

msgid Select Input
msgstr 选择输入文件

msgid Select Output
msgstr 选择输出文件

msgid Select Input(s)
msgstr 选择输入

msgid Widen Box
msgstr 扩大框

msgid Close Window
msgstr 关闭窗口

msgid Enable Help Hints
msgstr 启用帮助提示

msgid Open Application Directory
msgstr 打开应用程序目录

msgid Reset All Settings to Default
msgstr 重置所有设置为默认

msgid Restart Application
msgstr 重启应用程序

msgid Settings Test Mode
msgstr 设置测试模式

msgid Model Test Mode
msgstr 模型测试模式

msgid Generate Model Folders
msgstr 生成模型文件夹

msgid Accept Any Input
msgstr 接受任何输入

msgid Notification Chimes
msgstr 通知铃声

msgid Normalize Output
msgstr 标准化输出

msgid VR Arch
msgstr VR架构

msgid MDX-Net
msgstr MDX-Net

msgid Demucs
msgstr Demucs

msgid Refresh List
msgstr 刷新列表

msgid Try Manual Download
msgstr 尝试手动下载

msgid Enable TTA
msgstr 启用TTA

msgid Post-Process
msgstr 后期处理

msgid High-End Process
msgstr 高端处理

msgid Clear Auto-Set Cache
msgstr 清除自动设置缓存

msgid Open VR Models Folder
msgstr 打开VR模型文件夹

msgid Enable Chunks
msgstr 启用块

msgid Split Mode
msgstr 拆分模式

msgid Combine Stems
msgstr 组合音轨

msgid Spectral Inversion
msgstr 频谱反转

msgid Mixer Mode
msgstr 混音器模式

msgid Open Demucs Model Folder
msgstr 打开Demucs模型文件夹

msgid Save Instrumental Mixture
msgstr 保存器乐混音

msgid Activate Pre-process Model
msgstr 激活预处理模型

msgid Denoise Output
msgstr 降噪输出

msgid Open MDX-Net Models Folder
msgstr 打开MDX-Net模型文件夹

msgid Save All Outputs
msgstr 保存所有输出

msgid Append Ensemble Name
msgstr 追加集成名称

msgid UVR License Information
msgstr UVR许可证信息

msgid UVR Change Log
msgstr UVR变更日志

msgid Activate Secondary Model
msgstr 激活辅助模型

msgid Yes
msgstr 是

msgid No
msgstr 否

msgid Confirm
msgstr 确认

msgid Cancel
msgstr 取消

msgid Support UVR
msgstr 支持UVR

msgid UVR Patreon Link
msgstr UVR Patreon链接

msgid UVR \\Buy Me a Coffee\\ Link
msgstr UVR \\Buy Me a Coffee\\ Link

msgid Back to Main Menu
msgstr 返回主菜单

msgid Ultimate Vocal Remover (Official GitHub)
msgstr Ultimate Vocal Remover(GitHub)

msgid X-Minus AI
msgstr X-Minus AI

msgid MVSep
msgstr MVSep

msgid FFmpeg
msgstr FFmpeg

msgid Rubber Band Library
msgstr Rubber Band库

msgid Official UVR Patreon
msgstr 官方UVR Patreon

msgid Copy All Text
msgstr 复制所有文本

msgid Report Issue
msgstr 报告问题

msgid Open Link to Model
msgstr 打开模型链接

msgid Open Model Directory
msgstr 打开模型目录

msgid Save
msgstr 保存

msgid Cancel
msgstr 取消

msgid Confirm
msgstr 确认

msgid OK
msgstr 确定

msgstr 选择处理方法

msgid VR Architecture
msgstr VR架构

msgstr 选择VR模型

msgid Choose Model
msgstr 选择模型

msgstr 窗口大小

msgid GPU Conversion
msgstr GPU转换

msgid Primary Stem Only
msgstr 仅主要音轨

msgid Secondary Stem Only
msgstr 仅次要音轨

msgid Sample Mode (30s)
msgstr 样本模式(30秒)

msgstr 侵略性设置

msgstr 选择保存的设置

msgid Choose Option
msgstr 选择选项

msgid start Processing
msgstr 开始处理

msgid Default
msgstr Default

msgid Auto
msgstr Auto

msgid Save Current Settings
msgstr 保存当前设置

msgid Name Settings
msgstr 命名设置

msgid Input Notes
msgstr 输入注释

msgid only letters,numbers,spaces,and dashes allowed
msgstr 只允许字母、数字、空格和破折号

msgid No dashes or spaces at the start or end of input
msgstr 输入开头或结尾不能有破折号或空格

msgid Select Music Files
msgstr 选择音乐文件

msgid Restart Confirmation
msgstr 重新启动确认

msgid Temp File Deletion
msgstr 临时文件删除

msgid Copy Help Hint Text
msgstr 复制帮助提示文本

msgid See All Inputs
msgstr 查看所有输入

msgid Error Loading the Following File
msgstr 加载以下文件时出错

msgid Delete
msgstr 删除

msgid Copy
msgstr 复制

msgid Paste
msgstr 粘贴

msgid Select Saved Settings
msgstr 选择保存的设置

msgid Advanced
msgstr 高级

msgid Settings
msgstr 设置

msgid Additional Settings
msgstr 附加设置

msgstr 右键点击删除错误:

msgid Select All
msgstr 全选

msgid Exit Window
msgstr 退出窗口

msgid Settings Guide
msgstr 设置指南

msgid Secondary Model
msgstr 次要模型

msgid Pre-process Model
msgstr 预处理模型

msgid Verify Inputs
msgstr 验证输入

msgid Audio Input Total
msgstr 音频输入总数

msgid input(s) removed.
msgstr 输入已移除。

msgid You cannot remove inputs during an active process.
msgstr 在活动处理过程中不能移除输入。

msgid Selected Inputs
msgstr 所选输入

msgid No export directory selected.
msgstr 未选择导出目录。

msgid Broken or Incompatible File(s) Removed. Check Error Log for details
msgstr 已移除损坏或不兼容的文件。请查看错误日志获取详情。

msgid No errors found!
msgstr 未发现错误!

msgid Stop Progress
msgstr 停止进度

msgid Process Stopped
msgstr 处理已停止

msgid You cannot verify inputs during an active process
msgstr 在活动处理过程中不能验证输入。

msgid Remove Selected Items Only
msgstr 仅移除所选项

msgid Keep Selected Items Only
msgstr 仅保留所选项

msgid Clear All Input(s)
msgstr 清除所有输入

msgid Verify and Create Samples of Selected Inputs
msgstr 验证并创建所选输入的样本

msgid Preferred Double Click Action
msgstr 首选双击操作

msgid Enable: Open Audio File Directory
msgstr 启用:打开音频文件目录

msgid Enable: Open Audio File
msgstr 启用:打开音频文件

msgid disabled
msgstr 已禁用

msgid normal
msgstr 正常

msgid General Menu
msgstr 常规菜单

msgid Additional Menus & Information
msgstr 其他菜单和信息

msgid Enable Help Hints
msgstr 启用帮助提示

msgid Application Updates
msgstr 应用更新

msgid Audio Format Settings
msgstr 音频格式设置

msgid Wav Type
msgstr Wav 类型

msgid Mp3 Bitrate
msgstr Mp3 比特率

msgid General Process Settings
msgstr 常规处理设置

msgid Model Sample Mode Settings
msgstr 模型样本模式设置

msgid Sample Clip Duration
msgstr 样本剪辑时长

msgid Delete User Saved Setting
msgstr 删除用户保存的设置

msgid Application Download Center
msgstr 应用下载中心

msgid Select Download
msgstr 选择下载

msgid Stop Download
msgstr 停止下载

msgid Settings Guide
msgstr 设置指南

msgid Advanced VR Options
msgstr 高级VR选项

msgid Aggression Setting
msgstr 侵略性设置

msgid Window Size
msgstr 窗口大小

msgid Batch Size
msgstr 批量大小

msgid Post-process Threshold
msgstr 后处理阈值

msgid Segments
msgstr 段

msgid Shifts
msgstr 移动量

msgid Overlap
msgstr 重叠

msgid Chunks
msgstr 块

msgid Chunk Margin
msgstr 块边距

msgid Select Model
msgstr 选择模型

msgid Pre-process Model
msgstr 预处理模型

msgid Advanced Demucs Options
msgstr 高级Demucs选项

msgid Volume Compensation
msgstr 音量补偿

msgid Advanced MDX-Net Options
msgstr 高级MDX-Net选项

msgid Advanced Option Menu
msgstr 高级选项菜单

msgid Remove Saved Ensemble
msgstr 删除保存的集成

msgid Credits
msgstr 鸣谢

msgid Application License & Version Information
msgstr 应用许可和版本信息

msgid Resources
msgstr 资源

msgid Application Change Log
msgstr 应用变更日志

msgid Core UVR Developers
msgstr 核心UVR开发者

msgid Tsurumeso
msgstr Tsurumeso

msgid Kuielab & Woosung Choi
msgstr Kuielab和Woosung Choi

msgid Change log unavailable.
msgstr 无法获取变更日志。

msgid Error Console
msgstr 错误控制台

msgid Download Link(s)
msgstr 下载链接

msgid Manual Downloads
msgstr 手动下载

msgid Selected Model Placement Path
msgstr 所选模型的放置路径

msgid Name Settings
msgstr 设置

msgid InpSave Current Settingsut Notes
msgstr 保存当前设置

msgid Save Current Settings
msgstr 保存当前设置

msgid Are you sure you want to continue?\n\nThe application will need to be restarted.\n
msgstr 您确定要继续吗?\n\n应用程序需要重新启动。\n

