VSX(翻译)Moving Code Blocks Among Code Regions using VS 2010 Extensions

Moving Code Blocks Among Code Regions using VS 2010 Extensions

(翻译)使用VS 2010 扩展性将代码块移至Region区域中




为了通过将代码块放置在有逻辑的Region区域中,规范已经写好的代码,依照Visual Studio 目前现有的机制,你需要完成以下工作:

1、 生成 Regions

2、 对于每一个代码块,都要进行以下操作

  A、 选中代码块

  B、 执行剪切操作

  C、 导航到需要的Region,或者通过Region名查找它



而自从我实现了 MoveToRegionVXS 这一扩展包之后,只需采用以下步骤:

1、 生成Regions

2、 右击代码编辑器选择 Move to Region 命令,将会弹出一个工具窗,展示一个包含所哟Regions的列表

3、 对于每一个代码块,执行以下步骤:

  A、 选中代码块

  B、 双击工具窗中的目标Region



扩展Visual Studio 既有趣又有挑战性,第一步是要选择正确的项目模板,为了开发这个工具,我决定使用Visual Studio Package机制,使用C#语言开发。接下了,我将一步步的解释如何开发这个工具。


1、 打开Visual Studio,选择新建项目…

2、 选择C#作为开发语言

3、 在“其他项目类型”中选择“扩展性”

4、 选择“Visual Studio Package”

5、 输入Package所在项目名称后点确定,前两个向导界面都点“Next”

6、 在company文本框中,我建议你输入你的名字,这个将作为你的Package的命名空间,并且你需要给你的Package起一个不易混淆的名字,在这里我用MoveToRegionVSX命名

7、 这一步将相当重要,在下图所示的界面中,勾选Menu Command 和 Tool Window。

Menu Command被用来在上下文菜单(即右键菜单)中调用菜单命令,Tool Window能够展示一个包含所有Region 名称列表的面板。

1、 输入命令的名称和命令的ID为“Move To Region”

2、 输入窗口的名称和窗口的ID为“Select Region”

3、 向导的最后一步中,不要勾选“test projects”


信不信由你,你已经完成了Visual Studio 2010的扩展,按下F5将会打开Visual Studio的新实例,点击 工具->Move To Region 将会打开一个信息框(Message Box),这个就是你所做的Visual Studio 扩展。



1、 将Move To Region命令由工具菜单(Tools Meun)移动到上下文菜单(Context Meun)中去

2、 建立工具窗口

3、 添加必要的程序集和命名空间

4、 加载 Regions

5、 移动选中的代码到选中的Region中

6、 处理菜单项点击事件




正因为规范代码的过程和代码编辑器息息相关,我认为放置命令按钮较为理想的地方是上下文菜单而不是工具菜单。但是正如你所看到的,默认的命令放置处是工具菜单,在解决方案资源管理器中,打开文件MoveToRegionVSX.vsct ,找到以下代码块:

1 <!-- In this section you can define new menu groups. A menu group is a 
2 container for other menus or buttons (commands); from a visual point of view 
3 you can see the group as the part of a menu contained between two lines. The 
4 parent of a group must be a menu. -->
5 <Groups>
6 <Group guid="guidMoveToRegionVSXCmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
7 <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_MENU_TOOLS"/>
8 </Group>
9 </Groups>


从这个位置可以看出,我们的命令的父菜单是通过Parent id确定的。







在解决方案资源管理器(Solution explorer)中打开文件MyControl.xaml,你将会看到下图:

删除按钮(button)和标签(label),添加一个列表容器控件(list box),命名为lstbxRegions,这个控件将会容纳Regions列表。(注意这是一个WPF控件,因此,这个控件没有ID,只有name属性)。




现在当我们点击“Move to Region”命令,让我们展示一下工具窗(Tool Window)。



1、 从解决方资源管理器中打开文件"MoveToRegionVSXPackage.cs"

2、 找到MenuItemCallback 事件句柄(event handler)[译注:事件处理程序,下面有函数代码]正如他名字所陈述的,当你点击”Move to Region”命令时正是这个事件句柄被调用

3、 将函数主体用简单地对于另一个函数ShowToolWindow 的调用替代

private void MenuItemCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //Show the tool window
   ShowToolWindow(sender, e);
















 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.ComponentModel.Design;
 4 using System.Diagnostics;
 5 using System.Globalization;
 6 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 7 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor;
 8 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
 9 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
10 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
11 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
12 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop;



我们的想法很简单,首先需要获取目前活动的代码视口(code viewer),然后遍历该视口内所有的代码,查找所有关键字#region,对于每一个region,读取它的name[译注:关键字后面的标示],添加name到一个string list中,然后用string list填充list box。



 1 public sealed class MoveToRegionVSXPackage : Package
 2 {
 3 //<gouda>
 4 //The current active editor's view info
 5 private IVsTextView currentTextView;
 6 private IVsUserData userData;
 7 private IWpfTextViewHost viewHost;
 8 private string allText;
 9 private const string keyword = "#region ";
10 //</gouda>



