3delight linear work flow

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TitleHi Seb

Two things, you shoudn't render with a gamma correction, but use a viewing LUT instead. The idea is that not only your color textures are in linear space, but your comp as well. 
Then your comp outputs whatever format is needed, which may or may not be sRGB.

Another thing, AFAIK, sRGB is close but not exactly gamma 2.2. So, again, the textures should be painted with a proper viewing LUT applied (don't know how to do that though). There must be ways to convert a texture from sRGB to LIN in photoshop (Shake and Nuke can do it), dont know how to do it either. Alternatively, the conversion can be done in a shader, although this will end up using more time than a single texture correction.

HDR, I think, should be linear as well.

In this page, a friend of mine, Harry Bardak, gives some useful info:

Hope it helps.


-SeB- wrote:

what is the difference, if I set the renderpass gamma to 2.2 or if I set the gamma to 2.2 into idsplay ?
it's not really clear for me

Setting it in the render pass affects all displays, such as files you might write to disk. Setting it in i-display only changes what you see in i-display.


useful web info:




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posted @ 2010-05-20 22:59  rdRaod  阅读(416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报