msgid Update Found
msgstr 检测到更新

msgid Download Update in Application
msgstr 在应用程序中下载更新

msgid Confirm Update
msgstr 确认更新

msgid User Download Codes
msgstr 用户下载代码

msgid Download Code
msgstr 下载代码

msgid Obtain codes by visiting one of the following links below. +\\nFrom there you can donate, pledge, +\or just obatain the code!\n (Donations are not required to obtain VIP code)
msgstr 通过访问下面的链接之一来获得代码。\n从那里你可以捐赠,承诺,或者只是获取代码!\n (捐赠不是获得VIP代码的必需条件)

msgid Input Code
msgstr 输入代码

msgid MDX-Net Model Settings
msgstr MDX-Net模型设置

msgid Specify MDX-Net Model Parameters
msgstr 指定MDX-Net模型参数

msgid Primary Stem only
msgstr 仅主要音轨

msgid (Leave this setting as is if you are unsure.)
msgstr (如果您不确定,请保留此设置。)

msgid Dim_f
msgstr Dim_f

msgid N_FFT Scale
msgstr N_FFT 比例

msgid Specify Parameters
msgstr 指定参数

msgid Specify VR Model Parameters
msgstr 指定VR模型参数

msgid Select Model Param
msgstr 选择模型参数

msgid Choose Model Param
msgstr 选择模型参数

msgid Input Notes
msgstr 输入注释

msgid Not Enough Models
msgstr 模型不足

msgid \n\nProcess stopped by user
msgstr \n\n进程被用户停止。

msgid You must select 2 or more models to save an ensemble
msgstr 您必须选择2个或更多模型来保存集成。

msgid Save Current Ensemble
msgstr 保存当前集成

msgid Ensemble Name
msgstr 集成名称

msgid center
msgstr 中心

msgid Loading version information
msgstr 加载版本信息...

msgid Check for Updates
msgstr 检查更新

msgid Download List Refreshed
msgstr 下载列表已刷新!

msgid Click Here to Roll Back
msgstr 点击这里返回

msgid Click Here to Update
msgstr 点击这里更新

msgid UVR Version Current
msgstr UVR 当前版本

msgid Online Data Refresh
msgstr 在线数据刷新

msgid Refresh
msgstr 刷新

msgid VIP Models Added
msgstr 添加VIP模型!

msgid Incorrect Code
msgstr 错误代码

msgid Code Incorrect
msgstr 代码错误

msgid Not enough files to process.\n
msgstr 文件不足以处理。\n

msgid You must select exactly 2 inputs!\n
msgstr 您必须确切选择2个输入!\n

msgid Process starting
msgstr 处理开始...

msgid \nProcess complete\n{}
msgstr \n处理完成\n{}

msgid Time Elapsed
msgstr 处理时间:

msgid Return to Settings Menu
msgstr 返回设置菜单

msgid Core UVR Developers
msgstr 核心 UVR 开发者

msgid Special Thanks
msgstr 特别鸣谢

msgid Developed the original VR Architecture AI code
msgstr 开发了原始的 VR 架构 AI 代码。

msgid Developed the original MDX-Net AI code
msgstr 开发了原始的 MDX-Net AI 代码。

msgid Core developer of Facebook's Demucs Music Source Separation
msgstr Facebook 的 Demucs 音乐源分离核心开发者。

msgid Designed the official UVR logo, icon, banner, splash screen
msgstr 设计了官方 UVR 徽标、图标、横幅、启动屏幕。

msgid Your contributions at the start of this project were essential to the success of UVR. Thank you
msgstr 在项目开始阶段,您的贡献对 UVR 的成功至关重要。谢谢您!

msgid Thank you for the support
msgstr 感谢您的支持!

msgid You can find updates, report issues, and give us a shout via our official GitHub
msgstr 您可以通过我们的官方 GitHub 找到更新、报告问题,并与我们联系。

msgid Many of the models provided are also on X-Minus
msgstr 您可以通过我们的官方 GitHub 找到更新、报告问题,并与我们联系。

msgid X-Minus benefits users without the computing resources to run the GUI or models locally
msgstr 您可以通过我们的官方 GitHub 找到更新、报告问题,并与我们联系。

msgid Some of our models are also on MVSep
msgstr 我们的一些模型也在 MVSep 上。

msgid Click the link above for a list of some of the best settings \nand model combinations recorded by fellow UVR users
msgstr 点击上面的链接查看其他 UVR 用户记录的一些最佳设置和模型组合列表。

msgid If you wish to support and donate to this project, click the link above and become a Patreon
msgstr 如果您希望支持并捐赠给这个项目,请点击上面的链接并成为 Patreon 赞助人!

msgid Official UVR Patreon
msgstr 官方 UVR Patreon

msgid You can get more information on it via the link provided
msgstr 您可以通过提供的链接获取更多信息。

msgid UVR uses the Rubber Band library for the sound stretch and pitch shift tool
msgstr 您可以通过提供的链接获取更多信息。

msgid If you are missing FFmpeg, please see the installation guide via the link provided
msgstr 您可以通过提供的链接获取更多信息。

msgid UVR relies on FFmpeg for processing non-wav audio files
msgstr 您可以通过提供的链接获取更多信息。

msgid UVR License Information
msgstr UVR 许可信息

msgid Are you sure you want to continue
msgstr 您确定要继续吗?

msgid The application will need to be restarted
msgstr 该应用程序将需要重新启动。

msgid Many of the models provided are also on X-Minus.\n
msgstr 许多提供的模型也在 X-Minus 上。

msgid Some of our models are also on MVSep.\n
msgstr 我们的一些模型也在 MVSep 上。

msgid UVR relies on FFmpeg for processing non-wav audio files.\n
msgstr UVR 依赖于 FFmpeg 处理非 WAV 音频文件。

msgid Many of the models provided are also on X-Minus
msgstr 提供的许多模型也在X-Minus上。

msgid X-Minus benefits users without the computing resources to run the GUI or models locally
msgstr X-Minus使没有运行GUI或本地运行模型计算资源的用户受益。

msgid Some of our models are also on MVSep
msgstr 我们的一些模型也在MVSep上。

msgid Click the link above for a list of some of the best settings and model combinations recorded by fellow UVR users
msgstr 点击上面的链接,查看由UVR用户记录的一些最佳设置和模型组合的列表

msgid msgid UVR relies on FFmpeg for processing non-wav audio files
msgstr UVR依赖FFmpeg来处理非wav音频文件。

msgid If you are missing FFmpeg, please see the installation guide via the link provided
msgstr 如果您缺少FFmpeg,请通过所提供的链接查看安装指南

msgid Rubber Band Library
Rubber Band 库

msgid UVR uses the Rubber Band library for the sound stretch and pitch shift tool
msgstr UVR使用Rubber Band库进行声音拉伸和音高转换。

msgid You can get more information on it via the link provided
msgstr 您可以通过所提供的链接获取更多信息

msgid Official UVR Patreon
msgstr 官方UVR Patreon

msgid If you wish to support and donate to this project, click the link above and become a Patreon
msgstr 如果您希望支持并捐赠给这个项目,请点击上面的链接成为Patreon

msgid UVR License Information
msgstr UVR 许可证信息

msgid UVR Change Log
msgstr UVR 更改日志

msgid Loading Saved Variables
msgstr 加载保存的变量

msgid Download Failed
msgstr 下载失败

msgid Download Stopped
msgstr 下载已停止

msgid Download Complete
msgstr 下载完成

msgid Update Download Complete
msgstr 更新下载完成

msgid exit
msgstr 退出

msgid No Internet Connection
msgstr 没有网络连接

msgid VIP:
msgstr VIP:

msgid All Available Models Downloaded
msgstr 所有可用模型已下载

msgid No Model Selected
msgstr 未选择模型

msgid Downloading Item 1/1...
msgstr 正在下载项目 1/1...

