2、Tophat align_summary.txt and samtools flagstat accepted_hits.bam disagree


Left reads:
          Input     :  49801387
           Mapped   :  46258301 (92.9% of input)
            of these:   1703360 ( 3.7%) have multiple alignments (103886 have >20)
Right reads:
          Input     :  49801387
           Mapped   :  45542088 (91.4% of input)
            of these:   1680180 ( 3.7%) have multiple alignments (103887 have >20)
92.2% overall read mapping rate.

Aligned pairs:  44100265
     of these:   1622622 ( 3.7%) have multiple alignments
                  261400 ( 0.6%) are discordant alignments
88.0% concordant pair alignment rate.
1、解释计算原理:(44100265 - 261400) / 49801387 = 88%` ;
1622622/1622622 = 3.7% ;
2、If I needed to report a number, I'd report the 92.2% overall alignment rate. You can probably get something similar with samtools view -c -F 260 accepted_hits.bam.(得到输入left和\
49801387 *2
3、samtools flagstat accepted_hits.bam 

posted @ 2017-11-17 15:58  风中之铃  阅读(492)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报