Dundas Chart Demo For New User
最近项目要用到Dundas Chart组件了,做个小东西熟悉一下,做了一天了,图的效果不错。
this is html code
1<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Codebehind="HandsDrawingChart.aspx.cs"
2 Inherits="DundasChartDemo.HandsDrawingChart" %>
4<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
5<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
6<head runat="server">
7 <title>Dundas Chart Demo</title>
10 <form id="form1" runat="server">
11 <div>
12 <table width="80%" border="1">
13 <!--Title-->
14 <tr>
15 <td colspan="2" align="center">
16 <p>
17 <font color="blue">this is a dynamic chart</font></p>
18 </td>
19 </tr>
20 <tr>
21 <td>
22 <asp:Button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="显示图表" OnClick="btnSearch_Click" />
23 </td>
24 <td>
25 </td>
26 </tr>
27 <tr>
28 <td><asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Visible="false"/>
29 </td>
30 <td>
31 </td>
32 </tr>
33 <tr>
34 <td><p>dundas chart demo</p>
35 </td>
36 <td><p>it is very cool</p>
37 </td>
38 </tr>
39 </table>
40 </div>
41 </form>
1<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Codebehind="HandsDrawingChart.aspx.cs"
2 Inherits="DundasChartDemo.HandsDrawingChart" %>
4<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
5<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
6<head runat="server">
7 <title>Dundas Chart Demo</title>
10 <form id="form1" runat="server">
11 <div>
12 <table width="80%" border="1">
13 <!--Title-->
14 <tr>
15 <td colspan="2" align="center">
16 <p>
17 <font color="blue">this is a dynamic chart</font></p>
18 </td>
19 </tr>
20 <tr>
21 <td>
22 <asp:Button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="显示图表" OnClick="btnSearch_Click" />
23 </td>
24 <td>
25 </td>
26 </tr>
27 <tr>
28 <td><asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Visible="false"/>
29 </td>
30 <td>
31 </td>
32 </tr>
33 <tr>
34 <td><p>dundas chart demo</p>
35 </td>
36 <td><p>it is very cool</p>
37 </td>
38 </tr>
39 </table>
40 </div>
41 </form>
Code Bihind
1using Dundas.Charting.WebControl;
2using System.Drawing;
4namespace DundasChartDemo
6 public partial class HandsDrawingChart : System.Web.UI.Page
7 {
8 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
9 {
11 }
13 protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
14 {
15 this.CreateChart();
16 this.Image1.Visible = true;
17 this.Image1.ImageUrl = "~/chart.jpg";
18 }
20 /**//// <summary>
21 /// create chart dynmic
22 /// </summary>
23 protected void CreateChart()
24 {
25 //needed to bind data
26 double industry1 = 19.32;
27 double industry2 = 361.38;
28 double industry3 = 501.01;
29 double industryfull = 1020.05;
30 double fixedasserts = 216.13;//fixed 固定的 assert断言,声称
31 double retailtrade = 32.06;//retail 零售
32 double foreigntrade = 443.34;
33 double foreigncapital = 3.41;
36 //crate a chart for industry
37 Chart Chart1 = new Chart();//define a chart object
38 Chart1.BackImage = this.Server.MapPath("~/images/backimage.gif");//背景图片
39 Chart1.BackGradientEndColor = Color.White;//gradient 倾斜度
40 Chart1.BorderLineColor = Color.Transparent;//border的颜色,border是什么?最外层边框厚度
41 Chart1.BorderLineWidth = 0;
42 Chart1.BorderSkin.FrameBackColor = Color.MediumTurquoise;//borderskin是什么?
43 Chart1.BorderSkin.FrameBackGradientEndColor = Color.Teal;//teal是什么颜色?
44 Chart1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;//palette 默板?颜色默板
45 Chart1.Width = 545;//chart's width
46 Chart1.Height = 312;//chart's height
47 Chart1.ImageType = ChartImageType.Jpeg;//chart's type like jpg png or svg also
48 Chart1.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasing.Text;//antialiasing is what?
49 Chart1.Titles.Add("ChartDemo");//add a title to titles collection
50 Chart1.Titles[0].Text = "Dynamic Chart Demo";
51 Chart1.Titles[0].Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;//title 的对齐方式
52 Chart1.Titles[0].Font = new Font("黑体", 12, FontStyle.Bold);//set title[0]'s font style
53 Chart1.Titles[0].Color = Color.FromArgb(72, 72, 72);
55 pie chart 一产 二产 三产#region pie chart 一产 二产 三产
56 //define chart style
57 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Default");//添加一个chartarea,图表区
58 ChartArea chartarea1 = Chart1.ChartAreas["Default"];
59 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;//设置3d样式
60 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.None;//光线样式吗?