msgid Downloading Item
msgstr 正在下载项目

msgid File already exists!
msgstr 文件已存在!

msgid Downloading Update...
msgstr 正在下载更新...

msgid Download More Models
msgstr 下载更多模型

msgid Start Processing
msgstr 开始处理

msgid Please wait...
msgstr 请等待...

msgid Halting process, please wait...
msgstr 停止处理,请等待...

msgid Loading models...
msgstr 正在加载模型...

msgid is an unrecognized model.\n\n
msgstr 是一个未识别的模型。\n\n

msgid missing
msgstr 缺失

msgid present
msgstr 存在

msgid Unrecognized Model Detected
msgstr 检测到未识别的模型

msgid Would you like to select the correct parameters before continuing?
msgstr 是否要在继续之前选择正确的参数?

msgid Confirmation
msgstr 确认

msgid No Models Selected
msgstr 未选择模型

msgid File Corrupted
msgstr 文件损坏

msgid Would you like to remove this ensemble from your list?
msgstr 是否要从列表中删除此合奏?

msgid Unable to load this ensemble.\n\n
msgstr 无法加载此合奏。\n\n

msgid Please select ensemble and try again.
msgstr 请选择合奏并重试。

msgid Loading Saved Variables
msgstr 加载已保存的变量

msgid Download Stopped
msgstr 下载停止

msgid No Internet Connection
msgstr 无网络连接

msgid Save outputs as
msgstr 将输出保存为

msgid When enabled, the application will run an additional inference with the selected model(s) above.
msgstr 启用时,应用程序将使用上面选择的模型进行额外的推理。

msgid Choose the secondary model associated with this stem you wish to run with the current process method.
msgstr 选择与当前处理方法中要运行的次要模型关联的次要模型。

msgid The scale determines how the final audio outputs will be averaged between the primary and secondary models.
msgstr 刻度确定主要和次要模型之间的最终音频输出如何平均。

msgid The application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled.
msgstr 启用后,应用程序将使用上面选择的模型进行推理,仅提取伴奏音轨。

msgid Allows the user to process only part of a track to sample settings or a model without running a full conversion.
msgstr 允许用户仅处理音轨的一部分以采样设置或模型,而无需运行完整的转换。

msgid Notes:\n? The number in the parentheses is the current number of seconds the generated sample will be.
msgstr 注意:\n? 括号中的数字是当前生成的采样的秒数。

msgid You can choose the number of seconds to extract from the track in the \Additional Settings\ menu.
msgstr 您可以在“附加设置”菜单中选择从音轨中提取的秒数。

msgid Allows the user to control the intensity of the Post_process option.
msgstr 允许用户控制Post_process选项的强度。

msgid Notes:\n? Higher values potentially remove more artifacts. However, bleed might increase.
msgstr 注意:\n? 更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。

msgid Selects the frequency margins to slice the chunks from.
msgstr 选择频率边缘以从块中切割。

msgid The recommended margin size is 44100.
msgstr 推荐的边缘大小为44100。

msgid Other values can give unpredictable results.
msgstr 其他值可能会导致不可预测的结果。

msgid The range is 0-100.
msgstr 范围是0-100。

msgid Higher values perform deeper extractions.
msgstr 较高的值进行更深的提取。

msgid The default is 10 for instrumental & vocal models.
msgstr 默认值为10,适用于乐器和声乐模型。

msgid Values over 10 can result in muddy-sounding instrumentals for the non-vocal models
msgstr 值大于10可能导致非声乐模型的乐器声音含糊不清

msgid The smaller your window size, the better your conversions will be.
msgstr 窗口大小越小,转换效果越好。

msgid However, a smaller window means longer conversion times and heavier resource usage.
msgstr 然而,较小的窗口意味着较长的转换时间和更重的资源使用。

msgid Breakdown of the selectable window size values:
msgstr 可选择窗口大小值的详细信息:

msgid 1024 - Low conversion quality, shortest conversion time, low resource usage.
msgstr 1024 - 低转换质量,最短转换时间,低资源使用率。

msgid 512 - Average conversion quality, average conversion time, normal resource usage.
msgstr 512 - 平均转换质量,平均转换时间,正常资源使用率。

msgid 320 - Better conversion quality.
msgstr 320 - 更好的转换质量。

msgid The application will create the secondary stem by combining the remaining stems instead of inverting the primary stem with the mixture.
msgstr 应用程序将通过将其余的音轨组合来创建次要音轨,而不是将主要音轨与混音反转。

msgid Compensates the audio of the primary stems to allow for a better secondary stem.
msgstr 通过补偿主要音轨的音频,使次要音轨更好。

msgid This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.
msgstr 此选项可以去除MDX-Net模型产生的大部分噪音。

msgid The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.
msgstr 启用此选项后,转换将需要近两倍的时间。

msgid Clears any user selected model settings for previously unrecognized models.
msgstr 清除以前未识别模型的任何用户选择的模型设置。

msgid Enabling this option will keep all individual outputs generated by an ensemble.
msgstr 启用此选项将保留合奏生成的所有单独输出。

msgid The application will append the ensemble name to the final output when this option is enabled.
msgstr 启用此选项后,应用程序将在最终输出中附加合奏名称。

msgid Takes the user to an external web-site to donate to this project!
msgstr 带用户访问外部网站以捐赠此项目!

msgid You must have 2 or more files selected as your inputs. Allows the user to run their tracks through the same algorithms used in Ensemble Mode.
msgstr 您必须选择2个或更多的文件作为输入。允许用户通过与合奏模式中使用的相同算法处理其音轨。

msgid You must have exactly 2 files selected as your inputs. The second input will be aligned with the first input.
msgstr 您必须确切地选择2个文件作为输入。第二个输入将与第一个输入对齐。

msgid The user can speed up or slow down the selected inputs.
msgstr 用户可以加快或减慢选定的输入。

msgid The user can change the pitch for the selected inputs.
msgstr 用户可以改变选定输入的音调。

msgid When enabled, the application will generate a third output without the selected stem and vocals.
msgstr 启用时,应用程序将生成一个不带所选音轨和声音的第三个输出。

msgid When enabled, chimes will be heard when a process completes or fails.
msgstr 启用时,将在进程完成或失败时听到钟声。

msgid Two new directories will be generated for the outputs in the export directory after each conversion.
msgstr 在每次转换后,输出的导出目录中将生成两个新目录。

msgid First directory - Named after the model.
msgstr 第一个目录 - 命名为模型名称。

msgid Second directory - Named after the track.
msgstr 第二个目录 - 命名为音轨名称。

msgid Selects the ensemble algorithm to be used to generate the final output.
msgstr 选择用于生成最终输出的合奏算法。

msgid Example & Other Note:\n? Max Spec/Min Spec - If this option is chosen, the primary stem outputs will be processed through the 'Max Spec') algorithm, and the secondary stem will be processed through the 'Min Spec') algorithm.
msgstr 示例和其他说明:\n? Max Spec/Min Spec - 如果选择此选项,主音轨输出将通过'Max Spec'算法进行处理,次要音轨将通过'Min Spec'算法进行处理。

msgid Only a single algorithm will be shown when the '4 Stem Ensemble') option is chosen.
msgstr 选择'4 Stem Ensemble'选项时,只会显示单个算法。

msgid Algorithm Details:\n? Max Spec - This algorithm combines the final results and generates the highest possible output from them.
msgstr 算法详情:\n? Max Spec - 此算法将最终结果合并并从中生成可能的最高输出。

msgid For example, if this algorithm were processing vocal stems, you would get the fullest possible result making the ensembled vocal stem sound cleaner. However, it might result in more unwanted artifacts.
msgstr 例如,如果此算法正在处理声乐音轨,您将获得可能的最完整结果,使合奏的声乐音轨听起来更清洁。但是,可能会导致更多不需要的伪音。

msgid Min Spec - This algorithm combines the results and generates the lowest possible output from them.
msgstr Min Spec - 此算法将结果合并并从中生成可能的最低输出。

msgid For example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound 'muddy') and lack a fuller sound.
msgstr 例如,如果此算法正在处理乐器音轨,您将获得可能的最干净结果,消除更多不需要的伪音。但是,结果可能还会听起来模糊不清,并且缺少更丰满的声音。

