`cocos2dx非完整` 添加xxtea加密模块
2015-05-26 17:39 respawn 阅读(6619) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报在上一篇文章中,我已经开始着手写自己的模块,也就是fw部分.其中上一篇文章中完成的是lua部分的配置解析部分,涉及一点点平台方面的封装.这一片文章我来说明一下我是如何处理cocos2dx资源加密的.首先需要说明白的是,资源是什么?资源分为哪几类?
1 static Data getData(const std::string& filename, bool forString) 2 { 3 if (filename.empty()) 4 { 5 return Data::Null; 6 } 7 8 unsigned char *buffer = nullptr; 9 10 size_t size = 0; 11 do 12 { 13 // read the file from hardware 14 std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filename); 15 16 WCHAR wszBuf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 17 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullPath.c_str(), -1, wszBuf, sizeof(wszBuf)/sizeof(wszBuf[0])); 18 19 HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFileW(wszBuf, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, nullptr); 20 CC_BREAK_IF(fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); 21 22 size = ::GetFileSize(fileHandle, nullptr); 23 24 if (forString) 25 { 26 buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(size + 1); 27 buffer[size] = '\0'; 28 } 29 else 30 { 31 buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(size); 32 } 33 DWORD sizeRead = 0; 34 BOOL successed = FALSE; 35 successed = ::ReadFile(fileHandle, buffer, size, &sizeRead, nullptr); 36 ::CloseHandle(fileHandle); 37 38 if (!successed) 39 { 40 free(buffer); 41 buffer = nullptr; 42 } 43 } while (0); 44 45 Data ret; 46 47 if (buffer == nullptr || size == 0) 48 { 49 std::string msg = "Get data from file("; 50 // Gets error code. 51 DWORD errorCode = ::GetLastError(); 52 char errorCodeBuffer[20] = {0}; 53 snprintf(errorCodeBuffer, sizeof(errorCodeBuffer), "%d", errorCode); 54 55 msg = msg + filename + ") failed, error code is " + errorCodeBuffer; 56 CCLOG("%s", msg.c_str()); 57 } 58 else 59 { 60 unsigned long len = 0; 61 unsigned char* retbuf = FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->decryptData(buffer, size, &len); 62 //ret.fastSet(buffer, size); 63 ret.fastSet(retbuf, len); 64 } 65 return ret; 66 }
如果读取文件成功的话,在62行中buffer保存的就是从文件读取的字符流. 所以如果资源文件是被加密的,那么我们只需要在这个时候进行相关的解密操作然后调用ret.fastSet接口传入解密后的字符就行了。也就是上面我修改的那几句代码,请具体参考源码文件对比.好了,知道这么做以后我们就去看一下xxtea的操作方式.xxtea是在external提供过得第三方扩展,其实这是一个比较旧的版本,不过引擎自带的,我也懒得去添加新的了.看下面我从CCLuaStack.cpp中截取的部分代码,观察一下xxtea加密接口的使用.
