer.cancelAnimationFrame; class Location { constructor() { this._nativeObj = conch; this.setHref = (url) => { if (!url || url.length < 8) { alert("您的地址不符合要求"); return; } var s = new RegExp("(http|file|https)://([^/:]*)(:(\\d+)|)([^?]+)(.*|)", "g"); var result; if ((result = s.exec(url)) != null) { this._href = result[0]; this._hostname = result[2]; this._host = result[2] + result[3]; this._pathname = result[5]; this._port = result[4]; this._search = result[6]; this._protocol = result[1] + ":"; this._origin = this._protocol + "//" + this._host; var i = this._pathname ? this._pathname.lastIndexOf("/") : -1; if (i != -1) { var temp = this._pathname.substring(0, i); this._fullpath = this._origin + temp; } else { this._fullpath = this._origin + this._pathname; } } else { alert("您的地址不符合要求"); } this.bk_setHref(url); window.localStorage.create(this._fullpath + '/'); }; this.bk_setHref = this._nativeObj.setHref.bind(this._nativeObj); } get hostname() { return this._hostname; } get host() { return this._host; } get fullpath() { return this._fullpath; } get pathname() { return this._pathname; } get protocol() { return this._protocol; } get search() { return this._search; } get port() { return this._port; } get origin() { return this._origin; } get href() { return this._href; } set href(url) { url = this.normalizeUrl(url); var oldhref = this._href; if (url != oldhref) { this.setHref(url); if (this._href != oldhref) reloadJS(true); } } setBaseHref(basehref) { } getBaseHref() { return ""; } assign(url) { } reload(forcedReload) { reloadJS(forcedReload); } replace(url) { } toString() { return this._href; } normalizeUrl(url) { url = url.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (url[0] === '/') url = 'file://' + url; else if (url[1] === ':') url = 'file:///' + url; return url.trim(); } parseQuery(url) { var ret = {}; var p1 = url.indexOf('?'); if (p1 < 0) return null; var q = url.substr(p1 + 1); q && q.split('&').forEach((v, i, a) => { var kv = v.split('='); if (kv.length === 2) { ret[kv[0].trim()] = kv[1].trim(); } }); return ret; } resolve(fileName) { var urlcache = Location.__urlCache__[fileName]; if (urlcache != null) return urlcache; if (fileName == null) { return ""; } if (fileName.indexOf("//") == 0) { return this.protocol + fileName; } if (fileName.indexOf("file:///") == 0 || fileName.indexOf("http://") == 0 || fileName.indexOf("https://") == 0) return fileName; if ((fileName.charAt(1) == ':' && fileName.charAt(2) == '/')) fileName = "file://" + fileName; if (fileName.charAt(0) == "/") { return this._origin + fileName; } var basePath = this._fullpath; var urlfull = basePath + "/" + fileName; urlcache = Location.__urlCache__[urlfull]; if (urlcache != null) return urlcache; if (fileName.indexOf("://") < 0) fileName = basePath + "/" + fileName; var urls = fileName.split("/"); urls[1] = ""; var str, i = 2, size = urls.length; while (i < size) { str = urls[i]; if (str == null) break; if (str == '' || str == '.') { urls.splice(i, 1); continue; } if (str == "..") { if (i <= 3 && this._protocol != "file:") { urls.splice(i, 1); } else { urls.splice(i - 1, 2); i -= 1; } continue; } i += 1; } fileName = urls.join("/"); Location.__urlCache__[fileName] = fileName; Location.__urlCache__[urlfull] = fileName; return fileName; } } Location.__urlCache__ = {}; function applyMixins(derivedCtor, baseCtors) { baseCtors.forEach(baseCtor => { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(baseCtor.prototype).forEach(name => { if (name !== 'constructor') { derivedCtor.prototype[name] = baseCtor.prototype[name]; } }); }); } class IDBEnvironment { } class _Window extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this.timer = new WindowTimers(); this.clearInterval = this.timer.clearInterval; this.clearTimeout = this.timer.clearTimeout; this.setInterval = this.timer.setInterval; this.setTimeout = this.timer.setTimeout; this._removeEventListener = this.removeEventListener; this.removeEventListener = this.removeEventListenernew; } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { if (type == "devicemotion" || type == "deviceorientation") { conch.setSensorAble(true); } super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); } removeEventListenernew(type, listener, useCapture) { this._removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); if (type == "devicemotion" || type == "deviceorientation") { var de = this._evtMaps.get("devicemotion"); var deo = this._evtMaps.get("deviceorientation"); if ((!de || de.length == 0) && (!deo || deo.length == 0)) { conch.setSensorAble(false); } } } } class XMLHttpRequest extends EventTarget { constructor() { super(); this._hasReqHeader = false; this.withCredentials = false; this.setResponseHeader = function (name, value) { this._head = value; }; this.xhr = new _XMLHttpRequest(); this._readyState = 0; this._responseText = this._response = this._responseType = this._url = ""; this._responseType = "text"; this._method = "GET"; this.xhr._t = this; this.xhr.set_onreadystatechange(function (r) { var _t = this._t; if (r == 1) { _t._readyState = 1; } if (_t._onrchgcb) { var e = new _lbEvent("readystatechange"); e.target = _t; _t._onrchgcb(e); } var ev; if (_t._status == 200) { ev = new _lbEvent("load"); ev.target = _t; _t.dispatchEvent(ev); } else if (_t._status == 404) { ev = new _lbEvent("error"); ev.target = _t; _t.dispatchEvent(ev); } }); } setRequestHeader(name, value) { this.xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); this._hasReqHeader = true; } getAllResponseHeaders() { return this._head; } get responseText() { return this._responseText; } get response() { return this._response; } get responseType() { return this._responseType; } set responseType(type) { this._responseType = type; if (type == 'blob') { this.xhr.responseTypeCode = 4; } else if (type == 'arraybuffer') { this.xhr.responseTypeCode = 5; } else { this.xhr.responseTypeCode = 1; } } get url() { return this._url; } get async() { return this._async; } get readyState() { return this._readyState; } get status() { return this._status; } _loadsus() { var e = new _lbEvent("load"); e.target = this; this._onloadcb(e); } set onreadystatechange(listen) { this._onrchgcb = listen; if (listen == null) return; if (this._readyState != 0) { var e = new _lbEvent("readystatechange"); e.target = this; this._onrchgcb(e); } } get onreadystatechange() { return this._onrchgcb; } set onload(listen) { this._onloadcb = listen; if (listen == null) return; if (this._readyState == 4 && this._status == 200) { this._loadsus(); } } get onload() { return this._onloadcb; } getResponseHeader() { return this._head; } open(type, url, async) { console.log('xhr.' + type + ' url=' + url); if (!url) return; type = type.toUpperCase(); async = true; url = location.resolve(url); this._method = (type === 'POST' ? 'POST' : 'GET'); this._url = url; this._async = (async == null || async == undefined || async == true) ? true : false; this.xhr._open(this._method, this._url, this._async); } overrideMimeType(mime) { if (this._responseType == "text" || this._responseText == "") this._responseType = "arraybuffer"; this.xhr.mimeType = "1"; } send(body) { if (body) { if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(body) || body instanceof DataView) this._responseType = 'arraybuffer'; else if (body instanceof Object) { body = JSON.stringify(body); } } this.xhr._t = this; var onPostLoad = function (buf, strbuf) { var _t = this._t; if (_t.responseType == 'arraybuffer') { _t._response = buf; _t._responseText = strbuf; } else { _t._response = _t._responseText = buf; } _t._readyState = 4; _t._status = 200; _t.xhr._changeState(4); if (_t._onloadcb) { _t._loadsus(); } onPostLoad.ref = onPostError.ref = null; }; var onPostError = function (e1, e2) { var _t = this._t; _t._readyState = 4; _t._status = 404; _t.xhr._changeState(4); if (_t.onerror) { var ev = new _lbEvent("error"); ev.target = _t; ev['ecode1'] = e1; ev['ecode2'] = e2; _t.onerror(ev); } onPostLoad.ref = onPostError.ref = null; }; if (this._method == 'POST' && body) { onPostLoad.ref = onPostError.ref = this.xhr; this.xhr.setPostCB(onPostLoad, onPostError); this.xhr.postData(this.url, body); } else if (this._hasReqHeader) { onPostLoad.ref = onPostError.ref = this.xhr; this.xhr.setPostCB(onPostLoad, onPostError); this.xhr.getData(this.url); } else { var file = new conch_File(this.url); var fileRead = new FileReader(); fileRead.sync = !this.async; if (this._responseType == "text" || this._responseType == "TEXT") { fileRead.responseType = 0; } else if (this._responseType == "arraybuffer") { fileRead.responseType = 1; } else { console.log("XMLhttpRequest 暂不支持的类型 responseType=" + this.responseType); } fileRead._t = this; fileRead.onload = function () { var _t = this._t; if (_t._responseType == "arraybuffer") { _t._response = this.result; } else { _t._response = _t._responseText = this.result; if (_t._responseType == "json") { _t._response = JSON.parse(this.result); } } if (_t.xhr.mimeType) { var u8arr = new Uint8Array(_t._response); var strret = ""; u8arr.forEach((v, i, arr) => { if (v >= 0x80) { strret += String.fromCharCode(0xf700 | v); } else if (v == 0) { strret += '\0'; } else { strret += String.fromCharCode(v); } }); _t._responseText = strret; } _t._readyState = 4; _t._status = 200; _t.xhr._changeState(4); if (_t._onloadcb) { _t._loadsus(); } fileRead.onload = null; fileRead.onerror = null; }; fileRead.onerror = function () { var _t = this._t; _t._readyState = 4; _t._status = 404; _t.xhr._changeState(4); if (_t.onerror) { var ev = new _lbEvent("error"); ev.target = _t; _t.onerror(ev); } fileRead.onload = null; fileRead.onerror = null; }; if (this.onerror) { fileRead.setIgnoreError(true); } if (this.responseType == "arraybuffer") fileRead.readAsArrayBuffer(file); else fileRead.readAsText(file); } } } window.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest; class CanvasRenderingContext { constructor(c) { this.canvas = c; this.gl = LayaGLContext.instance; } setSize(w, h) { if (this._width != w || this._height != h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; if (this.canvas._isFirst) { this.gl.setMainContextSize(this._width, this._height); } } } clear() { this.gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0); this.gl.clear(this.gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | this.gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | this.gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); } toBase64(type, encoderOptions, callback) { } getImageData(x, y, w, h, callBack) { } drawImage(...args) { } destroy() { this.canvas = null; this.gl = null; } } window["CanvasRenderingContext"] = CanvasRenderingContext; class ColorUtil { static getColorNum(str) { if (!str) return 0; if (typeof (str) == "number") { if (str >= 0xFFFFFF) return str; return str | 0xFF000000; } var len; if (str[0] == "#") { var r = ColorUtil.getRGBByRGBStr(str); if (r) { return parseInt(r, 16); } else return NaN; } else if (str.indexOf("rgb") != -1) { return ColorUtil.getColNum(str, true); } else if (str.indexOf("hsl") != -1) { return ColorUtil.getColNum(str, false); } else { var c = ColorUtil._COLOR_MAP[str]; return c ? ColorUtil.getColorNum(c) : NaN; } } static getColNum(c, isRgb) { var temp, i, s, result = [], st; var t = isRgb ? ColorUtil.RGBReg.exec(c) : ColorUtil.HSLReg.exec(c); if (t) { var r = t[2].split(","); i = 0; s = r.length; while (i < s) { result[i] = parseFloat(r[i]); i++; } var ta = result; if (!isRgb) { ta = ColorUtil.hsl2rgb(result[0] / 360, result[1] / 100, result[2] / 100); } if (i == 3 && !t[1]) { return 0xff000000 + (ta[0] << 16) + (ta[1] << 8) + ta[2]; } else if (i == 4 && t[1]) { return parseInt(Math.floor(0xff * result[3]).toString(16) + "000000", 16) + (ta[0] << 16) + (ta[1] << 8) + ta[2]; } return NaN; } else return NaN; } static getRGBByRGBStr(str) { str = str.substr(1); var i, len = str.length, result; switch (len) { case 3: result = "ff"; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { result += str[i] + str[i]; } break; case 6: result = "ff" + str; default: break; } return result; } static toHexColor(color) { if (color < 0 || isNaN(color)) return null; if (color > 0xff000000) { color -= 0xff000000; } else { return "rgba(" + (color >> 16 & 0xff) + "," + (color >> 8 & 0xff) + "," + (color & 0xff) + "," + ((color >> 24 & 0xff) / 0xff) + ")"; } var str = color.toString(16); while (str.length < 6) str = "0" + str; return "#" + str; } static hsl2rgb(h, s, l) { var r, g, b; if (s == 0) { r = g = b = l; } else { function hue2rgb(p, q, t) { if (t < 0) t += 1; if (t > 1) t -= 1; if (t < 1 / 6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if (t < 1 / 2) return q; if (t < 2 / 3) return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6; return p; } var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; var p = 2 * l - q; r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3); } return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)]; } } ColorUtil._COLOR_MAP = { "white": '#FFFFFF', "red": '#FF0000', "green": '#00FF00', "blue": '#0000FF', "black": '#000000', "yellow": '#FFFF00', 'gray': '#AAAAAA' }; ColorUtil.RGBReg = new RegExp("rgb([a]{0,1})\\s*[(]([\\d,.\\s-]*)?[)]"); ColorUtil.HSLReg = new RegExp("hsl([a]{0,1})\\s*[(]([\\d,.\\s-%]*)?[)]"); class ParamData { constructor(sz, bSyncRenderThread, bOnly16) { bOnly16 = bOnly16 ? bOnly16 : false; this._data = new ArrayBuffer(sz); if (!bOnly16) { this._int32Data = new Int32Array(this._data); this._float32Data = new Float32Array(this._data); this._int8Data = new Uint8Array(this._data); } this._int16Data = new Int16Array(this._data); LayaGLContext.createArrayBufferRef(this._data, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, bSyncRenderThread); } getPtrID() { return this._data["_ptrID"]; } getByteLength() { return this._data.byteLength; } } class ProgramLocationTable { constructor() { this._fakeLocationNum = 0; this._map = {}; } getFakeLocation(fakeProgramID, name) { var key = fakeProgramID + "-" + name; var fakeID = this._map[key]; if (!fakeID) { fakeID = this._fakeLocationNum++; this._map[key] = fakeID; } return fakeID; } } var FUNCTION_ID; (function (FUNCTION_ID) { FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX2FVEX"] = 0] = "UNIFORMMATRIX2FVEX"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX3FVEX"] = 1] = "UNIFORMMATRIX3FVEX"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX4FVEX"] = 2] = "UNIFORMMATRIX4FVEX"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ADDSHADERUNIFORM"] = 3] = "ADDSHADERUNIFORM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS"] = 4] = "UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS_BUFFER"] = 5] = "UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS_BUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["USECOMMANDENCODER"] = 6] = "USECOMMANDENCODER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["LOADDATATOREG"] = 7] = "LOADDATATOREG"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["LOADDATATOREGEX"] = 8] = "LOADDATATOREGEX"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFLESS0"] = 9] = "IFLESS0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFEQUAL0"] = 10] = "IFEQUAL0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFGREATER0"] = 11] = "IFGREATER0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFLEQUAL0"] = 12] = "IFLEQUAL0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFGEQUAL0"] = 13] = "IFGEQUAL0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["IFGNOTEQUAL0"] = 14] = "IFGNOTEQUAL0"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["OPERATEREG"] = 15] = "OPERATEREG"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STORE"] = 16] = "STORE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATEIMAGEONRENDERTHREAD"] = 64] = "CREATEIMAGEONRENDERTHREAD"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETE_IMAGE_ON_RENDER_THREAD"] = 65] = "DELETE_IMAGE_ON_RENDER_THREAD"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["RELEASE_IMAGE_ON_RENDER_THREAD"] = 66] = "RELEASE_IMAGE_ON_RENDER_THREAD"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SET_IMAGE_RELEASE_SPACE_TIME"] = 67] = "SET_IMAGE_RELEASE_SPACE_TIME"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SET_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA"] = 68] = "SET_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["PERFADDDATA"] = 69] = "PERFADDDATA"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["PERFUPDATEDT"] = 70] = "PERFUPDATEDT"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SET_MAIN_CONTEXT_SIZE"] = 71] = "SET_MAIN_CONTEXT_SIZE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETCONTEXTATTRIBUTES"] = 128] = "GETCONTEXTATTRIBUTES"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISCONTEXTLOST"] = 129] = "ISCONTEXTLOST"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETSUPPORTEDEXTENSIONS"] = 130] = "GETSUPPORTEDEXTENSIONS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETEXTENSION"] = 131] = "GETEXTENSION"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ACTIVETEXTURE"] = 132] = "ACTIVETEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ATTACHSHADER"] = 133] = "ATTACHSHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDATTRIBLOCATION"] = 134] = "BINDATTRIBLOCATION"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDBUFFER"] = 135] = "BINDBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDFRAMEBUFFER"] = 136] = "BINDFRAMEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDRENDERBUFFER"] = 137] = "BINDRENDERBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDTEXTURE"] = 138] = "BINDTEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["USETEXTURE"] = 139] = "USETEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BLENDCOLOR"] = 140] = "BLENDCOLOR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BLENDEQUATION"] = 141] = "BLENDEQUATION"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BLENDEQUATIONSEPARATE"] = 142] = "BLENDEQUATIONSEPARATE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BLENDFUNC"] = 143] = "BLENDFUNC"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BLENDFUNCSEPARATE"] = 144] = "BLENDFUNCSEPARATE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BUFFERDATA_SIZE"] = 145] = "BUFFERDATA_SIZE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BUFFERDATA_ARRAYBUFFER"] = 146] = "BUFFERDATA_ARRAYBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BUFFERSUBDATA"] = 147] = "BUFFERSUBDATA"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CHECKFRAMEBUFFERSTATUS"] = 148] = "CHECKFRAMEBUFFERSTATUS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CLEAR"] = 149] = "CLEAR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CLEARCOLOR"] = 150] = "CLEARCOLOR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CLEARDEPTH"] = 151] = "CLEARDEPTH"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CLEARSTENCIL"] = 152] = "CLEARSTENCIL"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COLORMASK"] = 153] = "COLORMASK"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COMPILESHADER"] = 154] = "COMPILESHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COPYTEXIMAGE2D"] = 155] = "COPYTEXIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COPYTEXSUBIMAGE2D"] = 156] = "COPYTEXSUBIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATEBUFFER"] = 157] = "CREATEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATEFRAMEBUFFER"] = 158] = "CREATEFRAMEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATEPROGRAM"] = 159] = "CREATEPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATERENDERBUFFER"] = 160] = "CREATERENDERBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATESHADER"] = 161] = "CREATESHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATETEXTURE"] = 162] = "CREATETEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CULLFACE"] = 163] = "CULLFACE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETEBUFFER"] = 164] = "DELETEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETEFRAMEBUFFER"] = 165] = "DELETEFRAMEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETEPROGRAM"] = 166] = "DELETEPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETERENDERBUFFER"] = 167] = "DELETERENDERBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETESHADER"] = 168] = "DELETESHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETETEXTURE"] = 169] = "DELETETEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DEPTHFUNC"] = 170] = "DEPTHFUNC"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DEPTHMASK"] = 171] = "DEPTHMASK"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DEPTHRANGE"] = 172] = "DEPTHRANGE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DETACHSHADER"] = 173] = "DETACHSHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DISABLE"] = 174] = "DISABLE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DISABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY"] = 175] = "DISABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DRAWARRAYS"] = 