shell编程系列3--命令替换 命令替换 命令替换总结 方法1 `command` 方法2 $(command) 例子1: 获取系统的所有用户并输出 for循环能以空格、换行、tab键作为分隔符 [root@localhost shell]# cat #!/bin/bash # index=1 for user in `cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 1` do echo "this is $index user: $user" index=$(($index + 1)) done [root@localhost shell]# sh this is 1 user: root this is 2 user: bin this is 3 user: daemon this is 4 user: adm this is 5 user: lp this is 6 user: sync this is 7 user: shutdown this is 8 user: halt this is 9 user: mail this is 10 user: operator this is 11 user: games this is 12 user: ftp this is 13 user: nobody this is 14 user: systemd-network this is 15 user: dbus this is 16 user: polkitd this is 17 user: sshd this is 18 user: postfix this is 19 user: ajie this is 20 user: chrony this is 21 user: deploy 例子2: 根据系统时间计算今年或明年 echo "this is $(date +%Y) year" echo "this is $(( $(date +%Y) + 1)) year" [root@localhost shell]# echo "This is $(date +%Y) year" This is 2019 year [root@localhost shell]# echo "This is $(($(date +%Y) + 1)) year" This is 2020 year [root@localhost shell]# echo "$((20+30))" 50 例子3: 根据系统时间获取今年还剩下多少星期,已经过了多少星期 # 今天是今年的第多少天 date +j # 今年已经过去了多少天 echo "this year have passed $(date +%j) days" echo "this year have passed $(($(date +%j) / 7)) weeks" # 今年还剩余多少天 echo "there is $((365 - $(date +%j))) days before new year" echo "there is $(((365 - $(date +%j)) / 7 )) weeks before new year" 总结: ``和$()两者是等价的,但推荐初学者使用$(),易于掌握;缺点是极少数UNIX可能不支持,但``两者都支持 $(())主要用来进行整数运算,包括加减乘除,引用变量前面可以加$,也可以不加$ $(( (100 + 30) / 13 )) num1=20;num2=30 ((num++)); ((num--)); $(( $num1 + $num2 * 2)) 语法不是很严格 是否加$都会计算 [root@localhost shell]# num1=50 [root@localhost shell]# num2=70 [root@localhost shell]# echo "$(($num1 + $num2))" 120 [root@localhost shell]# echo "$((num1 + num2))" 120 4.例子4: 判断nginx进程是否存在,如果没有需求拉起这个进程 [root@localhost shell]# cat #!/bin/bash # nginx_process_num=$(ps -ef|grep nginx|grep -v grep|wc -l) if [ $nginx_process_num -eq 0 ];then systemctl start nginx fi