61 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.XAngle = 70;//what
62 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.YAngle = 60;//what
63 chartarea1.BorderWidth = 0;
64 chartarea1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
65 chartarea1.Position.Auto = false;//position is what?
66 chartarea1.Position.Width = 50;
67 chartarea1.Position.Height = 30;
68 chartarea1.Position.X = 65;
69 chartarea1.Position.Y = 10;
71 /**////设置图例区域样式
72 Legend legend1=Chart1.Legends["Default"];
73 legend1.Alignment=StringAlignment.Center;
74 legend1.BorderWidth = 1;
75 legend1.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);//字体
76 legend1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
77 legend1.FontColor = Color.Black;
78 legend1.DockInsideChartArea = true;//what is this
79 legend1.DockToChartArea = "Default";//chartarea 's name?
81 /**////邦定数据("一产","二产","三产")
82 double[] yValue ={ industry1, industry2, industry3 };
83 string[] xValue ={ "一产", "二产", "三产" };
84 Chart1.Series.Add("Default");
85 Series series1=Chart1.Series["Default"];//get default series
86 series1.Points.DataBindXY(xValue,yValue);//bind a array
87 series1.Type = SeriesChartType.Pie;//制定series的type
88 series1.BorderColor = Color.White;
89 series1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;
90 series1["LabelStyle"] = "Disabled";
91 series1.ChartArea = "Default";
92 series1.Legend = "Default";
93 #endregion
95 pie chart 投资 消费 出口#region pie chart 投资 消费 出口
97 /**////set style
98 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Second");
99 ChartArea chartarea2=Chart1.ChartAreas["Second"];
100 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;//set 3d style
101 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.None;//?
102 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.XAngle=70;
103 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.YAngle=60;
104 chartarea2.BorderWidth = 0;
105 chartarea2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
106 chartarea2.Position.Auto = false;//?
107 chartarea2.Position.Width = 50;
108 chartarea2.Position.Height = 30;
109 chartarea2.Position.X = 65;//?
110 chartarea2.Position.Y = 32;//?
112 /**////图例区域样式
113 Legend legend2 = new Legend("Second");
114 Chart1.Legends.Add(legend2);
115 legend2.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
116 legend2.BorderWidth = 0;
117 legend2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
118 legend2.Font = new Font("幼圆", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
119 legend2.FontColor = Color.Black;
120 legend2.DockInsideChartArea = true;//this is false
121 legend2.DockToChartArea = "Second";
123 double[] yValue2 ={ fixedasserts,retailtrade,foreigntrade};
124 string[] xValue2 ={"投资", "消费", "出口"};
125 Chart1.Series.Add("Series2");
126 Series series2=Chart1.Series["Series2"];
127 series2.Points.DataBindXY(xValue2,yValue2);
128 series2.Type = SeriesChartType.Pie;
129 series2.BorderColor = Color.White;
130 series2.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;
131 series2["LabelStyle"] = "Disabled";
132 series2.ChartArea = "Second";
133 series2.Legend = "Second";
134 #endregion
136 柱状图#region 柱状图
138 double[] yValues ={ industry1, industry2,industryfull,0, industry3,fixedasserts,retailtrade,foreigntrade,foreigncapital };
139 double x = MaxValue(yValue) / 10;
141 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Third");
142 ChartArea chartarea3=Chart1.ChartAreas["Third"];
143 chartarea3.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = false; //是否3d效果
144 chartarea3.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.Realistic;//这个效果没看出来
146 //设置x轴的style
147 chartarea3.AxisX.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64,64,64);
148 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);
149 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.FontColor = Color.Black;
150 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.OffsetLabels = false;//what is this? 可以理解为是否允许xname换行,单排显示,还是起伏错开显示 offset:偏移量
151 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelsAutoFit = false;//? 感觉效果同上 是否允许出现偏移
152 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;//what is this ? 线 纬度线 是否显示水平方向的线条
153 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;//2 up? 是否在x轴做标记,
154 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.LineColor = Color.Transparent;
155 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Interval = 4;//what is this? 每个4个标记一下x轴
156 chartarea3.AxisX.Title = "产业";
158 //设置y轴style
159 chartarea3.AxisY.CustomLabels.Add(0,MaxValue(yValues)*2.3,"亿元");//?
160 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = true;//what is this? Y轴的lable
161 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.FontAngle = 0; //2 up?
