Saltstack module gem 详解


List the configured gem sources.

:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.sources_list


Remove a gem source.

:param source_uri: string
    The source URI to remove.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.sources_remove


Update one or several gems.

:param gems: string
    The gems to update.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.update vagrant


Installs one or several gems.

:param gems: string
    The gems to install
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.
:param version: string : None
    Specify the version to install for the gem.
    Doesn't play nice with multiple gems at once
:param rdoc: boolean : False
    Generate RDoc documentation for the gem(s).
    For rubygems > 3 this is interpreted as the --no-document arg and the
    ri option will then be ignored
:param ri: boolean : False
    Generate RI documentation for the gem(s).
    For rubygems > 3 this is interpreted as the --no-document arg and the
    rdoc option will then be ignored
:param pre_releases: boolean : False
    Include pre-releases in the available versions
:param proxy: string : None
    Use the specified HTTP proxy server for all outgoing traffic.
    Format: http://hostname[:port]

source : None
    Use the specified HTTP gem source server to download gem.
    Format: http://hostname[:port]

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.install vagrant

    salt '*' gem.install redphone gem_bin=/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem


Add a gem source.

:param source_uri: string
    The source URI to add.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.sources_add


List locally installed gems.

:param prefix: string :
    Only list gems when the name matches this prefix.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.list


Uninstall one or several gems.

:param gems: string
    The gems to uninstall.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.uninstall vagrant


New in version 2015.8.0

Check if an upgrade is available for installed gems

gem_bin : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
ruby : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
runas : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.list_upgrades


Update rubygems.

:param version: string : (newest)
    The version of rubygems to install.
:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.update_system


Print out the version of gem

:param gem_bin: string : None
    Full path to ``gem`` binary to use.
:param ruby: string : None
    If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use.
    Ignored if ``gem_bin`` is specified.
:param runas: string : None
    The user to run gem as.

CLI Example:

    salt '*' gem.version
posted @ 2020-03-28 21:00  random_lee  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报