Saltstack module highstate_doc 详解


output the contents of a file:

this is a workaround if the cp.push module does not work.

help the master output the contents of a document
that might be saved on the minions filesystem.

    import os
    import salt.client
    s = salt.client.LocalClient()
    o = s.cmd('*', 'highstate_doc.read_file', ['/root/'])
    for m in o:
        d = o.get(m)
        if d and not d.endswith('is not available.'):
            # mkdir m
            #directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
            if not os.path.exists(m):
            with open(m + '/','wb') as fin:
            print('ADDED: ' + m + '/')


Return text for a markdown jinja template that included a header

This function can be used from the `highstate_doc.render` modules `jinja_template_function` option.


return proccessed lowstate data that was not blacklisted

render_module_function is used to provide your own.
defaults to from_lowstate


Render highstate to a text format (default Markdown)

if `jinja_template_text` is not set, `jinja_template_function` is used.

jinja_template_text: jinja text that the render uses to create the document.
jinja_template_function: a salt module call that returns template text.


Return text for a simple markdown jinja template

This function can be used from the `highstate_doc.render` modules `jinja_template_function` option.


Return text for an advanced markdown jinja template

This function can be used from the `highstate_doc.render` modules `jinja_template_function` option.


Takes low state data and returns a dict of proccessed data
that is by default used in a jinja template when rendering a markdown highstate_doc.

This `lowstate_item_markdown` given a lowstate item, returns a dict like:

    vars:       # the raw lowstate_item that was proccessed
    id:         # the 'id' of the state.
    id_full:    # combo of the state type and id "state: id"
    state:      # name of the salt state module
    function:   # name of the state function
    name:       # value of 'name:' passed to the salt state module
    state_function:    # the state name and function name
    markdown:          # text data to describe a state
        requisites:    # requisite like [watch_in, require_in]
        details:       # state name, parameters and other details like file contents
posted @ 2020-03-28 21:14  random_lee  阅读(165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报