1 int LuaStack::luaLoadBuffer(lua_State *L, const char *chunk, int chunkSize, const char *chunkName) 2 { 3 int r = 0; 4 5 if (_xxteaEnabled && strncmp(chunk, _xxteaSign, _xxteaSignLen) == 0) 6 { 7 // decrypt XXTEA 8 xxtea_long len = 0; 9 unsigned char* result = xxtea_decrypt((unsigned char*)chunk + _xxteaSignLen, 10 (xxtea_long)chunkSize - _xxteaSignLen, 11 (unsigned char*)_xxteaKey, 12 (xxtea_long)_xxteaKeyLen, 13 &len); 14 r = luaL_loadbuffer(L, (char*)result, len, chunkName); 15 free(result); 16 } 17 else 18 { 19 r = luaL_loadbuffer(L, chunk, chunkSize, chunkName); 20 }
1 void LuaStack::setXXTEAKeyAndSign(const char *key, int keyLen, const char *sign, int signLen) 2 { 3 cleanupXXTEAKeyAndSign(); 4 5 if (key && keyLen && sign && signLen) 6 { 7 _xxteaKey = (char*)malloc(keyLen); 8 memcpy(_xxteaKey, key, keyLen); 9 _xxteaKeyLen = keyLen; 10 11 _xxteaSign = (char*)malloc(signLen); 12 memcpy(_xxteaSign, sign, signLen); 13 _xxteaSignLen = signLen; 14 15 _xxteaEnabled = true; 16 } 17 else 18 { 19 _xxteaEnabled = false; 20 } 21 } 22 23 void LuaStack::cleanupXXTEAKeyAndSign() 24 { 25 if (_xxteaKey) 26 { 27 free(_xxteaKey); 28 _xxteaKey = nullptr; 29 _xxteaKeyLen = 0; 30 } 31 if (_xxteaSign) 32 { 33 free(_xxteaSign); 34 _xxteaSign = nullptr; 35 _xxteaSignLen = 0; 36 } 37 }
好了,有了这些作为基础,我们可以动手写自己的加密管理类了。为什么说要另外写,很多人第一反应可能是在引擎中添加更方便.不可那么做,第一,不应该随便修改引擎核心部分的源码,除非迫不得已.第二,我们这边的情况确实不应该在libluacocos2dx vs项目中去做.因为libluacocos2dx对libcocos2dx是依赖关系,不应该前后倒置。所以第一步是用VS打开项目解决方案.然后在libcocos2dx extern筛选器下面再添加一个删选器,命名为xxtea,然后加入cocos2dx/extern/xxtea下面的xxtea第三方依赖源码.第二步,由于fileutils涉及到跨平台部分,所以我们应该提供一个加密操作类,放在cocos/platform下面是我认为比较合适的位置.所以我添加了如下的源码:
1 #ifndef __firework_ResEncrypt__ 2 #define __firework_ResEncrypt__ 3 4 #include "platform/CCPlatformMacros.h" 5 6 class CC_DLL FWResEncrypt 7 { 8 public: 9 static FWResEncrypt* getInstance(); 10 11 public: 12 unsigned char* decryptData(unsigned char* buf, unsigned long size, unsigned long *pSize); 13 unsigned char* getFileData(const char* fileName, const char* mode, unsigned long *pSize); 14 unsigned char* encryptData(unsigned char* buf, unsigned long size, unsigned long *pSize); 15 void setXXTeaKeyAndSign(const char* xxteaKey, int xxteaKeyLen, const char* xxteaSign, int xxteaSignLen); 16 void cleanupXXTeaKeyAndSign(); 17 private: 18 static FWResEncrypt* pFWResEncrypt_; 19 20 bool xxteaEnabled_; 21 char* xxteaKey_; 22 int xxteaKeyLen_; 23 char* xxteaSign_; 24 int xxteaSignLen_; 25 private: 26 FWResEncrypt(); 27 FWResEncrypt(const FWResEncrypt&); 28 FWResEncrypt& operator = (const FWResEncrypt&); 29 }; 30 31 #endif
#include "FWResEncrypt.h" #include "cocos2d.h" #include "CCFileUtils.h" #include "xxtea/xxtea.h" FWResEncrypt* FWResEncrypt::pFWResEncrypt_ = nullptr; FWResEncrypt* FWResEncrypt::getInstance() { if(!pFWResEncrypt_) { pFWResEncrypt_ = new FWResEncrypt(); } return pFWResEncrypt_; } FWResEncrypt::FWResEncrypt() :xxteaEnabled_(false) ,xxteaKey_(nullptr) ,xxteaKeyLen_(0) ,xxteaSign_(nullptr) ,xxteaSignLen_(0) { } void FWResEncrypt::setXXTeaKeyAndSign(const char* xxteaKey, int xxteaKeyLen, const char* xxteaSign, int xxteaSignLen) { cleanupXXTeaKeyAndSign(); if( xxteaKey && xxteaKeyLen && xxteaSign && xxteaSignLen) { xxteaKey_ = (char*)malloc(xxteaKeyLen); memcpy(xxteaKey_, xxteaKey, xxteaKeyLen); xxteaKeyLen_ = xxteaKeyLen; xxteaSign_ = (char*)malloc(xxteaSignLen); memcpy(xxteaSign_, xxteaSign, xxteaSignLen); xxteaSignLen_ = xxteaSignLen; xxteaEnabled_ = true; } else { xxteaEnabled_ = false; } } void FWResEncrypt::cleanupXXTeaKeyAndSign() { if(xxteaKey_) { free(xxteaKey_); xxteaKey_ = nullptr; xxteaKeyLen_ = 0; } if(xxteaSign_) { free(xxteaSign_); xxteaSign_ = nullptr; xxteaSignLen_ = 0; } } unsigned char* FWResEncrypt::getFileData(const char* fileName, const char* mode, unsigned long* pSize) { ssize_t size; unsigned char* buf = cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(fileName, mode, &size); if(nullptr == buf) { return nullptr; } unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; FWResEncrypt* pFWResEncrypt = FWResEncrypt::getInstance(); bool isXXTEA = pFWResEncrypt && pFWResEncrypt->xxteaEnabled_; for(unsigned