

Natural Language Processing:Background and Overview
作者:Regina Barzilay(MIT,EECS Department,September 8, 2004)
译者:我爱自然语言处理 ,2009年1月3日)

这堂课将要回答的问题(Questions that today’s class will answer):
1、什么是自然语言处理(What is Natural Language Processing (NLP))?
2、为什么自然语言处理比较难(Why NLP is hard)?
3、我们能够构建一个可以从文本中学习的程序吗?(Can we build programs that learn from text)?
4、这门课程将包含哪些内容(What will this course be about)?

一、 什么是自然语言处理(What is Natural Language Processing)?

  输入对应的是自然语言理解(NLU: Natural Language Understanding);
  输出对应的是自然语言生成(NLG: Natural Language Generation);
  A、人类语言处理的计算模型(Computational models of human language processing):
  ——程序内部按人类行为方式操作(Programs that operate internally the way humans do)
  B、 人类交流的计算模型(Computational models of human communication):
  ——程序像人类一样交互(Programs that interact like humans)
  C、有效处理文本和语音的计算系统(Computational systems that efficiently process text and speech)
3、NLP的应用(NLP Applications):
  A、“宝贝鱼”机器翻译(Machine Translation with Babel Fish)…….
  B、MIT翻译系统(MIT Translation System)……
  C、文本摘要(Text Summarization)……
  D、对话系统(Dialogue Systems)……
  E、其他应用(Other NLP Applications):
  ——语法检查(Grammar Checking)
  ——情绪分类(Sentiment Classification)
  ——ETS作文评分(ETS Essay Scoring)

二、 为什么自然语言处理比较难(Why NLP is hard)?
1、 歧义(Ambiguity)
 “At last, a computer that understands you like your mother”
  A、 它理解你就像你的母亲理解你一样(It understands you as well as your mother understands you);
  B、 它理解你喜欢你的母亲(It understands (that) you like your mother);
  C、 它理解你就像理解你的母亲一样(It understands you as well as it understands your mother)
  D、 我们来看看Google的翻译:最后,一台计算机能够理解你喜欢你的母亲(译者附加上去的,看上去Google的理解更像B)。
 A到C这三种理解好还是不好呢?(1 and 3: Does this mean well, or poorly?)
2、 不同层次的歧义(Ambiguity at Many Levels)
  A、 声音层次的歧义——语音识别(At the acoustic level -speech recognition):
  ——“ … a computer that understands you like your mother”
  ——“ … a computer that understands you lie cured mother”
  B、 句法层次的歧义(At the syntactic level):
   不同的结构导致不同的解释(Different structures lead to different interpretations)
   更多的句法歧义例子(More Syntactic Ambiguity)…….图略
  C、 语义(意义)层次的歧义(At the semantic (meaning) level):
   Two definitions of “mother”:
   ——a woman who has given birth to a child
   ——a stringy slimy substance consisting of yeast cells and bacteria; is added to cider or wine to produce vinegar
   这是一个词义歧义的例子(This is an instance of word sense ambiguity)
    ——They put money in the bank
     = buried in mud?
    ——I saw her duck with a telescope
  D、话语(多语)层次的歧义(At the discourse (multi-clause) level):
  ——Alice says they’ve built a computer that understands you like your mother
  ——But she …
   … doesn’t know any details
   … doesn’t understand me at all
   This is an instance of anaphora, where she co-referees to some other discourse entity




posted @ 2013-01-07 18:30  renly2013  阅读(301)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报