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Posted on 2014-06-05 17:51  redcoatjk  阅读(829)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

although they are all type parameters, the convention is:
E Element
T or S Type
K Key, as in <K, V>
V Value

? is the wildcard.

I guess this is mentioned in the API doc... looking for it...
Java Tutorial, Using Generic Types

Type Parameter Conventions
You have already seen the angle bracket and single letter notation used to 
represent a type parameter. By convention, a type parameter is a single, 
uppercase letter — this allows easy identification and distinguishes a type 
parameter from a class name. The most common type parameters you will see are:

* <T> — Type
* <S> — for Type, when T is already in use
* <E> — Element (used extensively by the Java Collections Framework)
* <K> — Key
* <V> — Value
* <N> — Number