

国内登录Evernote Web Clipper(印象笔记剪藏国际版)


How to log in to Evernote Web Clipper in China (Evernote International)


This post was written on Nov 02th 2022. Its content may be outdated when you read.

今天使用火狐浏览器登录印象笔记剪藏的时候发现自动登入了国内版的账号,注销之后发现登录界面本来的“切换到Evernote International”的选项也不见了,如下图。这里放上了进入印象笔记国际版登录界面的图片,可以注意到其中“切换到印象笔记”的链接,点击就会切换到印象笔记的登录界面。

I wanted to use Evernote Web Clipper today but it automaticaly logged in to Yinxiang Biji, which is its Chinese version. I found the "Switch to Evernote International" option disappear when I logged out. The UI screenshots are listed below. Note that there is "Switch to Yinxiang Biji" option in the left web page.

Evernote Web Clipper -------------------- 印象笔记


在“设置”找到“常规→语言”,在“简体中文”下拉菜单中点“搜索更多语言”,在新打开的对话框中点“选择要添加到语言”,然后找到“English (US)”,然后选择“添加”,我这里因为已经添加过所以两个都显示了,默认状态是要自己添加的。最后把英语移动到第一位。如下图。

Navigate to "General→Language", choose "search for more languages" in the list. Then find "English (US)" and click "Add". I added it before so the button turns gray now. Move English to the first. Pictures below.



Restart the browser, Evernote Web Clipper will open international log in web page by default.

posted on 2022-11-03 17:12  ranerr  阅读(1134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报