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[笔记]机器学习基石 01 The Learning Problem


一 Course Introduction





·When Can Machine Learn? (illustrative + technical)

·Why Can Machine Learn? (theoretical + illustrative)

·How Can Machine Learn? (technical + practical)

·How Can Machine Learn Better? (practical + theoretical)


二 What Is Machine Learning

1 What Is Learning




2 What Is Skill



3 Machine Learning



4 Why Use Machine Learning

The Machine Learning: an alternative route to build complicated systems


5 Key Essence of Machine Learning




三 Applications of Machine Learning  (略看)








四 Components of Machine Learning (重点!!!)


1 Formalize of Learning Problem



·未知的函数,即目标函数(target function): f: X→Y(理想的信用卡发放公式)

·资料(data),即训练样本(training examples):D={(x1, y1), (x2, y2),…, (xN, yN)} (银行的历史记录)

·假说(hypothesis),即能增进表现的技能(skill): g:X→Y (学习到的公式)


2 Learning Flow





(1)target f unknown

(i.e. no programmable definition)

(2)hypothesis g hopefully ≈ f

but possibly different from f

(perfection 'impossible' when f unknown)


3 The Learning Model

这里的流程图与2中不同。可能的假说公式有很多种,这些总合起来放到假设集合(hypothesis set,符号为H)中,有好的假设也有坏的假设。这是ML被详细的定义为机器学习算法(learning algorithm),它从看到的资料里面,去假设集合里选一个最好的出来。


(1)assume g∈H={hk}, i.e. approving if

·h1: annual salary > NTD 800,000

·h2: debt > NTD 100,000 (really?)

·h3: year in job <= 2 (really?)

(2)hypothesis set H:

·can contain good or bad hypotheses

·up to A to pick the 'best' one as g




4 Practical Definition of Machine Learning




五 Machine Learning and Other Fields


1 Machine Learning and Data Mining

Machine Learning:

use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f

Data Mining:

use (huge) to find property that is interesting


·if 'interesting property' same as 'hypothesis that approximate target'

--ML = DM (usually what KDDCup does)

·if 'interesting property' related to 'hypothesis that approximate target'

-- DM can help ML, and vice versa (often, but not always)

·traditional DM also focuses on efficient computation in large database


In general, it's difficult to distinguish ML and DM in reality


2 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning:

use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f

Artificial Intelligence:

compute something that shows intelligent behavior


·g≈f is something that shows intelligent behavior

-- ML can realize AI, among other routes

·e.g. chess playing

traditional AI: game tree

ML for AI: 'learning from board data'


ML is one possible route to realize AI


3 Machine Learning and Statistics

Machine Learning:

use data to compute hypothesis g that approximates target f


use data to make inference about an unknown process


·g is an inference outcome; f is something unknown

--statistics can be used to achieve ML

·traditional statistics also focus on provable results with math assumptions,

and care less about computation


statistics: many useful tools for ML


4 Summary

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