msgid Average - This algorithm simply combines the results and averages all of them together.
msgstr Average - 此算法仅将结果合并并平均所有结果。

msgid List of the all the models available for the main stem pair selected.
msgstr 列出所选主音轨对应的所有可用模型。

msgid When checked, the application will attempt to use your GPU (if you have one).
msgstr 选中后,应用程序将尝试使用您的GPU(如果有)。

msgid If you do not have a GPU but have this checked, the application will default to your CPU.
msgstr 如果您没有GPU但选中了此选项,应用程序将默认使用您的CPU。

msgid Note: CPU conversions are much slower than those processed through the GPU.
msgstr 注意:与通过GPU处理的转换相比,CPU转换要慢得多。

msgid Allows the user to save only the selected stem.
msgstr 允许用户仅保存所选的音轨。

msgid Normalizes output to prevent clipping.
msgstr 将输出进行归一化以防止削波。

msgid **Only compatible with select models only!**
msgstr **仅与特定模型兼容!**

msgid Setting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.
msgstr 设置应与训练裁剪大小值匹配。如果不确定,请保持不变。

msgid Note: Having this selected will increase the time it takes to complete a conversion
msgstr 注意:选择此选项将增加完成转换所需的时间

msgid Note: Selecting this option can adversely affect the conversion process, depending on the track. Because of this, it is only recommended as a last resort.
msgstr 注意:选择此选项可能会对转换过程产生不利影响,这取决于音轨。因此,只建议作为最后的选择。

msgid The application will mirror the missing frequency range of the output.
msgstr 应用程序将镜像输出的缺失频率范围。

msgid Performs multiple predictions with random shifts of the input and averages them.
msgstr 使用输入的随机偏移执行多次预测并对其进行平均。

msgid The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take.
msgstr 偏移数量越多,预测所需的时间就越长。

msgid Not recommended unless you have a GPU.
msgstr 除非您有GPU,否则不建议使用。

msgid This option controls the amount of overlap between prediction windows (for Demucs one window is 10 seconds)
msgstr 此选项控制预测窗口之间的重叠量(对于Demucs,一个窗口为10秒)

msgid Enables \Chunks\.
msgstr 启用“块”。

msgid We recommend you not enable this option with \Split Mode\ enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.
msgstr 我们建议您不要在启用“分割模式”或使用Demucs v4模型时启用此选项。

msgid Using this option for MDX-Net no longer effects RAM usage.
msgstr 对于MDX-Net,使用此选项不再影响RAM使用情况。

msgid Having this enabled will effect output quality, for better or worse depending on the set value.
msgstr 启用此选项将影响输出质量,根据设置值的不同,可能会好坏参半。

msgid Enables \Segments\.
msgstr 启用“段”。

msgid We recommend you not enable this option with \Enable Chunks\.
msgstr 我们建议您不要在启用“块”时启用此选项。

msgid Deselecting this option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs or if using \Chunk\ mode instead.
msgstr 只建议强大的个人电脑用户在使用“块”模式时取消选择此选项。

msgid The application will accept any input when enabled, even if it does not have an audio format extension.
msgstr 启用后,应用程序将接受任何输入,即使没有音频格式扩展名也可以。

msgid This is for experimental purposes, and having it enabled is not recommended.
msgstr 这仅用于实验目的,不建议启用。

msgid When enabled, chimes will be heard when a process completes or fails.
msgstr 启用后,进程完成或失败时会听到钟声。

msgid Two new directories will be generated for the outputs in the export directory after each conversion.
msgstr 在每次转换后,输出文件将在导出目录中生成两个新目录。

msgid First directory - Named after the model.
msgstr 第一个目录 - 以模型名称命名。

msgid Second directory - Named after the track.
msgstr 第二个目录 - 以音轨名称命名。

msgid Example:\nExport Directory\n└── First Directory\n └── Second Directory\n └── Output File(s)
msgstr 示例:\n导出目录\n└── 第一个目录\n └── 第二个目录\n └── 输出文件

msgid This menu contains your saved settings. You will be asked to confirm if you wish to delete the selected setting.
msgstr 此菜单包含您保存的设置。如果您希望删除所选设置,将会询问您确认。

msgid Choose the primary stem for the selected model.
msgstr 选择所选模型的主音轨。

msgid Set the N_FFT size the model was trained with.
msgstr 设置模型的N_FFT大小(模型的训练过程中使用的FFT尺寸)。

msgid Choose the appropriate volume compensation for the selected model.
msgstr 选择所选模型的适当音量补偿。

msgid Reminder: Compensates the audio of the primary stems to allow for a better secondary stem.
msgstr 提醒:对主音轨的音频进行补偿,以便获得更好的次要音轨。

msgid Choose the parameters needed to run the selected model.
msgstr 选择运行所选模型所需的参数。

msgid Select saved ensemble or save current ensemble.
msgstr 选择保存的合奏或保存当前合奏。

msgid Default Selections:\nSave the current ensemble.\nClears all current model selections.
msgstr 默认选择:\n保存当前合奏。\n清除所有当前模型选择。

msgid Here, you choose between different AI networks and algorithms to process your track.
msgstr 在这里,您可以在不同的AI网络和算法之间选择来处理您的音轨。

msgid There are five options:\nVR Architecture - These models use magnitude spectrograms for Source Separation.
msgstr 有五个选项:\nVR Architecture - 这些模型使用幅度谱图进行源分离。

msgid MDX-Net - These models use Hybrid Spectrogram/Waveform for Source Separation.
msgstr MDX-Net - 这些模型使用混合谱图/波形进行源分离。

msgid Demucs v3 - These models use Hybrid Spectrogram/Waveform for Source Separation.
msgstr Demucs v3 - 这些模型使用混合谱图/波形进行源分离。

msgid Ensemble Mode - Here, you can get the best results from multiple models and networks.
msgstr 合奏模式 - 在这里,您可以从多个模型和网络中获得最佳结果。

msgid Audio Tools - These are additional tools for added convenience.
msgstr 音频工具 - 这些是额外的工具,增加了方便性。

msgid Select Input:\nHere is where you select the audio files(s) you wish to process.
msgstr 选择输入:\n在这里,您可以选择要处理的音频文件。

msgid Input Option Menu:\nClick here to access the input option menu.
msgstr 输入选项菜单:\n点击此处访问输入选项菜单。

msgid Select Output:\nHere is where you select the directory where your processed files are to be saved.
msgstr 选择输出:\n在这里,您可以选择保存处理后文件的目录。

msgid Open Input Folder Button: \nOpens the directory containing the selected input audio file(s).
msgstr 打开输入文件夹按钮:\n打开包含所选输入音频文件的目录。

msgid Open Output Folder Button: \nOpens the selected output folder.
msgstr 打开输出文件夹按钮:\n打开所选的输出文件夹。

msgid Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.
msgstr 每种处理方法都有自己的一组选项和模型。

msgid Here is where you choose the model associated with the selected process method.
msgstr 在这里,您可以选择与所选处理方法相关联的模型。

msgid Save outputs as
msgstr 将输出保存为

msgid When enabled, the application will run an additional inference with the selected model(s) above.
msgstr 启用后,应用程序将使用上面选择的模型运行附加的推理。

msgid Choose the secondary model associated with this stem you wish to run with the current process method.
msgstr 选择与您希望使用当前处理方法运行的音轨相关联的次要模型。

msgid The scale determines how the final audio outputs will be averaged between the primary and secondary models.
msgstr 比例决定了主要模型和次要模型之间的最终音频输出将如何平均。

msgid For example:\n10% - 10 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.
msgstr 例如:\n10% - 主要模型结果的10%将计入最终结果。

msgid 50% - The results from the main and secondary models will be averaged evenly.
msgstr 50% - 主要模型和次要模型的结果将均匀平均。

msgid 90% - 90 percent of the main model result will be factored into the final result.
msgstr 90% - 主要模型结果的90%将计入最终结果。

msgid The scale can be adjusted in increments of 10%.
msgstr 比例可以每次调整10%。

msgid Ensemble Mode Settings:\nYou can choose the ensemble algorithm for generating the final output.
msgstr 合奏模式设置:\n您可以选择用于生成最终输出的合奏算法。

msgid Example & Other Note:\nIf you choose 'Max Spec/Min Spec', the primary stem outputs will be processed through the 'Max Spec' algorithm, and the secondary stem will be processed through the 'Min Spec' algorithm.
msgstr 示例和其他说明:\n如果选择'Max Spec/Min Spec',主音轨输出将通过'Max Spec'算法进行处理,次要音轨将通过'Min Spec'算法进行处理。

