The Code Project Ticker

The Code Project Ticker

Sample Image


I always want to keep myself up to date with the latest happenings at The Code Project. The problem - I can't afford to launch IE every 5 minutes to see if there are any new and interesting threads or whether there are more messages posted to a particular thread. The idea came (originally from Colin Davies) that a desk band ticker which scrolled through all the latest messages would be pretty good in this regard. This will ensure that none of the action (like a Lounge flame war) is missed when it happens.

For a change (form me) this is totally written in unmanaged C++ using ATL/WTL 7. So .NET framework runtime is not required. Even the latest MFC/CRT dlls are not required. The code makes use of the latest attributed extensions in VC++.NET and also of the new classes in ATL7 to access webservices. Later on I will add support to host .NET based addins and also normal VBScript/JScript.

How To Install

  1. Unzip the file. This will extract one file, CPTicker.dll.

  2. Register the CPTicker.dll by calling regsvr32 CPTicker.dll

  3. Right click on the task bar. This will show a menu as shown in the image below. From the Toolbars sub menu select "The Code Project Ticker". This will place The Code Project Ticker desk band on the task bar.

    Sample image 2

  4. The latest messages are shown and are periodically refreshed from the website.

  5. Clicking on any message will launch IE and navigate to the message thread view.

posted @ 2022-12-13 14:40  小风风的博客  阅读(18)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报