int i = 0; isXXTEA && i < pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_ && i < size; ++ i ) { isXXTEA = buf[i] == pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSign_[i]; } if(isXXTEA) { xxtea_long len = 0; buffer = xxtea_decrypt( buf+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_, (xxtea_long)size - (xxtea_long)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_, (unsigned char*)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKey_, (xxtea_long)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKeyLen_, &len); delete [] buf; buf = nullptr; size = len; } else { buffer = buf; } if(pSize) { *pSize = size; } return buffer; } unsigned char *FWResEncrypt::decryptData(unsigned char* buf, unsigned long size, unsigned long* pSize) { CCAssert(buf != nullptr, "decryptData buf cannot nullptr"); unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; FWResEncrypt* pFWResEncrypt = FWResEncrypt::getInstance(); bool isXXTEA = pFWResEncrypt && pFWResEncrypt->xxteaEnabled_; for(unsigned int i = 0; isXXTEA && i < pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_ && i < size; ++ i ) { isXXTEA = buf[i] == pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSign_[i]; } if(isXXTEA) { xxtea_long len = 0; buffer = xxtea_decrypt( buf+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_, (xxtea_long)size - (xxtea_long)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_, (unsigned char*)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKey_, (xxtea_long)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKeyLen_, &len); delete [] buf; buf = nullptr; size = len; } else { buffer = buf; } if(pSize) { *pSize = size; } return buffer; } unsigned char* FWResEncrypt::encryptData(unsigned char* buf, unsigned long size, unsigned long* pSize) { CCAssert(buf != nullptr, "encryptData buf cannot nullptr"); unsigned char* buffer = nullptr; unsigned char* ret = nullptr; FWResEncrypt* pFWResEncrypt = FWResEncrypt::getInstance(); bool isXXTEA = pFWResEncrypt && pFWResEncrypt->xxteaEnabled_; for(unsigned int i = 0; isXXTEA && i < pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_ && i < size; ++ i ) { isXXTEA = buf[i] == pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSign_[i]; } if(!isXXTEA) { xxtea_long len = 0; buffer = xxtea_encrypt( buf, (xxtea_long)size, (unsigned char*)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKey_, (xxtea_long)pFWResEncrypt->xxteaKeyLen_, &len); delete [] buf; buf = nullptr; size = len; ret = (unsigned char*)malloc(size+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_+1); memcpy(ret, pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSign_, pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_); memcpy(ret+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_, buffer, size); ret[len+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_] = '\0'; } else { ret = buf; } if(pSize) { *pSize = size+pFWResEncrypt->xxteaSignLen_; } return ret; }
其中设置签名,清除签名那些方法我都是直接从CCLuaStack中拿过来的,加密接口也可以直接从那边改一下就好了,最主要的是decryptData这个接口,也就是解密接口. 我发现xxtea提供的sign的功能就是用来同时解析加密和非加密文件,也就是直接加载文件头.如果我的Sign是FW的话,那么我会发现我加密后文件头就有FW.所以加密接口实现的思路是使用xxtea加密,得到加密后的字符串,再做字符串操作,将Sign拼接到加密字符串前面,也就是生成一个新的字符串,再写入文件流就行了.好了,下面我给出我绑定接口到lua的源码:
1 #include "lua_fw_encrypt.h" 2 #if __cplusplus 3 extern "C" { 4 #endif 5 #include <lualib.h> 6 #include <lauxlib.h> 7 #if __cplusplus 8 } 9 #endif 10 11 #include <string> 12 #include "FWResEncrypt.h" 13 #include "cocos2d.h" 14 int 15 lua_fw_encrypt_encryptData(lua_State* lua_state) 16 { 17 std::string data = lua_tostring(lua_state, 1); 18 unsigned char* encryptData = (unsigned char*)malloc(data.size()); 19 memcpy(encryptData, data.c_str(), data.size()); 20 unsigned long len = 0; 21 unsigned char* encryptedData = FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->encryptData(encryptData, data.size(), &len); 22 lua_pushlstring(lua_state, (char*)encryptedData, len); 23 return 1; 24 } 25 int 26 lua_fw_encrypt_decryptData(lua_State* lua_state) 27 { 28 size_t len = 0; 29 const char *data = lua_tolstring(lua_state, 1,&len); 30 unsigned char* decryptData = (unsigned char*)malloc(len); 31 memcpy(decryptData, data, len); 32 unsigned char* decryptedData = FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->decryptData(decryptData, len, nullptr); 33 lua_pushstring(lua_state, (char*)decryptedData); 34 return 1; 35 } 36 37 namespace fw { 38 const luaL_Reg 39 g_fw_encrypt_funcs[] = { 40 {"encrypt_data", lua_fw_encrypt_encryptData}, 41 {"decrypt_data", lua_fw_encrypt_decryptData}, 42 {nullptr,nullptr}, 43 }; 44 45 void 46 register_fw_encrypt(lua_State* lua_state) { 47 luaL_register(lua_state, "fw.encrypt", g_fw_encrypt_funcs); 48 } 49 }