176] = "DRAWARRAYS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DRAWELEMENTS"] = 177] = "DRAWELEMENTS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ENABLE"] = 178] = "ENABLE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ENABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY"] = 179] = "ENABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["FINISH"] = 180] = "FINISH"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["FLUSH"] = 181] = "FLUSH"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["FRAMEBUFFERRENDERBUFFER"] = 182] = "FRAMEBUFFERRENDERBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["FRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2D"] = 183] = "FRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["FRONTFACE"] = 184] = "FRONTFACE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GENERATEMIPMAP"] = 185] = "GENERATEMIPMAP"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETACTIVEATTRIB"] = 186] = "GETACTIVEATTRIB"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETACTIVEUNIFORM"] = 187] = "GETACTIVEUNIFORM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETATTRIBLOCATION"] = 188] = "GETATTRIBLOCATION"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETPARAMETER"] = 189] = "GETPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETBUFFERPARAMETER"] = 190] = "GETBUFFERPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETERROR"] = 191] = "GETERROR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETFRAMEBUFFERATTACHMENTPARAMETER"] = 192] = "GETFRAMEBUFFERATTACHMENTPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETPROGRAMPARAMETER"] = 193] = "GETPROGRAMPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETPROGRAMINFOLOG"] = 194] = "GETPROGRAMINFOLOG"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETRENDERBUFFERPARAMETER"] = 195] = "GETRENDERBUFFERPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETSHADERPRECISIONFORMAT"] = 196] = "GETSHADERPRECISIONFORMAT"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETSHADERPARAMETER"] = 197] = "GETSHADERPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETSHADERINFOLOG"] = 198] = "GETSHADERINFOLOG"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETSHADERSOURCE"] = 199] = "GETSHADERSOURCE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETTEXPARAMETER"] = 200] = "GETTEXPARAMETER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETUNIFORM"] = 201] = "GETUNIFORM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETUNIFORMLOCATION"] = 202] = "GETUNIFORMLOCATION"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETVERTEXATTRIB"] = 203] = "GETVERTEXATTRIB"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["GETVERTEXATTRIBOFFSET"] = 204] = "GETVERTEXATTRIBOFFSET"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["HINT"] = 205] = "HINT"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISBUFFER"] = 206] = "ISBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISENABLED"] = 207] = "ISENABLED"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISFRAMEBUFFER"] = 208] = "ISFRAMEBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISPROGRAM"] = 209] = "ISPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISRENDERBUFFER"] = 210] = "ISRENDERBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISSHADER"] = 211] = "ISSHADER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["ISTEXTURE"] = 212] = "ISTEXTURE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["LINEWIDTH"] = 213] = "LINEWIDTH"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["LINKPROGRAM"] = 214] = "LINKPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["PIXELSTOREI"] = 215] = "PIXELSTOREI"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["POLYGONOFFSET"] = 216] = "POLYGONOFFSET"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["READPIXELS"] = 217] = "READPIXELS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["RENDERBUFFERSTORAGE"] = 218] = "RENDERBUFFERSTORAGE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SAMPLECOVERAGE"] = 219] = "SAMPLECOVERAGE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SCISSOR"] = 220] = "SCISSOR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["SHADERSOURCE"] = 221] = "SHADERSOURCE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILFUNC"] = 222] = "STENCILFUNC"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILFUNCSEPARATE"] = 223] = "STENCILFUNCSEPARATE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILMASK"] = 224] = "STENCILMASK"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILMASKSEPARATE"] = 225] = "STENCILMASKSEPARATE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILOP"] = 226] = "STENCILOP"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["STENCILOPSEPARATE"] = 227] = "STENCILOPSEPARATE"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXIMAGE2D"] = 228] = "TEXIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXPARAMETERF"] = 229] = "TEXPARAMETERF"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXPARAMETERI"] = 230] = "TEXPARAMETERI"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXSUBIMAGE2D"] = 231] = "TEXSUBIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM1F"] = 232] = "UNIFORM1F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM1FV"] = 233] = "UNIFORM1FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM1I"] = 234] = "UNIFORM1I"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM1IV"] = 235] = "UNIFORM1IV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM2F"] = 236] = "UNIFORM2F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM2FV"] = 237] = "UNIFORM2FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM2I"] = 238] = "UNIFORM2I"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM2IV"] = 239] = "UNIFORM2IV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM3F"] = 240] = "UNIFORM3F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM3FV"] = 241] = "UNIFORM3FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM3I"] = 242] = "UNIFORM3I"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM3IV"] = 243] = "UNIFORM3IV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM4F"] = 244] = "UNIFORM4F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM4FV"] = 245] = "UNIFORM4FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM4I"] = 246] = "UNIFORM4I"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORM4IV"] = 247] = "UNIFORM4IV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX2FV"] = 248] = "UNIFORMMATRIX2FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX3FV"] = 249] = "UNIFORMMATRIX3FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["UNIFORMMATRIX4FV"] = 250] = "UNIFORMMATRIX4FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["USEPROGRAM"] = 251] = "USEPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VALIDATEPROGRAM"] = 252] = "VALIDATEPROGRAM"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB1F"] = 253] = "VERTEXATTRIB1F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB1FV"] = 254] = "VERTEXATTRIB1FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB2F"] = 255] = "VERTEXATTRIB2F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB2FV"] = 256] = "VERTEXATTRIB2FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB3F"] = 257] = "VERTEXATTRIB3F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB3FV"] = 258] = "VERTEXATTRIB3FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB4F"] = 259] = "VERTEXATTRIB4F"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIB4FV"] = 260] = "VERTEXATTRIB4FV"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIBPOINTER"] = 261] = "VERTEXATTRIBPOINTER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VIEWPORT"] = 262] = "VIEWPORT"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CONFIGUREBACKBUFFER"] = 263] = "CONFIGUREBACKBUFFER"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE2D"] = 264] = "COMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXIMAGE2D_PIXEL"] = 265] = "TEXIMAGE2D_PIXEL"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXSUBIMAGE2D_PIXEL"] = 266] = "TEXSUBIMAGE2D_PIXEL"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["CREATEVERTEXARRAY"] = 267] = "CREATEVERTEXARRAY"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["BINDVERTEXARRAY"] = 268] = "BINDVERTEXARRAY"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DELETEVERTEXARRAYS"] = 269] = "DELETEVERTEXARRAYS"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["READPIXELS_ASYNC"] = 270] = "READPIXELS_ASYNC"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["COMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE2D"] = 271] = "COMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE2D"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["VERTEXATTRIBDIVISOR"] = 272] = "VERTEXATTRIBDIVISOR"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DRAWARRAYSINSTANCED"] = 273] = "DRAWARRAYSINSTANCED"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["DRAWELEMENTSINSTANCED"] = 274] = "DRAWELEMENTSINSTANCED"; FUNCTION_ID[FUNCTION_ID["TEXIMAGE2DCANVAS"] = 275] = "TEXIMAGE2DCANVAS"; })(FUNCTION_ID || (FUNCTION_ID = {})); var UNIFORM_TYPE; (function (UNIFORM_TYPE) { UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM1F"] = 0] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM1F"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM1FV"] = 1] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM1FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM1I"] = 2] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM1I"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM1IV"] = 3] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM1IV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM2F"] = 4] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM2F"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM2FV"] = 5] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM2FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM2I"] = 6] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM2I"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM2IV"] = 7] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM2IV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM3F"] = 8] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM3F"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM3FV"] = 9] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM3FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM3I"] = 10] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM3I"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM3IV"] = 11] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM3IV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM4F"] = 12] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM4F"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM4FV"] = 13] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM4FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM4I"] = 14] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM4I"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORM4IV"] = 15] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORM4IV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX2FV"] = 16] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX2FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX3FV"] = 17] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX3FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX4FV"] = 18] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX4FV"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_2D"] = 19] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_2D"; UNIFORM_TYPE[UNIFORM_TYPE["INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_CUBE"] = 20] = "INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_CUBE"; })(UNIFORM_TYPE || (UNIFORM_TYPE = {})); class BindInfo { constructor() { this.m_bindMap = {}; } setBind(pname, buffer) { this.m_bindMap[pname] = buffer; } getBind(pname) { var buffer = this.m_bindMap[pname]; if (!buffer) return null; if (buffer.id == -1) { this.m_bindMap[pname] = null; return null; } return buffer; } } class ANGLEInstancedArrays { constructor(encoder) { this.encoder = encoder; } vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(index, divisor) { this.encoder.vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor); } drawArraysInstancedANGLE(mode, first, count, instanceCount) { this.encoder.drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instanceCount); } drawElementsInstancedANGLE(mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount) { this.encoder.drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount); } } class WebGLBuffer { constructor(id) { this.id = id; } } class WebGLFrameBuffer { constructor(id) { this.id = id; this.m_bindInfo = new BindInfo(); } setBind(pname, buffer) { this.m_bindInfo.setBind(pname, buffer); } getBind(pname) { return this.m_bindInfo.getBind(pname); } } class WebGLRenderBuffer { constructor(id) { this.id = id; } } class WebGLShader { constructor(id, type) { this.id = id; this.type = type; this.compileStatus = 0; this.src = ""; } } class WebGLProgram { constructor(id) { this.id = id; this.linkStatus = 0; this.vsShader = null; this.psShader = null; this.attachedShaderCount = 0; this.m_localMap = {}; } addLocationPair(fakeLoc, name) { this.m_localMap[fakeLoc] = name; } getLocationName(fakeLoc) { return this.m_localMap[fakeLoc]; } } class WebGLTexture { constructor(id) { this.id = id; } } class WebGLVertextArray { constructor(id) { this.id = id; } } class CallbackFuncObj { constructor() { this._vFunc = new Map(); this.id = CallbackFuncObj.s_nID++; this._nativeObj = new _callbackFuncObj(this.id); } addCallbackFunc(index, func) { this._vFunc[index] = func; this._nativeObj.addCallbackFunc(index, func); } } CallbackFuncObj.s_nID = 0; class fakeIDObj { constructor(id = 0, frame = 0) { this.id = id; this.frameCount = frame; } } class GLCommandEncoder { constructor(layagl, reserveSize, adjustSize, isSyncToRenderThread) { this._adjustSize = 0; this._byteLen = 0; this._isSyncToRenderThread = false; this._readPixelsAsyncCallbackFuncObj = new CallbackFuncObj(); this._isSyncToRenderThread = isSyncToRenderThread; this._layagl = layagl; this._byteLen = reserveSize; this._adjustSize = adjustSize; this._init(isSyncToRenderThread); } _init(isSyncToRenderThread) { this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this._byteLen); this._idata = new Int32Array(this._buffer); this._fdata = new Float32Array(this._buffer); this._byteArray = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); LayaGLContext.createArrayBufferRef(this._buffer, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_CMD, isSyncToRenderThread); this._idata[0] = 1; } getPtrID() { return this._buffer["_ptrID"]; } beginEncoding() { this._layagl.beginCommandEncoding(this); } endEncoding() { this._layagl.endCommandEncoding(); } clearEncoding() { this._idata[0] = 1; } getCount() { return this._idata[0]; } _need(sz) { if ((this._byteLen - (this._idata[0] << 2)) >= sz) return; this._byteLen += (sz > this._adjustSize) ? sz : this._adjustSize; var pre = this._idata; var preConchRef = this._buffer["conchRef"]; var prePtrID = this._buffer["_ptrID"]; this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this._byteLen); this._idata = new Int32Array(this._buffer); this._fdata = new Float32Array(this._buffer); this._byteArray = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); this._buffer["conchRef"] = preConchRef; this._buffer["_ptrID"] = prePtrID; pre && this._idata.set(pre, 0); conch.updateArrayBufferRef(this._buffer["_ptrID"], preConchRef.isSyncToRender(), this._buffer); } add_i(i) { this._need(4); this._idata[this._idata[0]++] = i; } add_f(a) { this._need(4); this._fdata[this._idata[0]++] = a; } add_ff(a, b) { this._need(8); var i = this._idata[0]; this._fdata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._idata[0] = i; } add_fff(a, b, c) { this._need(12); var i = this._idata[0]; this._fdata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; this._idata[0] = i; } add_ii(a, b) { this._need(8); var i = this._idata[0]; this._idata[i++] = a; this._idata[i++] = b; this._idata[0] = i; } add_if(a, b) { this._need(8); var i = this._idata[0]; this._idata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iii(a, b, c) { this._need(12); var idata = this._idata; var i = this._idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iif(a, b, c) { this._need(12); var idata = this._idata; var i = this._idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; this._idata[0] = i; } add_ifi(a, b, c) { this._need(12); var idata = this._idata; var i = this._idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iifi(a, b, c, d) { this._need(16); var idata = this._idata; var i = this._idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iiii(a, b, c, d) { this._need(16); var idata = this._idata; var i = this._idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[0] = i; } add_iiif(a, b, c, d) { this._need(16); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._fdata[i++] = d; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiif(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiff(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._fdata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiff(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._need(24); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; this._fdata[i++] = f; idata[0] = i; } add_iiifff(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._need(24); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._fdata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; this._fdata[i++] = f; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiifff(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { this._need(28); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; this._fdata[i++] = f; this._fdata[i++] = g; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiffff(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { this._need(28); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; this._fdata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; this._fdata[i++] = f; this._fdata[i++] = g; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiffff(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { this._need(32); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; this._fdata[i++] = e; this._fdata[i++] = f; this._fdata[i++] = g; this._fdata[i++] = h; idata[0] = i; } add_iiff(a, b, c, d) { this._need(16); var idata = this._idata; var fdata = this._fdata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; idata[0] = i; } add_iifff(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var idata = this._idata; var fdata = this._fdata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; idata[0] = i; } add_iiffff(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._need(24); var idata = this._idata; var fdata = this._fdata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; fdata[i++] = f; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiii(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._need(24); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { this._need(28); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m) { this._need(48); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[i++] = j; idata[i++] = k; idata[i++] = l; idata[i++] = m; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n) { this._need(52); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[i++] = j; idata[i++] = k; idata[i++] = l; idata[i++] = m; idata[i++] = n; idata[0] = i; } add_iff(a, b, c) { this._need(12); var i = this._idata[0]; this._idata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iffi(a, b, c, d) { this._need(16); var i = this._idata[0]; this._idata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; this._idata[i++] = d; this._idata[0] = i; } add_ifffi(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var i = this._idata[0]; this._idata[i++] = a; this._fdata[i++] = b; this._fdata[i++] = c; this._fdata[i++] = d; this._idata[i++] = e; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iffff(a, b, c, d, e) { this._need(20); var i = this._idata[0]; var fdata = this._fdata; this._idata[i++] = a; fdata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iffffi(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this._need(24); var i = this._idata[0]; var fdata = this._fdata; this._idata[i++] = a; fdata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; this._idata[i++] = f; this._idata[0] = i; } add_ifffffi(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { this._need(28); var i = this._idata[0]; var fdata = this._fdata; this._idata[i++] = a; fdata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; fdata[i++] = f; this._idata[i++] = g; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iffffiif(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { this._need(28); var i = this._idata[0]; var fdata = this._fdata; this._idata[i++] = a; fdata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; this._idata[i++] = f; this._idata[i++] = g; fdata[i++] = h; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iffffiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { this._need(32); var i = this._idata[0]; var fdata = this._fdata; this._idata[i++] = a; fdata[i++] = b; fdata[i++] = c; fdata[i++] = d; fdata[i++] = e; this._idata[i++] = f; this._idata[i++] = g; this._idata[i++] = h; this._idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { this._need(32); var i = this._idata[0]; var idata = this._idata; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j) { this._need(36); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[i++] = j; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k) { this._need(40); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[i++] = j; idata[i++] = k; idata[0] = i; } add_iiiiiiiiiii(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l) { this._need(44); var idata = this._idata; var i = idata[0]; idata[i++] = a; idata[i++] = b; idata[i++] = c; idata[i++] = d; idata[i++] = e; idata[i++] = f; idata[i++] = g; idata[i++] = h; idata[i++] = j; idata[i++] = k; idata[i++] = l; idata[0] = i; } add_String(str, len) { var ab = conch.strTobufer(str); this._need(len + 4); this._idata[this._idata[0]++] = len; if (len == 0) return; var uint8array = new Uint8Array(ab); this._byteArray.set(uint8array, this._idata[0] * 4); this._idata[0] += len / 4; } add_blockStart(len, a, data) { this._need(12); var idata = this._idata; idata[idata[0]++] = len; idata[idata[0]++] = a; idata[idata[0]++] = data._data["_ptrID"]; } add_blockEnd(len, a, data) { this._need(12); var idata = this._idata; idata[idata[0]++] = len; idata[idata[0]++] = a; idata[idata[0]++] = data._data["_ptrID"]; } wab(arraybuffer, length, nAlignLength, offset) { offset = offset ? offset : 0; this._need(nAlignLength + 4); this._idata[this._idata[0]++] = length; var uint8array = null; if (arraybuffer instanceof Float32Array && offset == 0) { this._fdata.set(arraybuffer, this._idata[0]); } else { if (arraybuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { uint8array = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer, offset, length); } else if (arraybuffer.buffer) { uint8array = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer.buffer, offset + arraybuffer.byteOffset, length); } else { console.log("not arraybuffer/dataview"); return; } this._byteArray.set(uint8array, this._idata[0] * 4); } this._idata[0] += nAlignLength / 4; } copyBuffer(arraybuffer, length, offset) { offset = offset ? offset : 0; this._need(length); var ab = null; if (arraybuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { ab = arraybuffer; } else if (arraybuffer.buffer) { ab = arraybuffer.buffer; } else { console.log("not arraybuffer/dataview "); return; } var uint8array = new Uint8Array(ab, offset, length); this._byteArray.set(uint8array, this._idata[0] * 4); this._idata[0] += length / 4; } getContextAttributes() { return { alpha: false, antialias: false, depth: true, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false, premultipliedAlpha: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: false, stencil: false }; } isContextLost() { console.log("isContextLost can't support"); return false; } getSupportedExtensions() { let extentions = this._layagl._nativeObj.getStringEx(0x1F03).split(' '); let version = this._layagl._nativeObj.getStringEx(0x1F02); function supports(extention) { for (let ext of extentions) { if (ext === extention) { return true; } } return false; } let result = []; if (supports("GL_EXT_blend_minmax")) result.push("EXT_blend_minmax"); if (supports("GL_EXT_sRGB")) result.push("EXT_sRGB"); if (supports("GL_EXT_frag_depth")) result.push("EXT_frag_depth"); if (supports("GL_OES_texture_float")) result.push("OES_texture_float"); if (supports("GL_OES_texture_float_linear")) result.push("OES_texture_float_linear"); if (supports("GL_OES_texture_half_float")) result.push("OES_texture_half_float"); if (supports("GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear")) result.push("OES_texture_half_float_linear"); if (supports("GL_OES_standard_derivatives")) result.push("OES_standard_derivatives"); if (supports("GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod") || supports("GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod")) result.push("EXT_shader_texture_lod"); if (supports("GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic")) result.push("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"); if (supports("GL_OES_vertex_array_object")) result.push("OES_vertex_array_object"); if (supports("GL_OES_element_index_uint")) result.push("OES_element_index_uint"); if (supports("GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source")) result.push("WEBGL_debug_shaders"); if (supports("GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc"); if (supports("GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"); if (supports("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") || supports("GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"); if (supports("GL_OES_depth_texture") || supports("GL_ARB_depth_texture")) result.push("WEBGL_depth_texture"); if (version.indexOf("OpenGL ES 3.")) { result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc"); } if (supports("ANGLE_instanced_arrays")) result.push("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"); if (supports("GL_EXT_color_buffer_float")) result.push("EXT_color_buffer_float"); if (supports("GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float")) result.push("EXT_color_buffer_half_float"); if (supports("GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query")) result.push("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"); if (supports("GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"); if (supports("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"); if (supports("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb")) result.push("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb"); result.push("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info"); result.push("WEBGL_lose_context"); return result; } getExtension(name) { var extention = this._layagl._nativeObj.getStringEx(0x1F03); let extentions = extention.split(' '); function supports(extention) { for (let ext of extentions) { if (ext === extention) { return true; } } return false; } if (name === 'EXT_blend_minmax' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_blend_minmax') != -1) { return { MAX_EXT: 32776, MIN_EXT: 32775, }; } else if (name === 'EXT_color_buffer_float' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_color_buffer_float') != -1) { return {}; } else if (name === 'EXT_color_buffer_half_float' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float') != -1) { return {}; } else if (name === 'EXT_shader_texture_lod' && (extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod') != -1 || extention.indexOf('GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod') != -1)) { return {}; } else if (name === 'OES_element_index_uint' && extention.indexOf('GL_OES_element_index_uint') != -1) { return {}; } else if (name === 'EXT_sRGB' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_sRGB') != -1) { return { SRGB_EXT: 0x8C40, SRGB_ALPHA_EXT: 0x8C42, SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT: 0x8C43, FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING_EXT: 0x8210 }; } else if (name === 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc' && extention.indexOf('GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc') != -1) { return { COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG: 35843, COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG: 35842, COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG: 35841, COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG: 35840, }; } else if (name === 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1' && extention.indexOf('GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture') != -1) { return { COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL: 36196 }; } else if (name === 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc' && supports('GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc')) { return { COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: 33777, COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: 33778, COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: 33779, COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: 33776, }; } else if (name === 'WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb') != -1) { return { COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: 35917, COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: 35918, COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: 35919, COMPRESSED_SRGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: 35916, }; } else if (name === 'WEBGL_debug_renderer_info') { return { UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL: 37446, UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL: 37445, }; } else if (name === 'EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' && extention.indexOf('GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') != -1) { return { MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: 34047, TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: 34046, }; } else if (name.indexOf('ANGLE_instanced_arrays') != -1 && (conchConfig.glCaps & GL_CAPS.INSTANCEING)) { return new ANGLEInstancedArrays(this); } else { console.log("getExtension " + name + " 尚未支持"); } return null; } activeTexture(texture) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.ACTIVETEXTURE, texture); } attachShader(program, shader) { if (shader.type == this._layagl.VERTEX_SHADER) { if (program.vsShader) return; program.vsShader = shader; program.attachedShaderCount++; } else if (shader.type == this._layagl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) { if (program.psShader) return; program.psShader = shader; program.attachedShaderCount++; } this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.ATTACHSHADER, program.id, shader.id); } bindAttribLocation(program, index, name) { var strLen = this.getStrLength(name); this.add_iiii(16 + strLen, FUNCTION_ID.BINDATTRIBLOCATION, program.id, index); this.add_String(name, strLen); } bindBuffer(target, buffer) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BINDBUFFER, target, buffer ? buffer.id : 0); } bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BINDFRAMEBUFFER, target, framebuffer ? framebuffer.id : 0); } bindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BINDRENDERBUFFER, target, renderbuffer ? renderbuffer.id : 0); } bindTexture(target, texture) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BINDTEXTURE, target, texture ? texture.id : 0); } useTexture(texture) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.USETEXTURE, texture ? texture.id : 0); } blendColor(red, green, blue, alpha) { this.add_iiffff(20, FUNCTION_ID.BLENDCOLOR, red, green, blue, alpha); } blendEquation(mode) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.BLENDEQUATION, mode); } blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BLENDEQUATIONSEPARATE, modeRGB, modeAlpha); } blendFunc(sfactor, dfactor) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.BLENDFUNC, sfactor, dfactor); } blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.BLENDFUNCSEPARATE, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha); } bufferData(target, sizeOrArray, usage) { if (ArrayBuffer.isView(sizeOrArray) || (sizeOrArray instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(sizeOrArray); this.add_iiii(16 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.BUFFERDATA_ARRAYBUFFER, target, usage); this.wab(sizeOrArray, sizeOrArray.byteLength, nAlignLength); } else { var size = sizeOrArray; this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.BUFFERDATA_SIZE, target, size, usage); } } bufferSubData(target, offset, data) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(data); this.add_iiii(16 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.BUFFERSUBDATA, target, offset); this.wab(data, data.byteLength, nAlignLength); } checkFramebufferStatus(target) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.checkFramebufferStatusEx(target); } clear(mask) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CLEAR, mask); } clearColor(red, green, blue, alpha) { this.add_iiffff(20, FUNCTION_ID.CLEARCOLOR, red, green, blue, alpha); } clearDepth(depth) { this.add_iif(8, FUNCTION_ID.CLEARDEPTH, depth); } clearStencil(s) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CLEARSTENCIL, s); } colorMask(red, green, blue, alpha) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.COLORMASK, red, green, blue, alpha); } compileShader(shader) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.COMPILESHADER, shader.id); shader.compileStatus = this._layagl._nativeObj.getShaderParameter(shader.src, shader.type, this._layagl.COMPILE_STATUS); } copyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border) { this.add_iiiiiiiiii(36, FUNCTION_ID.COPYTEXIMAGE2D, target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); } copyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height) { this.add_iiiiiiiiii(36, FUNCTION_ID.COPYTEXSUBIMAGE2D, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); } createBuffer() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATEBUFFER, fakeID); return new WebGLBuffer(fakeID); } createFramebuffer() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATEFRAMEBUFFER, fakeID); return new WebGLFrameBuffer(fakeID); } createProgram() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATEPROGRAM, fakeID); return new WebGLProgram(fakeID); } createRenderbuffer() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATERENDERBUFFER, fakeID); return new WebGLRenderBuffer(fakeID); } createShader(type) { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.CREATESHADER, fakeID, type); return new WebGLShader(fakeID, type); } createTexture() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATETEXTURE, fakeID); return new WebGLTexture(fakeID); } cullFace(mode) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CULLFACE, mode); } deleteBuffer(buffer) { this.deleteFakeID(buffer.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETEBUFFER, buffer.id); } deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer) { this.deleteFakeID(framebuffer.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETEFRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer.id); } deleteProgram(program) { this.deleteFakeID(program.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETEPROGRAM, program.id); } deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer) { this.deleteFakeID(renderbuffer.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETERENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer.id); } deleteShader(shader) { this.deleteFakeID(shader.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETESHADER, shader.id); } deleteTexture(texture) { this.deleteFakeID(texture.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETETEXTURE, texture.id); } depthFunc(func) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DEPTHFUNC, func); } depthMask(flag) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DEPTHMASK, flag); } depthRange(zNear, zFar) { this.add_iiff(12, FUNCTION_ID.DEPTHRANGE, zNear, zFar); } detachShader(program, shader) { let shaderid = -1; if (program.vsShader && program.vsShader.id === shader.id) { shaderid = program.vsShader.id; program.vsShader = null; } else if (program.psShader && program.psShader.id === shader.id) { shaderid = program.psShader.id; program.psShader = null; } if (shaderid > 0) { program.attachedShaderCount--; this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.DETACHSHADER, program.id, shaderid); } } disable(cap) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DISABLE, cap); } disableVertexAttribArray(index) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DISABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY, index); } drawArrays(mode, first, count) { this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.DRAWARRAYS, mode, first, count); } drawElements(mode, count, type, offset) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.DRAWELEMENTS, mode, count, type, offset); } enable(cap) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.ENABLE, cap); } enableVertexAttribArray(index) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.ENABLEVERTEXATTRIBARRAY, index); } finish() { this.add_ii(4, FUNCTION_ID.FINISH); } flush() { this.add_ii(4, FUNCTION_ID.FLUSH); } framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.FRAMEBUFFERRENDERBUFFER, target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer ? renderbuffer.id : 0); } framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) { this.add_iiiiiii(24, FUNCTION_ID.FRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2D, target, attachment, textarget, texture ? texture.id : 0, level); } frontFace(mode) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.FRONTFACE, mode); } generateMipmap(target) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.GENERATEMIPMAP, target); } getActiveAttrib(program, index) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getActiveAttribEx(program.linkedVSSource, program.linkedPSSource, "", index); } getActiveUniform(program, index) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getActiveUniformEx(program.linkedVSSource, program.linkedPSSource, "", index); } getAttribLocation(program, name) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getAttribLocationEx(program.linkedVSSource, program.linkedPSSource, "", name); } getParameter(pname) { var gl = this._layagl; var result = 0; switch (pname) { case gl.ACTIVE_TEXTURE: case gl.ALPHA_BITS: case gl.BLEND_DST_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_DST_RGB: case gl.BLEND_EQUATION: case gl.BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: case gl.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: case gl.BLEND_SRC_RGB: case gl.BLUE_BITS: case gl.CULL_FACE_MODE: case gl.DEPTH_BITS: case gl.DEPTH_FUNC: case gl.FRONT_FACE: case gl.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: case gl.GREEN_BITS: case gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: case gl.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: case gl.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: case gl.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: case gl.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: case gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: case gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: case gl.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: case gl.SAMPLE_BUFFERS: case gl.SAMPLES: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_REF: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: case gl.STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: case gl.STENCIL_BITS: case gl.STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: case gl.STENCIL_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_FUNC: case gl.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: case gl.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: case gl.STENCIL_REF: case gl.STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: case gl.STENCIL_WRITEMASK: case gl.SUBPIXEL_BITS: case gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: result = gl._nativeObj.getIntegerv(pname); break; case gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(pname); break; case gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER); break; case gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER); break; case gl.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(gl.RENDERBUFFER); break; case gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(gl.TEXTURE_2D); break; case gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = this._layagl.getBind(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); break; case gl.BLEND: case gl.CULL_FACE: case gl.DEPTH_TEST: case gl.DEPTH_WRITEMASK: case gl.DITHER: case gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: case gl.SCISSOR_TEST: case gl.STENCIL_TEST: var ret = gl._nativeObj.getBooleanv(pname); if (!ret) result = false; else result = true; break; case gl.DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: case gl.LINE_WIDTH: case gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: result = gl._nativeObj.getFloatv(pname); break; case gl.ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: case gl.