msgid Only a single algorithm will be shown when the '4 Stem Ensemble' option is chosen.
msgstr 选择'4 Stem Ensemble'选项时,只会显示单个算法。

msgid For example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound 'muddy' and lack a fuller sound.
msgstr 例如,如果此算法正在处理乐器音轨,您将获得可能的最干净结果,消除更多不需要的伪音。但是,结果可能还会听起来模糊不清,并且缺少更丰满的声音。

msgid List of all the models available for the main stem pair selected.
msgstr 列出所选主音轨对应的所有可用模型。

msgid Setting should match the training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.
msgstr 设置应与训练裁剪大小值匹配。如果不确定,请保持不变。

msgid Note: Having this selected will increase the time it takes to complete a conversion.
msgstr 注意:选择此选项将增加完成转换所需的时间。

msgid This option controls the amount of overlap between prediction windows (for Demucs one window is 10 seconds).
msgstr 此选项控制预测窗口之间的重叠量(对于Demucs,一个窗口为10秒)。

msgid Using this option for MDX-Net no longer affects RAM usage.
msgstr 对于MDX-Net,使用此选项不再影响RAM使用情况。

msgid Having this enabled will affect output quality, for better or worse depending on the set value.
msgstr 启用此选项将影响输出质量,根据设置值的不同,可能会好坏参半。

msgid Deselecting this option is only recommended for those with powerful PCs or if using \Chunk\ mode instead.
msgstr 只建议强大的个人电脑用户在使用“块”模式时

msgid You are about to stop all active processes.
msgstr 您即将停止所有活动进程。

msgid Are you sure you wish to continue?
msgstr 您确定要继续吗?

msgid Confirm Removal
msgstr 确认删除

msgid Are you sure you want to remove this entry?
msgstr 您确定要删除此条目吗?

msgid All Stems
msgstr 全部音轨

msgid Vocals
msgstr 声乐

msgid Instrumental
msgstr 乐器

msgid Other
msgstr 其他

msgid Bass
msgstr 低音

msgid Drums
msgstr 鼓

msgid Guitar
msgstr 吉他

msgid Piano
msgstr 钢琴

msgid Synthesizer
msgstr 合成器

msgid Strings
msgstr 弦乐

msgid Woodwinds
msgstr 木管乐器

msgid Brass
msgstr 铜管乐器

msgid Wind Inst
msgstr 风管乐器

msgid No Other
msgstr 无其他

msgid No Bass
msgstr 无低音

msgid No Drums
msgstr 无鼓

msgid No Guitar
msgstr 无吉他

msgid No Piano
msgstr 无钢琴

msgid No Synthesizer
msgstr 无合成器

msgid No Strings
msgstr 无弦乐

msgid No Woodwinds
msgstr 无木管乐器

msgid No Wind Inst
msgstr 无铜管乐器

msgid No Brass
msgstr 无铜管乐器

msgid Secondary Stem Only
msgstr 次要音轨

msgid instrumental
msgstr 乐器

msgid vocals
msgstr 声乐

msgid drums
msgstr 鼓

msgid bass
msgstr 低音

msgid other
msgstr 其他

msgid UVR_Model
msgstr UVR模型

msgid Choose Stem Pair
msgstr 选择音轨对

msgid 4 Stem Ensemble
msgstr 4个音轨合奏

msgid Min Spec
msgstr 最小规格

msgid Max Spec
msgstr 最大规格

msgid Average
msgstr 平均

msgid Full
msgstr 完整

msgid Audio Tools
msgstr 音频工具

msgid Manual Ensemble
msgstr 手动合奏

msgid Time Stretch
msgstr 时间拉伸

msgid Change Pitch
msgstr 音高转换

msgid Align Inputs
msgstr 输入对齐

msgid Save Ensemble
msgstr 保存合奏

msgid Clear Selection(s)
msgstr 清除选择

msgid Invalid Input, Please Try Again
msgstr 无效输入,请重试

msgid 1. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and dashes allowed.
msgstr 1. 只允许字母、数字、空格和短划线。

msgid 2. No dashes or spaces at the start or end of input.
msgstr 2. 输入不能以短划线或空格开头或结尾。

msgid ensemble check
msgstr 合奏检查

msgid Select Saved Ensemble
msgstr 选择已保存的合奏

msgid Ensemble Customization Options
msgstr 合奏定制选项

msgid Open Information Guide
msgstr 打开信息指南

msgid Open Error Log
msgstr 打开错误日志

msgid Verifying file
msgstr 验证文件

msgid Creating Sample
msgstr 创建样本

msgid Model Missing:
msgstr 模型缺失:

msgid : Playing
msgstr :播放中

msgid : Paused
msgstr :暂停

msgid : Stopped
msgstr :停止

msgid Selected
msgstr 已选择

msgid Detected
msgstr 已检测

msgid Reset to Default
msgstr 恢复为默认设置

msgid Reset All Application Settings to Default
msgstr 将所有应用程序设置恢复为默认设置

msgid Load for VR Arch
msgstr 为VR Architecture加载

msgid Load for MDX-Net
msgstr 为MDX-Net加载

msgid Load for Demucs
msgstr 为Demucs加载

msgid Load for Full Application
msgstr 为完整应用程序加载

msgid Invalid Input
msgstr 无效输入

msgid The input is invalid. Please verify the input still exists or is valid and try again.
msgstr 输入无效。请确认输入是否仍然存在或有效,并重试。

msgid Invalid Export Directory
msgstr 无效导出目录

msgid You have selected an invalid export directory. Please make sure the selected directory still exists.
msgstr 您选择了无效的导出目录。请确保所选目录仍然存在。

msgid No Model Chosen
msgstr 未选择模型

msgid You must select a model to continue.
msgstr 您必须选择一个模型才能继续。

msgid Model Missing
msgstr 模型缺失

msgid The selected model is missing or not valid.
msgstr 所选的模型丢失或无效。

msgid Error Occured
msgstr 发生错误

msgid Would you like to open the error log for more details?
msgstr 是否希望打开错误日志以获取更多详细信息?

msgid Internal model attribute.
msgstr 内部模型属性。

msgid Do not change this setting if you are unsure!
msgstr 如果不确定,请勿更改此设置!

msgid Halts any running processes. A pop-up window will ask the user to confirm the action.
msgstr 停止所有运行中的进程。弹出窗口将询问用户确认操作。

msgid Opens the main settings guide. This window includes the Download Center
msgstr 打开主要设置指南。此窗口包括“下载中心”。

msgid Provides information on the progress of the current process.
msgstr 提供当前进程的进度信息。

msgid Allows the user to open any saved settings or save the current application settings.
msgstr 允许用户打开任何已保存的设置或保存当前应用程序设置。

msgid For MDX-Net, all values use the same amount of resources. Using chunks is no longer recommended.
msgstr 对于MDX-Net,所有值使用相同数量的资源。不再建议使用块。

msgid This option is now only for output quality.
msgstr 此选项现在仅用于输出质量。

msgid Some tracks may fare better depending on the value.
msgstr 根据值的不同,某些音轨可能表现得更好。

msgid Some tracks may fare worse depending on the value.
msgstr 根据值的不同,某些音轨可能表现得更差。

msgid Larger chunk sizes use will take less time to process.
msgstr 较大的块大小需要更少的处理时间。

msgid Smaller chunk sizes use will take more time to process.
msgstr 较小的块大小需要更多的处理时间。

msgid This option allows the user to reduce (or increase) RAM or V-RAM usage.
msgstr 此选项允许用户减少(或增加)RAM或V-RAM的使用。

msgid Smaller chunk sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.
msgstr 较小的块大小使用较少的RAM或V-RAM,但也可能增加处理时间。

msgid Larger chunk sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.
msgstr 较大的块大小使用更多的RAM或V-RAM,但也可能减少处理时间。

msgid Selecting \Auto\ calculates an appropriate chuck size based on how much RAM or V-RAM your system has.
msgstr 选择“自动”会根据您的系统具有多少RAM或V-RAM来计算合适的块大小。

msgid Selecting \Full\ will process the track as one whole chunk. (not recommended)
msgstr 选择“全局”将将曲目作为一个整块处理。(不建议)

msgid The default selection is \Auto\.
msgstr 默认选择是“自动”。

msgid Selects the frequency margins to slice the chunks from.
msgstr 选择频率边缘以从块中切片。

