TypeScript 版本相关
TypeScript 1.3
// Declare a tuple type var x: [string, number]; // 初始化 x = ["hello", 10]; // ok // 错误的初始化 x = [10, "hello"]; // Error
TypeScript 1.4
let 声明
在JavaScript里, var声明会被"提升"到所在作用域的顶端,这可能会引发一些让人不解的bugs: console.log(x); // meant to write 'y' here /* later in the same block */ var x = "hello"; TypeScript已经支持新的ES6的关键字let, 声明一个块级作用域的变量.一个let变量只能在声明之后的位置被引用,并且作用域为声明它的块里: if (foo) { console.log(x); // Error, cannot refer to x before its declaration let x = "hello"; } else { console.log(x); // Error, x is not declared in this block }
const 声明
const halfPi = Math.PI / 2; halfPi = 2; // Error, cant' assign to a 'const'
type PrimitiveArray = Array<string|number|boolean>; type MyNumber = number; type NgScope = ng.IScope; type Callback = () => void;
const enum(完全嵌入的枚举)
const enum Suit { Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades } var d = Suit.Diamonds; Compiles to exactly; var d = 1;
Typescript 1.5
interface Stream { ... } function writeToStream(stream: Stream, data: string) { ... } export { Stream, writeToStream as write }; // writeToStream 导出为 write import { read, write, standardOutput as stdout } from "./inout"; var s = read(stdout); write(stdout, s); import * as io from "./inout"; var s = io.read(io.standardOutput); io.write(io.standardOutput, s);
export { read, write, standardOutput as stdout } from "./inout"; export function transform(s: string): string { ... } export * from "./mod1"; export * from "./mod2";
export default class Greeter { sayHello() { console.log("Greeting!"); } } import Greeter from "./greeter"; var g = new Greeter(); g.sayHello();
import "./polyfills"
TypeScript 1.6
交叉类型(intersection types)
Typescript 1.6 引入了交叉类型作为联合类型(union types)逻辑上的补充,联合类型 A | B 表示一个类型为A或B的实体, 而交叉类型 A & B 表示一个类型同时为 A 或 B的实体 function extend<T, U>(first: T, second: U): T & U { let result = <T & U> {}; for (let id in first) { result[id] = first[id]; } for (let id in second) { if (!result.hasOwnProperty(id)) { result[id] = second[id]; } } return result; } var x = extend({ a: "hello" }, { b: 42 }); var s = x.a; var n = x.b; type LinkedList<T> = T & { next: LinkedList<T> }; interface Person { name: string; } var people: LinkedList<Person>; var s = people.name; var s = people.next.naem; var s = people.next.next.name; var s = people.next.next.next.name; interface A { a: string } interface B { b: string } interface C { c: string } var abc: A & B & C; abc.a = "hello"; abc.b = "hello"; abc.c = "hello";
TypeScript 1.6 增加了对ES6类表达式的支持. 在一个类表达式中, 类的名称是可选的, 如果指明, 作用域仅限于类表达式本身. 这和函数表达式可选的名称类似. 在类表达式外无法引用其实例类型. 但是自然也能够从类型结构上匹配. let Point = class { constructor(public x: number, public y: number) { } public length() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } }; var p = new Point(3, 4); console.log(p.length());
// 继承内建类 class MyArray extends Array<number> { } class MyError extends Error { } // 继承表达式 class ThingA { getGreeting() { return "Hello from A"; } } class ThingB { getGreeting() { return "Hello from B"; } } interface Greeter { getGreeting(): string; } interface GreeterConstructor() { new (): Greeter; } function getGreeterBase(): GreeterConstructor { return Math.random() >= 0.5 ? ThingA : ThingB; } class Test extends getGreeterBase() { sayHello() { console.log(this.getGreeting()); } }
TypeScript 1.7
TypeScript 1.8
function f(x) { // 错误: 不是所有分支都返回了值 if (x) { return false; } // 隐式返回了 "undefined" }