1. 引言
python -m gprMax user_models/
其中,gprMax即使我们本文中讲解的gprMax.py文件。在命令行中输入pytnon -h
命令可以查看到python命令的帮助文档,其中可以看到-m mod : run library module as a script (terminates option list)
2. 代码分解
(1) 导入模块
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import platform
import sys
from enum import Enum
from io import StringIO
import h5py
import numpy as np
from gprMax._version import __version__, codename
from gprMax.constants import c
from gprMax.constants import e0
from gprMax.constants import m0
from gprMax.constants import z0
from gprMax.exceptions import GeneralError
from gprMax.model_build_run import run_model
from gprMax.utilities import detect_check_gpus
from gprMax.utilities import get_host_info
from gprMax.utilities import get_terminal_width
from gprMax.utilities import human_size
from gprMax.utilities import logo
from gprMax.utilities import open_path_file
from gprMax.utilities import timer
def main():
"""This is the main function for gprMax."""
# Parse command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='gprMax', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('inputfile', help='path to, and name of inputfile or file object')
parser.add_argument('-n', default=1, type=int, help='number of times to run the input file, e.g. to create a B-scan')
parser.add_argument('-task', type=int, help='task identifier (model number) for job array on Open Grid Scheduler/Grid Engine (')
parser.add_argument('-restart', type=int, help='model number to restart from, e.g. when creating B-scan')
parser.add_argument('-mpi', type=int, help='number of MPI tasks, i.e. master + workers')
parser.add_argument('-mpicomm', default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--mpi-no-spawn', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to use MPI without spawn mechanism')
parser.add_argument('--mpi-worker', action='store_true', default=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('-gpu', type=int, action='append', nargs='*', help='flag to use Nvidia GPU or option to give list of device ID(s)')
parser.add_argument('-benchmark', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to switch on benchmarking mode')
parser.add_argument('--geometry-only', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to only build model and produce geometry file(s)')
parser.add_argument('--geometry-fixed', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to not reprocess model geometry, e.g. for B-scans where the geometry is fixed')
parser.add_argument('--write-processed', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to write an input file after any Python code and include commands in the original input file have been processed')
parser.add_argument('--opt-taguchi', action='store_true', default=False, help='flag to optimise parameters using the Taguchi optimisation method')
args = parser.parse_args()
### (2)api()函数
def api(
"""If installed as a module this is the entry point."""
class ImportArguments:
args = ImportArguments()
args.inputfile = inputfile
args.n = n
args.task = task
args.restart = restart
args.mpi = mpi
args.mpi_no_spawn = mpi_no_spawn
args.mpicomm = mpicomm
args.gpu = gpu
args.benchmark = benchmark
args.geometry_only = geometry_only
args.geometry_fixed = geometry_fixed
args.write_processed = write_processed
args.opt_taguchi = opt_taguchi
和 run_std_sim()
def run_main(args):
Top-level function that controls what mode of simulation (standard/optimsation/benchmark etc...) is run.
args (dict): Namespace with input arguments from command line or api.
# Print gprMax logo, version, and licencing/copyright information
logo(__version__ + ' (' + codename + ')')
with open_path_file(args.inputfile) as inputfile:
# Get information about host machine
hostinfo = get_host_info()
hyperthreading = ', {} cores with Hyper-Threading'.format(hostinfo['logicalcores']) if hostinfo['hyperthreading'] else ''
print('\nHost: {} | {} | {} x {} ({} cores{}) | {} RAM | {}'.format(hostinfo['hostname'],
hostinfo['machineID'], hostinfo['sockets'], hostinfo['cpuID'], hostinfo['physicalcores'],
hyperthreading, human_size(hostinfo['ram'], a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True), hostinfo['osversion']))
# Get information/setup any Nvidia GPU(s)
if args.gpu is not None:
# Flatten a list of lists
if any(isinstance(element, list) for element in args.gpu):
args.gpu = [val for sublist in args.gpu for val in sublist]
gpus, allgpustext = detect_check_gpus(args.gpu)
print('GPU(s) detected: {}'.format(' | '.join(allgpustext)))
# If in MPI mode or benchmarking provide list of GPU objects, otherwise
# provide single GPU object
if args.mpi or args.mpi_no_spawn or args.benchmark:
args.gpu = gpus
args.gpu = gpus[0]
# Create a separate namespace that users can access in any Python code blocks in the input file
usernamespace = {'c': c, 'e0': e0, 'm0': m0, 'z0': z0, 'number_model_runs': args.n, 'inputfile': os.path.abspath(}
# Process for benchmarking simulation #
if args.benchmark:
if args.mpi or args.opt_taguchi or args.task or args.n > 1:
raise GeneralError('Benchmarking mode cannot be combined with MPI, job array, or Taguchi optimisation modes, or multiple model runs.')
