#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; const int MAXSIZE=1500000; unsigned long previous[MAXSIZE+1]; /*size of array is MAXSIZE, then previous*/ unsigned long next[MAXSIZE+1]; /*and next[MAXSIZE] can be used for */ unsigned long prime, fact, i, mult; /*number MAXSIZE*/ unsigned long n; bool notprime[MAXSIZE+1]; inline void REMOVE(unsigned long x) { next[previous[x]]=next[x]; previous[next[x]]=previous[x]; notprime[x] = true; } inline void INITIAL(unsigned long n) { unsigned long i=3; memset(notprime, 0, sizeof(notprime)); notprime[0] = true; notprime[1] = true; while(i<=n) { previous[i]=i-2; if(i+2<=n) { next[i]=i+2; notprime[i + 1] = true; i+=2; } else { next[i]=0; break; } } previous[3]=2; next[2]=3; previous[2]=0; } int main(void) { n = 1500000; INITIAL(n); for(prime=3;prime*prime<=n;prime=next[prime]) for(fact=prime;prime*fact<=n;fact=next[fact]) for(mult=prime*fact;mult<=n;mult*=prime) REMOVE(mult); int k; while (scanf("%d", &k) != EOF && k != 0) { int l = k, r = k; if (!notprime[k]) { printf("0\n"); continue; } while (notprime[l]) l--; while (notprime[r]) r++; printf("%d\n", r - l); } return 0; }