it seems i had a good time WITH my gf (though i'm hazy about her now) ,
and i promise her there would be a stage consist of hundreds of diamonds (i don't remember why it has to be a stage ) at our wedding
Then the impressive wedding began , many guys came . it's noisy.
finally i step up TO the diamond stage WITH her . and find out . all diamonds were fake .
i'm angry .. i shout to my partner of business ( it seems i had a company on a diamond business ,
and i was told to buy lots of "valuable diamands" for selling )
my partner and my father (who didn't look like my real dad ) laughed at me , saying , "you were screwed "
the worst is that i mistaked my gf was at their side (though i know she is NOT ,while i'm dreaming)
so i broke up the wedding , and had nothing remain at the END ,
i mean no company and no gf .
all it's like in a drama