

MySQL8.0之前,做数据排名统计等相当痛苦,因为没有像Oracle、SQL SERVER 、PostgreSQL等其他数据库那样的窗口函数。但随着MySQL8.0中新增了窗口函数之后,针对这类统计就再也不是事了,本文就以常用的排序实例介绍MySQL的窗口函数。




mysql> create database testdb;
Database changed
/* 创建表 */
 create table tb_score(id int primary key auto_increment,stu_no varchar(10),course varchar(50),score decimal(4,1),key idx_stuNo_course(stu_no,course));

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_testdb |
| tb_score  |

/* 新增一批测试数据 */
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020001','mysql',90),('2020001','C++',85),('2020003','English',100),('2020002','mysql',50),('2020002','C++',70),('2020002','English',99);
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020003','mysql',78),('2020003','C++',81),('2020003','English',80),('2020004','mysql',80),('2020004','C++',60),('2020004','English',100);
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020005','mysql',98),('2020005','C++',96),('2020005','English',70),('2020006','mysql',60),('2020006','C++',90),('2020006','English',70);
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020007','mysql',50),('2020007','C++',66),('2020007','English',76),('2020008','mysql',90),('2020008','C++',69),('2020008','English',86);
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020009','mysql',70),('2020009','C++',66),('2020009','English',86),('2020010','mysql',75),('2020010','C++',76),('2020010','English',81);
insert into tb_score(stu_no,course,score)values('2020011','mysql',90),('2020012','C++',85),('2020011','English',84),('2020012','English',75),('2020013','C++',96),('2020013','English',88);





mysql> select stu_no,course,score,row_number() over(PARTITION by course order by score desc) as rn from tb_score;
| stu_no  | course  | score | rn |
| 2020005 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |
| 2020013 | C++     | 96.0  |  2 |
| 2020006 | C++     | 90.0  |  3 |
| 2020001 | C++     | 85.0  |  4 |
| 2020012 | C++     | 85.0  |  5 |
| 2020003 | C++     | 81.0  |  6 |
| 2020010 | C++     | 76.0  |  7 |
| 2020002 | C++     | 70.0  |  8 |
| 2020008 | C++     | 69.0  |  9 |
| 2020007 | C++     | 66.0  | 10 |
| 2020009 | C++     | 66.0  | 11 |
| 2020004 | C++     | 60.0  | 12 |
| 2020003 | English | 100.0 |  1 |
| 2020004 | English | 100.0 |  2 |
| 2020002 | English | 99.0  |  3 |
| 2020013 | English | 88.0  |  4 |
| 2020008 | English | 86.0  |  5 |
| 2020009 | English | 86.0  |  6 |
| 2020011 | English | 84.0  |  7 |
| 2020010 | English | 81.0  |  8 |
| 2020003 | English | 80.0  |  9 |
| 2020007 | English | 76.0  | 10 |
| 2020012 | English | 75.0  | 11 |
| 2020005 | English | 70.0  | 12 |
| 2020006 | English | 70.0  | 13 |
| 2020005 | mysql   | 98.0  |  1 |
| 2020001 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020008 | mysql   | 90.0  |  3 |
| 2020011 | mysql   | 90.0  |  4 |
| 2020004 | mysql   | 80.0  |  5 |
| 2020003 | mysql   | 78.0  |  6 |
| 2020010 | mysql   | 75.0  |  7 |
| 2020009 | mysql   | 70.0  |  8 |
| 2020006 | mysql   | 60.0  |  9 |
| 2020002 | mysql   | 50.0  | 10 |
| 2020007 | mysql   | 50.0  | 11 |



