symfony 1.2 command
symfony [options] task_name [arguments]
--dry-run -n Do a dry run without executing actions.
--help -H Display this help message.
--quiet -q Do not log messages to standard output.
--trace -t Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace.
--version -V Display the program version.
Available tasks:
:help Displays help for a task (h)
:list Lists tasks
:routes Displays current routes for an application
:clear Clears the cache (cc, clear-cache)
:author Configure project author
:database Configure database DSN
:app Generates a new application (init-app)
:module Generates a new module (init-module)
:project Generates a new project (init-project)
:task Creates a skeleton class for a new task
:extract Extracts i18n strings from php files
:find Finds non "i18n ready" strings in an application
:clear Clears log files (log-purge)
:rotate Rotates an application log files (log-rotate)
:add-channel Add a new PEAR channel
:install Installs a plugin (plugin-install)
:list Lists installed plugins (plugin-list)
:publish-assets Publishes web assets for all plugins
:uninstall Uninstalls a plugin (plugin-uninstall)
:upgrade Upgrades a plugin (plugin-upgrade)
:clear-controllers Clears all non production environment controllers (clear-controllers)
:deploy Deploys a project to another server (sync)
:disable Disables an application in a given environment (disable)
:enable Enables an application in a given environment (enable)
:freeze Freezes symfony libraries (freeze)
:permissions Fixes symfony directory permissions (permissions, fix-perms)
:unfreeze Unfreezes symfony libraries (unfreeze)
:upgrade1.1 Upgrade a symfony project to the 1.1 symfony release
:upgrade1.2 Upgrade a symfony project to the 1.2 symfony release (from 1.1)
:build-all Generates Propel model and form classes, SQL and initializes the database (propel-build-all)
:build-all-load Generates Propel model and form classes, SQL, initializes the database, and loads data (propel-build-all-load)
:build-filters Creates filter form classes for the current model
:build-forms Creates form classes for the current model
:build-model Creates classes for the current model (propel-build-model)
:build-schema Creates a schema from an existing database (propel-build-schema)
:build-sql Creates SQL for the current model (propel-build-sql)
:data-dump Dumps data to the fixtures directory (propel-dump-data)
:data-load Loads data from fixtures directory (propel-load-data)
:generate-admin Generates a Propel admin module
:generate-module Generates a Propel module (propel-generate-crud, propel:generate-crud)
:generate-module-for-route Generates a Propel module for a route definition
:graphviz Generates a graphviz chart of current object model
:init-admin Initializes a Propel admin module (propel-init-admin)
:insert-sql Inserts SQL for current model (propel-insert-sql)
:schema-to-xml Creates schema.xml from schema.yml (propel-convert-yml-schema)
:schema-to-yml Creates schema.yml from schema.xml (propel-convert-xml-schema)
:all Launches all tests (test-all)
:coverage Outputs test code coverage
:functional Launches functional tests (test-functional)
:unit Launches unit tests (test-unit)