python 字符编码判断 chardet评测




>>> import chardet
>>> a = "也有".decode('gbk')
>>> a
>>> a = "也有".decode('gbk').encode('gbk')
>>> a
>>> chardet.detect(a)
{'confidence': 0.7525, 'language': '', 'encoding': 'utf-8'}
>>> print(a)
也有>>> a = "也有".decode('gbk').encode('gbk')
>>> a = u"也有".encode('gbk')
>>> a
>>> chardet.detect(a)
{'confidence': 0.7679697235616183, 'language': 'Russian', 'encoding': 'KOI8-R'}

In [5]: a = "asd算法".encode('utf-8').decode('gbk')

In [6]: import chardet

In [7]: chardet.detect(a)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-45a625c5d441> in <module>()
----> 1 chardet.detect(a)

c:\python3.6.3\lib\site-packages\chardet\ in detect(byte_str)
32 if not isinstance(byte_str, bytes):
33 raise TypeError('Expected object of type bytes or bytearray, got: '
---> 34 '{0}'.format(type(byte_str)))
35 else:
36 byte_str = bytearray(byte_str)

TypeError: Expected object of type bytes or bytearray, got: <class 'str'>

In [8]: a
Out[8]: 'asd绠楁硶'




posted @ 2019-04-25 14:36  我当道士那儿些年  阅读(1562)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报