美国科学院于发布的一本"Careers in Science and Technology: A Student Planning Guide to Grad School and Beyond",里面第133和134页谈到了我们念研究生应该培养什么样的能力。
Intellectual Skills
- Honesty (诚实)
- Curiosity (有好奇心)
- Discrimination—ability to distinguish what is important from what is trivial(辨别事情的轻重缓急!
- Imagination and creativity (培养自己想象力和创造力!
- Common sense(对环境条件和事实的感知的理性的判断!
- Objectivity (客观理智的对待问题!减少主观臆断造成的损失!
- Intuition (判断客观事实、痛苦与快乐的直觉!
- Skill in observation of natural, technical, or social phenomena (对大自然、科学技术和社会生活的感受力和洞察力!
- Systematic problem-solving (系统、条理的处理问题的能力!
- A good memory (多思考减少未来可能及早到来的老年痴呆!
- Capacity for logical reasoning, including abstract and theoretical reasoning (培养逻辑推理能力,这不是一般人能真正学到的,总结和理性逻辑的能力很重要。
- Capacity to draw logical inferences from observational and experimental data (从表面现象推导本质问题的能力!无论在生活还是工作中都很重要。
- Ability to conceive an explanatory hypothesis and design critical tests to evaluate it(要能对产生的实际问题做出全面合理的假设,然后设计方案解决它!)
Communication Skills
- Capacity to retrieve information from published sources(提取信息的能力!)
- Skill in learning by interview methods (通过互相交谈进行学习的能力!这是接收信息的能力!)
- Capacity to communicate in writing (写作中的表达能力!)
- Capacity to communicate orally (口头相互交流的能力!)
- Skill in use of computers and other information-processing devices
- Skill in graphic display of information and ideas(会用图景表达自己的想法!这是最直接的和生动的表达方式,应该努力培养!)
Personality Characteristics
- Maturity (人格、人生观和价值观的成熟!)
- Motivation and drive (应该学会自我激励!)
- Self-confidence (要绝对自信!)
- Dependability (让自己值得信赖!communication can take effect!)
- Independence (人格和思想的绝对独立性!)
- Empathy(这个词比较难理解!1、要执着和投入;2、要站在别人的角度考虑当时的问题,不要执着于无畏的争执。)
- Capacity to work effectively with superiors, peers, and subordinates (培养自己与老板、同学和属下的高效工作能力!这是高度协调的能力。)
- Initiative and sense of responsibility (不要因失败而放弃,有主观能动性,勇敢的行动!责任心很重要!)
- Capacity for objective self-criticism (不断进行客观的自我批评,别人的指责有一部分在于自己的错!)
- Leadership and management skills (领导和管理的能力,课题由自己管理、小组成员都应该有管理这个小组的责任心,这个队伍才能不断前进!)
Habits of Work
Efficiency in the use of time (高效利用时间!我们还要玩儿,念研究生,20%时间玩儿,80%工作;在工作的时间里也是只有20%是最有效的时间,不要连这点时间都kill。)
2. Persistence—ability to see things through to completion (要坚持到最后,不能轻易放弃,其实一开始需要认识到结果,对工作有一个全景的假设!)
3. Capacity for sustained intellectual and physical work (劳逸结合!只学不玩儿,聪明的孩子会变傻!All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!!这是科研中更应该注意的。)
4. Orderliness (条理,别乱!)
5. Ability to meet deadlines (经常给自己设定deadlines会是一种促进和鼓励!)
Mechanical Skills
- Manual dexterity (动手能力!)
- Skill in the development, selection, and use of appropriate scientific, engineering, or artistic apparatus, machines, and model+ s