EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table @source_schema= 'dbo', @source_name = 'Patient',@role_name = null ;
--specify database's role to view cdc information, use null to allow all
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_help_change_data_capture;
--view the table and cdc_instance
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_db;
EXEC Sys.sp_cdc_disable_table @source_schema= 'dbo', @source_name = 'Patient',@capture_instance='dbo_Patient'
--close the table cdc
查询CDC 的结果:
select sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn),* from [cdc].[dbo_Patient_CT]
cdc.captured_columns | 为在捕获实例中跟踪的每一列返回一行 | |
cdc.change_tables | 为数据库中的每个更改表返回一行 | |
cdc.ddl_history | 针对启用了变更数据捕获的表所做的每一数据定义语言 (DDL) 更改返回一行 | |
cdc.lsn_time_mapping | 为每个在更改表中存在行的事务返回一行 | sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time (Transact-SQL) ,sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn (Transact-SQL) |
cdc.index_column | 为与更改表关联的每一索引列返回一行 | |
msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs | 存储用于捕获和清除作业的变更数据捕获配置参数 | NA |
cdc.<capture_instance>_CT | 对源表启用变更数据捕获时创建的更改表。 该表为对源表执行的每个插入和删除操作返回一行,为对源表执行的每个更新操作返回两行.capture_instance格式=SchameName_TableName |
__$start_lsn | binary(10) | 更改提交的LSN。在同一事务中提交的更改将共享同一个提交 LSN 值。 |
__$seqval | binary(10) | 一个事务内可能有多个更改发生,这个值用于对它们进行排序。 |
__$operation | int | 更改操作的类型: 1 = 删除 2 = 插入 3 = 更新(捕获的列值是执行更新操作前的值)。 4 = 更新(捕获的列值是执行更新操作后的值)。 |
__$update_mask | varbinary(128) | 位掩码,源表中被CDC跟踪的每一列对应一个位。如果 __$operation = 1 或 2,该值将所有已定义的位设置为 1。如果__$operation = 3 或 4,则只有那些对应已更改列的位设置为 1。 |
job_id | uniqueidentifier | The ID of the job. |
job_type | nvarchar(20) | The type of job. |
maxtrans | int | The maximum number of transactions to process in each scan cycle. maxtrans is valid only for capture jobs. |
maxscans | int | The maximum number of scan cycles to execute in order to extract all rows from the log. maxscans is valid only for capture jobs. |
continuous | bit | A flag indicating whether the capture job is to run continuously (1), or run in one-time mode (0). For more information, seesys.sp_cdc_add_job (Transact-SQL). continuous is valid only for capture jobs. |
pollinginterval | bigint | The number of seconds between log scan cycles. pollinginterval is valid only for capture jobs. |
retention | bigint | The number of minutes that change rows are to be retained in change tables. retention is valid only for cleanup jobs. |
threshold | bigint | The maximum number of delete entries that can be deleted using a single statement on cleanup. |