


  1 #include "stdio.h"
  2 #include "stdlib.h"
  4 #define LIST_OK    0
  5 #define LIST_ERROR 1
  7 typedef unsigned int UINT32;
  8 typedef int ElemType;
 11 typedef struct LNode{
 12     ElemType _data;
 13     struct LNode *next;
 14 }LNode,*LinkList;
 15 void print_list(LNode *link_list);
 17 UINT32 create_reverse_list(LNode** link_list, UINT32 list_size){
 18     *link_list = (LNode*)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
 19     (*link_list)->next = NULL;
 20     UINT32 i=0;
 21     printf("Will create %d size link list...\n",list_size);
 22     for(i=0; i< list_size; i++){
 23         LinkList p = (LNode*)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
 24         p->next = NULL;
 25         p->next = (*link_list)->next;
 26         printf("Please input %d th data:",i+1);
 27         ElemType data;
 28         scanf("%d",&data);
 29         p->_data = data;
 30         (*link_list)->next = p;
 31     }
 32     printf("Create list success!!!\n");
 33     print_list(*link_list);
 34     return LIST_OK;
 35 }
 36 UINT32 create_order_list(LNode** link_list, UINT32 list_size){
 37     *link_list = (LNode*)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
 38     (*link_list)->next = NULL;
 39     LNode* last_node = (*link_list);
 40     UINT32 i=0;
 41     printf("Will create %d size link list...\n",list_size);
 42     for(i=0; i< list_size; i++){
 43         LinkList p = (LNode*)malloc(sizeof(LNode));
 44         p->next = NULL;
 45         printf("Please input %d th data:",i+1);
 46         ElemType data;
 47         scanf("%d",&data);
 48         p->_data = data;
 49         last_node->next = p;
 50         last_node = p;
 51     }
 52     printf("Create list success!!!\n");
 53     print_list(*link_list);
 54     return LIST_OK;
 55 }
 57 UINT32 destory_list(LNode** link_list){
 58     while((*link_list)->next){
 59         LNode* p = (*link_list)->next;
 60         (*link_list)->next = p->next;
 61         printf("free data:%d\n",p->_data);
 62         free(p);
 63     }
 64     free(*link_list);
 65     *link_list = NULL;
 66     return LIST_OK;
 67 }
 68 LNode* locate_list(LNode* link_list, UINT32 i){
 69     LNode* p = link_list->next;
 70     UINT32 j = 1;
 71     while(p && j<i){
 72         p = p->next; j++;
 73     } 
 74     return p;
 75 }
 76 void print_list(LNode* link_list){
 77     if(NULL == link_list){
 78         printf("Link list is empty\n");
 79         return;
 80     }
 81     LNode* p = link_list->next;
 82     UINT32 i = 1;
 83     while(p){
 84        printf("%-6d %d\n",i,p->_data);
 85        p = p->next;
 86        i++;
 87     }
 88 }
 90 int main(){
 91     printf("Please input the size of creating list:");
 92     UINT32 size;
 93     scanf("%d",&size);
 94     LNode* link_list = NULL;
 95     printf("address %p\n",link_list);
 96     create_order_list(&link_list, size);
 97     printf("address %p after creating\n",link_list);
 98     print_list(link_list);
 99     UINT32 locate_num;
100     printf("Please input locate number which you want:");
101     scanf("%d",&locate_num);
102     LNode* tmp_node = locate_list(link_list, locate_num);
103     if(tmp_node){
104         printf("Locating data is %d\n", tmp_node->_data);
105     }else{
106         printf("Locating data not found!\n");
107     }
108     destory_list(&link_list);
109     printf("address %p after destory\n",link_list);
110     print_list(link_list);
111     return 0;
112 }


Please input the size of creating list:3
address (nil)
Will create 3 size link list...
Please input 1 th data:5
Please input 2 th data:6
Please input 3 th data:7
Create list success!!!
1      5
2      6
3      7
address 0x1eea010 after creating
1      5
2      6
3      7
Please input locate number which you want:2
Locating data is 6
free data:5
free data:6
free data:7
address (nil) after destory
Link list is empty



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