---- * 所有列(字段)
select * from emps;

select employee_id,first_name||last_name,salary from emps;

select * from emps where first_name||last_name='StevenKing';

select first_name||last_name,employee_id,sysdate,department_id from emps where department_id=100;

select first_name||last_name as 员工姓名,employee_id as 员工编号,sysdate as 系统时间,department_id as 部门编号 from emps where department_id=100;

create table locs as select * from hr.locations;
create table deps as select * from hr.departments;

select * from locs;
select * from deps;


select department_name,department_id from deps where manager_id is null;

select location_id from locs where city='Seattle';
select department_name,department_id,location_id from deps where location_id=1700;

select salary+500 as 加薪后的薪水, salary as 加薪前的薪水 from emps;

-----隐藏的列 ROWID
select rowid,employee_id from emps;

----伪列(隐藏的列) ROWNUM-----从1开始
select rownum,employee_id ,department_id from emps where department_id=50;

select rownum,emps.* from emps where department_id=50 and rownum<=10 ;

select rownum,emps.* from emps where department_id=50 and rownum between 11 and 20 ;

------------排序order by:升序 ASC--默认的、降序desc

-----order by 注意事项:1、必须放在当前查询语句的最后
------ 2、order by 永远最后执行,在rownum后
------- 3、order by 后可以是一个字段或者表达式
select * from emps where employee_id < 110 order by salary;

select * from emps where employee_id < 110 and rownum<5 order by salary desc;


select rownum,emps.* from emps where department_id=50 and first_name||last_name like '%l%' and rownum<=5 order by hire_date;

----------order by 后加多个字段
---按照A 升序,按照B降序
select * from test order by a,b desc;

select * from test order by b desc,a;

alter table student add birth date;

select *from student;
insert into student values('tom','男',30,1,default,to_date('1986-04-05 08:30:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));

-----------------一、转换函数 数值型、字符型、日期型
---YYYY年 MM月份 DD日 HH -12小时制 HH24-24小时制 MI分钟 SS秒 year


select to_date('20120511','yyyymmdd') from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from dual;
select to_char(sysdate,'day') from dual;

select to_char(birth,'year'),stuname from student ;
-- 9 占位符 ,千分符 .小数点 .后面的位数会进行四舍五入 L--当地的货币符号 $
select to_char(8994874.8363,'L99,999,999,999.99') from dual;
-- 0占位符 如果位数不足,则使用0补充
select to_char(8994874.8363,'$00,000,000,000.00') from dual;

select employee_id,first_name||last_name as empname,to_char(salary,'$999,999,999.99') as sal from emps;

select to_number('123') from dual;

select to_number('123s') from dual;

select upper('niit'),lower('NIit') from dual;

select first_name||last_name from emps where upper(first_name||last_name) like '%T%' ;

select initcap('heLLo niit!') from dual;
select concat(first_name,last_name) as empname from emps;
select length(' djhdfhau adjijdf ') from dual;

select city,length(city) from locs where length(city)>10;

select lpad('niit',10,'*') from dual;
select rpad('niit',10,'*') from dual;

select length(ltrim(' nii t hloo ')) from dual;

select rtrim(' nii t hloo ') from dual;
select ltrim(rtrim(' nii t hloo ')) from dual;

select instr('hello world','a') from dual;

select concat(first_name,last_name) as empname from emps where instr(UPPER(concat(first_name,last_name)),'A')>0;

select instr('hello world','l',5) from dual;


--第一个参数:源字符串 第二个参数:起始的索引位置(包含)
select substr('hello niit',4) from dual;
select substr('hello niit',4,4) from dual;

select * from student;
select substr(email,1,instr(email,'@')-1) as 邮箱名,substr(email,instr(email,'@')+1) as 邮箱地址 from student;

--------将电话号码加密:189*****098 045******432
select rpad(substr(tel,1,3),length(tel)-3,'*')||substr(tel,length(tel)-2) as tel from stuinfo;

select replace('hello niit','e','你好') from dual;

update student set email=replace(email,'','');


--87,E-194,AA-103 要求:查询表中LISTNUM,优先对字母进


select * from list order by substr(listnum,1,instr(listnum,'-')-1),substr(listnum,instr(listnum,'-')+1) desc

--2、extract(year/month/day from 日期):获取日期里面的year/month/day
select extract(year from sysdate), extract(month from sysdate),extract(day from sysdate)from dual;
select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where extract(month from hire_date)=
extract(month from sysdate) and extract(day from hire_date)=
extract(day from sysdate);


select months_between(to_date('2012-8-7','yyyy-mm-dd'),sysdate) from dual;
select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where months_between(sysdate,hire_date)>240;

select sysdate-to_date('2015-8-7','yyyy-mm-dd') from dual;

--- 2015-9-1 - 2015-8-31
select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where to_date(extract(year from sysdate)||'-'||
extract(month from hire_date)||'-'||extract(day from hire_date),'yyyy-mm-dd') - sysdate > 3;

select add_months(sysdate,20) from dual;

select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where add_months(hire_date,240)<sysdate;

select next_day(sysdate,'星期一') from dual;

select next_day(to_date('2015-11-28','yyyy-mm-dd'),'星期一') from dual;


select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where extract(month from next_day(sysdate,'星期四'))=extract(month from hire_date)
and extract(day from next_day(sysdate,'星期四'))=extract(day from hire_date)

select last_day(to_date('2012-2','yyyy-mm')) from dual;

select round(sysdate,'year') from dual;

select round(to_date('2014-3-16','yyyy-mm-dd'),'month') from dual;

select first_name||last_name as empname,hire_date from emps where round(hire_date,'year')-hire_date>0;

select trunc(sysdate,'year') from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,'month') from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,'day') from dual;

select abs(-10) from dual;
--2、ceil上取整 floor 下取整 round四舍五入
select ceil(10.45),floor(10.45),round(10.5545,2) from dual;

select power(2,3) from dual;
select sqrt(625) from dual;

--5、mod(10,3) 取余数
select mod(10,3) from dual;
select trunc(1093.876,2) from dual;
select trunc(1093.876,-2) from dual;
select trunc(1093.876,-4) from dual;

select * from emps;



create table stuinfo
tel varchar2(20)

insert into stuinfo values('12944333222');
insert into stuinfo values('09988776');
insert into stuinfo values('78930992');
insert into stuinfo values('1379998827');
select * from stuinfo;

select * from locs;

posted @ 2016-02-18 17:21  Ysoo  Views(1623)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报