03 2018 档案
摘要:问题描述 We have a graph with N vertices, numbered 0 through N−1. Edges are yet to be added. We will process Q queries to add edges. In the i-th (1≦i≦Q) q
摘要:问题描述 There is an easy way to obtain a new task from an old one called "Inverse the problem": we give an output of the original task, and ask to genera
摘要:问题描述 Urpal lives in a big city. He has planned to meet his lover tonight. The city has n junctions numbered from 1 to n. The junctions are connected b
摘要:问题描述 魔术师的桌子上有n个杯子排成一行,编号为1,2,…,n,其中某些杯子底下藏有一个小球,如果你准确地猜出是哪些杯子,你就可以获得奖品。花费c_ij元,魔术师就会告诉你杯子i,i+1,…,j底下藏有球的总数的奇偶性。采取最优的询问策略,你至少需要花费多少元,才能保证猜出哪些杯子底下藏着球? 输