HTA - 基础
HTA - HTML Application
Indicates whether the content of the object is an HTML Application (HTA), which is exempt from the security model. |
Sets or gets the name of the HTML Application (HTA). |
Sets or gets the type of window border for the HTML Application (HTA). - thick 指定窗口为粗边框 (default) |
Sets or gets the style set for the content border in the HTML Application (HTA) window. - normal 普通边框 (default) |
Sets or gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the window is set to display a title bar or a caption, for the HTML Application (HTA). 设置窗口是否显示标题栏或标题,默认值为 yes |
Gets the argument used to launch the HTML Application (HTA). |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether the context menu is displayed when the right mouse button is clicked. 设置是否在窗口中显示文本菜单,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets the name and location of the icon specified in the HTML Application (HTA). 设置应用程序在标题栏、任务栏的图标 |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether the inside 3-D border is displayed. |
Sets or gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a Maximize button is displayed in the title bar of the HTML Application (HTA) window. 设置是否在窗口中显示最大化按钮,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a Minimize button is displayed in the title bar of the HTML Application (HTA) window. 设置是否在窗口中显示最小化按钮,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether linked documents are loaded in the main HTA window or in a new browser window. |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether the scroll bars are displayed. 设置滚动条,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether the scroll bar is 3-D or flat. |
Sets or gets a string value that indicates whether the content can be selected with the mouse or keyboard. 设置是否在窗口中选择,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the HTML Application (HTA) is displayed in the Windows taskbar. 设置是否在任务栏中显示此应用程序,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets a value that indicates whether only one instance of the specified HTML Application (HTA) can run at a time. |
Sets or gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a system menu is displayed in the HTML Application (HTA). 设置是否在窗口中显示系统菜单,默认值为 yes |
Sets or gets the version number of the HTML Application (HTA). 设置应用程序的版本,默认值为空 |
Sets or gets the initial size of the HTA window. - normal 默认大小 (default) |
HTA - HTML Applications
HTA info
HTML Applications Reference
HTA & WSC Examples