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: case gl.BLEND_COLOR: case gl.COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: case gl.DEPTH_RANGE: result = gl._nativeObj.getFloatArrayv(pname); break; case gl.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: case gl.SCISSOR_BOX: case gl.VIEWPORT: result = gl._nativeObj.getIntegerArrayv(pname); break; case gl.RENDERER: case gl.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: case gl.VENDOR: case gl.VERSION: result = gl._nativeObj.getStringEx(pname); break; case gl.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: case gl.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: result = gl._nativeObj.getParameter(pname); break; default: alert("getParameter 尚未支持"); break; } return result; } getBufferParameter(target, pname) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getBufferParameterEx(target, pname); } getError() { this.add_ii(4, FUNCTION_ID.GETERROR); return 0; } getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target, attachment, pname) { var gl = this._layagl; var result = null; switch (pname) { case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: var frameBuffer = gl.getBind(target); if (frameBuffer) { var attachBuffer = frameBuffer.getBind(attachment); if (!attachBuffer) result = gl.NONE; else if (attachBuffer instanceof WebGLTexture) result = gl.TEXTURE; else if (attachBuffer instanceof WebGLRenderBuffer) result = gl.RENDERBUFFER; } break; case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: var frameBuffer = gl.getBind(target); if (frameBuffer) { return frameBuffer.getBind(attachment); } break; case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE: case gl.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL: result = gl._nativeObj.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target, attachment, pname); break; default: break; } return result; } getProgramParameter(program, pname) { let ret; var gl = this._layagl; if (pname == gl.ATTACHED_SHADERS) return program.attachedShaderCount; if (program.linkStatus == 0 || program.id == -1) { if (program.id == -1) { if (pname == gl.DELETE_STATUS || pname == gl.LINK_STATUS || pname == gl.VALIDATE_STATUS) { return null; } } else if (program.linkStatus == 0) { if (pname == gl.DELETE_STATUS || pname == gl.LINK_STATUS || pname == gl.VALIDATE_STATUS) { return false; } } return 0; } else { ret = this._layagl._nativeObj.getProgramParameterEx(program.linkedVSSource, program.linkedPSSource, "", pname); if (pname == gl.DELETE_STATUS || pname == gl.LINK_STATUS || pname == gl.VALIDATE_STATUS) { return ret == 1 ? true : false; } else { return ret; } } } getProgramInfoLog(program) { if (program.id == -1) return null; if (program.linkStatus) return ""; if (program.attachedShaderCount < 2) { return "missing shaders" + String.fromCharCode(0); } var ret = this._layagl._nativeObj.getProgramInfoLogEx(program.vsShader.src, program.psShader.src, ""); if (ret === "invalid shaders") { ret = ret + String.fromCharCode(0); } return ret; } getRenderbufferParameter(target, pname) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getRenderbufferParameterEx(target, pname); } getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType); } getShaderParameter(shader, pname) { if (shader && shader.id == -1) return null; if (pname == this._layagl.COMPILE_STATUS) { return shader.compileStatus === 0 ? false : true; } return this._layagl._nativeObj.getShaderParameter(shader.src, shader.type, pname); } getShaderInfoLog(shader) { if (!shader.compileStatus) return ""; return this._layagl._nativeObj.getShaderInfoLogEx(shader.src, shader.type); } getShaderSource(shader) { if (!(shader instanceof WebGLShader)) throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'"); if (shader && shader.id !== -1) return shader.src; return null; } getTexParameter(target, pname) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getTexParameterEx(target, pname); } getUniform(program, location) { if (!program.linkStatus || program.id == -1) return null; var gl = this._layagl; var curProgram = gl.getBind(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM); var result = null; this.useProgram(program); gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); var locationName = program.getLocationName(location); var result = this._layagl._nativeObj.getUniformEx(locationName); var type = result[0]; result.splice(0, 1); if (type == gl.BOOL) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i] === 0) result[i] = false; else result[i] = true; } } if (curProgram) { this.useProgram(curProgram); gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); } if (result.length == 1) { return result[0]; } else { if (type == gl.BOOL) return result; else if (type == gl.FLOAT) return new Float32Array(result); else if (type == gl.INT) return new Int32Array(result); } return null; } getUniformMutiThread(program, location) { console.log("getUniformMutiThread can't support"); return null; } getUniformLocation(program, name) { var fakeLoc = GLCommandEncoder._locTable.getFakeLocation(program.id, name); var strLen = this.getStrLength(name); this.add_iiii(16 + strLen, FUNCTION_ID.GETUNIFORMLOCATION, program.id, fakeLoc); this.add_String(name, strLen); program.addLocationPair(fakeLoc, name); return fakeLoc; } getVertexAttrib(index, pname) { var gl = this._layagl; var result = 0; switch (pname) { case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: gl._nativeObj.flushCommand(); result = gl.getBind(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER); break; case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED: case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED: var ret = gl._nativeObj.getVertexAttribEx(index, pname); if (ret === 0) result = false; else result = true; break; case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE: case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE: case gl.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE: result = gl._nativeObj.getVertexAttribEx(index, pname); break; case gl.CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: result = gl._nativeObj.getVertexAttribExfv(index, pname); break; default: result = 0; break; } return result; } getVertexAttribOffset(index, pname) { return this._layagl._nativeObj.getVertexAttribOffset(index, pname); } hint(target, mode) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.HINT, target, mode); } isBuffer(buffer) { return (buffer instanceof WebGLBuffer); } isEnabled(cap) { var ret = this._layagl._nativeObj.isEnabled(cap); if (!ret) return false; return true; } isFramebuffer(framebuffer) { return (framebuffer instanceof WebGLFrameBuffer); } isProgram(program) { return (program instanceof WebGLProgram); } isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer) { return (renderbuffer instanceof WebGLRenderBuffer); } isShader(shader) { return (shader instanceof WebGLShader); } isTexture(texture) { return (texture instanceof WebGLTexture); } lineWidth(width) { this.add_iif(8, FUNCTION_ID.LINEWIDTH, width); } linkProgram(program) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.LINKPROGRAM, program.id); if (program.attachedShaderCount >= 2) { var gl = this._layagl; program.linkStatus = gl._nativeObj.getProgramParameterEx(program.vsShader.src, program.psShader.src, "", gl.LINK_STATUS); if (program.linkStatus) { program.linkedVSSource = program.vsShader.src; program.linkedPSSource = program.psShader.src; } } } pixelStorei(pname, param) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.PIXELSTOREI, pname, param); } polygonOffset(factor, units) { this.add_iiff(12, FUNCTION_ID.POLYGONOFFSET, factor, units); } readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) { if (!pixels && !(pixels instanceof Uint8Array) && !(pixels instanceof Uint16Array) && !(pixels instanceof Float32Array)) return; var ret = this._layagl._nativeObj.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type); pixels.set(new Uint8Array(ret)); } readPixelsAsync(x, y, w, h, format, type, callBack) { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this._readPixelsAsyncCallbackFuncObj.addCallbackFunc(fakeID, callBack); this.add_iiiiiiiiii(36, FUNCTION_ID.READPIXELS_ASYNC, x, y, w, h, format, type, this._readPixelsAsyncCallbackFuncObj.id, fakeID); } renderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.RENDERBUFFERSTORAGE, target, internalformat, width, height); } sampleCoverage(value, invert) { this.add_iifi(12, FUNCTION_ID.SAMPLECOVERAGE, value, invert); } scissor(x, y, width, height) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.SCISSOR, x, y, width, height); } shaderSource(shader, source) { shader.src = source; var strLen = this.getStrLength(source); this.add_iii(12 + strLen, FUNCTION_ID.SHADERSOURCE, shader.id); this.add_String(source, strLen); } stencilFunc(func, ref, mask) { this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILFUNC, func, ref, mask); } stencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref, mask) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILFUNCSEPARATE, face, func, ref, mask); } stencilMask(mask) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILMASK, mask); } stencilMaskSeparate(face, mask) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILMASKSEPARATE, face, mask); } stencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass) { this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILOP, fail, zfail, zpass); } stencilOpSeparate(face, fail, zfail, zpass) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.STENCILOPSEPARATE, face, fail, zfail, zpass); } texImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; if (args.length == 6) { if (args[5]._nativeObj) { this.add_iiiiiiii(28, FUNCTION_ID.TEXIMAGE2D, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]._nativeObj.conchImgId); } else { this.add_iiiiiiiiii(40, FUNCTION_ID.TEXIMAGE2DCANVAS, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]._ctx._targets._glTexture.id, args[5].width, args[5].height); } } else if (args.length == 9) { if (args[8] == null) { this.add_iiiiiiiiiii(40, FUNCTION_ID.TEXIMAGE2D_PIXEL, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], 0); } else if (args[8] instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(args[8])) { var ab = args[8]; var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(ab); this.add_iiiiiiiiii(40 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.TEXIMAGE2D_PIXEL, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); this.wab(ab, ab.byteLength, nAlignLength); } } } texParameterf(target, pname, param) { this.add_iiiif(16, FUNCTION_ID.TEXPARAMETERF, target, pname, param); } texParameteri(target, pname, param) { this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.TEXPARAMETERI, target, pname, param); } texSubImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; if (args.length == 7) { if (args[6]._nativeObj) { this.add_iiiiiiiii(32, FUNCTION_ID.TEXSUBIMAGE2D, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]._nativeObj.conchImgId); } } else if (args.length == 9) { if (args[8] == null) { this.add_iiiiiiiiiii(40, FUNCTION_ID.TEXSUBIMAGE2D_PIXEL, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], 0); } else if (args[8] instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(args[8])) { var ab = args[8]; var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(ab); this.add_iiiiiiiiii(40, FUNCTION_ID.TEXSUBIMAGE2D_PIXEL, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); this.wab(ab, ab.byteLength, nAlignLength); } } } uniform1f(location, x) { this.add_iiif(12, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM1F, location, x); } uniform1fv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniform1fv_laya(location, values); } uniform1fv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM1FV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform1i(location, x) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM1I, location, x); } uniform1iv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Int32Array(values) : values; this.uniform1iv_laya(location, values); } uniform1iv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM1IV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform2f(location, x, y) { this.add_iiiff(16, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM2F, location, x, y); } uniform2fv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniform2fv_laya(location, values); } uniform2fv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM2FV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform2i(location, x, y) { this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM2I, location, x, y); } uniform2iv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Int32Array(values) : values; this.uniform2iv_laya(location, values); } uniform2iv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM2IV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform3f(location, x, y, z) { this.add_iiifff(20, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM3F, location, x, y, z); } uniform3fv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniform3fv_laya(location, values); } uniform3fv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM3FV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform3i(location, x, y, z) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM3I, location, x, y, z); } uniform3iv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Int32Array(values) : values; this.uniform3iv_laya(location, values); } uniform3iv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM3IV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform4f(location, x, y, z, w) { this.add_iiiffff(24, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM4F, location, x, y, z, w); } uniform4fv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniform4fv_laya(location, values); } uniform4fv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM4FV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniform4i(location, x, y, z, w) { this.add_iiiiiii(24, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM4I, location, x, y, z, w); } uniform4iv(location, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Int32Array(values) : values; this.uniform4iv_laya(location, values); } uniform4iv_laya(location, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORM4IV, location); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniformMatrix2fv(location, transpose, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniformMatrix2fv_laya(location, transpose, values); } uniformMatrix2fv_laya(location, transpose, value) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(value); this.add_iiii(16 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX2FV, location, transpose); this.wab(value, value.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniformMatrix3fv(location, transpose, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniformMatrix3fv_laya(location, transpose, values); } uniformMatrix3fv_laya(location, transpose, value) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(value); this.add_iiii(16 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX3FV, location, transpose); this.wab(value, value.byteLength, nAlignLength); } uniformMatrix4fv(location, transpose, values) { values = (values instanceof Array) ? new Float32Array(values) : values; this.uniformMatrix4fv_laya(location, transpose, values); } uniformMatrix4fv_laya(location, transpose, value) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(value); this.add_iiii(20 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX4FV, location, transpose); this.wab(value, value.byteLength, nAlignLength); } useProgram(program) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.USEPROGRAM, program ? program.id : 0); } validateProgram(program) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.VALIDATEPROGRAM, program.id); } vertexAttrib1f(indx, x) { this.add_iiif(12, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB1F, indx, x); } vertexAttrib1fv(indx, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB1FV, indx); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } vertexAttrib2f(indx, x, y) { this.add_iiiff(16, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB2F, indx, x, y); } vertexAttrib2fv(indx, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB2FV, indx); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } vertexAttrib3f(indx, x, y, z) { this.add_iiifff(20, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB3F, indx, x, y, z); } vertexAttrib3fv(indx, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB3FV, indx); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } vertexAttrib4f(indx, x, y, z, w) { this.add_iiiffff(24, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB4F, indx, x, y, z, w); } vertexAttrib4fv(indx, values) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(values); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIB4FV, indx); this.wab(values, values.byteLength, nAlignLength); } vertexAttribPointer(indx, size, type, normalized, stride, offset) { this.add_iiiiiiii(28, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIBPOINTER, indx, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); } viewport(x, y, width, height) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.VIEWPORT, x, y, width, height); } configureBackBuffer(width, height, antiAlias, enableDepthAndStencil, wantsBestResolution) { enableDepthAndStencil = enableDepthAndStencil ? enableDepthAndStencil : true; wantsBestResolution = wantsBestResolution ? wantsBestResolution : false; console.log("configureBackBuffer can't support"); } compressedTexImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(args[6]); this.add_iiiiiiii(28 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.COMPRESSEDTEXIMAGE2D, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); this.wab(args[6], args[6].byteLength, nAlignLength); } compressedTexSubImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(args[7]); this.add_iiiiiiiii(32 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.COMPRESSEDTEXSUBIMAGE2D, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); this.wab(args[7], args[7].byteLength, nAlignLength); } createVertexArray() { var fakeID = this.createFakeID(); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.CREATEVERTEXARRAY, fakeID); return new WebGLVertextArray(fakeID); } bindVertexArray(vao) { this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.BINDVERTEXARRAY, vao ? vao.id : 0); } deleteVertexArray(vao) { this.deleteFakeID(vao.id); this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.DELETEVERTEXARRAYS, vao ? vao.id : 0); } isVertexArray(vao) { return vao.instanceof(WebGLVertextArray); } vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.VERTEXATTRIBDIVISOR, index, divisor); } drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instanceCount) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.DRAWARRAYSINSTANCED, mode, first, count, instanceCount); } drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount) { this.add_iiiiiii(24, FUNCTION_ID.DRAWELEMENTSINSTANCED, mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount); } uniformMatrix2fvEx(location, transpose, value) { if (!value["_ptrID"]) { LayaGLContext.createArrayBufferRef(value, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, true); } var nID = value["_ptrID"]; LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(value); this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX2FVEX, location, transpose, nID); } uniformMatrix3fvEx(location, transpose, value) { if (!value["_ptrID"]) { LayaGLContext.createArrayBufferRef(value, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, true); } var nID = value["_ptrID"]; LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(value); this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX3FVEX, location, transpose, nID); } uniformMatrix4fvEx(location, transpose, value) { if (!value["_ptrID"]) { LayaGLContext.createArrayBufferRef(value, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, true); } var nID = value["_ptrID"]; LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(value); this.add_iiiii(16, FUNCTION_ID.UNIFORMMATRIX4FVEX, location, transpose, nID); } addShaderUniform(one) { var funID = 0; var isArray = one.isArray; switch (one.type) { case GLCommandEncoder.INT: funID = isArray ? UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM1IV : UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM1I; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT: funID = isArray ? UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM1FV : UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM1F; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC2: funID = isArray ? UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM2FV : UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM2F; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC3: funID = isArray ? UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM3FV : UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM3F; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC4: funID = isArray ? UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM4FV : UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM4F; break; case GLCommandEncoder.SAMPLER_2D: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_2D; break; case GLCommandEncoder.SAMPLER_CUBE: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORMSAMPLER_CUBE; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT4: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX4FV; break; case GLCommandEncoder.BOOL: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORM1I; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT2: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX2FV; break; case GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT3: funID = UNIFORM_TYPE.INTERIOR_UNIFORMMATRIX3FV; break; default: throw new Error("compile shader err!"); } LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(this._buffer); this.add_iiiiiii(24, FUNCTION_ID.ADDSHADERUNIFORM, funID, one.location, one.type, one.dataOffset, one.textureID); } uploadShaderUniforms(commandEncoder, data, type) { if (type == LayaGLContext.UPLOAD_SHADER_UNIFORM_TYPE_ID) { var dataID = data["_ptrID"]; LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(data); this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS, commandEncoder._buffer["_ptrID"], dataID); } else { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(data); this.add_iii(12 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.UPLOADSHADERUNIFORMS_BUFFER, commandEncoder._buffer["_ptrID"]); this.wab(data, data.byteLength, nAlignLength); } return 0; } createFakeID() { var frameCount = LayaGLContext.getFrameCount(); var fakeArray = GLCommandEncoder._fakeArray; for (var i = 0, n = fakeArray.length; i < n; i++) { var fakeObj = fakeArray[i]; if (fakeObj.id == -1 && fakeObj.frameCount != frameCount) { fakeObj.id = i; fakeObj.frameCount = frameCount; return i; } } var nID = ++GLCommandEncoder._fakeIDCount; fakeArray.push(new fakeIDObj(nID, frameCount)); return nID; } deleteFakeID(nID) { var fakeObj = GLCommandEncoder._fakeArray[nID]; fakeObj.id = -1; fakeObj.frameCount = LayaGLContext.getFrameCount(); } useCommandEncoder(commandEncoder) { if (commandEncoder._isSyncToRenderThread) { LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(commandEncoder); } var loc = this._idata[0]; this.add_iii(8, FUNCTION_ID.USECOMMANDENCODER, commandEncoder.getPtrID()); return loc; } getProgramParameterEx(vs, ps, define, pname) { return this._layagl.getProgramParameterEx(vs, ps, define, pname); } getActiveAttribEx(vs, ps, define, index) { return this._layagl.getActiveAttribEx(vs, ps, define, index); } getActiveUniformEx(vs, ps, define, index) { return this._layagl.getActiveUniformEx(vs, ps, define, index); } loadDataToReg(regNum, data, offset, size) { var nAlignLength = this.getAlignLength(data); this.add_iiiii(16 + nAlignLength, FUNCTION_ID.LOADDATATOREG, regNum, offset, size); this.wab(data, data.byteLength, nAlignLength); } loadDataToRegEx(regNum, dataID, offset, size) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.LOADDATATOREGEX, regNum, dataID, offset, size); } ifLess0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFLESS0, regNum, statementNum); } ifEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFEQUAL0, regNum, statementNum); } ifGreater0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFGREATER0, regNum, statementNum); } ifLEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFLEQUAL0, regNum, statementNum); } ifGEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFGEQUAL0, regNum, statementNum); } ifGNotEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this.add_iiii(12, FUNCTION_ID.IFGNOTEQUAL0, regNum, statementNum); } operateReg(regOut, reg1, reg2, size, operateType, dataType) { this.add_iiiiiiii(28, FUNCTION_ID.OPERATEREG, regOut, reg1, reg2, size, operateType, dataType); } store(dataID, offset, regID, size) { this.add_iiiiii(20, FUNCTION_ID.STORE, dataID, offset, regID, size); } getAlignLength(data) { var byteLength = data.byteLength; return (byteLength + 3) & 0xfffffffc; } getStrLength(str) { var ab = conch.strTobufer(str); return ab.byteLength; } } GLCommandEncoder.INT = 0x1404; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT = 0x1406; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC2 = 0x8B50; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC3 = 0x8B51; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_VEC4 = 0x8B52; GLCommandEncoder.INT_VEC2 = 0x8B53; GLCommandEncoder.INT_VEC3 = 0x8B54; GLCommandEncoder.INT_VEC4 = 0x8B55; GLCommandEncoder.BOOL = 0x8B56; GLCommandEncoder.BOOL_VEC2 = 0x8B57; GLCommandEncoder.BOOL_VEC3 = 0x8B58; GLCommandEncoder.BOOL_VEC4 = 0x8B59; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT2 = 0x8B5A; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT3 = 0x8B5B; GLCommandEncoder.FLOAT_MAT4 = 0x8B5C; GLCommandEncoder.SAMPLER_2D = 0x8B5E; GLCommandEncoder.SAMPLER_CUBE = 0x8B60; GLCommandEncoder._fakeIDCount = 0; GLCommandEncoder._fakeArray = [new fakeIDObj(0, 0)]; GLCommandEncoder._locTable = new ProgramLocationTable(); class LayaGLContext { constructor(contextType) { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.canvas = null; this._currentCmdEncoder = null; this._saveCommandEncoder = new Array(); this._currentContext = null; this._threadMode = LayaGLContext.THREAD_MODE_DOUBLE; this._curBindInfo = new BindInfo(); this.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000100; this.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000400; this.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000; this.POINTS = 0x0000; this.LINES = 0x0001; this.LINE_LOOP = 0x0002; this.LINE_STRIP = 0x0003; this.TRIANGLES = 0x0004; this.TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005; this.TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0006; this.ZERO = 0; this.ONE = 1; this.SRC_COLOR = 0x0300; this.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 0x0301; this.SRC_ALPHA = 0x0302; this.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x0303; this.DST_ALPHA = 0x0304; this.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x0305; this.DST_COLOR = 0x0306; this.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 0x0307; this.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 0x0308; this.FUNC_ADD = 0x8006; this.BLEND_EQUATION = 0x8009; this.BLEND_EQUATION_RGB = 0x8009; this.BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA = 0x883D; this.FUNC_SUBTRACT = 0x800A; this.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT = 0x800B; this.BLEND_DST_RGB = 0x80C8; this.BLEND_SRC_RGB = 0x80C9; this.BLEND_DST_ALPHA = 0x80CA; this.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 0x80CB; this.CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x8001; this.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR = 0x8002; this.CONSTANT_ALPHA = 0x8003; this.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA = 0x8004; this.BLEND_COLOR = 0x8005; this.ARRAY_BUFFER = 0x8892; this.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 0x8893; this.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 0x8894; this.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 0x8895; this.STREAM_DRAW = 0x88E0; this.STATIC_DRAW = 0x88E4; this.DYNAMIC_DRAW = 0x88E8; this.BUFFER_SIZE = 0x8764; this.BUFFER_USAGE = 0x8765; this.CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB = 0x8626; this.FRONT = 0x0404; this.BACK = 0x0405; this.FRONT_AND_BACK = 0x0408; this.CULL_FACE = 0x0B44; this.BLEND = 0x0BE2; this.DITHER = 0x0BD0; this.STENCIL_TEST = 0x0B90; this.DEPTH_TEST = 0x0B71; this.SCISSOR_TEST = 0x0C11; this.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = 0x8037; this.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE = 0x809E; this.SAMPLE_COVERAGE = 0x80A0; this.INVALID_ENUM = 0x0500; this.INVALID_VALUE = 0x0501; this.INVALID_OPERATION = 0x0502; this.OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0505; this.CW = 0x0900; this.CCW = 0x0901; this.LINE_WIDTH = 0x0B21; this.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 0x846D; this.ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = 0x846E; this.CULL_FACE_MODE = 0x0B45; this.FRONT_FACE = 0x0B46; this.DEPTH_RANGE = 0x0B70; this.DEPTH_WRITEMASK = 0x0B72; this.DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B73; this.DEPTH_FUNC = 0x0B74; this.STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B91; this.STENCIL_FUNC = 0x0B92; this.STENCIL_FAIL = 0x0B94; this.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL = 0x0B95; this.STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS = 0x0B96; this.STENCIL_REF = 0x0B97; this.STENCIL_VALUE_MASK = 0x0B93; this.STENCIL_WRITEMASK = 0x0B98; this.STENCIL_BACK_FUNC = 0x8800; this.STENCIL_BACK_FAIL = 0x8801; this.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL = 0x8802; this.STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS = 0x8803; this.STENCIL_BACK_REF = 0x8CA3; this.STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK = 0x8CA4; this.STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK = 0x8CA5; this.VIEWPORT = 0x0BA2; this.SCISSOR_BOX = 0x0C10; this.COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0C22; this.COLOR_WRITEMASK = 0x0C23; this.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT = 0x0CF5; this.PACK_ALIGNMENT = 0x0D05; this.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 0x0D33; this.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 0x0D3A; this.SUBPIXEL_BITS = 0x0D50; this.RED_BITS = 0x0D52; this.GREEN_BITS = 0x0D53; this.BLUE_BITS = 0x0D54; this.ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D55; this.DEPTH_BITS = 0x0D56; this.STENCIL_BITS = 0x0D57; this.POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS = 0x2A00; this.POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR = 0x8038; this.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D = 0x8069; this.SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 0x80A8; this.SAMPLES = 0x80A9; this.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE = 0x80AA; this.SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT = 0x80AB; this.COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS = 0x86A3; this.DONT_CARE = 0x1100; this.FASTEST = 0x1101; this.NICEST = 0x1102; this.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT = 0x8192; this.BYTE = 0x1400; this.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401; this.SHORT = 0x1402; this.UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x1403; this.INT = 0x1404; this.UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405; this.FLOAT = 0x1406; this.DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902; this.ALPHA = 0x1906; this.RGB = 0x1907; this.RGBA = 0x1908; this.LUMINANCE = 0x1909; this.LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x190A; this.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 0x8033; this.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 0x8034; this.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 0x8363; this.FRAGMENT_SHADER = 0x8B30; this.VERTEX_SHADER = 0x8B31; this.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS = 0x8869; this.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 0x8DFB; this.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS = 0x8DFC; this.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 0x8B4D; this.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 0x8B4C; this.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS = 0x8872; this.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS = 0x8DFD; this.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 34047; this.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT = 34046; this.SHADER_TYPE = 0x8B4F; this.DELETE_STATUS = 0x8B80; this.LINK_STATUS = 0x8B82; this.VALIDATE_STATUS = 0x8B83; this.ATTACHED_SHADERS = 0x8B85; this.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS = 0x8B86; this.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x8B89; this.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 0x8B8C; this.CURRENT_PROGRAM = 0x8B8D; this.NEVER = 0x0200; this.LESS = 0x0201; this.EQUAL = 0x0202; this.LEQUAL = 0x0203; this.GREATER = 0x0204; this.NOTEQUAL = 0x0205; this.GEQUAL = 0x0206; this.ALWAYS = 0x0207; this.KEEP = 0x1E00; this.REPLACE = 0x1E01; this.INCR = 0x1E02; this.DECR = 0x1E03; this.INVERT = 0x150A; this.INCR_WRAP = 0x8507; this.DECR_WRAP = 0x8508; this.VENDOR = 0x1F00; this.RENDERER = 0x1F01; this.VERSION = 0x1F02; this.NEAREST = 0x2600; this.LINEAR = 0x2601; this.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 0x2700; this.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 0x2701; this.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2702; this.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2703; this.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER = 0x2800; this.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = 0x2801; this.TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 0x2802; this.TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 0x2803; this.TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1; this.TEXTURE = 0x1702; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP = 0x8513; this.TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP = 0x8514; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X = 0x8515; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X = 0x8516; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y = 0x8517; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y = 0x8518; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z = 0x8519; this.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z = 0x851A; this.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE = 0x851C; this.TEXTURE0 = 0x84C0; this.TEXTURE1 = 0x84C1; this.TEXTURE2 = 0x84C2; this.TEXTURE3 = 0x84C3; this.TEXTURE4 = 0x84C4; this.TEXTURE5 = 0x84C5; this.TEXTURE6 = 0x84C6; this.TEXTURE7 = 0x84C7; this.TEXTURE8 = 0x84C8; this.TEXTURE9 = 0x84C9; this.TEXTURE10 = 0x84CA; this.TEXTURE11 = 0x84CB; this.TEXTURE12 = 0x84CC; this.TEXTURE13 = 0x84CD; this.TEXTURE14 = 0x84CE; this.TEXTURE15 = 0x84CF; this.TEXTURE16 = 0x84D0; this.TEXTURE17 = 0x84D1; this.TEXTURE18 = 0x84D2; this.TEXTURE19 = 0x84D3; this.TEXTURE20 = 0x84D4; this.TEXTURE21 = 0x84D5; this.TEXTURE22 = 0x84D6; this.TEXTURE23 = 0x84D7; this.TEXTURE24 = 0x84D8; this.TEXTURE25 = 0x84D9; this.TEXTURE26 = 0x84DA; this.TEXTURE27 = 0x84DB; this.TEXTURE28 = 0x84DC; this.TEXTURE29 = 0x84DD; this.TEXTURE30 = 0x84DE; this.TEXTURE31 = 0x84DF; this.ACTIVE_TEXTURE = 0x84E0; this.REPEAT = 0x2901; this.CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 0x812F; this.MIRRORED_REPEAT = 0x8370; this.FLOAT_VEC2 = 0x8B50; this.FLOAT_VEC3 = 0x8B51; this.FLOAT_VEC4 = 0x8B52; this.INT_VEC2 = 0x8B53; this.INT_VEC3 = 0x8B54; this.INT_VEC4 = 0x8B55; this.BOOL = 0x8B56; this.BOOL_VEC2 = 0x8B57; this.BOOL_VEC3 = 0x8B58; this.BOOL_VEC4 = 0x8B59; this.FLOAT_MAT2 = 0x8B5A; this.FLOAT_MAT3 = 0x8B5B; this.FLOAT_MAT4 = 0x8B5C; this.SAMPLER_2D = 0x8B5E; this.SAMPLER_CUBE = 0x8B60; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED = 0x8622; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x8623; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x8624; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8625; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED = 0x886A; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8645; this.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING = 0x889F; this.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE = 0x8B9A; this.IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT = 0x8B9B; this.COMPILE_STATUS = 0x8B81; this.LOW_FLOAT = 0x8DF0; this.MEDIUM_FLOAT = 0x8DF1; this.HIGH_FLOAT = 0x8DF2; this.LOW_INT = 0x8DF3; this.MEDIUM_INT = 0x8DF4; this.HIGH_INT = 0x8DF5; this.FRAMEBUFFER = 0x8D40; this.RENDERBUFFER = 0x8D41; this.RGBA4 = 0x8056; this.RGB5_A1 = 0x8057; this.RGB565 = 0x8D62; this.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 0x81A5; this.STENCIL_INDEX = 0x1901; this.STENCIL_INDEX8 = 0x8D48; this.DEPTH_STENCIL = 0x84F9; this.RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH = 0x8D42; this.RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT = 0x8D43; this.RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT = 0x8D44; this.RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE = 0x8D50; this.RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE = 0x8D51; this.RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE = 0x8D52; this.RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE = 0x8D53; this.RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE = 0x8D54; this.RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE = 0x8D55; this.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE = 0x8CD0; this.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME = 0x8CD1; this.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL = 0x8CD2; this.FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE = 0x8CD3; this.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 0x8CE0; this.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = 0x8D00; this.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 0x8D20; this.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 0x821A; this.NONE = 0; this.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE = 0x8CD5; this.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT = 0x8CD6; this.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT = 0x8CD7; this.FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS = 0x8CD9; this.FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED = 0x8CDD; this.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING = 0x8CA6; this.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING = 0x8CA7; this.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE = 0x84E8; this.INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION = 0x0506; this.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL = 0x9240; this.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL = 0x9241; this.CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL = 0x9242; this.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL = 0x9243; this.BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL = 0x9244; if (!LayaGLContext.instance) { LayaGLContext.