taskCnt 任务总数
taskEvents 指向事件表首地址的指针
taskArr 事件处理函数数组,每一项都是一个函数指针
由此可以看出,osal是一种基于事件驱动 的轮询式操作系统
void osal_start_system( void )
for(;;) // Forever Loop
void osal_run_system( void )
uint8 idx = 0;
#ifndef HAL_BOARD_CC2538
/*循环查看事件表是否有事件发生 */
do {
if (tasksEvents[idx]) // Task is highest priority that is ready.
} while (++idx < tasksCnt);
if (idx < tasksCnt)
uint16 events;
halIntState_t intState;
events = tasksEvents[idx];
tasksEvents[idx] = 0; // Clear the Events for this task.
activeTaskID = idx;
events = (tasksArr[idx])( idx, events );
activeTaskID = TASK_NO_TASK;
tasksEvents[idx] |= events; // Add back unprocessed events to the current task.
#if defined( POWER_SAVING )
else // Complete pass through all task events with no activity?
osal_pwrmgr_powerconserve(); // Put the processor/system into sleep
/* Yield in case cooperative scheduling is being used. */
#if defined (configUSE_PREEMPTION) && (configUSE_PREEMPTION == 0)
uint16 SimpleBLEPeripheral_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events )
VOID task_id; // OSAL required parameter that isn't used in this function
if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG )
uint8 *pMsg;
if ( (pMsg = osal_msg_receive( simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID )) != NULL )
simpleBLEPeripheral_ProcessOSALMsg( (osal_event_hdr_t *)pMsg );
// Release the OSAL message
VOID osal_msg_deallocate( pMsg );
// return unprocessed events
return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG);
if ( events & SBP_START_DEVICE_EVT )
// Start the Device
VOID GAPRole_StartDevice( &simpleBLEPeripheral_PeripheralCBs );
// Start Bond Manager
VOID GAPBondMgr_Register( &simpleBLEPeripheral_BondMgrCBs );
// Set timer for first periodic event
osal_start_timerEx( simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID, SBP_PERIODIC_EVT, SBP_PERIODIC_EVT_PERIOD );
return ( events ^ SBP_START_DEVICE_EVT );
if ( events & SBP_PERIODIC_EVT )
// Restart timer
osal_start_timerEx( simpleBLEPeripheral_TaskID, SBP_PERIODIC_EVT, SBP_PERIODIC_EVT_PERIOD );
// Perform periodic application task
return (events ^ SBP_PERIODIC_EVT);
// Discard unknown events
return 0;
typedef struct
uint8 event;
uint8 status;
} osal_event_hdr_t;
tasksArr[] 存放所有任务的事件处理函数的地址
osalInitTasks() 任务初始化函数,给每一个任务分配id
1 新任务的初始化函数
const pTaskEventHandlerFn tasksArr[] =
LL_ProcessEvent, // task 0
Hal_ProcessEvent, // task 1
HCI_ProcessEvent, // task 2
#if defined ( OSAL_CBTIMER_NUM_TASKS )
OSAL_CBTIMER_PROCESS_EVENT( osal_CbTimerProcessEvent ), // task 3
L2CAP_ProcessEvent, // task 4
GAP_ProcessEvent, // task 5
GATT_ProcessEvent, // task 6
SM_ProcessEvent, // task 7
GAPRole_ProcessEvent, // task 8
GAPBondMgr_ProcessEvent, // task 9
GATTServApp_ProcessEvent, // task 10
SimpleBLEPeripheral_ProcessEvent // task 11
2 新任务的事件处理函数
void osalInitTasks( void )
uint8 taskID = 0;
tasksEvents = (uint16 *)osal_mem_alloc( sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt);
osal_memset( tasksEvents, 0, (sizeof( uint16 ) * tasksCnt));
/* LL Task */
LL_Init( taskID++ );
/* Hal Task */
Hal_Init( taskID++ );
/* HCI Task */
HCI_Init( taskID++ );
#if defined ( OSAL_CBTIMER_NUM_TASKS )
/* Callback Timer Tasks */