1 --小岩<757011285@qq.com> 2 --2015-5-26 16:45 3 return 4 { 5 encrypt = fw.encrypt.encrypt_data, 6 decrypt = fw.encrypt.decrypt_data, 7 }
1 /**************************************************************************** 2 Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org 3 Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Chukong Technologies Inc. 4 5 http://www.cocos2d-x.org 6 7 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 8 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 9 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 10 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 11 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 12 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 13 14 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 15 all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 16 17 THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 18 IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 19 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 20 AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 21 LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 22 OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN 23 THE SOFTWARE. 24 ****************************************************************************/ 25 26 #include "platform/CCPlatformConfig.h" 27 #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32 28 29 #include "CCFileUtils-win32.h" 30 #include "platform/CCCommon.h" 31 #include <Shlobj.h> 32 #include "FWResEncrypt.h" 33 using namespace std; 34 35 NS_CC_BEGIN 36 37 #define CC_MAX_PATH 512 38 39 // The root path of resources, the character encoding is UTF-8. 40 // UTF-8 is the only encoding supported by cocos2d-x API. 41 static std::string s_resourcePath = ""; 42 43 // D:\aaa\bbb\ccc\ddd\abc.txt --> D:/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/abc.txt 44 static inline std::string convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(const std::string& path) 45 { 46 std::string ret = path; 47 int len = ret.length(); 48 for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) 49 { 50 if (ret[i] == '\\') 51 { 52 ret[i] = '/'; 53 } 54 } 55 return ret; 56 } 57 58 static void _checkPath() 59 { 60 if (0 == s_resourcePath.length()) 61 { 62 WCHAR utf16Path[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 63 GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(utf16Path)-1, utf16Path); 64 65 char utf8Path[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 66 int nNum = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, utf16Path, -1, utf8Path, sizeof(utf8Path), nullptr, nullptr); 67 68 s_resourcePath = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(utf8Path); 69 s_resourcePath.append("/"); 70 } 71 } 72 73 FileUtils* FileUtils::getInstance() 74 { 75 if (s_sharedFileUtils == nullptr) 76 { 77 s_sharedFileUtils = new FileUtilsWin32(); 78 if(!s_sharedFileUtils->init()) 79 { 80 delete s_sharedFileUtils; 81 s_sharedFileUtils = nullptr; 82 CCLOG("ERROR: Could not init CCFileUtilsWin32"); 83 } 84 } 85 return s_sharedFileUtils; 86 } 87 88 FileUtilsWin32::FileUtilsWin32() 89 { 90 } 91 92 bool FileUtilsWin32::init() 93 { 94 _checkPath(); 95 _defaultResRootPath = s_resourcePath; 96 return FileUtils::init(); 97 } 98 99 bool FileUtilsWin32::isFileExistInternal(const std::string& strFilePath) const 100 { 101 if (0 == strFilePath.length()) 102 { 103 return false; 104 } 105 106 std::string strPath = strFilePath; 107 if (!isAbsolutePath(strPath)) 108 { // Not absolute path, add the default root path at the beginning. 