__init__(); LayaGLContext.instance = this; } else { console.log("LayaGL is already exist"); return LayaGLContext.instance; } this._nativeObj = layagl; this._threadMode = this._nativeObj.getThreadMode(); contextType = contextType.toLowerCase(); if (contextType.indexOf("layagl") >= 0) { this._nativeObj.setSyncArrayBufferID(LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"]); this._nativeObj.setFrameAndSyncCountArrayBufferID(LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer["_ptrID"]); this._defaultEncoder = new GLCommandEncoder(this, 102400, 1280, false); this._currentCmdEncoder = this._defaultEncoder; this._saveCommandEncoder.push(this._currentCmdEncoder); this._nativeObj.setRootCommandEncoder(this._currentCmdEncoder._buffer["_ptrID"]); } else { this._nativeObj.setSyncArrayBufferID(LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"]); this._nativeObj.setFrameAndSyncCountArrayBufferID(LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer["_ptrID"]); this._defaultEncoder = new GLCommandEncoder(this, 102400, 1280, false); this._currentCmdEncoder = this._defaultEncoder; this._nativeObj.setRootCommandEncoder(this._defaultEncoder._buffer["_ptrID"]); } } static __init__() { LayaGLContext._syncBufferList = new Int32Array(LayaGLContext._syncBufferSize); LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["conchRef"] = conch.createArrayBufferRef(LayaGLContext._syncBufferList, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, false, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_REFERENCE); LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"] = LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["conchRef"].id; LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer = new Int32Array(2); LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer["conchRef"] = conch.createArrayBufferRef(LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA, false, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_REFERENCE); LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer["_ptrID"] = LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer["conchRef"].id; LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0] = 1; LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[1] = 0; if (layagl.getThreadMode() > 1) { LayaGLContext.prototype.bindBuffer = LayaGLContext.prototype.bindBufferMutiThread; LayaGLContext.prototype.useProgram = LayaGLContext.prototype.useProgramMutiThread; GLCommandEncoder.prototype.getUniform = GLCommandEncoder.prototype.getUniformMutiThread; } } static createArrayBufferRef(arrayBuffer, type, syncRender) { var bufferConchRef = conch.createArrayBufferRef(arrayBuffer, type, syncRender, LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_REFERENCE); arrayBuffer["conchRef"] = bufferConchRef; arrayBuffer["_ptrID"] = bufferConchRef.id; return bufferConchRef; } static createArrayBufferRefs(arrayBuffer, type, syncRender, refType) { if (!arrayBuffer._refArray) { arrayBuffer._refArray = []; arrayBuffer._refNum = 1; arrayBuffer._refArray.length = 1; arrayBuffer.getRefNum = function () { return this._refNum; }; arrayBuffer.clearRefNum = function () { this._refNum = 1; }; arrayBuffer.getRefSize = function () { return this._refArray.length; }; arrayBuffer.getPtrID = function (index) { index = index ? index : 0; return this._refArray[index].ptrID; }; } var bufferConchRef = null; if (refType == LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_REFERENCE) { var refArray = arrayBuffer._refArray; if (!refArray[0]) { bufferConchRef = conch.createArrayBufferRef(arrayBuffer, type, syncRender, refType); refArray[0] = { "ref": bufferConchRef, "ptrID": bufferConchRef.id }; } } else { if (arrayBuffer._refNum < arrayBuffer._refArray.length) { bufferConchRef = arrayBuffer._refArray[arrayBuffer._refNum].ref; var nPtrID = arrayBuffer.getPtrID(arrayBuffer._refNum); conch.syncArrayBufferDataToRuntime(nPtrID, bufferConchRef.isSyncToRender(), arrayBuffer); } else { bufferConchRef = conch.createArrayBufferRef(arrayBuffer, type, syncRender, refType); arrayBuffer._refArray.push({ "ref": bufferConchRef, "ptrID": bufferConchRef.id }); } arrayBuffer._refNum++; } return bufferConchRef; } static getFrameCount() { return LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0]; } static syncBufferToRenderThread(value, index = 0) { if (LayaGLContext.instance._threadMode == LayaGLContext.THREAD_MODE_SINGLE) return; var bNeedSync = false; if (!value._refArray) { if (value.frameCount != LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0]) { value.frameCount = LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0]; bNeedSync = true; } } else { var obj = value._refArray[index]; if (obj.frameCount != LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0]) { obj.frameCount = LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[0]; bNeedSync = true; } } if (bNeedSync) { if ((LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[1] + 1) > LayaGLContext._syncBufferSize) { var pre = LayaGLContext._syncBufferList; var preConchRef = LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["conchRef"]; var prePtrID = LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"]; LayaGLContext._syncBufferSize += LayaGLContext._SYNC_ARRAYBUFFER_SIZE_; LayaGLContext._syncBufferList = new Int32Array(LayaGLContext._syncBufferSize); LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["conchRef"] = preConchRef; LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"] = prePtrID; pre && LayaGLContext._syncBufferList.set(pre, 0); conch.updateArrayBufferRef(LayaGLContext._syncBufferList["_ptrID"], false, LayaGLContext._syncBufferList); } var nID = value.getPtrID ? value.getPtrID(index) : value["_ptrID"]; if (!nID) { alert("syncBufferToRenderThread id error"); debugger; } LayaGLContext._syncBufferList[LayaGLContext._frameAndSyncCountBuffer[1]++] = nID; } } getDefaultCommandEncoder() { return this._defaultEncoder; } commit() { this._saveCommandEncoder.length = 0; this._currentCmdEncoder = this._defaultEncoder; this._saveCommandEncoder.push(this._currentCmdEncoder); } setBind(pname, buffer) { this._curBindInfo.setBind(pname, buffer); } getBind(pname) { return this._curBindInfo.getBind(pname); } addGlobalValueDefine(modifyType, type, size, defaultData) { return this._nativeObj.addGlobalValueDefine(modifyType, type, size, defaultData); } endGlobalValueDefine() { this._nativeObj.endGlobalValueDefine(); } defineShaderMacro(macroString, uniformInfo) { var nID = LayaGLContext._shader_macro_id_; var sUniformInfo = ""; var len = uniformInfo.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { sUniformInfo += uniformInfo[i].uname + "," + uniformInfo[i].id.toString() + ","; } this._nativeObj.defineShaderMacro(nID, macroString, sUniformInfo); LayaGLContext._shader_macro_id_ <<= 1; return nID; } setCanvasType(type) { } setSize(w, h) { if (!isNaN(w) && !isNaN(h)) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this._nativeObj.setSize(w, h); } } createCommandEncoder(reserveSize, adjustSize, isSyncToRenderThread) { reserveSize = reserveSize ? reserveSize : 128; adjustSize = adjustSize ? adjustSize : 64; isSyncToRenderThread = isSyncToRenderThread ? isSyncToRenderThread : false; var cmd = new GLCommandEncoder(this, reserveSize, adjustSize, isSyncToRenderThread); if (isSyncToRenderThread) { LayaGLContext.syncBufferToRenderThread(cmd); } return cmd; } beginCommandEncoding(commandEncoder) { commandEncoder = commandEncoder ? commandEncoder : this._defaultEncoder; this._saveCommandEncoder.push(commandEncoder); this._currentCmdEncoder = commandEncoder; } endCommandEncoding() { this._saveCommandEncoder.pop(); this._currentCmdEncoder = this._saveCommandEncoder[this._saveCommandEncoder.length - 1]; } getContextAttributes() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getContextAttributes(); } get drawingBufferWidth() { return this.canvas.width; } get drawingBufferHeight() { return this.canvas.height; } isContextLost() { this._currentCmdEncoder.isContextLost(); } getSupportedExtensions() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getSupportedExtensions(); } getExtension(name) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getExtension(name); } activeTexture(texture) { this._currentCmdEncoder.activeTexture(texture); } attachShader(program, shader) { this._currentCmdEncoder.attachShader(program, shader); } getAttachedShaders(program) { let ret = []; if (program.vsShader) { ret.push(program.vsShader); } if (program.psShader) { ret.push(program.psShader); } return ret; } bindAttribLocation(program, index, name) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindAttribLocation(program, index, name); } bindBuffer(target, buffer) { this.setBind(target, buffer); this._currentCmdEncoder.bindBuffer(target, buffer); } bindBufferMutiThread(target, buffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindBuffer(target, buffer); } bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer); this.setBind(target, framebuffer); } bindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindRenderbuffer(target, renderbuffer); this.setBind(target, renderbuffer); } bindTexture(target, texture) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindTexture(target, texture); this.setBind(target, texture); } useTexture(texture) { this._currentCmdEncoder.useTexture(texture); } blendColor(red, green, blue, alpha) { this._currentCmdEncoder.blendColor(red, green, blue, alpha); } blendEquation(mode) { this._currentCmdEncoder.blendEquation(mode); } blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha) { this._currentCmdEncoder.blendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha); } blendFunc(sfactor, dfactor) { this._currentCmdEncoder.blendFunc(sfactor, dfactor); } blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha) { this._currentCmdEncoder.blendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha); } bufferData(target, size, usage) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bufferData(target, size, usage); } bufferSubData(target, offset, data) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bufferSubData(target, offset, data); } checkFramebufferStatus(target) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.checkFramebufferStatus(target); } clear(mask) { this._currentCmdEncoder.clear(mask); } clearColor(red, green, blue, alpha) { this._currentCmdEncoder.clearColor(red, green, blue, alpha); } clearDepth(depth) { this._currentCmdEncoder.clearDepth(depth); } clearStencil(s) { this._currentCmdEncoder.clearStencil(s); } colorMask(red, green, blue, alpha) { this._currentCmdEncoder.colorMask(red, green, blue, alpha); } compileShader(shader) { this._currentCmdEncoder.compileShader(shader); } copyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border) { this._currentCmdEncoder.copyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); } copyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height) { this._currentCmdEncoder.copyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); } createBuffer() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createBuffer(); } createFramebuffer() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createFramebuffer(); } createProgram() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createProgram(); } createRenderbuffer() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createRenderbuffer(); } createShader(type) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createShader(type); } createTexture() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createTexture(); } cullFace(mode) { this._currentCmdEncoder.cullFace(mode); } deleteBuffer(buffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteBuffer(buffer); buffer.id = -1; } deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer); framebuffer.id = -1; } deleteProgram(program) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteProgram(program); program.id = -1; } deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); renderbuffer.id = -1; } deleteShader(shader) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteShader(shader); shader.id = -1; shader.src = null; } deleteTexture(texture) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteTexture(texture); texture.id = -1; } depthFunc(func) { this._currentCmdEncoder.depthFunc(func); } depthMask(flag) { this._currentCmdEncoder.depthMask(flag); } depthRange(zNear, zFar) { this._currentCmdEncoder.depthRange(zNear, zFar); } detachShader(program, shader) { this._currentCmdEncoder.detachShader(program, shader); } disable(cap) { this._currentCmdEncoder.disable(cap); } disableVertexAttribArray(index) { this._currentCmdEncoder.disableVertexAttribArray(index); } drawArrays(mode, first, count) { this._currentCmdEncoder.drawArrays(mode, first, count); } drawElements(mode, count, type, offset) { this._currentCmdEncoder.drawElements(mode, count, type, offset); } enable(cap) { this._currentCmdEncoder.enable(cap); } enableVertexAttribArray(index) { this._currentCmdEncoder.enableVertexAttribArray(index); } finish() { this._currentCmdEncoder.finish(); } flush() { this._currentCmdEncoder.flush(); } framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer); var frameBuffer = this.getBind(target); if (frameBuffer) { frameBuffer.setBind(attachment, renderbuffer); } } framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) { this._currentCmdEncoder.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); var frameBuffer = this.getBind(target); if (frameBuffer) { frameBuffer.setBind(attachment, texture); } } frontFace(mode) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.frontFace(mode); } generateMipmap(target) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.generateMipmap(target); } getActiveAttrib(program, index) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getActiveAttrib(program, index); } getActiveUniform(program, index) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getActiveUniform(program, index); } getAttribLocation(program, name) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getAttribLocation(program, name); } getParameter(pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getParameter(pname); } getBufferParameter(target, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getBufferParameter(target, pname); } getError() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getError(); } getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target, attachment, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(target, attachment, pname); } getProgramParameter(program, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getProgramParameter(program, pname); } getProgramInfoLog(program) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getProgramInfoLog(program); } getRenderbufferParameter(target, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getRenderbufferParameter(target, pname); } getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getShaderPrecisionFormat(shaderType, precisionType); } getShaderParameter(shader, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getShaderParameter(shader, pname); } getShaderInfoLog(shader) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getShaderInfoLog(shader); } getShaderSource(shader) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getShaderSource(shader); } getTexParameter(target, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getTexParameter(target, pname); } getUniform(program, location) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getUniform(program, location); } getUniformLocation(program, name) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getUniformLocation(program, name); } getVertexAttrib(index, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getVertexAttrib(index, pname); } getVertexAttribOffset(index, pname) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.getVertexAttribOffset(index, pname); } hnumber(target, mode) { this._currentCmdEncoder.hint(target, mode); } hint(target, mode) { this._currentCmdEncoder.hint(target, mode); } isBuffer(buffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isBuffer(buffer); } isEnabled(cap) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.isEnabled(cap); } isFramebuffer(framebuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isFramebuffer(framebuffer); } isProgram(program) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isProgram(program); } isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); } isShader(shader) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isShader(shader); } isTexture(texture) { this._currentCmdEncoder.isTexture(texture); } lineWidth(width) { this._currentCmdEncoder.lineWidth(width); } linkProgram(program) { this._currentCmdEncoder.linkProgram(program); } pixelStorei(pname, param) { this._currentCmdEncoder.pixelStorei(pname, param); } polygonOffset(factor, units) { this._currentCmdEncoder.polygonOffset(factor, units); } readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) { this._currentCmdEncoder.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); } readPixelsAsync(x, y, w, h, format, type, callBack) { this._currentCmdEncoder.readPixelsAsync(x, y, w, h, format, type, callBack); } renderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height) { this._currentCmdEncoder.renderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height); } sampleCoverage(value, invert) { this._currentCmdEncoder.sampleCoverage(value, invert); } scissor(x, y, width, height) { this._currentCmdEncoder.scissor(x, y, width, height); } shaderSource(shader, source) { this._currentCmdEncoder.shaderSource(shader, source); } stencilFunc(func, ref, mask) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilFunc(func, ref, mask); } stencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref, mask) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilFuncSeparate(face, func, ref, mask); } stencilMask(mask) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilMask(mask); } stencilMaskSeparate(face, mask) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilMaskSeparate(face, mask); } stencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass); } stencilOpSeparate(face, fail, zfail, zpass) { this._currentCmdEncoder.stencilOpSeparate(face, fail, zfail, zpass); } texImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; this._currentCmdEncoder.texImage2D.apply(this._currentCmdEncoder, args); } texParameterf(target, pname, param) { this._currentCmdEncoder.texParameterf(target, pname, param); } texParameteri(target, pname, param) { this._currentCmdEncoder.texParameteri(target, pname, param); } texSubImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; this._currentCmdEncoder.texSubImage2D.apply(this._currentCmdEncoder, args); } uniform1f(location, x) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform1f(location, x); } uniform1fv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform1fv(location, v); } uniform1i(location, x) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform1i(location, x); } uniform1iv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform1iv(location, v); } uniform2f(location, x, y) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform2f(location, x, y); } uniform2fv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform2fv(location, v); } uniform2i(location, x, y) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform2i(location, x, y); } uniform2iv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform2iv(location, v); } uniform3f(location, x, y, z) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform3f(location, x, y, z); } uniform3fv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform3fv(location, v); } uniform3i(location, x, y, z) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform3i(location, x, y, z); } uniform3iv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform3iv(location, v); } uniform4f(location, x, y, z, w) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform4f(location, x, y, z, w); } uniform4fv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform4fv(location, v); } uniform4i(location, x, y, z, w) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform4i(location, x, y, z, w); } uniform4iv(location, v) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniform4iv(location, v); } uniformMatrix2fv(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix2fv(location, transpose, value); } uniformMatrix3fv(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix3fv(location, transpose, value); } uniformMatrix4fv(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix4fv(location, transpose, value); } useProgram(program) { this.setBind(this.CURRENT_PROGRAM, program); this._currentCmdEncoder.useProgram(program); } useProgramMutiThread(program) { this._currentCmdEncoder.useProgram(program); } validateProgram(program) { this._currentCmdEncoder.validateProgram(program); } vertexAttrib1f(indx, x) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib1f(indx, x); } vertexAttrib1fv(indx, values) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib1fv(indx, values); } vertexAttrib2f(indx, x, y) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib2f(indx, x, y); } vertexAttrib2fv(indx, values) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib2fv(indx, values); } vertexAttrib3f(indx, x, y, z) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib3f(indx, x, y, z); } vertexAttrib3fv(indx, values) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib3fv(indx, values); } vertexAttrib4f(indx, x, y, z, w) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib4f(indx, x, y, z, w); } vertexAttrib4fv(indx, values) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttrib4fv(indx, values); } vertexAttribPointer(indx, size, type, normalized, stride, offset) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttribPointer(indx, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); } viewport(x, y, width, height) { this._currentCmdEncoder.viewport(x, y, width, height); } configureBackBuffer(width, height, antiAlias, enableDepthAndStencil, wantsBestResolution) { enableDepthAndStencil = enableDepthAndStencil ? enableDepthAndStencil : true; wantsBestResolution = wantsBestResolution ? wantsBestResolution : false; this._currentCmdEncoder.configureBackBuffer(width, height, antiAlias, enableDepthAndStencil, wantsBestResolution); } compressedTexImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; this._currentCmdEncoder.compressedTexImage2D.apply(this._currentCmdEncoder, args); } compressedTexSubImage2D(_args) { var args = arguments; this._currentCmdEncoder.compressedTexSubImage2D.apply(this._currentCmdEncoder, args); } createVertexArray() { return this._currentCmdEncoder.createVertexArray(); } bindVertexArray(vao) { this._currentCmdEncoder.bindVertexArray(vao); } deleteVertexArray(vao) { this._currentCmdEncoder.deleteVertexArray(vao); } isVertexArray(vao) { return