mysql> select stu_no,course,score,DENSE_RANK() over(partition by course order by score desc) rn from tb_score;
| stu_no  | course  | score | rn |
| 2020005 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |
| 2020013 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |
| 2020006 | C++     | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020001 | C++     | 85.0  |  3 |
| 2020012 | C++     | 85.0  |  3 |
| 2020003 | C++     | 81.0  |  4 |
| 2020010 | C++     | 76.0  |  5 |
| 2020002 | C++     | 70.0  |  6 |
| 2020008 | C++     | 69.0  |  7 |
| 2020007 | C++     | 66.0  |  8 |
| 2020009 | C++     | 66.0  |  8 |
| 2020004 | C++     | 60.0  |  9 |
| 2020003 | English | 100.0 |  1 |
| 2020004 | English | 100.0 |  1 |
| 2020002 | English | 99.0  |  2 |
| 2020013 | English | 88.0  |  3 |
| 2020008 | English | 86.0  |  4 |
| 2020009 | English | 86.0  |  4 |
| 2020011 | English | 84.0  |  5 |
| 2020010 | English | 81.0  |  6 |
| 2020003 | English | 80.0  |  7 |
| 2020007 | English | 76.0  |  8 |
| 2020012 | English | 75.0  |  9 |
| 2020005 | English | 70.0  | 10 |
| 2020006 | English | 70.0  | 10 |
| 2020005 | mysql   | 98.0  |  1 |
| 2020001 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020008 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020011 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020004 | mysql   | 80.0  |  3 |
| 2020003 | mysql   | 78.0  |  4 |
| 2020010 | mysql   | 75.0  |  5 |
| 2020009 | mysql   | 70.0  |  6 |
| 2020006 | mysql   | 60.0  |  7 |
| 2020002 | mysql   | 50.0  |  8 |
| 2020007 | mysql   | 50.0  |  8 |



mysql> select stu_no,course,score,rank() over(partition by course order by score desc) rn from tb_score;
| stu_no  | course  | score | rn |
| 2020005 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |
| 2020013 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |
| 2020006 | C++     | 90.0  |  3 |
| 2020001 | C++     | 85.0  |  4 |
| 2020012 | C++     | 85.0  |  4 |
| 2020003 | C++     | 81.0  |  6 |
| 2020010 | C++     | 76.0  |  7 |
| 2020002 | C++     | 70.0  |  8 |
| 2020008 | C++     | 69.0  |  9 |
| 2020007 | C++     | 66.0  | 10 |
| 2020009 | C++     | 66.0  | 10 |
| 2020004 | C++     | 60.0  | 12 |
| 2020003 | English | 100.0 |  1 |
| 2020004 | English | 100.0 |  1 |
| 2020002 | English | 99.0  |  3 |
| 2020013 | English | 88.0  |  4 |
| 2020008 | English | 86.0  |  5 |
| 2020009 | English | 86.0  |  5 |
| 2020011 | English | 84.0  |  7 |
| 2020010 | English | 81.0  |  8 |
| 2020003 | English | 80.0  |  9 |
| 2020007 | English | 76.0  | 10 |
| 2020012 | English | 75.0  | 11 |
| 2020005 | English | 70.0  | 12 |
| 2020006 | English | 70.0  | 12 |
| 2020005 | mysql   | 98.0  |  1 |
| 2020001 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020008 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020011 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |
| 2020004 | mysql   | 80.0  |  5 |
| 2020003 | mysql   | 78.0  |  6 |
| 2020010 | mysql   | 75.0  |  7 |
| 2020009 | mysql   | 70.0  |  8 |
| 2020006 | mysql   | 60.0  |  9 |
| 2020002 | mysql   | 50.0  | 10 |
| 2020007 | mysql   | 50.0  | 10 |




