ios Symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64总结 含隐藏错误cocoapods
报错:Desktop/project/ASDF/WEIXIN/libWeChatSDK.a (3 slices) Undefinedsymbols for architecture arm64:
ARCHS = armv7 armv7s
VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s arm64
Xcode 7.1 - symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
2 down vote accepted |
Alternatively, add the library to the Link Binary with Libraries build phase (for screenshots see |
1 down vote 2 |
I'm trying to run my app on an iPhone5S (connected) not sim. The project references a static libary. I did lipo on it and it supports i386 armv7 x86_64 arm64. When I run I get ld: symbols(s) not found for arch arm64 Under Build Settings, Arch... I have $(ARCHS_STANDARD) in bold is armv7 and arm64 Any ideas.... this is driving me crazy thanks in advance |
2 down vote accepted |
Alternatively, add the library to the Link Binary with Libraries build phase (for screenshots see |
四、IOS编译报错:objc-class-ref in AppDelegate.o之解决方案
五、使用cocoapod 的程序,可能因为修改过 other linker Flag设置导致,编译出线问题。 |
解决方法:Target ->Linking -> other linker Flag and add $(inherited) in other linker flag in both Debug and Release.
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