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[rkey@archlinux qemu]$ vncviewer -help

TigerVNC 查看器 v1.14.1
构建于:2024-10-30 18:05
版权所有 1999-2024 TigerVNC 团队及众多开发者(参见 README.txt)
访问 http://www.tigervnc.org 以获取更多关于 TigerVNC 的信息。

usage: vncviewer [parameters] [host][:displayNum]
       vncviewer [parameters] [host][::port]
       vncviewer [parameters] [unix socket]
       vncviewer [parameters] -listen [port]
       vncviewer [parameters] [.tigervnc file]


  -display Xdisplay  - Specifies the X display for the viewer window
  -geometry geometry - Initial position of the main VNC viewer window. See the
                       man page for details.

Parameters can be turned on with -<param> or off with -<param>=0
Parameters which take a value can be specified as -<param> <value>
Other valid forms are <param>=<value> -<param>=<value> --<param>=<value>
Parameter names are case-insensitive.  The parameters are:

Global Parameters:
  via            - Gateway to tunnel via
  FullscreenSystemKeys - Pass special keys (like Alt+Tab) directly to the
                   server when in full-screen mode. (default=1)
  MenuKey        - The key which brings up the popup menu (default=F8)
  display        - Specifies the X display on which the VNC viewer window
                   should appear.
  SendPrimary    - Send the primary selection to the server as well as the
                   clipboard selection (default=1)
  SetPrimary     - Set the primary selection as well as the clipboard selection
  SendClipboard  - Send clipboard changes to the server (default=1)
  AcceptClipboard - Accept clipboard changes from the server (default=1)
  Shared         - Don't disconnect other viewers upon connection - share the
                   desktop instead (default=0)
  ViewOnly       - Don't send any mouse or keyboard events to the server
  RemoteResize   - Dynamically resize the remote desktop size as the size of
                   the local client window changes. (Does not work with all
                   servers) (default=1)
  listen         - Listen for connections from VNC servers (default=0)
  geometry       - Specify size and position of viewer window
  DesktopSize    - Reconfigure desktop size on the server on connect (if
  FullScreenSelectedMonitors - Use the given list of monitors in full screen
                   when -FullScreenMode=Selected. (default=1)
  FullScreenAllMonitors - [DEPRECATED] Enable full screen over all monitors
  FullScreenMode - Specify which monitors to use when in full screen. Should be
                   either Current, Selected or All (default=Current)
  FullScreen     - Enable full screen (default=0)
  Maximize       - Maximize viewer window (default=0)
  QualityLevel   - JPEG quality level. 0 = Low, 9 = High (default=8)
  NoJPEG         - Disable lossy JPEG compression in Tight encoding.
  CompressLevel  - Use specified compression level 0 = Low, 9 = High
  CustomCompressLevel - Use custom compression level. Default if CompressLevel
                   is specified. (default=0)
  PreferredEncoding - Preferred encoding to use (Tight, ZRLE, Hextile or Raw)
  LowColourLevel - Alias for LowColorLevel
  LowColorLevel  - Color level to use on slow connections. 0 = Very Low, 1 =
                   Low, 2 = Medium (default=2)
  FullColour     - Alias for FullColor
  FullColor      - Use full color (default=1)
  AutoSelect     - Auto select pixel format and encoding. Default if
                   PreferredEncoding and FullColor are not specified.
  passwd         - Alias for PasswordFile
  PasswordFile   - Password file for VNC authentication
  ReconnectOnError - Give a dialog on connection problems rather than exiting
                   immediately and ask for a reconnect. (default=1)
  AlertOnFatalError - Give a dialog on connection problems rather than exiting
                   immediately (default=1)
  DotWhenNoCursor - Show the dot cursor when the server sends an invisible
                   cursor (default=0)
  EmulateMiddleButton - Emulate middle mouse button by pressing left and right
                   mouse buttons simultaneously (default=0)
  PointerEventInterval - Time in milliseconds to rate-limit successive pointer
                   events (default=17)
  MaxCutText     - Maximum permitted length of an incoming clipboard update
  Log            - Specifies which log output should be directed to which
                   target logger, and the level of output to log. Format is
                   <log>:<target>:<level>[, ...].
  GnuTLSPriority - GnuTLS priority string that controls the TLS session’s
                   handshake algorithms
  UseIPv6        - Use IPv6 for incoming and outgoing connections. (default=1)
  UseIPv4        - Use IPv4 for incoming and outgoing connections. (default=1)
Viewer Parameters:
  SecurityTypes  - Specify which security scheme to use (None, VncAuth, Plain,
                   TLSNone, TLSVnc, TLSPlain, X509None, X509Vnc, X509Plain,
                   RA2, RA2ne, RA2_256, RA2ne_256, DH, MSLogonII)
  X509CRL        - X509 CRL file
  X509CA         - X509 CA certificate



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