this._currentCmdEncoder.isVertexArray(vao); } vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor) { this._currentCmdEncoder.vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor); } drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instanceCount) { this._currentCmdEncoder.drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, instanceCount); } drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount) { this._currentCmdEncoder.drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, offset, instanceCount); } uniformMatrix2fvEx(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix2fvEx(location, transpose, value); } uniformMatrix3fvEx(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix3fvEx(location, transpose, value); } uniformMatrix4fvEx(location, transpose, value) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uniformMatrix4fvEx(location, transpose, value); } addShaderUniform(one) { this._currentCmdEncoder.addShaderUniform(one); } uploadShaderUniforms(commandEncoder, data, type) { this._currentCmdEncoder.uploadShaderUniforms(commandEncoder, data, type); return 0; } useCommandEncoder(commandEncoder) { this._currentCmdEncoder.useCommandEncoder(commandEncoder); } loadDataToReg(regNum, data, offset, size) { this._currentCmdEncoder.loadDataToReg(regNum, data, offset, size); } loadDataToRegEx(regNum, dataID, offset, size) { this._currentCmdEncoder.loadDataToRegEx(regNum, dataID, offset, size); } ifLess0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifLess0(regNum, statementNum); } ifEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifEqual0(regNum, statementNum); } ifGreater0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifGreater0(regNum, statementNum); } ifLEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifLEqual0(regNum, statementNum); } ifGEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifGEqual0(regNum, statementNum); } ifGNotEqual0(regNum, statementNum) { this._currentCmdEncoder.ifGNotEqual0(regNum, statementNum); } operateReg(regOut, reg1, reg2, size, operateType, dataType) { this._currentCmdEncoder.operateReg(regOut, reg1, reg2, size, operateType, dataType); } store(dataID, offset, regID, size) { this._currentCmdEncoder.store(dataID, offset, regID, size); } setMainContextSize(width, height) { this._nativeObj.setMainContextSize(width, height); } getCurrentContext() { return this._currentContext; } getProgramParameterEx(vs, ps, define, pname) { return this._nativeObj.getProgramParameterEx(vs, ps, define, pname); } getActiveAttribEx(vs, ps, define, index) { return this._nativeObj.getActiveAttribEx(vs, ps, define, index); } getActiveUniformEx(vs, ps, define, index) { return this._nativeObj.getActiveUniformEx(vs, ps, define, index); } updateAnimationNodeWorldMatix(locPosition, locRotation, locScaling, parentIndices, outWorldMatrix) { return this._nativeObj.updateAnimationNodeWorldMatix(locPosition, locRotation, locScaling, parentIndices, outWorldMatrix); } computeSubSkinnedDataNative(worldMatrixs, worldMatrixIndex, inverseBindPoses, boneIndices, bindPoseInices, resultData) { return this._nativeObj.computeSubSkinnedDataNative(worldMatrixs, worldMatrixIndex, inverseBindPoses, boneIndices, bindPoseInices, resultData); } computeSubSkinnedData(worldMatrixs, worldMatrixIndex, inverseBindPoses, boneIndices, bindPoseInices, resultData) { return this._nativeObj.computeSubSkinnedData(worldMatrixs, worldMatrixIndex, inverseBindPoses, boneIndices, bindPoseInices, resultData); } culling(boundFrustumBuffer, cullingBuffer, cullingBufferIndices, cullingCount, cullingBufferResult) { return this._nativeObj.culling(boundFrustumBuffer, cullingBuffer, cullingBufferIndices, cullingCount, cullingBufferResult); } calcMatrixFromScaleSkewRotation(nArrayBufferID, matrixFlag, matrixResultID, x, y, pivotX, pivotY, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotate) { conch.calcMatrixFromScaleSkewRotation(nArrayBufferID, matrixFlag, matrixResultID, x, y, pivotX, pivotY, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY, rotate); } setGLTemplate(type, templateID) { conch.setGLTemplate(type, templateID); } setEndGLTemplate(type, templateID) { conch.setEndGLTemplate(type, templateID); } matrix4x4Multiply(m1, m2, out) { conch.matrix4x4Multiply(m1, m2, out); } evaluateClipDatasRealTime(nodes, playCurTime, realTimeCurrentFrameIndexs, addtive, frontPlay) { conch.evaluateClipDatasRealTime(nodes, playCurTime, realTimeCurrentFrameIndexs, addtive, frontPlay); } } LayaGLContext._SYNC_ARRAYBUFFER_SIZE_ = 4096; LayaGLContext._syncBufferSize = LayaGLContext._SYNC_ARRAYBUFFER_SIZE_; LayaGLContext._tempGLEncoder = null; LayaGLContext._shader_macro_id_ = 1; LayaGLContext.THREAD_MODE_SINGLE = 1; LayaGLContext.THREAD_MODE_DOUBLE = 2; LayaGLContext.EXECUTE_JS_THREAD_BUFFER = 0; LayaGLContext.EXECUTE_RENDER_THREAD_BUFFER = 1; LayaGLContext.EXECUTE_COPY_TO_RENDER = 2; LayaGLContext.EXECUTE_COPY_TO_RENDER3D = 3; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_ADD = 0; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_SUB = 1; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_MUL = 2; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_DIV = 3; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M2_MUL = 4; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M3_MUL = 5; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M4_MUL = 6; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_MUL = 7; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_SET = 8; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_TRANSLATE = 9; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_SCALE = 10; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_ROTATE = 11; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_SCALE_PIVOT = 12; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_ROTATE_PIVOT = 13; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_M32_TRANSFORM_PIVOT = 14; LayaGLContext.VALUE_OPERATE_BYTE4_COLOR_MUL = 15; LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_DATA = 0; LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_TYPE_CMD = 1; LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_REFERENCE = 0; LayaGLContext.ARRAY_BUFFER_REF_COPY = 1; LayaGLContext.UPLOAD_SHADER_UNIFORM_TYPE_ID = 0; LayaGLContext.UPLOAD_SHADER_UNIFORM_TYPE_DATA = 1; window["WebGLRenderingContext"] = LayaGLContext; window["LayaGLContext"] = LayaGLContext; window["ParamData"] = ParamData; window["ProgramLocationTable"] = ProgramLocationTable; window["GLCommandEncoder"] = GLCommandEncoder; window["CallbackFuncObj"] = CallbackFuncObj; class CSSStyleDeclaration { constructor() { this._transform = new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); this._styleNumber = 0; } get length() { return this._styleNumber; } getPropertyPriority(propertyName) { return ''; } getPropertyValue(propertyName) { return ''; } item(index) { return ''; } removeProperty(propertyName) { return ''; } setProperty(propertyName, value, priority) { } set left(l) { var nl = parseInt(l); this._htmlEle.clientLeft = nl; } set top(t) { var nt = parseInt(t); this._htmlEle.clientTop = nt; } set height(h) { var nh = parseInt(h); this._htmlEle.clientHeight = nh; } set width(w) { var nw = parseInt(w); this._htmlEle.clientWidth = nw; } set transform(trans) { var s1 = trans.split(/[\(,\)]/); if (s1 && s1.length > 2) { if (s1[0] === 'matrix') { if (s1.length >= 7) { this._transform[0] = 1 * s1[1]; this._transform[1] = 1 * s1[2]; this._transform[2] = 1 * s1[3]; this._transform[3] = 1 * s1[4]; this._transform[4] = 1 * s1[5]; this._transform[5] = 1 * s1[6]; if (this._htmlEle && this._htmlEle.onCSS_Transform) { this._htmlEle.onCSS_Transform(this._transform); } } else if (s1[0] === 'scale') { alert('css scale not implemented'); } } } } } class HTMLElement extends Element { constructor() { super(); this.style = new CSSStyleDeclaration(); this.style._htmlEle = this; } onCSS_Transform(mat) { } ; onerror(ev) { } onload(ev) { } } window["HTMLElement"] = HTMLElement; class HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.tagName = "DIV"; } } class HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.tagName = "SCRIPT"; } set src(url) { var _t = this; this._src = location.resolve(url); console.log("HTMLScriptElement set src" + this._src); document.uploadScript({ "src": this._src, "obj": this }); } get src() { return this._src; } set text(t) { this._text = t; document.uploadScript({ "text": this._text, "obj": this }); } get text() { return this._text; } } class HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._isFirst = false; this._tranform = null; this._hasTransform = false; this._clientRect = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; this.clientLeft; this.tagName = "CANVAS"; this._width = HTMLCanvasElement.defaultWidth; this._height = HTMLCanvasElement.defaultHeight; } setFirst() { this._isFirst = true; if (this._context) { LayaGLContext.instance.canvas = this; } } getBoundingClientRect() { var cr = this._clientRect; if (this._hasTransform) { cr.width = this._width * this._tranform[0]; cr.height = this._height * this._tranform[3]; cr.left = this._tranform[4]; cr.top = this._tranform[5]; cr.right = cr.left + cr.width; cr.bottom = cr.left + cr.height; } else { cr.right = cr.width = this._width; cr.bottom = cr.height = this._height; } return cr; } getContext(contextType) { console.log("getContext type=" + contextType); if (!LayaGLContext.instance) { LayaGLContext.instance = new LayaGLContext(contextType); } if (!this._context) { this._context = new CanvasRenderingContext(this); if (this._width) this._context.setSize(this._width, this._height); if (this._isFirst) { LayaGLContext.instance.canvas = this; } } if (contextType.indexOf("webgl") >= 0) { LayaGLContext.instance.canvas = this; return LayaGLContext.instance; } else { return this._context; } } onCSS_Transform(mat) { this._tranform = mat; this._hasTransform = true; var e = new Event('csstransform'); this.dispatchEvent(e); var sw = mat[0]; var sh = mat[3]; conchConfig.setScreenScale(sw, sh, mat[4], mat[5]); if (sw == 0 || sh == 0) { if (mat[4] > mat[5]) { console.warn("设置横竖屏错误! 请在初始html页面meta中设置screenorientation为横屏landscape"); } else { console.warn("设置横竖屏错误! 请在初始html页面meta中设置screenorientation为竖屏portrait"); } } } toDataURL(type) { return ""; } setSize(w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; this._context && this._context.setSize(w, h); } set width(w) { if (this._isFirst && HTMLCanvasElement.RS) { this._w = w; return; } if (this._width != w) { this._width = w; this._context && this._context.setSize(this._width, this._height); } } get width() { return this._width; } set height(h) { if (this._isFirst && HTMLCanvasElement.RS) { this._h = h; return; } if (this._height != h) { this._height = h; this._context && this._context.setSize(this._width, this._height); } } get height() { return this._height; } get clientWidth() { return this._width; } get clientHeight() { return this._height; } set clientWidth(v) { this._width = v; } set clientHeight(v) { this._height = v; } toBase64(type, encoderOptions, callback) { if (this._context) { this._context.toBase64(type, encoderOptions, callback); } } getImageData(x, y, w, h, callBack) { if (this._context) { this._context.getImageData(x, y, w, h, callBack); } } } HTMLCanvasElement.defaultWidth = 300; HTMLCanvasElement.defaultHeight = 150; window.HTMLCanvasElement = HTMLCanvasElement; class HTMLImageElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this._nativeObj = null; this.complete = false; this._enableMerageInAtlas = true; this.tagName = 'IMG'; this._nativeObj = new conchImage(); this._nativeObj.srcs = 0; this._nativeObj.obj = this; } set src(url) { this._nativeObj.onerror = this._nativeOnError; this._nativeObj.onload = this._nativeOnload; this._nativeObj.srcs = this._nativeObj.srcs || 0; if (this._nativeObj.srcs == 0) { this._nativeObj.obj = this; } this._nativeObj.srcs++; if (this.isBase64(url)) { let index = url.indexOf(';base64,'); if (index != -1) { this._nativeObj.setBase64(url.substr(index + 8)); } } else { url = location.resolve(url); this._nativeObj.setSrc(url); } } isBase64(url) { return url.startsWith('data:image/'); } get src() { return this._nativeObj.src; } _nativeOnload() { this.srcs = this.srcs || 1; this.srcs--; var temp = this.obj; var e = new Event('load'); temp.complete = true; e.target = this; temp.onload(e); temp.dispatchEvent(e); if (this.srcs == 0) { this.obj = null; } } _nativeOnError(e) { this.srcs = this.srcs || 1; this.srcs--; var temp = this.obj; var evt = new Event('error'); evt.target = this; if (typeof (e) === 'object') { evt['extCode'] = e.extCode; } else evt['extCode'] = e; temp.onerror(evt); temp.dispatchEvent(evt); if (this.srcs == 0) { this.obj = null; } } get width() { if (this._nativeObj) return this._nativeObj.width; return 0; } get height() { if (this._nativeObj) return this._nativeObj.height; return 0; } get imgId() { return this._nativeObj.conchImgId; } putImageData(data, w, h) { this._nativeObj.putBitmapData(data, w, h); } setPremultiplyAlpha(b) { this._nativeObj.setPremultiplyAlpha(b); } conchDestroy() { this._nativeObj.destroy(); } set enableMerageInAtlas(value) { this._enableMerageInAtlas = value; this._nativeObj.enableMerageInAtlas(value); } get enableMerageInAtlas() { return this._enableMerageInAtlas; } releaseTexture() { this._nativeObj.releaseTexture(); } } window["HTMLImageElement"] = HTMLImageElement; class HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.tagName = "Input"; this._nativeObj = new ConchInput(); this.setLeft = this._nativeObj.setLeft.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setTop = this._nativeObj.setTop.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setWidth = this._nativeObj.setWidth.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setHeight = this._nativeObj.setHeight.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setOpacity = this._nativeObj.setOpacity.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setValue = this._nativeObj.setValue.bind(this._nativeObj); this.getValue = this._nativeObj.getValue.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setStyle = this._nativeObj.setStyle.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setVisible = this._nativeObj.setVisible.bind(this._nativeObj); this.focus = this._nativeObj.focus.bind(this._nativeObj); this.blur = this._nativeObj.blur.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setColor = this._nativeObj.setColor.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setFontSize = this._nativeObj.setFontSize.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setPos = this._nativeObj.setPos.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setSize = this._nativeObj.setSize.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setCursorPosition = this._nativeObj.setCursorPosition.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setScale = this._nativeObj.setScale.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setMaxLength = this._nativeObj.setMaxLength.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setType = this._nativeObj.setType.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setNumberOnly = this._nativeObj.setNumberOnly.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setRegular = this._nativeObj.setRegular.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setFont = this._nativeObj.setFont.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setMultiAble = this._nativeObj.setMultiAble.bind(this._nativeObj); this.setForbidEdit = this._nativeObj.setForbidEdit.bind(this._nativeObj); if (this._nativeObj.setBgColor) this.setBgColor = this._nativeObj.setBgColor.bind(this._nativeObj); else this.setBgColor = function (c) { }; } set maxLength(v) { this.setMaxLength(v); } set left(v) { this._nativeObj.left = v; } get left() { return this._nativeObj.left; } set top(v) { this._nativeObj.top = v; } get top() { return this._nativeObj.top; } set width(v) { this._nativeObj.width = v; } get width() { return this._nativeObj.width; } set height(v) { this._nativeObj.height = v; } get height() { return this._nativeObj.height; } set opacity(v) { this._nativeObj.opacity = v; } get opacity() { return this._nativeObj.opacity; } get clientLeft() { return this._nativeObj.left; } set clientLeft(v) { this._nativeObj.left = v; } get clientTop() { return this._nativeObj.top; } set clientTop(v) { this._nativeObj.top = v; } set clientWidth(v) { this._nativeObj.width = v; } get clientWidth() { return this._nativeObj.width; } set clientHeight(v) { this._nativeObj.height = v; } get clientHeight() { return this._nativeObj.height; } set value(v) { this._nativeObj.value = v; } get value() { return this._nativeObj.value; } set visible(v) { this._nativeObj.visible = v; } get visible() { return this._nativeObj.visible; } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); var _t = this; this._nativeObj.addEventListener(type, function (e) { var ev = new _lbEvent(type); ev.target = this; _t.dispatchEvent(ev); }); } } var CanPlayTypeResult; (function (CanPlayTypeResult) { CanPlayTypeResult["Empty"] = ""; CanPlayTypeResult["Maybe"] = "maybe"; CanPlayTypeResult["Probably"] = "probably"; })(CanPlayTypeResult || (CanPlayTypeResult = {})); ; class HTMLMediaElement extends HTMLElement { constructor(NativeMediaCreator) { super(); this._src = ""; this._nativeObj = new NativeMediaCreator(); } set src(val) { this._src = val; this._nativeObj.src = window.location.resolve(this._src); } get src() { return this._nativeObj.src; } get currentSrc() { return this._src; } canPlayType(type) { return CanPlayTypeResult.Empty; } load() { } set currentTime(v) { this._nativeObj.currentTime = v; } get currentTime() { return this._nativeObj.currentTime; } play() { this._nativeObj.play(); } pause() { this._nativeObj.pause(); } set autoplay(v) { this._nativeObj.autoplay = v; } get autoplay() { return this._nativeObj.autoplay; } set loop(v) { this._nativeObj.loop = v; } get loop() { return this._nativeObj.loop; } set volume(v) { this._nativeObj.volume = v; } get volume() { return this._nativeObj.volume; } set muted(v) { this._nativeObj.muted = v; } get muted() { return this._nativeObj.muted; } } class HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement { get httpEquiv() { return this["http-equiv"]; } set name(n) { this._name = n; document._elements[n] = document._elements[n] || []; document._elements[n].push(this); } get name() { return this._name; } constructor() { super(); this.tagName = "META"; } } class HTMLAudioElement extends HTMLMediaElement { constructor() { super(ConchAudio); this.readyState = 0; this.tagName = "AUDIO"; } setLoop(loop) { this._nativeObj.setLoop(loop); } stop() { this._nativeObj.stop(); } set muted(v) { this._nativeObj.muted = v; } get muted() { return this._nativeObj.muted; } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); var _t = this; this._nativeObj.addEventListener(type, function (e) { var ev = new _lbEvent(type); ev.target = this; if (type == "canplaythrough") _t.readyState = 4; _t.dispatchEvent(ev); }); } } class HTMLVideoElement extends HTMLMediaElement { constructor() { super(ConchVideo); this._src = ""; this.tagName = "VIDEO"; this._nativeObj._setDispatchEventFunc(this._dispatchEventByType.bind(this)); this._removeEventListener = this.removeEventListener; this.removeEventListener = this.removeEventListenerNew; } appendChild(node) { if (node.src) { this.src = node.src; } return super.appendChild(node); } get readyState() { return this._nativeObj.readyState; } canPlayType(val) { let result = this._nativeObj.canPlayType(val); return result ? CanPlayTypeResult.Maybe : CanPlayTypeResult.Empty; } get paused() { return this._nativeObj.paused; } get duration() { return this._nativeObj.duration; } get src() { return this._src; } set src(val) { super.src = val; } load() { this._nativeObj.load(); } set width(val) { this._nativeObj.width = val; } get width() { return this._nativeObj.width; } set height(val) { this._nativeObj.height = val; } get height() { return this._nativeObj.height; } set videoWidth(val) { this._nativeObj.videoWidth = val; } get videoWidth() { return this._nativeObj.videoWidth; } set videoHeight(val) { this._nativeObj.videoHeight = val; } get videoHeight() { return this._nativeObj.videoHeight; } get clientLeft() { return this._nativeObj.x; } set clientLeft(val) { this._nativeObj.x = val; } get clientTop() { return this._nativeObj.y; } set clientTop(val) { this._nativeObj.y = val; } addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) { super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); this._nativeObj.addEvent(type); } removeEventListenerNew(type, listener, useCapture) { this._removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); this._nativeObj.removeEvent(type); } _dispatchEventByType(type) { var ev = new _lbEvent(type); ev.target = this; this._dispatchEvent(ev); } _destroy() { this._nativeObj._releaseHandler(); } } window["HTMLVideoElement"] = HTMLVideoElement; class HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.tagName = "BODY"; } get clientHeight() { return window.innerHeight; } set clientHeight(h) { } get clientWidth() { return window.innerWidth; } set clientWidth(w) { } appendChild(newChild) { if (newChild instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { newChild.setFirst(); } return super.appendChild(newChild); } } class NodeList extends Array { constructor() { super(); } item(index) { return this[index]; } } class HTMLHeadElement extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.tagName = 'head'; this.