OGSA, 即Open Grid Services Atchitecture. 开放式网格服务体系。
简单地讲,网格是把整个因特网整合成一台巨大的超级计算机,实现各种资源的全面共享。当然,网格并不一定非要这么大,也可以构造地区性的网格,如中关村科 技园区网格、企事业内部网格、局域网网格,甚至家族网格和个人网格等等。网格根本的特征不是它的规模,而面是资源共享,消除资源孤岛。
网格技术不是排它性的,涉足网格应用无须从零开始,只要把网格标准与现有的应用资源结合起来就够了。譬如网格标准与高性能计算机结合会产生高性能计算机的 核心技术,与中间件结合会产生中间件的核心技术,与应用软件结合又会产生应用软件的核心技术,如此等等。“与网格结合的东西越多,可供共享的资源也越 多。”
OGSA目前还没有很广泛的应用,但在电子商务供应链企业的联合发展中,一些有远见的合作伙伴正试图利用这种共享平台建造双赢的局面,打破制造商、分销 商、零售商的“你盈我亏”“你亏我盈”的对立局面;以共建互利合作的友好伙伴为目的,实行信息共享。随着网格向每一个人走近,人们对它所可能承担的推动世 界经济发展的引擎作用也越来越看重,这是最自然不过的事情。相信OGSA今后也会有更大的发展与应用空间。
OGSI:Open Grid Services Infrastructure
Building on both Grid and Web services technologies, the Open Grid Services Infrastructure
(OGSI) defines mechanisms for creating, managing, and exchanging information among entities
called Grid services. Succinctly, a Grid service is a Web service that conforms to a set of
conventions (interfaces and behaviors) that define how a client interacts with a Grid service.
These conventions, and other OGSI mechanisms associated with Grid service creation and
discovery, provide for the controlled, fault-resilient, and secure management of the distributed and often long-lived state that is commonly required in advanced distributed applications. In a separate document, we have presented in detail the motivation, requirements, structure, and applications that underlie OGSI. Here we focus on technical details, providing a full specification of the behaviors and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) interfaces that define a Grid service.
简单地讲,网格是把整个因特网整合成一台巨大的超级计算机,实现各种资源的全面共享。当然,网格并不一定非要这么大,也可以构造地区性的网格,如中关村科 技园区网格、企事业内部网格、局域网网格,甚至家族网格和个人网格等等。网格根本的特征不是它的规模,而面是资源共享,消除资源孤岛。
网格技术不是排它性的,涉足网格应用无须从零开始,只要把网格标准与现有的应用资源结合起来就够了。譬如网格标准与高性能计算机结合会产生高性能计算机的 核心技术,与中间件结合会产生中间件的核心技术,与应用软件结合又会产生应用软件的核心技术,如此等等。“与网格结合的东西越多,可供共享的资源也越 多。”
OGSA目前还没有很广泛的应用,但在电子商务供应链企业的联合发展中,一些有远见的合作伙伴正试图利用这种共享平台建造双赢的局面,打破制造商、分销 商、零售商的“你盈我亏”“你亏我盈”的对立局面;以共建互利合作的友好伙伴为目的,实行信息共享。随着网格向每一个人走近,人们对它所可能承担的推动世 界经济发展的引擎作用也越来越看重,这是最自然不过的事情。相信OGSA今后也会有更大的发展与应用空间。
OGSI:Open Grid Services Infrastructure
Building on both Grid and Web services technologies, the Open Grid Services Infrastructure
(OGSI) defines mechanisms for creating, managing, and exchanging information among entities
called Grid services. Succinctly, a Grid service is a Web service that conforms to a set of
conventions (interfaces and behaviors) that define how a client interacts with a Grid service.
These conventions, and other OGSI mechanisms associated with Grid service creation and
discovery, provide for the controlled, fault-resilient, and secure management of the distributed and often long-lived state that is commonly required in advanced distributed applications. In a separate document, we have presented in detail the motivation, requirements, structure, and applications that underlie OGSI. Here we focus on technical details, providing a full specification of the behaviors and Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) interfaces that define a Grid service.