109 strPath.insert(0, _defaultResRootPath); 110 } 111 112 WCHAR utf16Buf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 113 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, strPath.c_str(), -1, utf16Buf, sizeof(utf16Buf)/sizeof(utf16Buf[0])); 114 115 DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesW(utf16Buf); 116 if(attr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES || (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) 117 return false; // not a file 118 return true; 119 } 120 121 bool FileUtilsWin32::isAbsolutePath(const std::string& strPath) const 122 { 123 if ( strPath.length() > 2 124 && ( (strPath[0] >= 'a' && strPath[0] <= 'z') || (strPath[0] >= 'A' && strPath[0] <= 'Z') ) 125 && strPath[1] == ':') 126 { 127 return true; 128 } 129 return false; 130 } 131 132 static Data getData(const std::string& filename, bool forString) 133 { 134 if (filename.empty()) 135 { 136 return Data::Null; 137 } 138 139 unsigned char *buffer = nullptr; 140 141 size_t size = 0; 142 do 143 { 144 // read the file from hardware 145 std::string fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(filename); 146 147 WCHAR wszBuf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 148 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullPath.c_str(), -1, wszBuf, sizeof(wszBuf)/sizeof(wszBuf[0])); 149 150 HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFileW(wszBuf, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, nullptr); 151 CC_BREAK_IF(fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); 152 153 size = ::GetFileSize(fileHandle, nullptr); 154 155 if (forString) 156 { 157 buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(size + 1); 158 buffer[size] = '\0'; 159 } 160 else 161 { 162 buffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(size); 163 } 164 DWORD sizeRead = 0; 165 BOOL successed = FALSE; 166 successed = ::ReadFile(fileHandle, buffer, size, &sizeRead, nullptr); 167 ::CloseHandle(fileHandle); 168 169 if (!successed) 170 { 171 free(buffer); 172 buffer = nullptr; 173 } 174 } while (0); 175 176 Data ret; 177 178 if (buffer == nullptr || size == 0) 179 { 180 std::string msg = "Get data from file("; 181 // Gets error code. 182 DWORD errorCode = ::GetLastError(); 183 char errorCodeBuffer[20] = {0}; 184 snprintf(errorCodeBuffer, sizeof(errorCodeBuffer), "%d", errorCode); 185 186 msg = msg + filename + ") failed, error code is " + errorCodeBuffer; 187 CCLOG("%s", msg.c_str()); 188 } 189 else 190 { 191 unsigned long len = 0; 192 unsigned char* retbuf = FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->decryptData(buffer, size, &len); 193 //ret.fastSet(buffer, size); 194 ret.fastSet(retbuf, len); 195 } 196 return ret; 197 } 198 199 std::string FileUtilsWin32::getStringFromFile(const std::string& filename) 200 { 201 Data data = getData(filename, true); 202 if (data.isNull()) 203 { 204 return ""; 205 } 206 207 std::string ret((const char*)data.getBytes()); 208 return ret; 209 } 210 211 Data FileUtilsWin32::getDataFromFile(const std::string& filename) 212 { 213 return getData(filename, false); 214 } 215 216 unsigned char* FileUtilsWin32::getFileData(const std::string& filename, const char* mode, ssize_t* size) 217 { 218 unsigned char * pBuffer = nullptr; 219 *size = 0; 220 do 221 { 222 // read the file from hardware 223 std::string fullPath = fullPathForFilename(filename); 224 225 WCHAR wszBuf[CC_MAX_PATH] = {0}; 226 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fullPath.c_str(), -1, wszBuf, sizeof(wszBuf)/sizeof(wszBuf[0])); 227 228 HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFileW(wszBuf, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, NULL, nullptr); 229 CC_BREAK_IF(fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); 230 231 *size = ::GetFileSize(fileHandle, nullptr); 232 233 pBuffer = (unsigned char*) malloc(*size); 234 DWORD sizeRead = 0; 235 BOOL successed = FALSE; 236 successed = ::ReadFile(fileHandle, pBuffer, *size, &sizeRead, nullptr); 237 ::CloseHandle(fileHandle); 238 239 if (!successed) 240 { 241 