run_benchmark_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Process for simulation with Taguchi optimisation #
elif args.opt_taguchi:
if args.mpi_worker: # Special case for MPI spawned workers - they do not need to enter the Taguchi optimisation mode
run_mpi_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
from gprMax.optimisation_taguchi import run_opt_sim
run_opt_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Process for standard simulation (CPU or GPU) #
# Mixed mode MPI with OpenMP or CUDA - MPI task farm for models with each model parallelised with OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)
if args.mpi:
if args.n == 1:
raise GeneralError('MPI is not beneficial when there is only one model to run')
if args.task:
raise GeneralError('MPI cannot be combined with job array mode')
run_mpi_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Alternate MPI configuration that does not use MPI spawn mechanism
elif args.mpi_no_spawn:
if args.n == 1:
raise GeneralError('MPI is not beneficial when there is only one model to run')
if args.task:
raise GeneralError('MPI cannot be combined with job array mode')
run_mpi_no_spawn_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Standard behaviour - models run serially with each model parallelised with OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)
if args.task and args.restart:
raise GeneralError('Job array and restart modes cannot be used together')
run_std_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace)
def run_std_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
Run standard simulation - models are run one after another and each model
is parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)
args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
Python code blocks in input file.
optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
provides the parameters to optimise and their values.
# Set range for number of models to run
if args.task:
# Job array feeds args.n number of single tasks
modelstart = args.task
modelend = args.task + 1
elif args.restart:
modelstart = args.restart
modelend = modelstart + args.n
modelstart = 1
modelend = modelstart + args.n
numbermodelruns = args.n
tsimstart = timer()
for currentmodelrun in range(modelstart, modelend):
# If Taguchi optimistaion, add specific value for each parameter to
# optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
if optparams:
tmp = {}
tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1]) for key, value in optparams.items())
modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
modelusernamespace = usernamespace
run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns, inputfile, modelusernamespace)
tsimend = timer()
simcompletestr = '\n=== Simulation completed in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
print('{} {}\n'.format(simcompletestr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))
def run_benchmark_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace):
Run standard simulation in benchmarking mode - models are run one
after another and each model is parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU)
args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
Python code blocks in input file.
# Get information about host machine
hostinfo = get_host_info()
hyperthreading = ', {} cores with Hyper-Threading'.format(hostinfo['logicalcores']) if hostinfo['hyperthreading'] else ''
machineIDlong = '{}; {} x {} ({} cores{}); {} RAM; {}'.format(hostinfo['machineID'], hostinfo['sockets'], hostinfo['cpuID'], hostinfo['physicalcores'], hyperthreading, human_size(hostinfo['ram'], a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True), hostinfo['osversion'])
# Initialise arrays to hold CPU thread info and times, and GPU info and times
cputhreads = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
cputimes = np.array([])
gpuIDs = []
gputimes = np.array([])
# CPU only benchmarking
if args.gpu is None:
# Number of CPU threads to benchmark - start from single thread and double threads until maximum number of physical cores
threads = 1
maxthreads = hostinfo['physicalcores']
maxthreadspersocket = hostinfo['physicalcores'] / hostinfo['sockets']
while threads < maxthreadspersocket:
cputhreads = np.append(cputhreads, int(threads))
threads *= 2
# Check for system with only single thread
if cputhreads.size == 0:
cputhreads = np.append(cputhreads, threads)
# Add maxthreadspersocket and maxthreads if necessary
if cputhreads[-1] != maxthreadspersocket:
cputhreads = np.append(cputhreads, int(maxthreadspersocket))
if cputhreads[-1] != maxthreads:
cputhreads = np.append(cputhreads, int(maxthreads))
cputhreads = cputhreads[::-1]
cputimes = np.zeros(len(cputhreads))
numbermodelruns = len(cputhreads)
# GPU only benchmarking
# Set size of array to store GPU runtimes and number of runs of model required
for gpu in args.gpu:
gputimes = np.zeros(len(args.gpu))
numbermodelruns = len(args.gpu)
# Store GPU information in a temp variable
gpus = args.gpu
usernamespace['number_model_runs'] = numbermodelruns
modelend = numbermodelruns + 1
for currentmodelrun in range(1, modelend):
# Run CPU benchmark
if args.gpu is None:
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(cputhreads[currentmodelrun - 1])
cputimes[currentmodelrun - 1] = run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Run GPU benchmark
args.gpu = gpus[(currentmodelrun - 1)]
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(hostinfo['physicalcores'])
gputimes[(currentmodelrun - 1)] = run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns, inputfile, usernamespace)
# Get model size (in cells) and number of iterations
if currentmodelrun == 1:
if numbermodelruns == 1:
outputfile = os.path.splitext(args.inputfile)[0] + '.out'
outputfile = os.path.splitext(args.inputfile)[0] + str(currentmodelrun) + '.out'
f = h5py.File(outputfile, 'r')
iterations = f.attrs['Iterations']
numcells = f.attrs['nx_ny_nz']
# Save number of threads and benchmarking times to NumPy archive
np.savez(os.path.splitext([0], machineID=machineIDlong, gpuIDs=gpuIDs, cputhreads=cputhreads, cputimes=cputimes, gputimes=gputimes, iterations=iterations, numcells=numcells, version=__version__)
simcompletestr = '\n=== Simulation completed'
print('{} {}\n'.format(simcompletestr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))
def run_mpi_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
Run mixed mode MPI/OpenMP simulation - MPI task farm for models with
each model parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)
args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
Python code blocks in input file.
optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
provides the parameters to optimise and their values.
from mpi4py import MPI
status = MPI.Status()
hostname = platform.node()
# Set range for number of models to run
modelstart = args.restart if args.restart else 1
modelend = modelstart + args.n
numbermodelruns = args.n
# Command line flag used to indicate a spawned worker instance
workerflag = '--mpi-worker'
numworkers = args.mpi - 1
# Master process #
if workerflag not in sys.argv:
# N.B Spawned worker flag (--mpi-worker) applied to sys.argv when MPI.Spawn is called
# See if the MPI communicator object is being passed as an argument (likely from a MPI.Split)
if args.mpicomm is not None:
comm = args.mpicomm
tsimstart = timer()
mpistartstr = '\n=== MPI task farm (USING MPI Spawn)'
print('{} {}'.format(mpistartstr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(mpistartstr))))
print('=== MPI master ({}, rank: {}) on {} spawning {} workers...'.format(, comm.Get_rank(), hostname, numworkers))
# Assemble a sys.argv replacement to pass to spawned worker
# N.B This is required as sys.argv not available when gprMax is called via api()
# Ignore mpicomm object if it exists as only strings can be passed via spawn
myargv = []
for key, value in vars(args).items():
if value:
# Input file name always comes first
if 'inputfile' in key:
elif 'gpu' in key:
myargv.append('-' + key)
# Add GPU device ID(s) from GPU objects
for gpu in args.gpu:
elif 'mpicomm' in key:
elif '_' in key:
key = key.replace('_', '-')
myargv.append('--' + key)
myargv.append('-' + key)
if value is not True:
# Create a list of work
worklist = []
for model in range(modelstart, modelend):
workobj = dict()
workobj['currentmodelrun'] = model
workobj['mpicommname'] =
if optparams:
workobj['optparams'] = optparams
# Add stop sentinels
worklist += ([StopIteration] * numworkers)
# Spawn workers
newcomm = comm.Spawn(sys.executable, args=['-m', 'gprMax'] + myargv + [workerflag], maxprocs=numworkers)
# Reply to whoever asks until done
for work in worklist:
newcomm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status)
newcomm.send(obj=work, dest=status.Get_source())
# Shutdown communicators
tsimend = timer()
simcompletestr = '\n=== MPI master ({}, rank: {}) on {} completed simulation in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(, comm.Get_rank(), hostname, datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
print('{} {}\n'.format(simcompletestr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))
# Worker process #
elif workerflag in sys.argv:
# Connect to parent to get communicator
comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('MPI worker could not connect to parent')
# Select GPU and get info
gpuinfo = ''
if args.gpu is not None:
# Set device ID based on rank from list of GPUs
args.gpu = args.gpu[rank]
# GPUs on multiple nodes where CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is the same
# on each node
args.gpu = args.gpu[rank % len(args.gpu)]
gpuinfo = ' using {} - {}, {} RAM '.format(args.gpu.deviceID,,
# Ask for work until stop sentinel
for work in iter(lambda: comm.sendrecv(0, dest=0), StopIteration):
currentmodelrun = work['currentmodelrun']
# If Taguchi optimisation, add specific value for each parameter to
# optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
if 'optparams' in work:
tmp = {}
tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1]) for key, value in work['optparams'].items())
modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
modelusernamespace = usernamespace
# Run the model
print('Starting MPI spawned worker (parent: {}, rank: {}) on {} with model {}/{}{}\n'.format(work['mpicommname'], rank, hostname, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo))
tsolve = run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns, inputfile, modelusernamespace)
print('Completed MPI spawned worker (parent: {}, rank: {}) on {} with model {}/{}{} in [HH:MM:SS]: {}\n'.format(work['mpicommname'], rank, hostname, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo, datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsolve)))
# Shutdown
def run_mpi_no_spawn_sim(args, inputfile, usernamespace, optparams=None):
Alternate MPI implementation that avoids using the MPI spawn mechanism.
