OOD Design

Step 1:

Who is going to use it. How they are going to use it.

Or: Who, What, Where, When, how, Why


Step 2: 

Define Core Objects.


  •   Resaturant:

    Table, Guest, Party(Order), Order, WaitLine, Reservation, Meal, Employee, Server and Chef.

  •   Chess:

    Table, Player, Piece


Step 3:

Analyze Relationship

  • Many to Many
  • One to Many 

Talk to interviewer about how general purpose your design should be.



  • One table has one Order, One order can have one or multi tables
  • Server and Chef inherits from Employee.
  • One table has one or multi Guest
  • One wait line will keep the name of one order(party)
  • The reserveation array will keep the name of reservation. Dictionary may be better


Step 4:

Inverstigate Actions

update your design




  •   Main Process
  1. Guests come
  2. Check Reservation
  3. Yes, Go to table
  4. No, Check Table empty
  5. empty, assign to the table.
  6. No empty, add it to the waiting line
  7. Guests sit down
  8. Assign a server to delivery the menu and beverages
  9. Get Order
  10. Send Order to chef(Then we need a queue for Order)
  11. Order was accept and cooked
  12. Delivery the dishes(Then we need dish class with price)
  13. Table checked out
  14. Server check the money and free the table
  15. Judge waiting line is empty or not
  16. Not, assign the table
  17. Empty, do nothing


  • Reservation Process:
  1. Guest call and make a reserve
  2. Check table empty
  3. No, cannot reserve
  4. Yes, reserve and make the table reserved(so table can be empty, seated or reserved)


Design Pattern:

Singleton and Factory



Can only be instanced once, such as Chess table or restaurant's restaurant itself. So we may need static keyword.



An interface for creating an instance of a class, such as create order.The factory method would take a parameter representing which class to instantiate.




Some samples:

Chat Server

Design Twitter

Design Hashtable

LRU Cache

Parking Lot


Call center


Some follow up questions:

what would be the hardest problems to solve?


posted @ 2016-10-28 13:01  咖啡中不塌缩的方糖  阅读(227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报