free(pBuffer); 242 pBuffer = nullptr; 243 } 244 } while (0); 245 246 if (! pBuffer) 247 { 248 std::string msg = "Get data from file("; 249 // Gets error code. 250 DWORD errorCode = ::GetLastError(); 251 char errorCodeBuffer[20] = {0}; 252 snprintf(errorCodeBuffer, sizeof(errorCodeBuffer), "%d", errorCode); 253 254 msg = msg + filename + ") failed, error code is " + errorCodeBuffer; 255 CCLOG("%s", msg.c_str()); 256 } 257 //return pBuffer; 258 return FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->decryptData(pBuffer, *size, (unsigned long*)size); 259 } 260 261 std::string FileUtilsWin32::getPathForFilename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& resolutionDirectory, const std::string& searchPath) 262 { 263 std::string unixFileName = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(filename); 264 std::string unixResolutionDirectory = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(resolutionDirectory); 265 std::string unixSearchPath = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(searchPath); 266 267 return FileUtils::getPathForFilename(unixFileName, unixResolutionDirectory, unixSearchPath); 268 } 269 270 std::string FileUtilsWin32::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(const std::string& strDirectory, const std::string& strFilename) 271 { 272 std::string unixDirectory = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(strDirectory); 273 std::string unixFilename = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(strFilename); 274 275 return FileUtils::getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(unixDirectory, unixFilename); 276 } 277 278 string FileUtilsWin32::getWritablePath() const 279 { 280 // Get full path of executable, e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\My Game Folder\MyGame.exe 281 char full_path[CC_MAX_PATH + 1]; 282 ::GetModuleFileNameA(nullptr, full_path, CC_MAX_PATH + 1); 283 284 // Debug app uses executable directory; Non-debug app uses local app data directory 285 //#ifndef _DEBUG 286 // Get filename of executable only, e.g. MyGame.exe 287 char *base_name = strrchr(full_path, '\\'); 288 289 if(base_name) 290 { 291 char app_data_path[CC_MAX_PATH + 1]; 292 293 // Get local app data directory, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data 294 if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathA(nullptr, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, app_data_path))) 295 { 296 string ret((char*)app_data_path); 297 298 // Adding executable filename, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\MyGame.exe 299 ret += base_name; 300 301 // Remove ".exe" extension, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\MyGame 302 ret = ret.substr(0, ret.rfind(".")); 303 304 ret += "\\"; 305 306 // Create directory 307 if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateDirectoryExA(nullptr, ret.c_str(), nullptr))) 308 { 309 return convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(ret); 310 } 311 } 312 } 313 //#endif // not defined _DEBUG 314 315 // If fetching of local app data directory fails, use the executable one 316 string ret((char*)full_path); 317 318 // remove xxx.exe 319 ret = ret.substr(0, ret.rfind("\\") + 1); 320 321 ret = convertPathFormatToUnixStyle(ret); 322 323 return ret; 324 } 325 326 NS_CC_END 327 328 #endif // CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32
1 bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() 2 { 3 auto engine = LuaEngine::getInstance(); 4 ScriptEngineManager::getInstance()->setScriptEngine(engine); 5 lua_State* L = engine->getLuaStack()->getLuaState(); 6 lua_module_register(L); 7 8 cocos2d::FileUtils::getInstance()->setPopupNotify(false); 9 10 FWResEncrypt::getInstance()->setXXTeaKeyAndSign("RESPAWN", strlen("RESPAWN"), "FW", strlen("FW")); 11 engine->getLuaStack()->setXXTEAKeyAndSign("RESPAWN", strlen("RESPAWN"), "FW", strlen("FW")); 12 13 // If you want to use Quick-Cocos2d-X, please uncomment below code 14 // register_all_quick_manual(L); 15 if (engine->executeScriptFile("src/main.lua")) { 16 return false; 17 } 18 19 return true; 20 }