162 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);
163 chartarea3.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;//? 线 经度线 是否显示垂直方向的线条
164 chartarea3.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;//? 是否显示y周标记
165 chartarea3.AxisY.Title = "产值";
167 //chartarea 的style
168 chartarea3.BorderWidth = 0;
169 chartarea3.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
170 chartarea3.Position.Auto = false;//what is this
171 chartarea3.Position.Width = 80;//persent
172 chartarea3.Position.Height = 67;
173 chartarea3.Position.X = 5;//? 图片位于chart内的起始x坐标,最右边100 和我们长用的坐标反向,老外就是不一样,
174 chartarea3.Position.Y = 28;//? 图片位于chart内的起始y坐标,最下边100
176 Legend legend3 = new Legend("Third");
177 Chart1.Legends.Add(legend3);
178 legend3.Enabled = false;
179 legend3.DockToChartArea = "Third";
181 //数据源
182 double[] yValue3 ={ industry1 + x, industry2 + x, industryfull + x, 0, industry3 + x, fixedasserts + x, retailtrade + x, foreigntrade + x, foreigncapital + x };
183 string[] xValue3 ={"第一产业", "第二产业", "工业总产值", " ", "第三产业", "固定资产投资", "消费零售总额", "外贸出口", "实际利用外资" };
185 Chart1.Series.Add("Series3");
186 Series series3=Chart1.Series["Series3"];
187 series3.Points.DataBindXY(xValue3,yValue3);//databind
188 series3.Type = SeriesChartType.Column;//柱状图
189 series3.BorderColor = Color.White;
190 series3.BackGradientType = GradientType.VerticalCenter;//?
191 series3.BackGradientEndColor = Color.Khaki;//?
192 series3.Color = Color.FromArgb(255,128,0);
193 series3["PointWidth"]="0.5";//柱子的宽度
194 series3.ChartArea = "Third";
195 series3.Legend = "Third";
197 Chart1.Series.Add("Series4");
198 Series series4=Chart1.Series["Series4"];
199 series4.Type = SeriesChartType.Spline;
200 //series4.Points.DataBindXY(xValue3,yValue3);
201 series4.ChartArea = "Third";
202 series4.Legend = "Third";
204 Chart1.Series["Series4"].Points.DataBindY(yValue3);
206 //显示每列的值
207 int count = series3.Points.Count;
208 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
209 {
210 if (yValue3[i] != 0)
211 {
212 series3.Points[i].Label = yValue3[i].ToString();
213 }
214 }
216 #endregion
218 //save to memory
219 Chart1.Save(this.Server.MapPath("~/chart.jpg"), ChartImageFormat.Jpeg);//server.mappath 映射成服务器绝对路径
220 }
222 /**//// <summary>
223 /// get a double array's maxvalue
224 /// </summary>
225 /// <param name="array"></param>
226 public double MaxValue(double[] array)
227 {
228 double maxValue = 0;
229 int length = array.Length;
231 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
232 {
233 if (array[i] > maxValue)
234 {
235 maxValue=array[i];
236 }
237 }
239 return maxValue;
240 }
241 }
1using Dundas.Charting.WebControl;
2using System.Drawing;
4namespace DundasChartDemo
6 public partial class HandsDrawingChart : System.Web.UI.Page
7 {
8 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
9 {
11 }
13 protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
14 {
15 this.CreateChart();
16 this.Image1.Visible = true;
17 this.Image1.ImageUrl = "~/chart.jpg";
18 }
20 /**//// <summary>
21 /// create chart dynmic
22 /// </summary>
23 protected void CreateChart()
24 {
25 //needed to bind data
26 double industry1 = 19.32;
27 double industry2 = 361.38;
28 double industry3 = 501.01;
29 double industryfull = 1020.05;
30 double fixedasserts = 216.13;//fixed 固定的 assert断言,声称
31 double retailtrade = 32.06;//retail 零售
32 double foreigntrade = 443.34;
33 double foreigncapital = 3.41;