msgid The recommended margin size is 44100.
msgstr 推荐的边缘大小是44100。

msgid Other values can give unpredictable results.
msgstr 其他值可能会产生不可预测的结果。

msgid The smaller your window size, the better your conversions will be. However, a smaller window means longer conversion times and heavier resource usage.
msgstr 窗口大小越小,转换效果越好。然而,较小的窗口意味着较长的转换时间和更重的资源使用。

msgid Here, you can choose which stem to extract using the selected model.
msgstr 在这里,您可以选择使用所选模型提取哪个音轨。

msgid Stem Selections:
msgstr 音轨选择:

msgid All Stems - Saves all of the stems the model is able to extract.
msgstr 全部音轨-保存模型能够提取的所有音轨。

msgid Vocals - Pulls vocal stem only.
msgstr 声乐-仅提取声乐音轨。

msgid Other - Pulls other stem only.
msgstr 其他-仅提取其他音轨。

msgid Bass - Pulls bass stem only.
msgstr 低音-仅提取低音音轨。

msgid Drums - Pulls drum stem only.
msgstr 鼓-仅提取鼓音轨。

msgid Smaller segment sizes use less RAM or V-RAM but can also increase processing times.
msgstr 较小的片段大小使用较少的RAM或V-RAM,但也可能增加处理时间。

msgid Larger segment sizes use more RAM or V-RAM but can also reduce processing times.
msgstr 较大的片段大小使用更多的RAM或V-RAM,但也可能减少处理时间。

msgid Selecting \Default\ uses the recommended segment size.
msgstr 选择“默认”使用推荐的片段大小。

msgid It is recommended that you not use segments with \Chunking\.
msgstr 建议不要在“块处理”中使用片段。

msgid Allows the user to select the type of stems they wish to ensemble.
msgstr 允许用户选择希望合奏的音轨类型。

msgid Options:
msgstr 选项:

msgid Vocals/Instrumental - The primary stem will be the vocals and the secondary stem will be the instrumental
msgstr 声乐/乐器-主音轨将是声乐,次音轨将是乐器

msgid Other/No Other - The primary stem will be other and the secondary stem will be no other (the mixture without the 'other') stem)
msgstr 其他/无其他-主音轨将是其他音轨,次音轨将是无其他音轨(没有其他音轨的混音)

msgid Bass/No Bass - The primary stem will be bass and the secondary stem will be no bass (the mixture without the 'bass') stem)
msgstr 低音/无低音-主音轨将是低音,次音轨将是无低音音轨(没有低音音轨的混音)

msgid Drums/No Drums - The primary stem will be drums and the secondary stem will be no drums (the mixture without the 'drums') stem)
msgstr 鼓/无鼓-主音轨将是鼓,次音轨将是无鼓音轨(没有鼓音轨的混音)

msgid 4 Stem Ensemble - This option will gather all the 4 stem Demucs models and ensemble all of the outputs.
msgstr 4音轨合奏-此选项将收集所有4音轨Demucs模型并合奏所有输出。

msgid Allows the user to select the ensemble algorithm to be used to generate the final output.
msgstr 允许用户选择用于生成最终输出的合奏算法。

msgid Example & Other Note:
msgstr 示例和其他说明:

msgid Only a single algorithm will be shown when the '4 Stem Ensemble') option is chosen.
msgstr 选择'4音轨合奏'选项时,只会显示一个算法。

msgid Algorithm Details:
msgstr 算法细节:

msgid Max Spec - This algorithm combines the final results and generates the highest possible output from them.
msgstr Max Spec-此算法将最终结果组合在一起,并从中生成最高可能的输出。

msgid For example, if this algorithm were processing vocal stems, you would get the fullest possible result making the ensembled vocal stem sound cleaner. However, it might result in more unwanted artifacts.
msgstr 例如,如果该算法处理声乐音轨,您将获得最完整的结果,使合奏的声乐音轨听起来更清晰。然而,可能会导致更多不需要的伪音。

msgid Min Spec - This algorithm combines the results and generates the lowest possible output from them.
msgstr Min Spec-此算法将结果组合在一起,并从中生成最低可能的输出。

msgid For example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound 'muddy') and lack a fuller sound.
msgstr 例如,如果该算法处理乐器音轨,您将获得最干净的结果,消除更多不需要的伪音。然而,结果可能也听起来很'混沌',缺少更丰满的声音。

msgid **Only compatible with select models only!**
msgstr **仅与部分模型兼容!**

msgid Setting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.
msgstr 设置应与训练裁剪尺寸的值相匹配。如果不确定,请保持不变。

msgid The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take.
msgstr 迭代次数越多,预测时间越长。

msgid - Not recommended unless you have a GPU.
msgstr - 不建议除非您有GPU。

msgid Enables \Chunks\.
msgstr 启用“块处理”。

msgid We recommend you not enable this option with \Split Mode\ enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.
msgstr 我们建议您不要在启用“拆分模式”或使用Demucs v4模型时启用此选项。

msgid Having this enabled will effect output quality, for better or worse depending on the set value.
msgstr 启用此选项将影响输出质量,效果取决于设置的值。

msgid Enables \Segments\.
msgstr 启用“片段”。

msgid We recommend you not enable this option with \Enable Chunks\.
msgstr 我们建议您不要在启用“块处理”时启用此选项。

msgid This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.
msgstr 此选项会消除MDX-Net模型产生的大部分噪音。

msgid The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.
msgstr 启用此选项后,转换时间将增加近一倍。

msgid This option may produce a better secondary stem.
msgstr 此选项可能产生更好的次音轨。

msgid Inverts primary stem with mixture using spectrograms instead of waveforms.
msgstr 使用频谱图而不是波形来反转主音轨和混音。

msgid This inversion method is slightly slower.
msgstr 此反转方法稍慢。

msgid This option may improve separations for outputs from 4-stem models.
msgstr 此选项可能改善4音轨模型的输出分离效果。

msgid Might produce more noise.
msgstr 可能会产生更多噪音。

msgid This option might slow down separation time.
msgstr 此选项可能会减慢分离时间。

msgid Appends a unique 10 digit number to output files so the user can compare results with different settings.
msgstr 向输出文件附加一个唯一的10位数字,以便用户可以将结果与不同的设置进行比较。

msgid Appends the model name to output files so the user can compare results with different settings.
msgstr 向输出文件附加模型名称,以便用户可以将结果与不同的设置进行比较。

msgid The application will accept any input when enabled, even if it does not have an audio format extension.
msgstr 启用时,应用程序将接受任何输入,即使没有音频格式扩展名。

msgid This is for experimental purposes, and having it enabled is not recommended.
msgstr 这是为了实验目的,不建议启用它。

msgid Example:
msgstr 示例:

msgid ─ Export Directory
msgstr ─ 导出目录

msgid ) └── First Directory
msgstr ) └── 第一个目录

msgid ) └── Second Directory
msgstr ) └── 第二个目录

msgid ) └── Output File(s)
msgstr ) └── 输出文件

msgid Choose the appropriate volume compensation for the selected model
msgstr 选择适合所选模型的音量补偿

msgid Reminder: \通过补偿主要音轨的音频,使次要音轨更好。\
msgstr 提示:\通过补偿主要音轨的音频,使次要音轨更好。\

msgid ensemble or save current ensemble.
msgstr 选择保存的合奏或保存当前的合奏。

msgid Default Selections:
msgstr 默认选择:

msgid ? Save the current ensemble.
msgstr ? 保存当前的合奏。

msgid ? Clears all current model selections.
msgstr ? 清除所有当前的模型选择。

msgid There are five options:
msgstr 有五个选项:

msgid ? VR Architecture - These models use magnitude spectrograms for Source Separation.
msgstr ? VR体系结构-这些模型使用幅度频谱图进行源分离。

msgid Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.
msgstr 每种处理方法都配有自己的选项和模型。

msgid The application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled.
msgstr 应用程序将在上面选择的模型上运行推理,仅在启用时拉出伴奏音轨。

msgid From there, all of the non-vocal stems will be pulled from the generated instrumental.
msgstr 从那里,所有非声乐音轨将从生成的伴奏音轨中拉出。

msgid Notes:
msgstr 注意:

msgid ? This option can significantly reduce vocal bleed within the non-vocal stems.
msgstr ? 此选项可大大减少非声乐音轨中的声乐混泄。

msgid ? It is only available in Demucs.
msgstr ? 它仅在Demucs中可用。

msgid ? It is only compatible with non-vocal and non-instrumental stem outputs.
msgstr ? 它仅与非声乐和非乐器音轨输出兼容。

msgid ? This will increase the total processing time.
msgstr ? 这将增加总处理时间。

msgid ? Only VR and MDX-Net Vocal or Instrumental models are selectable above.
msgstr ? 上面只有VR和MDX-Net声乐或乐器模型可选。