 1 /// <summary>
 2 /// Parse(解析) all the text in the active editor's view and get all regions
 3 /// </summary>
 4 /// <returns> list of strings containing the names of the existing regions </returns>
 5 internal List<string> GetRegions()
 6 {
 7  List<string> regionsList = new List<string>();
 8  userData = currentTextView as IVsUserData;
 9  if (userData == null)// no text view 
10  {
11   Console.WriteLine("No text view is currently open");
12   return regionsList;
13  }
14  // In the next 4 statements, I am trying to get access to the editor's view 
15  object holder;
16  Guid guidViewHost = DefGuidList.guidIWpfTextViewHost;
17  userData.GetData(ref guidViewHost, out holder);
18  viewHost = (IWpfTextViewHost)holder;
19  //Now, I will load all the text of the editor to detect the key word "#region" 
20  allText = viewHost.TextView.TextSnapshot.GetText();
21  string[] regionDelimitedCode = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(allText, 
22     "\\s#region\\s", //'\s' means any white space character e.g. \t, space, \n, \r, etc
23  System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
24  for (int index = 1/*skip first block*/; index < regionDelimitedCode.Length; index++)
25  {
26   regionsList.Add(regionDelimitedCode[index].Split('\r')[0]);
27  }
28  return regionsList;
29 }


现在假设我们已经取得了regions列表,所以我们能组装list box了,为了这个目的,我在MyControl类中添加了一个名叫PopulateList 的简单方法。


 1 /// <summary>
 2 /// Populates the list box with the list of regions found in the current active view
 3 /// </summary>
 4 /// <param name="regionsList"> list of strings holding the names of regions </param>
 5 /// <param name="myPkg"> reference to my package (MoveToRegion Package)</param>
 6 public void PopulateList(List<string> regionsList, MoveToRegionVSXPackage myPkg)
 7 {
 8  //Here is the best place to initialise the packageRef
 9  //I need that reference to enable calling the method MoveToRegion later on double click
10  //Unless it is logically to do this initialization in the constructor, 
11  //this cannot be done 
12  //because we do not create instance of that class directly
13  if(packageRef == null)
14    packageRef = myPkg;
15  lstbxRegions.Items.Clear();
16  foreach (string s in regionsList)
17  lstbxRegions.Items.Add(s);
18 }


可以看到,我们使用MoveToReionVSXPackage类中的方法GetRegions能重新得到所有的regions,然后我们使用MyControl类中的PopulateList方法将这些regions组装到list box中,那么,如何传递由前一个方法所返回的regions list到后一个方法呢?





 1 /// <summary>
 2 /// This function is called when the user clicks the menu item that shows the 
 3 /// tool window. See the Initialize method to see how the menu item is associated to 
 4 /// this function using the OleMenuCommandService service and the MenuCommand class.
 5 /// </summary>
 6 private void ShowToolWindow(object sender, EventArgs e)
 7 {
 8  // Get the instance number 0 of this tool window. This window is single
 9  // instance so this instance is actually the only one.
10  // The last flag is set to true so that if the tool window does not exists
11  // it will be created.
12  ToolWindowPane window = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(MyToolWindow), 0, true);
13  if ((null == window) || (null == window.Frame))
14  {
15   throw new NotSupportedException(Resources.CanNotCreateWindow);
16  }
17  IVsWindowFrame windowFrame = (IVsWindowFrame)window.Frame;
18  Microsoft.VisualStudio.ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(windowFrame.Show());
19 }

方法FindToolWindow MyToolWindow 类型作为第一个形参,通过调用这一方法,我们得到了window 对象,这一方法的调用同时也调用了MyToolWindow类的无参构造函数,如果你看一看这个类,你会发现它仅有这么一个无参构造函数,这个无参构造函数反过来也生成了MyControl类的一个新实例,这个实例包含一个Content属性.这就是链接list box和菜单命令的关键。[译注:这一段话我不太懂,可以参见文末的原文链接,希望博友能提供更好的翻译]




1 ToolWindowPane window = this.FindToolWindow(typeof(MyToolWindow), 0, true);
2 //<gouda>
3 List<string> regionsList = this.GetRegions();
4 //call the method PopulateList which is member in MyControl class
5 //So, cast the Content property of window to MyControl
6 ((MyControl)window.Content).PopulateList(regionsList, this);
7 //</gouda>








 1 /// <summary>
 2 /// Moves the selected text to the given regionName
 3 /// If no selection, does nothing
 4 /// </summary>
 5 /// <param name="regionName"> The name of the destination region </param>
 6 internal void MoveToRegion(string regionName)
 7 {
 8  if (viewHost.TextView.Selection.IsEmpty)
 9      return;
10  //Get the selected text
11  string selectedText = viewHost.TextView.Selection.StreamSelectionSpan.GetText();
12  //get the selected span to delete its contents
13  Span deleteSpan = viewHost.TextView.Selection.SelectedSpans[0];
14  //now, delete the span as its text is saved in the selectedText
15  viewHost.TextView.TextBuffer.Delete(deleteSpan);
16  //Now, I will load all the text of the editor again, because it is subject to change
17  allText = viewHost.TextView.TextSnapshot.GetText();
18  //get the position at which region exists
19  string fullRegionName = keyword + regionName;
20  int regPos = allText.IndexOf(fullRegionName) + fullRegionName.Length;
21  //insert the selected text at the specified position
22  viewHost.TextView.TextBuffer.Insert(regPos, "\r" + selectedText);
23 }



 1 /// This function is the callback used to execute a command when the a menu item
 2 /// is clicked.
 3 /// See the Initialize method to see how the menu item is associated to this
 4 /// function using
 5 /// the OleMenuCommandService service and the MenuCommand class.
 6 /// </summary>
 7 private void MenuItemCallback(object sender, EventArgs e)
 8 {
 9  IVsTextManager txtMgr = (IVsTextManager)GetService(typeof(SVsTextManager));
10  int mustHaveFocus = 1;//means true
11  //initialize the currentTextView 
12  txtMgr.GetActiveView(mustHaveFocus, null, out currentTextView);
13  //Show the tool window
14  ShowToolWindow(sender, e);
15 }






posted @ 2013-07-17 15:41  qz1012  阅读(491)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报