
 class Sound
        private byte[] m_soundBytes;
        private enum Flags
            SND_SYNC = 0x0000,  /* play synchronously (default) */
            SND_ASYNC = 0x0001,  /* play asynchronously */
            SND_NODEFAULT = 0x0002,  /* silence (!default) if sound not found */
            SND_MEMORY = 0x0004,  /* pszSound points to a memory file */
            SND_LOOP = 0x0008,  /* loop the sound until next sndPlaySound */
            SND_NOSTOP = 0x0010,  /* don't stop any currently playing sound */
            SND_NOWAIT = 0x00002000, /* don't wait if the driver is busy */
            SND_ALIAS = 0x00010000, /* name is a registry alias */
            SND_ALIAS_ID = 0x00110000, /* alias is a predefined ID */
            SND_FILENAME = 0x00020000, /* name is file name */
            SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004  /* name is resource name or atom */

        [DllImport("CoreDll.DLL", EntryPoint = "PlaySound", SetLastError = true)]
        private extern static int MobilePlaySound(string szSound, IntPtr hMod, int flags);//播放外部声音文件

        [DllImport("CoreDll.DLL", EntryPoint = "PlaySound", SetLastError = true)]
        private extern static int MoiblePlaySoundBytes(byte[] szSound, IntPtr hMod, int flags);//播放嵌入声音资源

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct the Sound object to play sound data from the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        public Sound(Stream stream)
            // read the data from the stream
            m_soundBytes = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(m_soundBytes, 0, (int)stream.Length);

        public Sound(byte [] snd)
            m_soundBytes =snd;

        /// <summary>
        /// Play the sound
        /// </summary>
        public void Play()

            MoiblePlaySoundBytes(Properties.Resources.notify, IntPtr.Zero, (int)(Flags.SND_ASYNC | Flags.SND_FILENAME));

posted on 2006-08-28 16:45  小镇  阅读(625)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报