36 //crate a chart for industry
37 Chart Chart1 = new Chart();//define a chart object
38 Chart1.BackImage = this.Server.MapPath("~/images/backimage.gif");//背景图片
39 Chart1.BackGradientEndColor = Color.White;//gradient 倾斜度
40 Chart1.BorderLineColor = Color.Transparent;//border的颜色,border是什么?最外层边框厚度
41 Chart1.BorderLineWidth = 0;
42 Chart1.BorderSkin.FrameBackColor = Color.MediumTurquoise;//borderskin是什么?
43 Chart1.BorderSkin.FrameBackGradientEndColor = Color.Teal;//teal是什么颜色?
44 Chart1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;//palette 默板?颜色默板
45 Chart1.Width = 545;//chart's width
46 Chart1.Height = 312;//chart's height
47 Chart1.ImageType = ChartImageType.Jpeg;//chart's type like jpg png or svg also
48 Chart1.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasing.Text;//antialiasing is what?
49 Chart1.Titles.Add("ChartDemo");//add a title to titles collection
50 Chart1.Titles[0].Text = "Dynamic Chart Demo";
51 Chart1.Titles[0].Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;//title 的对齐方式
52 Chart1.Titles[0].Font = new Font("黑体", 12, FontStyle.Bold);//set title[0]'s font style
53 Chart1.Titles[0].Color = Color.FromArgb(72, 72, 72);
55 pie chart 一产 二产 三产#region pie chart 一产 二产 三产
56 //define chart style
57 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Default");//添加一个chartarea,图表区
58 ChartArea chartarea1 = Chart1.ChartAreas["Default"];
59 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;//设置3d样式
60 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.None;//光线样式吗?
61 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.XAngle = 70;//what
62 chartarea1.Area3DStyle.YAngle = 60;//what
63 chartarea1.BorderWidth = 0;
64 chartarea1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
65 chartarea1.Position.Auto = false;//position is what?
66 chartarea1.Position.Width = 50;
67 chartarea1.Position.Height = 30;
68 chartarea1.Position.X = 65;
69 chartarea1.Position.Y = 10;
71 /**////设置图例区域样式
72 Legend legend1=Chart1.Legends["Default"];
73 legend1.Alignment=StringAlignment.Center;
74 legend1.BorderWidth = 1;
75 legend1.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);//字体
76 legend1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
77 legend1.FontColor = Color.Black;
78 legend1.DockInsideChartArea = true;//what is this
79 legend1.DockToChartArea = "Default";//chartarea 's name?
81 /**////邦定数据("一产","二产","三产")
82 double[] yValue ={ industry1, industry2, industry3 };
83 string[] xValue ={ "一产", "二产", "三产" };
84 Chart1.Series.Add("Default");
85 Series series1=Chart1.Series["Default"];//get default series
86 series1.Points.DataBindXY(xValue,yValue);//bind a array
87 series1.Type = SeriesChartType.Pie;//制定series的type
88 series1.BorderColor = Color.White;
89 series1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;
90 series1["LabelStyle"] = "Disabled";
91 series1.ChartArea = "Default";
92 series1.Legend = "Default";
93 #endregion
95 pie chart 投资 消费 出口#region pie chart 投资 消费 出口
97 /**////set style
98 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Second");
99 ChartArea chartarea2=Chart1.ChartAreas["Second"];
100 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;//set 3d style
101 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.None;//?
102 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.XAngle=70;
103 chartarea2.Area3DStyle.YAngle=60;
104 chartarea2.BorderWidth = 0;
105 chartarea2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
106 chartarea2.Position.Auto = false;//?
107 chartarea2.Position.Width = 50;
108 chartarea2.Position.Height = 30;
109 chartarea2.Position.X = 65;//?
110 chartarea2.Position.Y = 32;//?
112 /**////图例区域样式
113 Legend legend2 = new Legend("Second");
114 Chart1.Legends.Add(legend2);
115 legend2.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
116 legend2.BorderWidth = 0;
117 legend2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
118 legend2.Font = new Font("幼圆", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
119 legend2.FontColor = Color.Black;
120 legend2.DockInsideChartArea = true;//this is false
121 legend2.DockToChartArea = "Second";
123 double[] yValue2 ={ fixedasserts,retailtrade,foreigntrade};
124 string[] xValue2 ={"投资", "消费", "出口"};
125 Chart1.Series.Add("Series2");
126 Series series2=Chart1.Series["Series2"];
127 series2.Points.DataBindXY(xValue2,yValue2);
128 series2.Type = SeriesChartType.Pie;
129 series2.BorderColor = Color.White;
130 series2.Palette = ChartColorPalette.Dundas;
131 series2["LabelStyle"] = "Disabled";
132 series2.ChartArea = "Second";
133 series2.Legend = "Second";
134 #endregion
136 柱状图#region 柱状图
138 double[] yValues ={ industry1, industry2,industryfull,0, industry3,fixedasserts,retailtrade,foreigntrade,foreigncapital };
139 double x = MaxValue(yValue) / 10;
141 Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Third");
142 ChartArea chartarea3=Chart1.ChartAreas["Third"];
143 chartarea3.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = false; //是否3d效果
144 chartarea3.Area3DStyle.Light = LightStyle.Realistic;//这个效果没看出来
146 //设置x轴的style
147 chartarea3.AxisX.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64,64,64);
148 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);
149 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.FontColor = Color.Black;
150 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelStyle.OffsetLabels = false;//what is this? 可以理解为是否允许xname换行,单排显示,还是起伏错开显示 offset:偏移量
151 chartarea3.AxisX.LabelsAutoFit = false;//? 感觉效果同上 是否允许出现偏移
152 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;//what is this ? 线 纬度线 是否显示水平方向的线条
153 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;//2 up? 是否在x轴做标记,
154 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.LineColor = Color.Transparent;
155 chartarea3.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Interval = 4;//what is this? 每个4个标记一下x轴
156 chartarea3.AxisX.Title = "产业";
158 //设置y轴style
159 chartarea3.AxisY.CustomLabels.Add(0,MaxValue(yValues)*2.3,"亿元");//?
