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<?php /** * @Author: ZouQH * @Date: 2017-10-10 09:48:28 * @Last Modified by: ZouQH * @Last Modified time: 2017-10-13 15:52:14 */ namespace app\admin\controller; use think\Controller; use think\Loader; class Login extends Controller { /** * 登入 */ public function index() { //dump(request()->ip());exit; if ($_POST['dosubmit']) { $username = input('post.username'); $password = input('post.password'); if (!$username) { $this->error('用户名不能为空'); } if (!$password) { $this->error('密码不能为空'); } $info = db('user')->field('id,name,password')->where('name', $username)->find(); if (!$info) { $this->error('用户不存在'); } // dump(md5($password)); if (md5($password) != $info['password']) { $this->error('密码不正确'); } else { session('user_name', $info['name']); session('user_id', $info['id']); if (input('post.islogin')) { cookie('user_name', encry_code($info['name'])); cookie('user_id', encry_code($info['id'])); } //记录登录信息 Loader::model('User')->editInfo(1, $info['id']); $this->success('登入成功', 'index/index'); } } else { if (session('user_name')) { $this->success('您已登入', 'index/index'); } if (cookie('user_name')) { $username = encry_code(cookie('user_name'),'DECODE'); $info = db('user')->field('id,name,password')->where('name', $username)->find(); if ($info) { //记录 session('user_name', $info['name']); session('user_id', $info['id']); Loader::model('User')->editInfo(1, $info['id']); $this->success('登入成功', 'index/index'); } } $this->view->engine->layout(false); return $this->fetch('login'); } } /** * 登出 */ public function logout() { session('user_name', null); session('user_id', null); cookie('user_name', null); cookie('user_id', null); $this->success('退出成功', 'login/index'); } }
<?php /** * @Author: ZouQH * @Date: 2017-10-10 15:36:55 * @Last Modified by: ZouQH * @Last Modified time: 2017-10-10 15:41:55 */ namespace app\admin\model; use think\Model; use think\Db; class User extends Model { public $status = array(1 => '无效', 2 => '有效'); public function getInfo($id) { $res = $this->field('id,name,lastlogin_ip,lastlogin_time,email,phone,realname,openid,status') ->where(array('id' => $id)) ->find(); if ($res) { $res = $res->data; } return $res; } /** * * @param int $userid 用户ID * @return Array */ public function getUserGroups($uid) { $res = db('gp_user')->field('gp_id')->where('user_id', $uid)->select(); $userGroups = ''; if ($res) { foreach ($res as $k => $v) { $userGroups .= $v['gp_id'] . ','; } return trim($userGroups, ','); } else { return false; } } /** * 登陆更新 * @param int $type 1:登陆更新,2:信息更新 * @param int $id id * @param array $data 更新的数据 */ public function editInfo($type, $id, $data = array()) { if ($type == 1) { $data['lastlogin_time'] = time(); $data['lastlogin_ip'] = ip2long(request()->ip()); } elseif ($type == 2) { $data['updatetime'] = time(); } $res = $this->allowField(true)->save($data, ['id' => $id]); return $res; } }
<?php /** * @Author: ZouQH * @Date: 2017-10-13 15:15:22 * @Last Modified by: ZouQH * @Last Modified time: 2017-10-13 16:32:04 */ namespace app\admin\model; use think\Model; use think\Db; class Permission extends Model { function __construct(){ } /** * 获取用户的权限 * @param string $user_id [description] * @return string [description] */ public function getPermsByUser($user_id){ try{ $res=Db::query('SELECT perm_id FROM ord_perm_role WHERE role_id IN ( SELECT a.* FROM ( ( SELECT ur.role_id FROM ord_user_role ur WHERE ur.user_id = '.$user_id.' ) UNION ALL ( SELECT gr.role_id FROM ord_gp_role gr JOIN ord_gp_user gu WHERE gu.user_id = '.$user_id.' AND gu.gp_id = gr.gp_id ) ) a )'); }catch(Exception $e){ $e->getMessage(); } if (!$res) { return false; } foreach ($res as $k => $v) { $tmp .=$v['perm_id'] . ','; } $perm_ids = trim($tmp, ','); return $perm_ids; } }
<?php /** * @Author: ZouQH * @Date: 2017-09-30 10:40:08 * @Last Modified by: ZouQH * @Last Modified time: 2017-10-13 15:52:17 */ namespace app\admin\controller; class Index extends Common { /** * 后台首页 */ public function index(){ return $this->fetch(); } }
<?php /** * @Author: ZouQH * @Date: 2017-10-10 09:41:09 * @Last Modified by: ZouQH * @Last Modified time: 2017-10-13 16:32:12 */ namespace app\admin\controller; use think\Controller; class Common extends Controller { protected $user_id; protected $user_name; public function __construct(\think\Request $request = null) { parent::__construct($request); if (!session('user_id')) { $this->error('请登陆', 'login/index', '', 0); } $this->user_id = session('user_id'); $this->user_name = session('user_name'); //权限检查 if (!$this->_checkAuthor($this->user_id)) { $this->error('你无权限操作'); } } /** * 权限检查 */ private function _checkAuthor($user_id) { if (!$user_id) { return false; } $perms=model('Permission')->getPermsByUser($user_id); // var_dump('common---------------'.$perms); session('permission',$perms);//权限 $c = strtolower(request()->controller()); $a = strtolower(request()->action()); if (preg_match('/^public_/', $a)) { return true; } if ($c == 'index' && $a == 'index') { return true; } $menu = model('Menu')->getMyMenu($user_id); foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { if (strtolower($v['c']) == $c && strtolower($v['a']) == $a){ return true; } } return false; } }