msgid Here, you choose between different audio tools to process your track.
msgstr 在这里,您可以选择不同的音频工具来处理音轨。

msgid ? Time Stretch - The user can speed up or slow down the selected inputs.
msgstr ? 时间拉伸-用户可以加速或减慢所选输入。

msgid ? Change Pitch - The user can change the pitch for the selected inputs.
msgstr ? 变调-用户可以更改所选输入的音高。

msgid \注意:\n? 更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\
msgstr \注意:\n? 更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\

msgid ? Lower values limit artifact removal.
msgstr ? 较低的值限制伪音去除。

msgid Specify the number of batches to be processed at a time.
msgstr 指定一次处理的批次数。

msgid ? Higher values mean more RAM usage but slightly faster processing times.
msgstr ? 较高的值意味着更多的RAM使用,但处理时间稍快。

msgid ? Lower values mean less RAM usage but slightly longer processing times.
msgstr ? 较低的值意味着更少的RAM使用,但处理时间稍长。

msgid ? Batch size value has no effect on output quality.
msgstr ? 批次大小对输出质量没有影响。

msgid Insufficient Storage
msgstr 存储空间不足

msgid There is not enough storage on the main drive to continue. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB's of storage to function properly with this application.
msgstr 主驱动器上的存储空间不足,无法继续。您的主驱动器必须至少有3 GB的存储空间才能正常使用此应用程序。

msgid Please ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB's of storage and try again.
msgstr 请确保您的主驱动器至少有3 GB的存储空间,然后重试。

msgid Available Storage Low
msgstr 可用存储空间较低

msgid Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB's of storage to function properly with this application.
msgstr 您的主驱动器存储空间较低。您的主驱动器必须至少有3 GB的存储空间才能正常使用此应用程序。

msgid Process failed, please see the error log
msgstr 处理失败,请查看错误日志

msgid Active Process
msgstr 活动进程

msgid Please stop the active process or wait for it to complete before you exit.
msgstr 请在退出之前停止活动进程或等待它完成。

msgid Halting Process
msgstr 正在停止进程

msgid Please wait for the application to finish halting the process before exiting.
msgstr 请在退出之前等待应用程序完成停止进程。

msgid You cannot reset all of the application settings during an active process.
msgstr 在活动进程中,您无法重置所有应用程序设置。

msgid You cannot reset the application settings during an active process.
msgstr 在活动进程中,您无法重置应用程序设置。

msgid Reset Settings Confirmation
msgstr 重置设置确认

msgid All application settings will be set to factory default.
msgstr 所有应用程序设置将恢复为出厂默认设置。

msgid Invalid Model
msgstr 无效的模型

msgid The file selected is not a valid MDX-Net model. Please see the error log for more information.
msgstr 所选文件不是有效的MDX-Net模型。有关详细信息,请查看错误日志。

msgid Running inference...
msgstr 正在运行推理...

secondary model)...

msgid Running inference (pre-process model)...
msgstr 正在运行推理(预处理模型)...

msgid Loading cached secondary model source(s)... Done!
msgstr 正在加载缓存的次要模型源...完成!

msgid Model cache loaded.
msgstr 模型缓存已加载。

msgid Inference complete.
msgstr 推理完成。

msgid Saving stem...
msgstr 保存音轨...

msgid Saving all stems...
msgstr 保存所有音轨...

msgid Ensembling outputs...
msgstr 合奏输出...

msgid Done!
msgstr 完成!

msgid Ensembled outputs saved!
msgstr 已保存合奏输出!

msgstr 选择MDX-NET模型

msgstr 批次大小

msgstr 音量补偿

msgstr 选择Demucs模型

msgstr 选择音轨

msgstr 分段

msgstr 合奏选项

msgstr 主要音轨对

msgstr 合奏算法

msgstr 可用模型

msgstr 选择音频工具

msgstr 选择算法

msgid RATE
msgstr 速率

msgstr 半音

msgid You are about to stop all active processes.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?
msgstr 您即将停止所有活动进程。\n\n您确定要继续吗?

msgid All Stems
msgstr 所有音轨

msgid Instrumental
msgstr 伴奏

msgid Bass
msgstr 贝斯

msgid Strings
msgstr 弦乐器

msgid Wind Inst
msgstr 管乐器

msgid No Bass
msgstr 无贝斯

msgid No Strings
msgstr 无弦乐器

msgid No Wind Inst
msgstr 无管乐器

msgid instrumental
msgstr 伴奏

msgid bass
msgstr 贝斯

msgid UVR_Model
msgstr UVR_Model

msgid 4 Stem Ensemble
msgstr 四音轨合奏

msgid Change Pitch
msgstr 变调

msgid Align Inputs
msgstr 对齐输入

msgid 1. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and dashes allowed.
msgstr 1. 仅允许字母、数字、空格和破折号。

msgid 2. No dashes or spaces at the start or end of input.
msgstr 2. 输入的开头或结尾不能有破折号或空格。

msgid Ensemble Customization Options
msgstr 合奏自定义选项

msgid Model Missing:
msgstr 缺少模型:

msgid : Playing
msgstr : 正在播放

msgid : Paused
msgstr : 暂停

msgid : Stopped
msgstr : 已停止

msgid Selected
msgstr 已选

msgid Reset to Default
msgstr 重置为默认值

msgid is an unrecognized model.
msgstr 是一个未识别的模型。

msgid Internal model attribute.\n\nDo not change this setting if you are unsure!
msgstr 内部模型属性。\n\n如果您不确定,请勿更改此设置!

msgid Selects the frequency margins to slice the chunks from.\n\n? The recommended margin size is 44100.\n? Other values can give unpredictable results.\n? The range is 0-100.
msgstr 选择频率边界来切割块。\n\n?推荐的边界大小是44100。\n?其他值可能会产生不可预测的结果。\n?范围是0-100。

msgid Stem Selections:\n\n? Vocals/伴奏 - The primary stem will be the vocals and the secondary stem will be the instrumental\n\n? 四音轨合奏 - This option will gather all the 4 stem Demucs models and ensemble all of the outputs.
msgstr 音轨选择:\n\n?声乐/伴奏 - 主要音轨将是声乐,次要音轨将是伴奏\n\n?四音轨合奏 - 此选项将收集所有4个音轨Demucs模型并将所有输出合奏。

msgid result, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound 'muddy') and lack a fuller sound.\n\n**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\nSetting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.\n\n? The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take.\n- Not recommended unless you have a GPU.\n\n? Enables \Chunks\.\n? We recommend you not enable this option with \Split Mode\ enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.\n\n? Enables \Chunks\.\n? Using this option for MDX-Net no longer effects RAM usage.\n\n? Having this enabled will effect output quality, for better or worse depending on the set value.\n\n? Enables \Segments\.\n? We recommend you not enable this option with \Enable Chunks\.\n\n? This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.\n? The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.\n? This option may produce a better secondary stem.\n? Inverts primary stem with mixture using spectragrams instead of waveforms.\n? This inversion method is slightly slower.\n? This option may improve separations for outputs from 4-stem models.\n? Might produce more noise.\n? This option might slow down separation time.
msgstr 结果,消除了更多不需要的伪音。然而,结果可能听起来较为混乱,缺乏更丰满的声音。\n\n**仅与特定型号兼容!**\n\n设置应与训练裁剪大小值匹配。如果不确定,请保持原样。\n\n?移动次数越多,预测时间越长。\n- 不推荐,除非您有GPU。\n\n?启用“块”。\n?我们建议您不要在启用“分割模式”或Demucs v4模型时启用此选项。\n\n?启用“块”。\n?对于MDX-Net,使用此选项不再影响RAM使用。\n\n?启用此选项将影响输出质量,可能会更好或更差,取决于设置的值。\n\n?启用“段”。\n?我们建议您不要在启用“块”时启用此选项。\n\n?此选项去除了MDX-Net模型产生的大部分噪音。\n?启用此选项将使转换时间几乎增加一倍。\n?此选项可能产生更好的次要音轨。\n?使用频谱图而不是波形倒转主音轨和混音。\n?此倒转方法稍慢。\n?此选项可能改善4音轨模型输出的分离效果。\n?可能产生更多噪音。\n?此选项可能会减慢分离时间。

msgid The application will accept any input when enabled, even if it does not have an audio format extension.\n\nThis is for experimental purposes, and having it enabled is not recommended.\n\n? Example:
msgstr 启用后,应用程序将接受任何输入,即使它没有音频格式扩展名。\n\n这是用于实验目的,不建议启用。\n\n?示例:

msgid Choose the appropriate volume compensation for the selected model\n\nReminder: \通过补偿主要音轨的音频,使次要音轨更好。\
msgstr 选择适合所选模型的音量补偿\n\n提醒:\通过补偿主要音轨的音频,使次要音轨更好。\

msgid Select saved ensemble or save current ensemble.\n\nDefault Selections:\n\n? Save the current ensemble.\n? Clears all current model selections.
msgstr 选择保存的合奏或保存当前合奏。\n\n默认选择:\n\n?保存当前合奏。\n?清除所有当前模型选择。

msgid Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.\n\nHere is where you choose the model associated with the selected process method.\n\nThe application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled.\nFrom there, all of the non-vocal stems will be pulled from the generated instrumental.\n\nNotes:\n\n\注意:\n?更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\? Lower values limit artifact removal.
msgstr 每个处理方法都有自己的选项和模型。\n\n在这里,您可以选择与所选处理方法相关联的模型。\n\n应用程序将使用上面选择的模型运行推断,仅在启用时提取伴奏音轨。\n然后,所有非声乐音轨将从生成的伴奏音轨中提取出来。\n\n备注:\n\n\注意:\n?更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\?较低的值会限制伪音去除。

msgid There is not enough storage on the main drive to continue. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB of storage to properly function with this application.\n\nPlease ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB of storage and try again.
msgstr 主驱动器上的存储空间不足,无法继续。您的主驱动器必须至少有3 GB的存储空间才能正常运行此应用程序。\n\n请确保您的主驱动器至少有3 GB的存储空间,然后重试。

msgid Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB of storage to properly function with this application.
msgstr 您的主驱动器存储空间不足。您的主驱动器必须至少有3 GB的存储空间才能正常运行此应用程序。

msgid Active Download\nPlease stop the download or wait for it to complete before you exit.
msgstr 正在下载中\n请在退出之前停止下载或等待下载完成。

msgid All application settings will be set to factory default.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?
msgstr 所有应用程序设置将恢复

msgid All application settings will be set to factory default.\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?
msgstr 所有应用程序设置将恢复为出厂默认设置。\n\n您确定要继续吗?

msgid Running inference (secondary model)...\nDone!
msgstr 正在运行推断(次要模型)...\n完成!

msgstr 半音

msgid Wind Inst
msgstr 吹奏乐器

msgid 1. Only letters, numbers, spaces, and dashes allowed.\n2. No dashes or spaces at the start or end of input.
msgstr 1. 只允许字母、数字、空格和破折号。\n2. 输入不能以破折号或空格开头或结尾。

msgid Stem Selections:\n\n? Vocals/\伴奏\ - The primary stem will be the vocals and the secondary stem will be the the instrumental
msgstr 音轨选择:\n\n?声乐/\伴奏\-主要音轨将是声乐,次要音轨将是伴奏

msgid ? \四音轨合奏\ - This option will gather all the 4 stem Demucs models and ensemble all of the outputs.
msgstr ?\四音轨合奏\-此选项将收集所有4音轨Demucs模型并合奏所有输出。

msgid Allows the user to select the ensemble algorithm to be used to generate the final output.\n\nExample & Other Note:\n\n? Only a single algorithm will be shown when the '4 Stem Ensemble') option is chosen.
msgstr 允许用户选择用于生成最终输出的合奏算法。\n\n示例和其他说明:\n\n?选择\四音轨合奏\选项时,只会显示一个算法。

msgid Algorithm Details:\n\n? Max Spec - This algorithm combines the final results and generates the highest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing vocal stems, you would get the fullest possible\n\nresult making the ensembled vocal stem sound cleaner. However, it might result in more unwanted artifacts.\n\n? Min Spec - This algorithm combines the results and generates the lowest possible output from them.\nFor example, if this algorithm were processing instrumental stems, you would get the cleanest possible result\n\nresult, eliminating more unwanted artifacts. However, the result might also sound 'muddy') and lack a fuller sound.\n\n**Only compatible with select models only!**\n\nSetting should match training crop-size value. Leave as is if unsure.
msgstr 算法详情:\n\n?最大规格-此算法将最终结果组合在一起,从中生成可能的最高输出。\n例如,如果此算法正在处理声乐音轨,您将得到最完整的\n\n结果,使合奏的声乐音轨听起来更干净。但可能会产生更多的不需要的伪音。\n\n?最小规格-此算法将结果组合在一起,并从中生成可能的最低输出。\n例如,如果此算法正在处理乐器音轨,您将得到最干净的结果\n\n结果,消除更多不需要的伪音。但是,结果可能听起来较为混乱,缺乏更丰满的声音。\n\n**仅与特定型号兼容!**\n\n设置应与训练裁剪大小值匹配。如果不确定,请保持原样。

msgid The higher number of shifts, the longer the prediction will take.\n- Not recommended unless you have a GPU.\n\n? Enables \Chunks\.\n? We recommend you not enable this option with \Split Mode\ enabled or with the Demucs v4 Models.\n? Enables \Chunks\.\n? Using this option for MDX-Net no longer effects RAM usage.\n? Having this enabled will effect output quality, for better or worse depending on the set value.\n? Enables \Segments\.\n? We recommend you not enable this option with \Enable Chunks\.
msgstr 较多的位移次数,预测所需的时间将更长。\n- 不建议在没有GPU的情况下启用。\n\n?启用\块\。\n?我们建议您不要在启用\拆分模式\或使用Demucs v4模型时启用此选项。\n?启用\块\。\n?使用此选项不再影响MDX-Net的RAM使用。\n?启用此选项将影响输出质量,好坏取决于设置值。\n?启用\分段\。\n?我们建议您不要在启用\启用块\时启用此选项。

msgid This option removes a majority of the noise generated by the MDX-Net models.\n? The conversion will take nearly twice as long with this enabled.\n? This option may produce a better secondary stem.\n? Inverts primary stem with mixture using spectragrams instead of wavforms.\n? This inversion method is slightly slower.\n? This option may improve separations for outputs from 4-stem models.\n? Might produce more noise.\n? This option might slow down separation time.
msgstr 此选项可以消除MDX-Net模型产生的大部分噪音。\n?启用此选项会使转换时间几乎增加一倍。\n?此选项可能会产生更好的次要音轨。\n?使用频谱图而不是波形图将主要音轨与混音进行反转。\n?这种反转方法稍慢。\n?此选项可能改善4音轨模型的分离效果。\n?可能产生更多噪音。\n?此选项可能会减慢分离时间。

msgid Each process method comes with its own set of options and models.\n\nHere is where you choose the model associated with the selected process method.\nThe application will run an inference with the selected model above, pulling only the instrumental stem when enabled.\nFrom there, all of the non-vocal stems will be pulled from the generated instrumental.
msgstr 每个处理方法都配备了一套自己的选项和模型。\n\n在这里,您可以选择与所选处理方法相关联的模型。\n应用程序将使用上面选择的模型进行推断,仅在启用时拉取伴奏音轨。\n然后,所有非声乐音轨将从生成的伴奏音轨中提取。

msgid Notes:\n\n\注意:\n? 更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\? Lower values limit artifact removal.
msgstr 注意:\n\n\注意:\n?更高的值可能会去除更多的伪音,但可能会增加混音。\?较低的值会限制伪音去除。

msgid Please ensure your main drive has at least 3 GB's of storage and try again.
msgstr 请确保您的主驱动器至少有3GB的存储空间,然后重试。

msgid Your main drive is running low on storage. Your main drive must have at least 3 GB's of storage in order for this application function properly.
msgstr 您的主驱动器存储空间不足。您的主驱动器必须至少有3GB的存储空间,以使此应用程序正常运行。

msgid Running inference (secondary model)...\nDone!\n\nDone!
msgstr 正在运行推断(辅助模型)...完成!\n\n完成!

msgstr 半音

msgid VR Arc
msgstr VR架构

msgid MDX-Net
msgstr MDX网络

msgid Demucs
msgstr Demucs

msgid VR Architecture
msgstr VR架构

msgid Ensemble Mode
msgstr 集成模式

msgid Ensemble Stem
msgstr 集成音轨

msgid Secondary Model
msgstr Secondary辅助模型

msgid htdemucs_6s
msgstr htdemucs_6s

msgid Demucs v3'
msgstr Demucs v3

msgid Demucs v4
msgstr Demucs v4

msgid Sample Mode
msgstr 样本模式

msgid Invalid command
msgstr 无效命令

posted on 2024-02-02 18:17  ray365  阅读(473)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
