/** 数据抽取规则:统计一下各表的数据记录总和为设备数量. 配电柜:rmw2.RMS_HIGHCAB+rmw2.RMS_LOWCAB+rmw2.RMS_DCCAB+rmw2.RMS_ACCAB 蓄电池组:rmw2.RMS_BATTERY 空调:rmw2.RMS_GENERALAIR+rmw2.RMS_DEDICATEAIR 发电设备:rmw2.RMS_MOBILEGENE+rmw2.RMS_GENERATOR 月环比算法上月设备数量/上上月设备数量 年同比算法上月设备数量/去年上月设备数量 **/ select '配电柜' as 设备类型,上月设备数量, round(上月设备数量/decode(上上月设备数量,0,1,上上月设备数量)*100,2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量/decode(去年上月设备数量,0,1,去年上月设备数量)*100,2) as 年同比 from --取上月设备总量 (select aaa+bbb+ccc+ddd as 上月设备数量 from (select count(*) as aaa from rmw2.RMS_HIGHCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ) a, (select count(*) as bbb from rmw2.RMS_LOWCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm'))b, (select count(*) as ccc from rmw2.RMS_DCCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) c, (select count(*) as ddd from rmw2.RMS_ACCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) d), --取上上月设备总量 (select aaa+bbb+ccc+ddd as 上上月设备数量 from (select count(*) as aaa from rmw2.RMS_HIGHCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ) a, (select count(*) as bbb from rmw2.RMS_LOWCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm'))b, (select count(*) as ccc from rmw2.RMS_DCCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) c, (select count(*) as ddd from rmw2.RMS_ACCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) d), --取去年上月设备总量 (select aaa+bbb+ccc+ddd as 去年上月设备数量 from (select count(*) as aaa from rmw2.RMS_HIGHCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ) a, (select count(*) as bbb from rmw2.RMS_LOWCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm'))b, (select count(*) as ccc from rmw2.RMS_DCCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) c, (select count(*) as ddd from rmw2.RMS_ACCAB where stateflag=0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) d) --连接蓄电池组数据 union all select '蓄电池组' as 设备类型,上月设备数量, round(上月设备数量/decode(上上月设备数量,0,1,上上月设备数量)*100,2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量/decode(去年上月设备数量,0,1,去年上月设备数量)*100,2) as 年同比 from (select count(*) as 上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_BATTERY a where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')), (select count(*) as 上上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_BATTERY a where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ), (select count(*) as 去年上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_BATTERY a where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) union all --连接空调数量 select '空调' as 设备类型,上月设备数量, round(上月设备数量/decode(上上月设备数量,0,1,上上月设备数量)*100,2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量/decode(去年上月设备数量,0,1,去年上月设备数量)*100,2) as 年同比 from (select count(*) as 上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_GENERALAIR a ,rmw2.RMS_DEDICATEAIR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')), (select count(*) as 上上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_GENERALAIR a ,rmw2.RMS_DEDICATEAIR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ), (select count(*) as 去年上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_GENERALAIR a ,rmw2.RMS_DEDICATEAIR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')) union all --连接发电设备 select '发电设备' as 设备类型,上月设备数量, round(上月设备数量/decode(上上月设备数量,0,1,上上月设备数量)*100,2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量/decode(去年上月设备数量,0,1,去年上月设备数量)*100,2) as 年同比 from (select count(*) as 上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_MOBILEGENE a ,rmw2.RMS_GENERATOR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm')), (select count(*) as 上上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_MOBILEGENE a ,rmw2.RMS_GENERATOR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') ), (select count(*) as 去年上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_MOBILEGENE a ,rmw2.RMS_GENERATOR b where a.stateflag=0 and a.status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate-5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm'))
/** 下面的类型都在一个表中,那么我们可以利用group by的方式 但是做计算的时候还是要进行分开查询 SCP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE SMP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE VC:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE SDP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE **/ select 设备类型2 as 设备类型, round(上月设备数量 / decode(上上月设备数量, '', 1, 上上月设备数量) * 100, 2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量 / decode(去年上月设备数量, '', 1, 去年上月设备数量) * 100, 2) as 年同比 from (select 设备类型2, 上月设备数量, 上上月设备数量 from (select t.equ_type as 设备类型1, count(*) as 上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE t where t.equ_type in ('SCP', 'SMP', 'VC', 'SDP') and stateflag = 0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') GROUP BY t.equ_type) a right join (select t.equ_type as 设备类型2, count(*) as 上上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE t where t.equ_type in ('SCP', 'SMP', 'VC', 'SDP') and stateflag = 0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') GROUP BY t.equ_type) b on a.设备类型1 = b.设备类型2) d left join (select t.equ_type as 设备类型, count(*) as 去年上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE t where t.equ_type in ('SCP', 'SMP', 'VC', 'SDP') and stateflag = 0 and status not in ('退网') and to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') GROUP BY t.equ_type) c on d.设备类型2 = c.设备类型
其实我们还可以通过case when 的方式简单的实现上边的逻辑:
/** USE THE CASE WHEN SCP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE SMP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE VC:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE SDP:rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE **/ select t.equ_type,上月设备数量, round(上月设备数量/decode(上上月设备数量,0,1,上上月设备数量)*100,2) as 月环比, round(上月设备数量/decode(去年上月设备数量,0,1,去年上月设备数量)*100,2) as 年同比 from (select a.equ_type, count(case when to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -1), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') then 1 else null end) 上月设备数量, count(case when to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -2), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') then 1 else null end) 上上月设备数量, count(case when to_char(add_months(sysdate - 5, -13), 'yyyy-mm') = to_char(a.time_stamp, 'yyyy-mm') then 1 else null end) 去年上月设备数量 from rmw2.RMS_AINET_COMMON_NE a where a.stateflag = 0 and a.status not in ('退网') and a.equ_type in ('SCP', 'SMP', 'VC', 'SDP') group by a.equ_type) t
上边的例子是在where条件中使用case when 当然case when也可以用在 group by 后
SELECT CASE WHEN salary <= 500 THEN '1' WHEN salary > 500 AND salary <= 600 THEN '2' WHEN salary > 600 AND salary <= 800 THEN '3' WHEN salary > 800 AND salary <= 1000 THEN '4' ELSE NULL END salary_class, -- 别名命名 COUNT(*) FROM Table_A GROUP BY CASE WHEN salary <= 500 THEN '1' WHEN salary > 500 AND salary <= 600 THEN '2' WHEN salary > 600 AND salary <= 800 THEN '3' WHEN salary > 800 AND salary <= 1000 THEN '4' ELSE NULL END;
从上边的实现可以看出知识面广的话马上就提高了生产力,而且这个的运行效率方面要比做uoion和left JOIN 的速度快很多,加油吧!