160 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = true;//what is this? Y轴的lable
161 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.FontAngle = 0; //2 up?
162 chartarea3.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("幼圆",8,FontStyle.Bold);
163 chartarea3.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;//? 线 经度线 是否显示垂直方向的线条
164 chartarea3.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;//? 是否显示y周标记
165 chartarea3.AxisY.Title = "产值";
167 //chartarea 的style
168 chartarea3.BorderWidth = 0;
169 chartarea3.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
170 chartarea3.Position.Auto = false;//what is this
171 chartarea3.Position.Width = 80;//persent
172 chartarea3.Position.Height = 67;
173 chartarea3.Position.X = 5;//? 图片位于chart内的起始x坐标,最右边100 和我们长用的坐标反向,老外就是不一样,
174 chartarea3.Position.Y = 28;//? 图片位于chart内的起始y坐标,最下边100
176 Legend legend3 = new Legend("Third");
177 Chart1.Legends.Add(legend3);
178 legend3.Enabled = false;
179 legend3.DockToChartArea = "Third";
181 //数据源
182 double[] yValue3 ={ industry1 + x, industry2 + x, industryfull + x, 0, industry3 + x, fixedasserts + x, retailtrade + x, foreigntrade + x, foreigncapital + x };
183 string[] xValue3 ={"第一产业", "第二产业", "工业总产值", " ", "第三产业", "固定资产投资", "消费零售总额", "外贸出口", "实际利用外资" };
185 Chart1.Series.Add("Series3");
186 Series series3=Chart1.Series["Series3"];
187 series3.Points.DataBindXY(xValue3,yValue3);//databind
188 series3.Type = SeriesChartType.Column;//柱状图
189 series3.BorderColor = Color.White;
190 series3.BackGradientType = GradientType.VerticalCenter;//?
191 series3.BackGradientEndColor = Color.Khaki;//?
192 series3.Color = Color.FromArgb(255,128,0);
193 series3["PointWidth"]="0.5";//柱子的宽度
194 series3.ChartArea = "Third";
195 series3.Legend = "Third";
197 Chart1.Series.Add("Series4");
198 Series series4=Chart1.Series["Series4"];
199 series4.Type = SeriesChartType.Spline;
200 //series4.Points.DataBindXY(xValue3,yValue3);
201 series4.ChartArea = "Third";
202 series4.Legend = "Third";
204 Chart1.Series["Series4"].Points.DataBindY(yValue3);
206 //显示每列的值
207 int count = series3.Points.Count;
208 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
209 {
210 if (yValue3[i] != 0)
211 {
212 series3.Points[i].Label = yValue3[i].ToString();
213 }
214 }
216 #endregion
218 //save to memory
219 Chart1.Save(this.Server.MapPath("~/chart.jpg"), ChartImageFormat.Jpeg);//server.mappath 映射成服务器绝对路径
220 }
222 /**//// <summary>
223 /// get a double array's maxvalue
224 /// </summary>
225 /// <param name="array"></param>
226 public double MaxValue(double[] array)
227 {
228 double maxValue = 0;
229 int length = array.Length;
231 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
232 {
233 if (array[i] > maxValue)
234 {
235 maxValue=array[i];
236 }
237 }
239 return maxValue;
240 }
241 }
* 1,new one chart() object
* 2,set chart style
* 3,add chartarea into chart
* 4,new one legend() object
* 5,set legend() style just alin and font
* 6,add legend() to chart's lengends collection
* 7,dock legend() to a chartarea
* 8,add series to chart 's series collection chart1.series.add("name");
* 9,new series() object series ss=chart1.series["name"];
* 10,series databind
* 11,series.chartarea="chartarea name"
* 12,series.legend="legend name"
* 13,series is real chart to show for us eye?!
* 14,save dynamic picture to server and set image control's imageurl is picture's url
偶 Englis very pool.sorry :^)