This implementation is designed to be used as
e.g. 'mpirun -n 5 python -m gprMax user_models/ -n 10 --mpi-no-spawn'
Run mixed mode MPI/OpenMP simulation - MPI task farm for models with
each model parallelised using either OpenMP (CPU) or CUDA (GPU)
args (dict): Namespace with command line arguments
inputfile (object): File object for the input file.
usernamespace (dict): Namespace that can be accessed by user in any
Python code blocks in input file.
optparams (dict): Optional argument. For Taguchi optimisation it
provides the parameters to optimise and their values.
from mpi4py import MPI
# Define MPI message tags
tags = Enum('tags', {'READY': 0, 'DONE': 1, 'EXIT': 2, 'START': 3})
# Initializations and preliminaries
size = comm.Get_size() # total number of processes
rank = comm.Get_rank() # rank of this process
status = MPI.Status() # get MPI status object
hostname = platform.node() # get name of processor/host
# Set range for number of models to run
modelstart = args.restart if args.restart else 1
modelend = modelstart + args.n
numbermodelruns = args.n
currentmodelrun = modelstart # can use -task argument to start numbering from something other than 1
numworkers = size - 1
# Master process #
if rank == 0:
tsimstart = timer()
mpistartstr = '\n=== MPI task farm (WITHOUT using MPI Spawn)'
print('{} {}'.format(mpistartstr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(mpistartstr))))
print('=== MPI master ({}, rank: {}) on {} using {} workers...'.format(, comm.Get_rank(), hostname, numworkers))
closedworkers = 0
while closedworkers < numworkers:
comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
source = status.Get_source()
tag = status.Get_tag()
# Worker is ready, so send it a task
if tag == tags.READY.value:
if currentmodelrun < modelend:
comm.send(currentmodelrun, dest=source, tag=tags.START.value)
currentmodelrun += 1
comm.send(None, dest=source, tag=tags.EXIT.value)
# Worker has completed a task
elif tag == tags.DONE.value:
# Worker has completed all tasks
elif tag == tags.EXIT.value:
closedworkers += 1
tsimend = timer()
simcompletestr = '\n=== MPI master ({}, rank: {}) on {} completed simulation in [HH:MM:SS]: {}'.format(, comm.Get_rank(), hostname, datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsimend - tsimstart))
print('{} {}\n'.format(simcompletestr, '=' * (get_terminal_width() - 1 - len(simcompletestr))))
# Worker process #
# Get info and setup device ID for GPU(s)
gpuinfo = ''
if args.gpu is not None:
# Set device ID based on rank from list of GPUs
deviceID = (rank - 1) % len(args.gpu)
args.gpu = next(gpu for gpu in args.gpu if gpu.deviceID == deviceID)
gpuinfo = ' using {} - {}, {}'.format(args.gpu.deviceID,, human_size(args.gpu.totalmem, a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True))
while True:
comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.READY.value)
# Receive a model number to run from the master
currentmodelrun = comm.recv(source=0, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
tag = status.Get_tag()
# Run a model
if tag == tags.START.value:
# If Taguchi optimistaion, add specific value for each parameter
# to optimise for each experiment to user accessible namespace
if optparams:
tmp = {}
tmp.update((key, value[currentmodelrun - 1]) for key, value in optparams.items())
modelusernamespace = usernamespace.copy()
modelusernamespace.update({'optparams': tmp})
modelusernamespace = usernamespace
# Run the model
print('Starting MPI worker (parent: {}, rank: {}) on {} with model {}/{}{}\n'.format(, rank, hostname, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo))
tsolve = run_model(args, currentmodelrun, modelend - 1, numbermodelruns, inputfile, modelusernamespace)
comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.DONE.value)
print('Completed MPI worker (parent: {}, rank: {}) on {} with model {}/{}{} in [HH:MM:SS]: {}\n'.format(, rank, hostname, currentmodelrun, numbermodelruns, gpuinfo, datetime.timedelta(seconds=tsolve)))
# Break out of loop when work receives exit message
elif tag == tags.EXIT.value:
comm.send(None, dest=0, tag=tags.EXIT.value)
from gprMax.optimisation_taguchi import run_opt_sim
3. 总结