mysql> select stu_no,course,score,rank() over(partition by course order by score desc) rn,NTILE(2) over(partition by course order by score desc) rn_group from tb_score;
| stu_no  | course  | score | rn | rn_group |
| 2020005 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |        1 |
| 2020013 | C++     | 96.0  |  1 |        1 |
| 2020006 | C++     | 90.0  |  3 |        1 |
| 2020001 | C++     | 85.0  |  4 |        1 |
| 2020012 | C++     | 85.0  |  4 |        1 |
| 2020003 | C++     | 81.0  |  6 |        1 |
| 2020010 | C++     | 76.0  |  7 |        2 |
| 2020002 | C++     | 70.0  |  8 |        2 |
| 2020008 | C++     | 69.0  |  9 |        2 |
| 2020007 | C++     | 66.0  | 10 |        2 |
| 2020009 | C++     | 66.0  | 10 |        2 |
| 2020004 | C++     | 60.0  | 12 |        2 |
| 2020003 | English | 100.0 |  1 |        1 |
| 2020004 | English | 100.0 |  1 |        1 |
| 2020002 | English | 99.0  |  3 |        1 |
| 2020013 | English | 88.0  |  4 |        1 |
| 2020008 | English | 86.0  |  5 |        1 |
| 2020009 | English | 86.0  |  5 |        1 |
| 2020011 | English | 84.0  |  7 |        1 |
| 2020010 | English | 81.0  |  8 |        2 |
| 2020003 | English | 80.0  |  9 |        2 |
| 2020007 | English | 76.0  | 10 |        2 |
| 2020012 | English | 75.0  | 11 |        2 |
| 2020005 | English | 70.0  | 12 |        2 |
| 2020006 | English | 70.0  | 12 |        2 |
| 2020005 | mysql   | 98.0  |  1 |        1 |
| 2020001 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |        1 |
| 2020008 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |        1 |
| 2020011 | mysql   | 90.0  |  2 |        1 |
| 2020004 | mysql   | 80.0  |  5 |        1 |
| 2020003 | mysql   | 78.0  |  6 |        1 |
| 2020010 | mysql   | 75.0  |  7 |        2 |
| 2020009 | mysql   | 70.0  |  8 |        2 |
| 2020006 | mysql   | 60.0  |  9 |        2 |
| 2020002 | mysql   | 50.0  | 10 |        2 |
| 2020007 | mysql   | 50.0  | 10 |        2 |

-- 窗口函数

-- row_number,rank,dense_rank之间的区别

with test(study_name,class_name,score) as(
select 'sqlercn','mysql',95
union all
select 'tom','mysql',99
union all
select 'jerry','mysql',99
union all
select 'gavin','mysql',98
union all
select 'sqlercn','postgresql',99
union all
select 'tom','postgresql',99
union all
select 'jerry','postgresql',98
select study_name,class_name,score
            ,row_number() over(partition by class_name order by score desc) as rw
            ,rank() over(partition by class_name order by score desc) as rk
            ,dense_rank() over(partition by class_name order by score desc) as drk
from test
order by class_name,rw;

-- 按学习人数对课程进行排名,并列出每类课程学习人数排名前3的课程名称,学习人数以及名次

with tmp as(
select class_name,title,score
        ,rank() over(partition by class_name order by score desc) as cnt
from imc_course a
join imc_class b on a.class_id = b.class_id
select * from tmp where cnt<=3;

-- 每门课程的学习人数占奔雷课程总学习人数的百分比

with tmp as(
select class_name,title,study_cnt
        ,sum(study_cnt) over(partition by class_name) as class_total
from imc_course a
join imc_class b on b.class_id = a.class_id
select class_name,title,concat(study_cnt/class_total*100,'%')
from tmp
order by class_name;

-- 学习人数等于1000人的课程有哪些,列出他们的课程标题和学习人数

select title,study_cnt
from imc_course
where study_cnt = 1000;

-- 学习人数大于1000人的课程有哪些,列出他们的课程标题和学习人数

select title,study_cnt
from imc_course
where study_cnt > 1000;


-- 查询出分类ID为5的课程名称和分类名称

select a.title,b.class_name
from imc_course a
join imc_class b on a.class_id = b.class_id and a.class_id=5;

select a.title,b.class_name
from imc_course a 
left join imc_class b on a.class_id = b.class_id and a.class_id=5

select a.title,b.class_name
from imc_course a 
left join imc_class b on a.class_id = b.class_id
where b.class_id=5;

select *
from imc_course
where title in (select title from imc_class);






posted @ 2020-08-18 19:21  reblue520  阅读(303)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报