
最近有一些几万年没人关注的财务相关的系统要迁移SQL Server数据,找人问了一大圈才知道他们当初具体买的什么版本然后在某个犄角旮旯的ftp服务器里找到了相应的安装包。

鉴于每次向人解释SQL Server各个发行版之间的差异实在是耗费心力,于是在官网找了一个说明贴出来。

Editions and supported features - SQL Server 2017 | Microsoft Docs




1 For more information on installing SQL Server on Server Core, see Install SQL Server on Server Core.

2 On Enterprise Edition, the number of nodes is the operating system maximum. On Standard edition there is support for two nodes.

3 On Enterprise Edition, provides support for up to 8 secondary replicas - including 2 synchronous secondary replicas.

4 Standard Edition supports basic availability groups. A basic availability group supports two replicas, with one database. For more information about basic availability groups, see Basic Availability Groups.


很多发行版还会有Enterprise core和Enterprise版本的差别,微软在版本命名这方面无下限的很,不是亲手和官方销售谈的合同买的根本理不清。

关于Enterprise core和Enterprise版本的差别,enterprise有20核的上限,而enterprise core版本无核数上限的。

posted @ 2021-12-07 16:53  realcp1018  阅读(1119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报