
使用Code Composer Studio  Version: ,建立TMS320F28335工程。

 * main.c
#include <stdio.h>

int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
    while(ScibRegs.SCICTL2.bit.TXRDY == 0);
return ch; }
int main(void) { printf("Hello DSP!\r\n"); return 0; }


"../CMD/F28335.cmd", line 66: error: program will not fit into available
   memory, or the section contains a call site that requires a trampoline that
   can't be generated for this section. run placement with alignment/blocking
   fails for section ".stack" size 0x400page 1.  Available memory ranges:
   RAMM1        size: 0x400        unused: 0x0          max hole: 0x0 


PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
   BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML5       : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML6       : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML7       : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */

PAGE1 为数据存储区

   /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1    
   .ebss               : > RAML5       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1


   /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAML4       PAGE = 1    
   .ebss               : > RAML5       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAML4       PAGE = 1

 修改Printf支持,Level of printf/scanf support required(--printf_support)选择minimal


编译通过,可以正常使用printf函数打印字符串,但还是无法使用%d等格式化输出功能,即使Level of printf/scanf support required(--printf_support)选择full也不行。





posted @ 2021-01-19 09:52  Radioer  阅读(1866)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报