osal_CbTimerInit( taskID );
/* L2CAP Task */
L2CAP_Init( taskID++ );
/* GAP Task */
GAP_Init( taskID++ );
/* GATT Task */
GATT_Init( taskID++ );
/* SM Task */
SM_Init( taskID++ );
/* Profiles */
GAPRole_Init( taskID++ );
GAPBondMgr_Init( taskID++ );
GATTServApp_Init( taskID++ );
/* Application */
SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init( taskID );
1 tassArr[]数组里各事件处理函数的排列顺序要与osalInitTasks()函数中调用各任务初
2 osalInitTasks()分配的id .需要任务定义一个全局变量来保存
/*** Message Management ***/
/*** 消息管理API ***/
* Task Message Allocation
* 为消息分配缓存空间
extern uint8 * osal_msg_allocate(uint16 len );
* Task Message Deallocation
* 为消息释放缓存空间
extern uint8 osal_msg_deallocate( uint8 *msg_ptr );
* Send a Task Message
* 任务发送消息到消息队列
extern uint8 osal_msg_send( uint8 destination_task, uint8 *msg_ptr );
* Push a Task Message to head of queue
* 将任务消息压入栈顶
extern uint8 osal_msg_push_front( uint8 destination_task, uint8 *msg_ptr );
* Receive a Task Message
* 任务从消息队列中读取属于自已的消息
extern uint8 *osal_msg_receive( uint8 task_id );
* Find in place a matching Task Message / Event.
extern osal_event_hdr_t *osal_msg_find(uint8 task_id, uint8 event);
* Enqueue a Task Message
extern void osal_msg_enqueue( osal_msg_q_t *q_ptr, void *msg_ptr );
* Enqueue a Task Message Up to Max
extern uint8 osal_msg_enqueue_max( osal_msg_q_t *q_ptr, void *msg_ptr, uint8 max );
* Dequeue a Task Message
extern void *osal_msg_dequeue( osal_msg_q_t *q_ptr );
* Push a Task Message to head of queue
extern void osal_msg_push( osal_msg_q_t *q_ptr, void *msg_ptr );
* Extract and remove a Task Message from queue
extern void osal_msg_extract( osal_msg_q_t *q_ptr, void *msg_ptr, void *prev_ptr );
任务同步管理接口 在文件OSAL.h中定义,示例代码如下:
/*** Task Synchronization ***/
* Set a Task Event
* 设置任务事件
extern uint8 osal_set_event( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_flag );
* Clear a Task Event
* 清除任务事件
extern uint8 osal_clear_event( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_flag );
时间管理接口 在文件OSAL_Timers.h中定义,示例代码如下:
* Initialization for the OSAL Timer System.
extern void osalTimerInit( void );
* Set a Timer
* 设置定时时间,到时后,相应事件被设置
extern uint8 osal_start_timerEx( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_id, uint32 timeout_value );
* Set a timer that reloads itself.
extern uint8 osal_start_reload_timer( uint8 taskID, uint16 event_id, uint32 timeout_value );
* Stop a Timer
* 停止定时器
extern uint8 osal_stop_timerEx( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_id );
* Get the tick count of a Timer.
extern uint32 osal_get_timeoutEx( uint8 task_id, uint16 event_id );
* Simulated Timer Interrupt Service Routine
extern void osal_timer_ISR( void );
* Adjust timer tables
extern void osal_adjust_timers( void );
* Update timer tables
extern void osalTimerUpdate( uint32 updateTime );
* Count active timers
extern uint8 osal_timer_num_active( void );
* Set the hardware timer interrupts for sleep mode.
* These functions should only be called in OSAL_PwrMgr.c
extern void osal_sleep_timers( void );
extern void osal_unsleep_timers( void );
* Read the system clock - returns milliseconds
extern uint32 osal_GetSystemClock( void );
* Get the next OSAL timer expiration.
