
Ping的原理就是向目标主机发送一个ICMP_ECHO请求(type=8),对方如果回复ICMP_ECHOPLY(type=0).则说明目标主机是可以存活的.但是目前很多防火墙可能对ICMP报文做了过滤,于是在后面的代码中又添加了利用知名端口去连接检测目标主机是否存活的.这仅是一个相对简单的实现,探测目标主机是否存活在防火墙的重重过滤下,还需要一个更好的更高效的处理方法. 该Ping程序支持简短参数。传递包括-c制定ping次数,-d ping时发送的数据等。 #!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import dpkt import random import socket import time import sys import getopt SCRIPT_EXP = "Ping Python Script With Tradiontal Method" AUTHOR = "Zimilo" AUTHOR_EMAIL = "Instance@9.cn" AUTHOR_MSN = "Instance@9.cn" VERSION = "0.0.1" LAST_UPDATED = "2009/07/29" DEFAULT_SEND_COUNT = 4 DEFAULT_SEND_DATA = "Zimilo" count = DEFAULT_SEND_COUNT data = DEFAULT_SEND_DATA def print_welcome(): print "*"*50 print SCRIPT_EXP print "Author:",AUTHOR print "Email:",AUTHOR_EMAIL print "MSN:",AUTHOR_MSN print "Version:",VERSION print "Last Update:",LAST_UPDATED print "*"*50 def print_ping_header(dst, data): now = time.localtime(time.time()) strtime = str(now.tm_year)+'/'+str(now.tm_mon)+'/'+str(now.tm_mday)+" "+str(now.tm_hour)+':'+str(now.tm_min)+':'+str(now.tm_sec) print "-"*50 print "Starting at: %s\nPinging %s with data: \"%s\"" % (strtime, dst, data) print "-"*50 def exit_program(): print "*"*50 sys.exit(1) def print_version(): print_welcome() print "Current Version:", VERSION exit_program() def print_help(): print_welcome() print "Usage: ping.py [options] host" exit_program() def ping(host, count, data): try: dst = socket.gethostbyname(host) except socket.gaierror: print "host not found" sys.exit(1) data = data print_welcome() print_ping_header(dst, data) echo = dpkt.icmp.ICMP.Echo() echo.id = random.randint(0, 0xffff) echo.seq = random.randint(0, 0xffff) echo.data = data icmp = dpkt.icmp.ICMP() icmp.type = dpkt.icmp.ICMP_ECHO icmp.data = echo for i in range(0, count): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP) s.settimeout(3) start = time.time() s.sendto(str(icmp), (dst, 0)) try: reply = s.recv(0xffff) except: flag = False print "Request timeout" continue used = (time.time() - start)*1000 ip = dpkt.ip.IP(reply) if ip.icmp.type == 0 or (ip.icmp.type==8 and host == "localhost"): print '%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d ip_id=%d ttl=%d time=%.3fms' % (len(ip.icmp), dst, ip.icmp.echo.seq, ip.id, ip.ttl, used) else: print ip.icmp.type time.sleep(1) s.close() if __name__ == "__main__": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:d:") except getopt.GetoptError: print_help() for o, a in opts: if o == "-v": print_version() elif o == "-h": print_help() elif o == "-c": count = int(a) elif o == "-d": data = a else: print_help() host = ''.join(args) if len(host) < 1: print_help() ping(host, count, data) 以下是运行示例. ************************************************** Ping Python Script With Tradiontal Method Author: Zimilo Email: Instance@9.cn MSN: Instance@9.cn Version: 0.0.1 Last Update: 2009/07/29 ************************************************** ————————————————– Starting at: 2011/11/30 23:42:50 Pinging with data: “Zimilo” ————————————————– 14 bytes from icmp_seq=59086 ip_id=0 ttl=50 time=98.975ms 14 bytes from icmp_seq=59086 ip_id=0 ttl=50 time=99.826ms 14 bytes from icmp_seq=59086 ip_id=0 ttl=50 time=96.404ms 14 bytes from icmp_seq=59086 ip_id=0 ttl=50 time=96.575ms 需要注意的是icmp需要root权限的哦。

posted on 2011-12-13 22:51  rainduck  阅读(1800)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
