Runnable |
Represents a command that can be executed. 代表一个能被执行的命令。 |
public interface(公有接口)
Known Indirect Subclasses(已知间接子类)
AnimationDrawable |
An object used to create frame-by-frame animations, defined by a series of Drawable objects, which can be used as a View object's background. 一个常常创建被一系列Drawable对象定义的帧动画对象, 它能被用来作为一个视图对象的背景。 |
CookieSyncManager |
The CookieSyncManager is used to synchronize the browser cookie store between RAM and permanent storage. CookieSyncManager常常同步浏览器储存在随机存储器和永久存储器之间的cookie。 |
FutureTask<V> |
A cancellable asynchronous computation. 一个可删除的异步计算。 |
HandlerThread |
Handy class for starting a new thread that has a looper. 开始一个有looper的新线程的便利类。 |
RefQueueWorker |
A worker thread for processing queued references. 一个处理队列引用的worker线程。 |
RenderScript.RSErrorHandler |
Runtime error base class. 运行时错误基类。 |
RenderScript.RSMessageHandler |
Base class application should derive from for handling RS messages coming from their scripts. |
RunnableFuture<V> |
A Future that is Runnable. |
RunnableScheduledFuture<V> |
A ScheduledFuture that is Runnable. |
Thread |
A Thread is a concurrent unit of execution. 线程是一个同时执行单元。 |
TimerTask |
The TimerTask class represents a task to run at a specified time. TimerTask类代表一个运行在指定时间的任务。 |
Class Overview(类概述)
Represents a command that can be executed. Often used to run code in a different Thread.
Public Methods(公共方法) |
abstract void |
run() |
Starts executing the active part of the class' code. 开始执行类的代码的active部分。 |
Public Methods(公共方法)
public abstract void run () |
Starts executing the active part of the class' code. This method is called when a thread is started that has been created with a class which implements Runnable. 开始执行类的代码的active部分。当一个实现了Runnable接口的类被创建其线程开始时,这个方法被调用。 |
posted on 2012-09-29 13:44 Harvey Ren 阅读(943) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报