Information update for this blog

For long time, I was away from this place, busy with job hunting and graduation matters. However, now I am able to come back to continue my initial dreams – to note my self-study and discuss with friends who are interested with my favorite topics in this place.

Life is in peace currently. And job is only a job. Besides daily work, I hope I can still have this place as a personal place for technology discussion. Topics may be naïve, but I will always take them seriously.

My job is CRM Marketing related, not directly related with BW anymore. Still there are connections between these two. So these days I am planning to have a review at the BW topics I covered last summer. And besides the job stuff, other interesting tech topics will also be one part of this blog.

Wish you like this place, and please feel free to discuss with me thru email.

posted @ 2008-09-11 02:29  Raymond Zhang  阅读(270)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报