shell 删除代码中的注释
#!/bin/bash function scandir() { local cur_dir parent_dir workdir workdir=$1 cd ${workdir} if [ ${workdir} = "/" ] then cur_dir="" else cur_dir=$(pwd) fi for dirlist in $(ls ${cur_dir}) do #replace Dir if [[ ${dirlist} =~ 'Dir' ]] then newdir=${dirlist//Dir/Qyprc} echo $newdir `mv ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} ${cur_dir}/${newdir}` dirlist=$newdir fi if test -d ${dirlist};then cd ${dirlist} scandir ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} cd .. else #delete php file if [ ${dirlist##*.} = 'php' ] then #replace Dir to QyProject sed -i "s/Dir/Qyprc/g" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} sed -i "s/Dir/qyprc/g" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} sed -i "s/Dir/QYPRC/g" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} #delete the comment line begin with '//comment' #sed -i "/^[ \t]*\/\//d" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} #delete the commnet line end with '//comment' #sed -i "s/\/\/ [^\"]*//" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} #delete the comment only occupied one line '/* commnet */' #sed -i "s/\/\*.*\*\///" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} #delete the comment that occupied many lines '/**comment # *comment # */ #sed -i "/^[ \t]*\/\*/,/.*\*\//d" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} #sed -i "/^[ \t]*\#/d" ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} echo ${cur_dir}/${dirlist} fi fi done } if test -d $1 then scandir $1 elif test -f $1 then echo "you input a file but not a directory,pls reinput and try again" exit 1 else echo "the Directory isn't exist which you input,pls input a new one!!" exit 1 fi
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步