* This function should only be called in OSAL_PwrMgr.c
extern uint32 osal_next_timeout( void );
中断管理接口 定义在soal.h文件中,示例代码如下:
/*** Interrupt Management ***/
* Register Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
extern uint8 osal_isr_register( uint8 interrupt_id, void (*isr_ptr)( uint8* ) );
* Enable Interrupt
* 开启中断
extern uint8 osal_int_enable( uint8 interrupt_id );
* Disable Interrupt
* 关闭中断
extern uint8 osal_int_disable( uint8 interrupt_id );
任务管理接口 定义在soal.h文件中,
/*** Task Management ***/
* Initialize the Task System
* 初始化osal,第一个被调用的函数
extern uint8 osal_init_system( void );
* System Processing Loop
#if defined (ZBIT)
extern __declspec(dllexport) void osal_start_system( void );
extern void osal_start_system( void );
* One Pass Throu the OSAL Processing Loop
extern void osal_run_system( void );
* Get the active task ID
* 取得任务id
extern uint8 osal_self( void );
* Initialize memory manager.
void osal_mem_init( void );
* Setup efficient search for the first free block of heap.
void osal_mem_kick( void );
* Allocate a block of memory.
void *osal_mem_alloc_dbg( uint16 size, const char *fname, unsigned lnum );
#define osal_mem_alloc(_size ) osal_mem_alloc_dbg(_size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void *osal_mem_alloc( uint16 size );
* Free a block of memory.
void osal_mem_free_dbg( void *ptr, const char *fname, unsigned lnum );
#define osal_mem_free(_ptr ) osal_mem_free_dbg(_ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void osal_mem_free( void *ptr );
* Return the maximum number of blocks ever allocated at once.
uint16 osal_heap_block_max( void );
* Return the current number of blocks now allocated.
uint16 osal_heap_block_cnt( void );
* Return the current number of free blocks.
uint16 osal_heap_block_free( void );
* Return the current number of bytes allocated.
uint16 osal_heap_mem_used( void );
#if defined (ZTOOL_P1) || defined (ZTOOL_P2)
* Return the highest number of bytes ever used in the heap.
uint16 osal_heap_high_water( void );
* Initialize the power management system.
* This function is called from OSAL.
extern void osal_pwrmgr_init( void );
* This function is called by each task to state whether or not this
* task wants to conserve power. The task will call this function to
* vote whether it wants the OSAL to conserve power or it wants to
* hold off on the power savings. By default, when a task is created,
* its own power state is set to conserve. If the task always wants
* to converse power, it doesn't need to call this function at all.
* It is important for the task that changed the power manager task
* state to PWRMGR_HOLD to switch back to PWRMGR_CONSERVE when the
* hold period ends.
extern uint8 osal_pwrmgr_task_state( uint8 task_id, uint8 state );
* This function is called on power-up, whenever the device characteristic
* change (ex. Battery backed coordinator). This function works with the timer
* to set HAL's power manager sleep state when power saving is entered.
* This function should be called form HAL initialization. After power up
* initialization, it should only be called from NWK or ZDO.
extern void osal_pwrmgr_device( uint8 pwrmgr_device );
* This function is called from the main OSAL loop when there are
* no events scheduled and shouldn't be called from anywhere else.
extern void osal_pwrmgr_powerconserve( void );
非易失性闪存管理接口 定义没找到????????????
static uint8 initNV( void );
static void setActivePage( uint8 pg );
static void setXferPage(void);
static void erasePage( uint8 pg );
static void cleanErasedPage( uint8 pg );
static void findOffset( void );
static void compactPage( uint8 pg );
static void writeWord( uint8 pg, uint16 offset, uint8 *pBuf );
static void writeWordM( uint8 pg, uint16 offset, uint8 *pBuf, osalSnvLen_t cnt );
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步