__visible = false; } } class HTMLCollection extends Array { item(nameOrIndex, optionalIndex) { return this[nameOrIndex]; } namedItem(name) { return null; } } class Document extends Node { constructor() { super(); this.createMap = new Map(); this._frameEndEvt = new Event('frameend'); this.scriptTextList = []; this._loading = 0; this._evalNum = 0; this._eventPathCache = null; this.all = new HTMLCollection(); this._elements = []; window.document = this; this.defaultView = window; var cm = this.createMap; cm.set('div', this.create_div); cm.set('img', this.create_img); cm.set('image', this.create_img); cm.set('canvas', this.create_canvas); cm.set('audio', this.create_audio); cm.set('input', this.create_input); cm.set('textarea', this.create_input); cm.set('video', this.create_video); cm.set('script', this.create_script); cm.set('meta', this.create_meta); var html = new HTMLElement(); var ww = getInnerWidth(); var wh = getInnerHeight(); html.clientWidth = ww; html.clientHeight = wh; html.tagName = "HTML"; html.ownerDocument = this; this.documentElement = html; this._topElement = html; this.appendChild(this.documentElement); var body = new HTMLBodyElement(); body.ownerDocument = this; this.body = body; this.documentElement.appendChild(this.body); this.head = new HTMLHeadElement(); this.documentElement.appendChild(this.head); this.dispatchEvent = this._dispatchEvent.bind(this); this._frameEndEvt.bubbles = false; this.nodeType = 9; this.location = window.location; var _t = this; var temp; } setReferrer(s) { this.referrer = s; } uploadScript(d) { var _t = this; d.i = this._loading; this._loading++; if (d.src) { console.log("_downloadAysn:temp.src" + d.src); window.downloadfile(d.src, false, function (data) { d._stext = data + "\n//@ sourceURL=" + d.src; _t._downloadOk(d); }, function () { var e = new Event("error"); e.target = e.currentTarget = d.obj; d.obj.onerror && d.obj.onerror(e); _t._downloadOk(d); }); } else { d._stext = d.text; _t._downloadOk(d); } } _downloadOk(d) { this.scriptTextList[d.i] = d; for (var i = this._evalNum, len = this.scriptTextList.length; i < len; i++) { var t = this.scriptTextList[i]; if (!t) return; console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>eval" + t.src); var t1 = Date.now(); window.evalJS(t._stext); console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>eval take time:" + (Date.now() - t1)); var e = new Event("load"); e.target = e.currentTarget = t.obj; t.obj.onload && t.obj.onload(e); this._evalNum++; } if (this._loading == this._evalNum) { this._loading = this._evalNum = 0; this.scriptTextList.length = 0; } } pickElement(screenx, screeny) { return this._topElement; } createElement(tagName) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); var f = this.createMap.get(tagName); var ret = null; if (f) { ret = f.call(this); } else { return new div(); } return ret; } createElementNS(tagName) { return this.createElement(tagName); } create_div() { var ret = new HTMLDivElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_img() { var ret = new HTMLImageElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_canvas() { var ret = new HTMLCanvasElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_audio() { var ret = new HTMLAudioElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_input() { var rs = new HTMLInputElement(); rs.ownerDocument = this; return rs; } create_video() { var ret = new HTMLVideoElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_script() { var ret = new HTMLScriptElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } create_meta() { var ret = new HTMLMetaElement(); ret.ownerDocument = this; return ret; } createDocumentFragment() { return new HTMLDivElement(); } onframeend() { this._frameEndEvt.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET; super._fireEventListeners(this._frameEndEvt); } _dispatchEvent(evt) { var ancestores = null; if (evt.target) ancestores = evt.target.getAncestorsNode(); if (ancestores == null || ancestores.length == 0) { return super._dispatchEvent(evt); } var ancLen = ancestores.length; evt.eventPhase = Event.CAPTURING_PHASE; var stop = (function () { window.dispatchEvent(evt); if (evt._propagationStopped) return true; for (var i = ancLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var cnode = ancestores[i]; evt.currentTarget = cnode; cnode.fireEventListeners(evt); if (evt._propagationStopped) { return true; } } return false; })(); if (!stop) { evt.eventPhase = Event.AT_TARGET; evt.currentTarget = evt.target; stop = (function () { evt.target.fireEventListeners(evt); if (evt._propagationStopped) return true; return false; })(); } if (!stop && !evt.cancelable) { evt.eventPhase = Event.BUBBLING_PHASE; for (var i = 0; i < ancLen; i++) { var cnode = ancestores[i]; evt.currentTarget = cnode; cnode.fireEventListeners(evt); if (evt._propagationStopped) { stop = true; break; } } if (!stop) { evt.currentTarget = window; window.dispatchEvent(evt); } } if (evt.preventDefault) { } return true; } set cookie(v) { var t = _Cookie.addCookie(v); if (t && _Cookie.pushCookie(t)) { _Cookie.flush(); } } get cookie() { return _Cookie.toLocalString(); } loadCookie() { this._cookiePath = window.localStorage.fileNamePre + "_cookie.txt"; var temp = readFileSync(this._cookiePath, "utf8"); _Cookie.init(temp); return true; } open(url, name, features, replace) { throw 'not implements'; } getElementsByTagName(tagname) { var d = new NodeList(); if ("body" == tagname) d.push(this.body); else if ("head" == tagname) d.push(this.head); return d; } onkeydown(ev) { } onkeypress(ev) { } onkeyup(ev) { } onmousedown(ev) { } onmousemove(ev) { } onmouseout(ev) { } onmouseover(ev) { } onmouseup(ev) { } onmousewheel(ev) { } ontouchcancel(ev) { } ontouchend(ev) { } ontouchmove(ev) { } ontouchstart(ev) { } getElementById(elementId) { for (var i = 0, sz = this.all.length; i < sz; i++) { var c = this.all[i]; if (c.id === elementId) return c; } return null; } getElementsByClassName(classNames) { throw 'not implemented'; } getElementsByName(name) { return document._elements[name] || []; } write(value) { console.log("The document don't support write function!!!"); } } applyMixins(Document, [Node, GlobalEventHandlers, NodeSelector, DocumentEvent]); class CloseEvent extends Event { constructor() { super('close'); } initCloseEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, wasCleanArg, codeArg, reasonArg) { } } class MessageEvent extends Event { constructor(type, eventInitDict) { super(type); } initMessageEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, dataArg, originArg, lastEventIdArg, sourceArg) { } } class WebSocket extends EventTarget { constructor(url) { super(); this._nativeObj = null; this._nativeObj = new ConchWebSocket(url); this._nativeObj._onmessage = (data) => { var evt = new MessageEvent('message'); evt.data = data; evt.target = evt.currentTarget = this; this.onmessage && this.onmessage(evt); }; } get binaryType() { return this._nativeObj.binaryType; } set binaryType(b) { this._nativeObj.binaryType = b; } get timegap() { return this._nativeObj.timegap; } set onopen(f) { this._nativeObj.onopen = function () { var e = new Event("open"); e.target = e.currentTarget = this; f(e); }; } set onclose(f) { this._nativeObj.onclose = f; } set onerror(f) { this._nativeObj.onerror = f; } close() { this._nativeObj.close(); } send(msg) { this._nativeObj.send(msg); } get readyState() { return this._nativeObj.readyState; } } WebSocket.CLOSED = 3; WebSocket.CLOSING = 2; WebSocket.CONNECTING = 0; WebSocket.OPEN = 1; window.WebSocket = WebSocket; class DOMParser { constructor() { this._parser = new _DOMParser(); } set src(s) { this._src = location.resolve(s); this._parser.src = this._src; } get src() { return this._src; } set onload(callback) { this._parser._onload = callback; this._parser.onload = this.nativeObjOnload; } nativeObjOnload() { this._onload(); } get onload() { return this._parser._onload; } set onerror(callback) { this._parser._onerror = callback; this._parser.onerror = this.nativeObjOnerror; } nativeObjOnerror() { this._onerror(); } get onerror() { return this._parser._onerror; } static initXMl(xml) { var result; if (!xml) { var temp = new _jsXmlNode(); temp.nodeName = "parsererror"; temp.textContent = "parsererror error"; result = new _jsXmlNode(); result.childNodes[0] = temp; return result; } result = new _jsXmlNode(); result.nodeName = xml.nodeName; result.nodeValue = xml.nodeValue; result.nodeType = 1; if (result.nodeName == "#cdata-section") { result.nodeType = 3; result.nodeName = "#text"; } result.textContent = xml.textContent; var attrs = xml.attributes; for (var i = 0, sz1 = attrs.length; i < sz1; i++) { var attr = attrs[i]; var key = attr.nodeName; var tempAttr = new _jsXmlAttr(key, attr.nodeValue); result.attributes[i] = tempAttr; result.attributes[key] = tempAttr; } var childs = xml.childNodes; for (var i = 0, sz1 = childs.length; i < sz1; i++) { var chd = childs[i]; var nodeName = chd.nodeName; result.childNodes[i] = DOMParser.initXMl(chd); } return result; } parseFromString(s, t) { var xml = this._parser.parseFromString(s, t); var root = new _jsXmlDocument(); root.childNodes[0] = DOMParser.initXMl(xml.childNodes[0]); return root; } getResult() { if (!this._result) { this._result = new _jsXmlDocument(); this._result.childNodes[0] = DOMParser.initXMl(this._parser.getResult().childNodes[0]); } return this._result; } } window["DOMParser"] = DOMParser; class _jsXmlAttr { constructor(key, value) { this.nodeName = key; this.nodeValue = this.textContent = value; } get value() { return this.nodeValue; } } class _jsXmlNode extends _jsXmlAttr { get firstChild() { return this.childNodes ? this.childNodes[0] : null; } constructor() { super("", ""); this.childNodes = []; this.childNodes["item"] = function (i) { return this[i]; }; this.attributes = []; } getElementsByTagName(name) { var result = []; if (this.nodeName == name) result.push(this); else { for (var i = 0, n = this.childNodes.length; i < n; i++) { var son = this.childNodes[i]; result = result.concat(son.getElementsByTagName(name)); } } return result; } getAttribute(name) { var attr = this.attributes[name]; return attr ? attr["nodeValue"] : ""; } } class _jsXmlDocument extends _jsXmlNode { } var GL_CAPS; (function (GL_CAPS) { GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_PVR"] = 2] = "TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_PVR"; GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ETC1"] = 4] = "TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ETC1"; GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ETC2"] = 8] = "TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ETC2"; GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["TEXTURE_TPG"] = 32] = "TEXTURE_TPG"; GL_CAPS[GL_CAPS["INSTANCEING"] = 64] = "INSTANCEING"; })(GL_CAPS || (GL_CAPS = {})); var _window = new _Window(); window.getComputedStyle = function (ele, parm) { return null; }; window.pageXOffset = window.pageYOffset = 0; window.localStorage = new Storage(); window.sessionStorage = new WindowSessionStorage(); var location = window.location = new Location; if (conchConfig.getOS() == "Conch-ios") { window.console = new Console(); } else { window.console = console || new Console; } window.addEventListener = _window.addEventListener.bind(_window); window.removeEventListener = _window.removeEventListener.bind(_window); window.dispatchEvent = _window.dispatchEvent.bind(_window); window.document = new Document(); window.layaDoc = window.document; window.crypto = new Crypto(); window.devicePixelRatio = 1.0; var Image = window.Image = HTMLImageElement; var Audio = window.Audio = HTMLAudioElement; window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; window.cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame; var parent = window.parent = window; var frames = window.frames = null; var navigator = window.navigator = new Navigator(); window.open = (url, target, features, replace) => { createProcess('scripts/index.js', url); return this; }; var onload = window.onload = null; function printstack() { var e = new Error(); alert(e.stack); } var div = HTMLDivElement; window.layabox = { devinfo: (function getDevInfo() { var devi = conchConfig.getDeviceInfo(); window.console.log(devi); return JSON.parse(devi); })(), getDeviceInfo: function () { return this.devinfo; } }; window.layaHtml5 = { File: File }; var _$innerWidth = getInnerWidth(); var _$innerHeight = getInnerHeight(); var _$devicePixelRatio = getDevicePixelRatio(); Object.defineProperty(window, 'innerWidth', { get: function () { return _$innerWidth; } }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'innerHeight', { get: function () { return _$innerHeight; } }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'outerWidth', { get: function () { return _$innerWidth; } }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'outerHeight', { get: function () { return _$innerHeight; } }); Object.defineProperty(window, 'devicePixelRatio', { get: function () { return _$devicePixelRatio; } }); conch.setOnResize(function (w, h) { _$innerWidth = w; _$innerHeight = h; window.console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>innerWidth:" + _$innerWidth + "innerHeight:" + _$innerHeight); var evt = new UIEvent('resize'); evt.view = window; document._dispatchEvent(evt); window.dispatchEvent(evt); }); conch.config = conchConfig; class Screen { get width() { return _$innerWidth; } get height() { return _$innerHeight; } } window.screen = new Screen(); window.onresize = function (e) { }; conch.onerror = function (message, filename, lineno, colno, error) { if (window.onerror) { var ln = decodeTemp(lineno); var cn = decodeTemp(colno); var er = decodeTemp(error); var mg = decodeTemp(message); var fn = decodeTemp(filename); var e = { message: decodeTemp(message), stack: er, name: "" }; window.onerror(mg == "undefined" ? undefined : mg, fn == "undefined" ? undefined : fn, ln != "undefined" ? parseInt(ln) : undefined, cn != "undefined" ? parseInt(cn) : undefined, e); } }; Object.defineProperty(window, 'onerror', { set: function (fun) { conch.__onerror = fun; showAlertOnJsException(false); }, get: function () { return conch.__onerror; } }); var document = window.document; var addEventListener = window.addEventListener.bind(this); var dispatchEvent = window.dispatchEvent.bind(this); var removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener.bind(this); var clearInterval = window.clearInterval = _window.clearInterval; var clearTimeout = window.clearTimeout = _window.clearTimeout; var setInterval = window.setInterval = _window.setInterval; var setTimeout = window.setTimeout = _window.setTimeout; Object.defineProperty(window, 'runtime', { get: function () { return true; } }); window.postMessage = function (data, d) { if (typeof (data) == "object") data = JSON.stringify(data); conch.callWebviewJS("window.__getMessemage", encodeURIComponent(data), ""); }; window.postRuntimeMessage = function (d) { if (typeof (d) == "object") d = JSON.stringify(d); d = decodeURIComponent(d); var e = new MessageEvent('message'); e.data = JSON.parse(d); e.target = window; var s = new RegExp("(http|file|https)://([^/:]*)(:(\\d+)|)([^?]+)(.*|)"); var rs = s.exec(document.referrer); if (rs) { e.origin = rs[1] + "://" + rs[2] + rs[3]; } window.dispatchEvent(e); }; window.SetupWebglContext = function () { }; window.downloadfile = function (url, force, onok, onerr) { if (force) { url = (function (url) { var ret = url; if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) { ret = url + '?rnd=' + Math.random(); } else { ret = url + '&downloadrnd' + Math.random().toString().substr(2) + '=1'; } return ret; })(url); } var file = new window.layaHtml5.File(url); var filereader = new FileReader(); filereader.onload = function () { onok && onok(filereader.result); }; filereader.onerror = function () { onerr && onerr(); }; filereader.readAsText(file); }; if (window.navigator.platform != "windows") window["ontouchstart"] = null; window['GL_CAPS'] = GL_CAPS; window.focus = function () { }; var nMem = conchConfig.getTotalMem(); if (nMem <= 524288) { conchConfig.atlasNum = 10; conchConfig.maxTextureMemSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024; } else if (nMem > 524288 && nMem <= 1048576) { conchConfig.atlasNum = 16; conchConfig.maxTextureMemSize = 84 * 1024 * 1024; } else if (nMem > 1048576) { conchConfig.atlasNum = 20; conchConfig.maxTextureMemSize = 128 * 1024 * 1024; } class Performance { now() { return tmGetCurms(); } } window["Performance"] = Performance; window.performance = new Performance(); (function () { 'use strict'; class AppInfo { } ; var appobj = null; try { appobj = JSON.parse(conch.readFileFromAsset('app.json', 'utf8')); if (appobj) { require(appobj.mainjs); } } catch (e) { require('index'); } })(); })(window);
JNI OnAppPause
JNI OnAppResume
打包资源: layadcc F:\Projects\LayaboxProjects\LayaDCCTest1\bin -cache -url http://xx.xx.xx.xx/LayaDCCTest1/index.js
allfiles.txt 所有的资源文件的相对路径
/fileconfig.json /Image/img_scretarea_1.png /index.html /index.js /js/bundle.js /libs/laya.ani.js /libs/laya.core.js /libs/laya.d3.js /libs/laya.effect.js /libs/laya.filter.js /libs/laya.html.js /libs/laya.particle.js /libs/laya.physics.js /libs/laya.ui.js /libs/laya.webgl.js /libs/laya.wxmini.js /libs/worker.js /res/atlas/.rec /unpack.json /version.json
assetsid.txt 本次dcc统计的整个资源包的校验码
filetable.bin dcc主文件,里面是每个文件的校验值
梯? 8b75c2391e9fe2039439ac30a06cd10a裣G 啎?}9\VBK"阺|nq?潷4鰆U?穓?謟@n餪?<?眠WJk眀穢L掤苹 襯0?襍涛択嘢4爔J:€悶嶆@︺*H綤[HN:u钫鴯?R扌+頼V栥SD曉薎Dx|E锼抷GdD归QgE,O??
filetable.txt 文件格式的dcc文件, 除了前三行,每一行代表一个文件和对应的校验值,与allfiles.txt正好对应起来,即第4行对应的文件是allfiles.txt的第一行
ffeeffee 1 8b75c239 1e9fe203 9439ac30 a06cd10a 470bcff1 6 31a49586 565c397d ea224b42 716e7c73 a79d20b7 556af634 6ab7299a dd20307 f7a87ad6 60f06e40 9f3c27b7 57dfc327 b16b1a4a 52a30762 924c78b7 bbc6f2 b43072d2 e53d23d 6b92cecc 8345387 3a4a78a0 9080191a 40e68d9e 482ae3a6 485b4bbe ee753a4e b68df8d5 d0de521c 566dee2b 4453e396 49cbd495 457c7844 7992cbef 440e6447 5116e9b9 4f2c4567 fe0aee13 6
filetable1.txt 这个文件不再使用
470bcff1 6 31a49586 565c397d ea224b42 525e6c7d a79d20b7 b2ad0be9 6ab7299a 3a1825dc f7a87ad6 5b55f944 9f3c27b7 c6e02268 b16b1a4a 8ef40cef 924c78b7 ebc13590 b43072d2 c302ec9f 6b92cecc 46b2a9b8 3a4a78a0 c4afa7df 40e68d9e a6198e1b 485b4bbe e3ad4aeb b68df8d5 41ea5fb9 566dee2b 95c0730 49cbd495 457c7844 7992cbef 440e6447 5116e9b9 4f2c4567 fe0aee13 6
更新资源: 在资源目录里 输入 layadcc .
如果资源文件夹里的内容没有变化, 则上述5个文件内容和第一次打包生成的这5个同名文件的内容是一样的
单个文件有修改,会影响 assetsid.txt的校验值, filetable.txt里的修改过的文件的校验值
Native release-v2.1.0, release-v2.0.2 有bug 不能更新 cache里存在的文件
Native release-v2.0.1 可以正常运行
二次开发 https://ldc2.layabox.com/doc/?nav=zh-ts-6-2-1
MainUI.ts private OnLoad() { Laya.Browser.window.MainUI = this; if (Laya.Browser.window.conch) { let bridge = Laya.PlatformClass.createClass("demo.JSBridge"); alert(bridge.call("Test1")); } } MainActivity.java ConchJNI.RunJS("if (window.MainUI) { window.MainUI.Pause(); }"); ConchJNI.RunJS("if (window.MainUI) { window.MainUI.Resume(); }"); JSBridge.java public static String Test1() { return "Hello World"; }
JSBridge.java import android.os.Vibrator public static void Vibrator() { Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)mMainActivity.getSystemService(Service.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); vibrator.vibrate(15); }
MainActivity.java protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if(isLoad) { mPlugin.game_plugin_onPause(); ConchJNI.RunJS("if (window.GamePause) { window.GamePause(); }"); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if(isLoad) { mPlugin.game_plugin_onResume(); ConchJNI.RunJS("if (window.GameResume) { window.GameResume(); }"); } }
err_cache_miss <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Activity AppCompatActivity
@Override @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); getWindow().requestFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); JSBridge.mMainActivity = this; mSplashDialog = new SplashDialog(this); mSplashDialog.showSplash(); this.requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);
app/build.gradle minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 22 versionCode int versionName "xxxx" app/src/main/assets/config.ini IsHandleUpdateAPK = 1/0 ApkUpdateUrl = url(version.xml) http://xxxxx/version.xml <update> <versionCode>1</versionCode> <name>test</name> <version>xxxxx</version> <url>xxxxxxx/apk</url> </update> app/src/main/layaair/autoupdateversion/UpdateCallback checkUpdateCompleted AutoUpdateAPK.onUpdateEnd(3); System.exit(0);
小米8se 不能安装 Android Studio 需要关闭 MIUI优化